# NOTE: R6 methods can't use the `@inheritParams` tag. If you update the
# `@param` tags below then be sure to manually replace the corresponding tags
# above `Evaluator$initialize()`.
#' Create a new `Evaluator`
#' @name create_evaluator
#' @description Create an [Evaluator] which can `evaluate()` the performance of
#' methods in an [Experiment].
#' @inherit Evaluator details
#' @param .eval_fun The user-defined evaluation function.
#' @param .name (Optional) The name of the `Evaluator`, helpful for later
#' identification. The argument must be specified by position or typed out in
#' whole; no partial matching is allowed for this argument.
#' @param .doc_options (Optional) List of options to control the aesthetics of
#' the displayed `Evaluator`'s results table in the knitted R Markdown report.
#' See [vthemes::pretty_DT()] for possible options. The argument must be
#' specified by position or typed out in whole; no partial matching is allowed
#' for this argument.
#' @param .doc_show If `TRUE` (default), show `Evaluator`'s results as a table
#' in the R Markdown report; if `FALSE`, hide output in the R Markdown report.
#' @param ... User-defined arguments to pass into `.eval_fun()`.
#' @return A new [Evaluator] object.
#' @examples
#' # create DGP
#' dgp_fun <- function(n, beta, rho, sigma) {
#' cov_mat <- matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' X <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0, 2), Sigma = cov_mat)
#' y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n, sd = sigma)
#' return(list(X = X, y = y))
#' }
#' dgp <- create_dgp(.dgp_fun = dgp_fun,
#' .name = "Linear Gaussian DGP",
#' n = 50, beta = c(1, 0), rho = 0, sigma = 1)
#' # create Method
#' lm_fun <- function(X, y, cols) {
#' X <- X[, cols]
#' lm_fit <- lm(y ~ X)
#' pvals <- summary(lm_fit)$coefficients[-1, "Pr(>|t|)"] %>%
#' setNames(paste(paste0("X", cols), "p-value"))
#' return(pvals)
#' }
#' lm_method <- create_method(
#' .method_fun = lm_fun,
#' .name = "OLS",
#' cols = c(1, 2)
#' )
#' # create Experiment
#' experiment <- create_experiment() %>%
#' add_dgp(dgp) %>%
#' add_method(lm_method) %>%
#' add_vary_across(.dgp = dgp, rho = seq(0.91, 0.99, 0.02))
#' fit_results <- fit_experiment(experiment, n_reps=10)
#' # create an example Evaluator function
#' reject_prob_fun <- function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL, alpha = 0.05) {
#' fit_results[is.na(fit_results)] <- 1
#' group_vars <- c(".dgp_name", ".method_name", vary_params)
#' eval_out <- fit_results %>%
#' dplyr::group_by(across({{group_vars}})) %>%
#' dplyr::summarise(
#' n_reps = dplyr::n(),
#' `X1 Reject Prob.` = mean(`X1 p-value` < alpha),
#' `X2 Reject Prob.` = mean(`X2 p-value` < alpha)
#' )
#' return(eval_out)
#' }
#' reject_prob_eval <- create_evaluator(.eval_fun = reject_prob_fun,
#' .name = "Rejection Prob (alpha = 0.05)")
#' reject_prob_eval$evaluate(fit_results, vary_params = "rho")
#' @export
create_evaluator <- function(.eval_fun, .name = NULL, .doc_options = list(),
.doc_show = TRUE, ...) {
Evaluator$new(.eval_fun, .name, .doc_options, .doc_show, ...)
#' `R6` class representing an evaluator
#' @name Evaluator
#' @docType class
#' @description `Evaluator` which can `evaluate()` the performance of
#' methods in an [Experiment].
#' Generally speaking, users won't directly interact with the `Evaluator` R6
#' class, but instead indirectly through [create_evaluator()] and the
#' following `Experiment` helpers:
#' - [add_evaluator()]
#' - [update_evaluator()]
#' - [remove_evaluator()]
#' - [get_evaluators()]
#' - [evaluate_experiment()]
#' @seealso [create_evaluator]
#' @details When evaluating or running the `Experiment` (see
#' [evaluate_experiment()] or [run_experiment()]), the named
#' arguments `fit_results` and `vary_params` are automatically
#' passed into the `Evaluator` function `.eval_fun()` and serve
#' as placeholders for the `fit_experiment()` results (i.e., the
#' results from the method fits) and the name of the varying parameter(s),
#' respectively.
#' To evaluate the performance of a method(s) fit then,
#' the `Evaluator` function `.eval_fun()` should almost always
#' take in the named argument `fit_results`. See
#' `Experiment$fit()` or [fit_experiment()] for details on the
#' format of `fit_results`. If the `Evaluator`
#' is used for `Experiments` with varying parameters,
#' `vary_params` should be used as a stand in for the name of this
#' varying parameter(s).
#' @examples
#' # create DGP
#' dgp_fun <- function(n, beta, rho, sigma) {
#' cov_mat <- matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' X <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0, 2), Sigma = cov_mat)
#' y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n, sd = sigma)
#' return(list(X = X, y = y))
#' }
#' dgp <- create_dgp(.dgp_fun = dgp_fun,
#' .name = "Linear Gaussian DGP",
#' n = 50, beta = c(1, 0), rho = 0, sigma = 1)
#' # create Method
#' lm_fun <- function(X, y, cols) {
#' X <- X[, cols]
#' lm_fit <- lm(y ~ X)
#' pvals <- summary(lm_fit)$coefficients[-1, "Pr(>|t|)"] %>%
#' setNames(paste(paste0("X", cols), "p-value"))
#' return(pvals)
#' }
#' lm_method <- create_method(
#' .method_fun = lm_fun,
#' .name = "OLS",
#' cols = c(1, 2)
#' )
#' # create Experiment
#' experiment <- create_experiment() %>%
#' add_dgp(dgp) %>%
#' add_method(lm_method) %>%
#' add_vary_across(.dgp = dgp, rho = seq(0.91, 0.99, 0.02))
#' fit_results <- fit_experiment(experiment, n_reps=10)
#' # create an example Evaluator function
#' reject_prob_fun <- function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL, alpha = 0.05) {
#' fit_results[is.na(fit_results)] <- 1
#' group_vars <- c(".dgp_name", ".method_name", vary_params)
#' eval_out <- fit_results %>%
#' dplyr::group_by(across({{group_vars}})) %>%
#' dplyr::summarise(
#' n_reps = dplyr::n(),
#' `X1 Reject Prob.` = mean(`X1 p-value` < alpha),
#' `X2 Reject Prob.` = mean(`X2 p-value` < alpha)
#' )
#' return(eval_out)
#' }
#' reject_prob_eval <- Evaluator$new(.eval_fun = reject_prob_fun,
#' .name = "Rejection Prob (alpha = 0.05)")
#' reject_prob_eval$evaluate(fit_results, vary_params = "rho")
#' @export
Evaluator <- R6::R6Class(
classname = 'Evaluator',
public = list(
#' @field name The name of the `Evaluator`.
name = NULL,
#' @field eval_fun The user-defined evaluation function.
eval_fun = NULL,
#' @field eval_params A (named) list of default parameters to input into
#' the evaluator function.
eval_params = NULL,
#' @field doc_options List of options to control the aesthetics of
#' the displayed `Evaluator`'s results table in the knitted R Markdown report.
doc_options = list(digits = 2, sigfig = FALSE,
options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollCollapse = TRUE)),
#' @field doc_show Boolean indicating whether or not to show the
#' `Evaluator`'s results as a table in the R Markdown report.
doc_show = TRUE,
#' @field doc_nrows Maximum number of rows to show in the `Evaluator`'s
#' results table in the R Markdown report. If the number of rows in the
#' table exceeds this value, the table will be truncated and a message
#' will be displayed indicating the number of rows that were omitted.
#' Default is `NULL`, which shows all rows.
doc_nrows = NULL,
# NOTE: R6 methods can't use the `@inheritParams` tag. If you want to update
# the `@param` tags below, do so in the `create_evaluator()` docs above and
# then copy-paste the corresponding `@param` tags below.
#' @description Initialize a new `Evaluator` object.
#' @param .eval_fun The user-defined evaluation function.
#' @param .name (Optional) The name of the `Evaluator`, helpful for later
#' identification. The argument must be specified by position or typed out in
#' whole; no partial matching is allowed for this argument.
#' @param .doc_options (Optional) List of options to control the aesthetics of
#' the displayed `Evaluator`'s results table in the knitted R Markdown report.
#' See [vthemes::pretty_DT()] for possible options. The argument must be
#' specified by position or typed out in whole; no partial matching is allowed
#' for this argument.
#' @param .doc_show If `TRUE` (default), show `Evaluator`'s results as a table
#' in the R Markdown report; if `FALSE`, hide output in the R Markdown report.
#' @param .doc_nrows Maximum number of rows to show in the `Evaluator`'s results
#' table in the R Markdown report. If the number of rows in the table exceeds
#' this value, the table will be truncated and a message will be displayed
#' indicating the number of rows that were omitted. Default is `NULL`, which
#' shows all rows.
#' @param ... User-defined arguments to pass into `.eval_fun()`.
#' @return A new instance of `Evaluator`.
initialize = function(.eval_fun, .name = NULL, .doc_options = list(),
.doc_show = TRUE, .doc_nrows = NULL, ...) {
self$eval_fun <- .eval_fun
self$name <- .name
for (opt in names(.doc_options)) {
self$doc_options[[opt]] <- .doc_options[[opt]]
self$doc_show <- .doc_show
self$doc_nrows <- .doc_nrows
self$eval_params <- rlang::list2(...)
#' @description Evaluate the performance of method(s) in the
#' `Experiment` using the `Evaluator` and its given parameters.
#' @param fit_results A tibble, as returned by [fit_experiment()].
#' @param vary_params A vector of `DGP` or `Method` parameter names that are
#' varied across in the `Experiment`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return Result of `Evaluator$eval_fun()`, coerced into a tibble.
evaluate = function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL, ...) {
args_list <- list(fit_results = fit_results,
vary_params = vary_params)
if (!identical(self$eval_params, list())) {
always_args_list <- self$eval_params
} else {
always_args_list <- NULL
eval_results <- R.utils::doCall(self$eval_fun,
args = args_list,
alwaysArgs = always_args_list)
#' @description Print an `Evaluator` in a nice format, showing the
#' `Evaluator`'s name, function, parameters, and R Markdown options.
#' @return The original `Evaluator` object, invisibly.
print = function() {
if (is.null(self$name)) {
cat("Evaluator Name: NULL \n")
} else {
cat("Evaluator Name:", self$name, "\n")
cat(" Function: ")
cat(str(self$eval_fun, give.attr = F))
cat(" Parameters: ")
indent.str = " ", no.list = F))
cat(" R Markdown Options: ")
indent.str = " ", no.list = F))
cat(" Show in R Markdown:", self$doc_show, "\n")
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