
#++++++++++++++++++     Evaluate logistic drop-out model    +++++++++++++++++++#

#' Compute value of logistic dropout function given with scale boundaries
#' Computes value of logistic function for one observation and uses offset
#' to correct model. The drop-out magnitude boundary parameter scaOffset is
#' set in here.
#' @seealso \link{evalDropoutModel_comp}
#' @param vecPiModel (numeric vector length linear model) Linear model
#'    for drop-out rate in logit space.
#' @param vecPiPredictors (vector length of predictors) Predictors of
#'    the drop-out rate in the linear model. Minimum are a constant
#'    offset and log of the negative binomial mean parameter. 
#'    Other gene-specific predictors can be added.
#' @return scaDropoutRate (scalar) 
#'    Drop-out rate estimate.
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
evalDropoutModel <- function(vecPiModel, 
    # Set offset parameter
    scaOffset <- 0.001
    scaDropoutRate <- scaOffset+(1-2*scaOffset)*1/(1+exp(-(vecPiPredictors %*% vecPiModel )))

#' Compiled function: evalDropoutModel
#' Pre-compile heavily used functions.
#' Refer to \link{evalDropoutModel}.
#' @seealso \link{evalDropoutModel_comp}
#' @param vecPiModel (numeric vector length linear model) Linear model
#'    for drop-out rate in logit space.
#' @param vecPiPredictors (vector length of predictors) Predictors of
#'    the drop-out rate in the linear model. Minimum are a constant
#'    offset and log of the negative binomial mean parameter. 
#'    Other gene-specific predictors can be added.
#' @return scaDropoutRate (scalar) 
#'    Drop-out rate estimate.
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
evalDropoutModel_comp <- compiler::cmpfun(evalDropoutModel)
YosefLab/LineagePulse documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:19 p.m.