#' @include bin_class.R
#' Discrete class
#' Discrete object generator class used to wrap binned factor variables.
#' @export Discrete
#' @exportClass Discrete
Discrete <- setRefClass("Discrete", contains = "Bin")
Discrete$methods(initialize = function(x_, ...) {
## get rid of pesky blank levels
levels(x_)[levels(x_) == ""] <- NA
x_ <- droplevels(x_)
callSuper(x=x_, ...)
#' Collapse levels of a Discrete bin object
#' @name Discrete_collapse
#' @param i numeric vector of bin levels to collapse. Do not have to be
#' adjacent.
#' @return modifies the transform object in place.
Discrete$methods(collapse = function(i) {
f <- which(tf@tf %in% unique(tf@tf)[i]) ## which values were selected for collapse?
tf@tf[f] <<- paste(names(tf@tf)[f], collapse=',') # collapse them with commas
#' Expand a level of a Discrete bin into multiple new levels
#' @name Discrete_expand
#' @param i numeric vector of length 1 indiicating bin level to expand.
#' @details All of the collapsed levels will be expanded.
#' @return modifies the transform object in place.
Discrete$methods(expand = function(i) {
f <- tf@tf %in% unique(tf@tf)[i]
tf@tf[f] <<- levels(x)[f]
#' Factorize for Discrete bins
#' @name Discrete_factorize
#' @param newdata Factor vector on which to apply the transformation. Defaults
#' to the \code{x} field of the Discrete object
#' @details \code{factorize} returns a list with two fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{factor }{ Factor with the bin labels applied to \code{x}}
#' \item{types }{ list of logical vectors for missing, exception, and normal}
#' }
#' @return \code{list} with two fields. See details.
Discrete$methods(factorize = function(newdata=.self$x) {
out <- newdata
levels(out) <- unlist(tf@tf)[levels(out)]
out <- addNA(out)
levels(out)[is.na(levels(out))] <- "Missing"
#' Weight-of-Evidence substitution for Discrete bins
#' @name Discrete_predict
#' @param newdata Factor vector to apply performance substition. Defaults to
#' data used to create the Discrete object.
#' @return numeric variable with bin performance values substituted for
#' the inputs.
Discrete$methods(predict = function(newdata=.self$x) {
if (is.character(newdata)) newdata <- factor(newdata)
#' Generate SAS code for Discrete object
#' @name Discrete_gen_code_sas
#' @description generate SAS code representing the transformation from input
#' numeric values to the substituted performance values. Also generates code
#' calculating difference from min/max/neutral and adverse action code
#' assignments.
#' @param pfx character prefix to prepend to variable names
#' @param coef numeric coefficient to multiply performance values by. Passed in
#' by the Scorecard model object. Defaults to 1.
#' @param method method used for calculating the reference level for adverse
#' action codes. Three possible choices:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"min" }{Calculate difference from minimum of perf values - default}
#' \item{"max" }{Calculate difference from maximum of perf values}
#' \item{"neutral" }{Calculate difference from zero}#'
#' }
#' @param i numeric value enumerating the variables. Passed in from other code.
#' @return a character vector of SAS code
Discrete$methods(gen_code_sas = function(pfx="", coef=1, method="min", i=1, ...) {
val <- gsub(",", "','", names(tf@subst))
p <- tf@subst * coef
ref <- switch(method,"min" = min(p), "max" = max(p), "neutral" = 0)
m <- if (length(tf@nas) == 0) 0 else tf@nas * coef
## WoE Substitution
c(sprintf("\n/*** %s ***/", name),
sprintf("if missing(%s)\n then %s_V%02d_w = %s;", name, pfx, i, m),
sprintf("else if %s in ('%s')\n then %s_V%02d_w = %s;",
name, val, pfx, i, p),
sprintf("else %s_V%02d_w = 0;", pfx, i),
## AA Code
sprintf("\nif missing(%s)\n then %s_AA_code_%02d = \"&%s_AA_%02d\";",
name, pfx, i, pfx, i),
sprintf("else if %s in ('%s')\n then %s_AA_code_%02d = \"&%s_AA_%02d\";",
name, val, pfx, i, pfx, i),
sprintf("else %s_AA_code_%02d = \"&%s_AA_%02d\";", pfx, i, pfx, i),
## AA Dist
sprintf("\n%s_AA_dist_%02d = %s - %s_V%02d_w;", pfx, i, ref, pfx, i))
Discrete$methods(mono = function(m) {
cat("Monotoncity does not apply to Discrete variables")
Discrete$methods(exceptions = function(e) {
cat("Exceptions are not used with Discrete variables")
Discrete$methods(set_cutpoints = function(cuts) {
cat("Cut Points cannot be set for Discrete variables")
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