Man pages for XiaoleiLiuBio/MVP
Memory-Efficient, Visualize-Enhanced, Parallel-Accelerated GWAS Tool

MVPMVP, Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced,...
MVP.BRENT.Vg.VeMVP.BRENT.Vg.Ve variance component estimation using the BRENT...
MVP.DataMVP.Data: To prepare data for MVP package
MVP.Data.Bfile2MVPMVP.Data.Bfile2MVP: To transform plink binary data to MVP...
MVP.Data.Hapmap2MVPMVP.Data.Hapmap2MVP: To transform Hapmap data to MVP package...
MVP.Data.imputeMVP.Data.impute: To impute the missing genotype Author:...
MVP.Data.MapMVP.Data.Map: To check map file Author: Haohao Zhang Build...
MVP.Data.MVP2BfileMVP.Data.MVP2Bfile: To transform MVP data to binary format...
MVP.Data.Numeric2MVPMVP.Data.Numeric2MVP: To transform Numeric data to MVP...
MVP.Data.PCPrincipal component analysis
MVP.Data.PhenoMVP.Data.Pheno: To clean up phenotype file Author: Haohao...
MVP.Data.VCF2MVPMVP.Data.VCF2MVP: To transform vcf data to MVP package...
MVP.EMMA.Vg.VeEstimate variance components using EMMA
MVP.FarmCPUPerform GWAS using FarmCPU method
MVP.FaSTLMM.LLEvaluation of the maximum likelihood using FaST-LMM method
MVP.GLMTo perform GWAS with GLM and MLM model and get the P value of...
MVP.HE.Vg.VeTo estimate variance component using HE regression
MVP.HistPhenotype distribution histogram
MVP.K.VanRadenCalculate Kinship matrix by VanRaden method
MVP.MLMTo perform GWAS with GLM and MLM model and get the P value of...
MVP.PCAPrincipal Component Analysis
MVP.Report.DensitySNP Density
MVP.Report.QQplotQQ Plot
MVP.VersionPrint MVP Banner
pig60KGenotyped by pig 60k chip
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
XiaoleiLiuBio/MVP documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 5:59 a.m.