
Defines functions `%AND%` check_via_read create_creators encl rm_space return_space papply create_fill

Documented in check_via_read create_creators create_fill encl papply rm_space

`%AND%` <- function(x, y) {
  if (!is.null(x) && !is.na(x))
    if (!is.null(y) && !is.na(y))

#'insert text with autofocus
#'# function is identical to textAreaInput but adds autofocus to tags
#' @inheritParams shiny::textAreaInput
#' @keywords internal
text_focus <- function (inputId, label, value = "", width = NULL, height = NULL,
                        cols = NULL, rows = NULL, placeholder = NULL, resize = NULL)
  value <- restoreInput(id = inputId, default = value)
  if (!is.null(resize)) {
    resize <- match.arg(resize, c("both", "none", "vertical",
  style <- paste(if (!is.null(width))
    paste0("width: ", validateCssUnit(width), ";"), if (!is.null(height))
      paste0("height: ", validateCssUnit(height), ";"), if (!is.null(resize))
        paste0("resize: ", resize, ";"))
  if (length(style) == 0)
    style <- NULL
  div(class = "form-group shiny-input-container", label %AND%
        tags$label(label, `for` = inputId),
      tags$textarea(id = inputId,
                    class = "form-control", placeholder = placeholder, style = style,
                    rows = rows, cols = cols, value,
                    autofocus = "autofocus"))

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   testing helpers                                                         ####

#' check via reading files
#' check whether a writen correct file is equivalent to a writen one
#' produced by strcode
#' @param directory A path relative to "tests/testthat"
#' @param filename The name of a file to check. The name of the file to check
#'   against is \code{filename_correct}
#' @param path_start A string specifiing the location of of testthat relative
#'   to the project root. See details
#' @details When testing is performed manually (that is, not via test routine
#'   of RStudio), reading in files needs a directory relative to the project
#'   main directory. When running tests via RStudio, the directory must be
#'   indicated relative to the testthat folder. Hence, for manual testing,
#'   we need a different path than for routine testing. The problem can be
#'   solved by assigning a global variable to path_start manually plus setting
#'   path_start to \code{NULL} at the beginning of the document, so when the
#'   tests are run via the RStudio routine, they are set correctly.
#' @keywords internal
check_via_read <- function(directory = "test-dir_in",
                           filename = "code_summary-example-1",
                           path_start) {
  filenames <- c(filename, paste0(filename, "_correct"))
  path <- if (is.null(path_start)) {
    paste(directory, filenames, sep = "/")
  } else {
    paste(path_start, directory, filenames, sep = "/")
  # read files in
  compare <- lapply(path, readLines)
  length(unique(compare)) == 1

##  ............................................................................
##  create fill string for semantics                                        ####

#' create creators
#' Function factory for creating fill string
#' @param start The starting character. Essential in defining the type of
#'  object the function should create.
#' @keywords internal

create_creators <- function(start) {
  function(text) {
    paste0(start, text)

#' enclose text by characters
#' @param ... The objects to be enclosed.
#' @param left The lhs-closing character.
#' @param right The rhs-closing character.
#' @keywords internal
encl <- function(..., left = "", right = "") {
  dots <- list(...)
  could_have_spaces <- paste0(left, paste(dots, collapse = " "), right)
  gsub(paste0("\\s*", right, "$"), right, could_have_spaces)


#' remove whitespace
#' @param x character vector to remove white space
#' @keywords internal
rm_space <- function(x) {
  gsub(" ", "%20", x)

return_space <- function(x) {
  gsub("%20", " ", x)

#' vapply and paste
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to vapply
#' @param collapse how to collapse the content via paste
#' @keywords internal

papply <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
  paste0(vapply(..., FUN.VALUE = character(1),
                USE.NAMES = FALSE), collapse = collapse)

#' create the final fill string from title, id, classes and attributes
#' @param title The title.
#' @param id The id.
#' @param classes Character vector with classes.
#' @param attributes Character vector with attributes.
#' @param function_container The list that contains the required functions
#'   get_*
#' @details The function_container is created with \code{create_creators}.
#' @keywords internal

create_fill <- function(title = "title",
                        id = "fj3",
                        json_ld = FALSE,
                        function_container) {
   if (json_ld) {
      with(function_container, paste(
             paste0("\"@type\":",papply(classes, get_class),","),
             papply(rm_space(attributes), get_attribute))
  #else if(length(get_id(id))>1){
  #   with(function_container, paste(
  #     #rm_space(get_title(title)),
  #     encl(paste0(" ",papply(classes, get_class)),
  #          paste0(get_title(title)),
  #          paste0("@as ",get_id(id)),
  #          paste0("@desc ",papply(attributes, get_attribute))
  #     )
  #   ))
  # }
     with(function_container, paste(
       encl(paste0(" ",papply(classes, get_class)),
            paste0("@desc ",papply(attributes, get_attribute))
XiaoliangJiang/IndependentStudy2017YW documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:54 a.m.