
Defines functions remove_close create_sub_terms calc_maxIC create_meta_terms computeICT process_tcss

#' prepare tcss data for TCSS to calculate semantic similarity
#' @param ont ontology
#' @param IC information content
#' @param cutoff the topology cutoff, users can use tcss_cutoff() function to calculate cutoff value  
#' @return list, belonged clusters and its elements for all nodes
#' @noRd
process_tcss <- function(ont, IC, cutoff = NULL) {
    ## if (length(IC) == 0) {
    ##     stop("IC data not found, please re-generate your `semData` with `computeIC = TRUE`...")
    ## }

    if (is.null(cutoff)) {
        message("As cutoff value is not provided, default value based on human will be used")
        cutoff <- switch(ont,
                         MF = 3.5,
                         BP = 3.5,
                         CC = 3.2,
                         DO = 3.5,
                         MPO = 3.5,
                         HPO = 3.5
    } else if (cutoff <= 0) {
        stop("cutoff value must be positive")

    GO <- names(IC[!is.infinite(IC)])
    if (ont == "DO") {
        db <- "HDO.db"
        ## require(db, character.only=TRUE)

    if (ont == "MPO") {
        db <- "MPO.db"

    if (ont == "HPO") {
        db <- "HPO.db"

    offspring <- switch(ont,
                        MF = "GOMFOFFSPRING",
                        BP = "GOBPOFFSPRING",
                        CC = "GOCCOFFSPRING",
                        DO = "HDO.db::HDOOFFSPRING",
                        MPO = "MPO.db::MPOOFFSPRING",
                        HPO = "HPO.db::HPOOFFSPRING"
    offspring <- AnnotationDbi::as.list(eval(parse(text=offspring)))
    # calculate ICT
    ICT <- computeICT(GO, offspring = offspring)
    # nodes smaller than cutoff are meta-terms
    meta_terms <- create_meta_terms(ICT = ICT, cutoff = cutoff)
    # if two parent-child nodes' ICT value too close
    meta_terms <- remove_close(meta_terms, ont = ont, ICT = ICT)
    # relationship between cluster-id and its elements
    meta_graph <- create_sub_terms(meta_terms, offspring = offspring)

    # get the max IC value for each graph
    meta_maxIC <- calc_maxIC(meta_graph, IC = IC)
    ica <- lapply(seq_along(meta_graph), function(i) {
        IC[meta_graph[[i]]] / meta_maxIC[i]
    names(ica) <- meta_terms

    aa <- utils::stack(meta_graph)
    bb <- split(as.character(aa$ind), aa$values)
    clusid <- bb[GO]

    res <- list(
        ## meta_terms == names(meta_graph)
        meta_graph = meta_graph,
        ica = ica,
        clusid = clusid


#' compute ICT (Topology Information Content) for each term
#' @param GO character, all go terms, species specific
#' @param offspring list, offspring nodes
#' @return numeric, ICT value
#' @noRd
computeICT <- function(GO, offspring) {
    filtered_offspring <- offspring[GO]
    all <- length(GO)
    num <- -log10(1 / all)

    res <- vapply(filtered_offspring, function(off) {
        if (any(is.na(off))) {
            ## only term itself
        } else {
            ## add term itself
            -log10((sum(off %in% GO) + 1) / all)
    }, numeric(1))
    names(res) <- GO

#' all nodes with ICT value under cutoff are meta_terms
#' @param ICT numeric, ICT value with corresponding GO term as name attributes
#' @param cutoff numeric, topological cutoff
#' @return character, sub-graph-root nodes
#' @noRd
create_meta_terms <- function(ICT, cutoff) {
    res <- ICT[ICT <= cutoff]

#' calculate every graph's max IC value
#' @param meta_terms character, all cluster ids but "meta"
#' @param GO_element the contained elements
#' @param IC numeric, ICT value
#' @return numeric, max IC in different graphs
#' @noRd
calc_maxIC <- function(meta_graph, IC) {
    # mic : max IC value of all terms
    mic <- max(IC[is.finite(IC)])

    meta_maxIC <- vapply(meta_graph,
                         function(t) {
                                        #all the IC value of elements
                             all <- IC[t]
                                        #all <- all[!is.infinite(all)]
                                        # all <- all[!is.infinite(all) & !is.na(all)]
                             all <- all[is.finite(all)]
                                        # if value is empty, assign the mic value
                             if (length(all) == 0) mic else max(all)
                         }, numeric(1))

#' get the relationship between clusters and elements
#' @param meta_terms character, all cluster ids but "meta"
#' @param offspring list
#' @return data.frame, relationship between clusters and elements
#' @noRd
create_sub_terms <- function(meta_terms, offspring) {
    #all terms within cluster
    element <- lapply(meta_terms, function(term) {
        #when no offspring, all shows NA
        all <- offspring[[term]]
        # other sub-root-node
        other_sub <- intersect(all, meta_terms)
        # other sub-root-node's offspring
        other_sub_offs <- unlist(offspring[other_sub])
        # remove
        terms <- setdiff(all, c(other_sub_offs, other_sub))
        # add term itself
        terms <- c(terms, term)
    ## #add "meta" cluster
    ## element$"meta" <- meta_terms
    ## #to unfold into a data.frame
    ## len <- lapply(element, length)

    ## res <- data.frame(cluster = rep(c(meta_terms, "meta"), times = len),
    ##                   element = unlist(element))
    ## return(na.omit(res))

    names(element) <- meta_terms

#' remove close relation in meta_terms
#' @param meta_terms character, all cluster ids but "meta"
#' @param ont ontology
#' @param ICT numeric, topological information content value
#' @return character, meta_terms with fewer nodes
#' @noRd
remove_close <- function(meta_terms, ont, ICT) {
    if (ont == "DO") {
        db <- "HDO.db"
        ## require(db, character.only=TRUE)

    if (ont == "MPO") {
        db <- "MPO.db"

    if (ont == "HPO") {
        db <- "HPO.db"

    parents <- switch(ont,
                      MF = "GOMFPARENTS",
                      BP = "GOBPPARENTS",
                      CC = "GOCCPARENTS",
                      DO = "HDO.db::HDOPARENTS",
                      MPO = "MPO.db::MPOPARENTS",
                      HPO = "HPO.db::HPOPARENTS"

    parents <- AnnotationDbi::as.list(eval(parse(text=parents)))

    # reserve all nodes in advance
    all_ <- meta_terms
    for (term1 in meta_terms) {
        # parent term
        obj <- intersect(parents[[term1]], all_)
        for (term2 in obj) {
            if (ICT[term2] != 0 && ICT[term1] / ICT[term2] <= 1.2) {
                # remove when satisfying the condition
                meta_terms <- setdiff(meta_terms, term1)
    # return the left nodes
YuLab-SMU/GOSemSim documentation built on May 18, 2024, 10:28 a.m.