
Defines functions locate_build_status_yml why_dirty which_dirty get_dependency_status get_remake_status list_group_targets list_all_targets

Documented in get_dependency_status get_remake_status list_all_targets list_group_targets locate_build_status_yml which_dirty why_dirty

#' Get a list of all targets in a remake file
#' @param remake_file filename of the remake YAML file from which targets should
#'   be collected
#' @param recursive logical. if TRUE, result will include all targets from any
#'   YAMLs listed in the include: section of the given remake_file, or any YAMLs
#'   listed in the include: sections of those included YAMLs, etc.
#' @return vector of all target names explicitly declared in this remake_file
#'   (and if recursive=TRUE, also the names of targets declared in remake files
#'   included by this remake_file)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assuming you have a file named remake.yml:
#' list_all_targets() # get status for all explicitly named targets in remake.yml
#' # status for all targets in a different remake YAML:
#' list_all_targets('other_remake.yml')
#' # status for all targets in remake.yml and any remake YAMLs included by remake.yml
#' list_all_targets(recursive=TRUE)
#' }
list_all_targets <- function(remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file'), recursive=FALSE) {
  # load the remake file as a yaml and as remake loads it
  remake_list <- yaml::yaml.load_file(remake_file)
  # get all explicitly defined targets
  targets <- names(remake_list$targets)
  # exclude remake keyword targets, which can be explicit even though they're
  # usually not
  targets <- setdiff(targets, c('tidy','clean','purge'))
  # if requested, include targets of the included ymls
  if(isTRUE(recursive)) {
    includes <- remake_list$include
    nested_targets <- unlist(lapply(includes, list_all_targets))
    targets <- c(targets, nested_targets)
  # if we wanted to add more info about these targets, we could return the following instead:
  # remake_object <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake')(remake_file=remake_file, verbose=FALSE, load_sources=FALSE)
  # remake_object$targets[targets]
  # return a simple vector of target names

#' list targets in remake file that are fake/dummy/group targets
#' @param remake_file filename of the remake YAML file from which targets should
#'   be collected
#' @details this is an internal file. We may want to make it recursive, but I
#'   don't see a use-case right now for that. 
#' @keywords internal
list_group_targets <- function(remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file')){
  # load the remake file as a yaml and as remake loads it
  remake_list <- yaml::yaml.load_file(remake_file)
  # get all explicitly defined targets
  targets <- names(remake_list$targets)
  targets[sapply(remake_list$targets, FUN = function(x) is.null(x$command), USE.NAMES = FALSE)]

#' Produce a table describing the remake build status relative to 1+ targets
#' Describes the hash, build time, and dependencies as of the most recent build
#' of each target. If the dependencies have changed since that last build, those
#' new dependencies are not described here. See why_dirty() to compare the old
#' and new dependencies.
#' Runs faster when RDSify_first = FALSE, but the default is TRUE so that you
#' can usually pretend that there's no extra step between a git pull and
#' updating the remake database.
#' @param target_names character vector of targets for which to determine build
#'   status, including status for dependencies of the named targets. If NULL
#'   will return status for the default target and its dependencies.
#' @param remake_file filename of the remake YAML file from which status should
#'   be determined
#' @param format if "nested", returnes a nested tibble with tibble list columns
#'   for 'depends' and 'functions'. if "flat", returns character columns for
#'   'depends' and 'functions' that are ugly, flattened versions of the tibbles.
#'   "flat" can be useful for comparing status before and after an operation
#'   using dplyr joins (e.g., within `scmake()`).
#' @param RDSify_first logical. Should the info in build/status/*.yml files be
#'   copied over to the remake RDS-based status database before querying for
#'   target cleanliness?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assuming you have a file named remake.yml:
#' get_remake_status() # get status for the default target and its dependencies
#' get_remake_status(list_all_targets(), RDSify_first=FALSE) # status for all targets in remake.yml
#' # or to get status for all targets in a different remake YAML:
#' get_remake_status(list_all_targets('other_remake.yml'), 'other_remake.yml')
#' }
get_remake_status <- function(target_names=NULL, remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file'), format=c('nested', 'flat'), RDSify_first=TRUE) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  # sync the remake status database with the scipiper status database if requested
  if(isTRUE(RDSify_first)) {
    RDSify_build_status(new_only=FALSE, remake_file=remake_file)
  # collect information about the current remake database. do load sources to get the dependencies right
  remake_object <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake')(remake_file=remake_file, verbose=FALSE, load_sources=TRUE)
  # make sure target_names is concrete and sensible
  if(is.null(target_names)) target_names <- remake_object$default_target
  unknown_targets <- setdiff(target_names, names(remake_object$targets))
  if(length(unknown_targets) > 0) stop('unknown targets: ', paste(unknown_targets, collapse=', '))
  # create a table of all targets relevant to target_names, with T/F fields for
  # dirty and dirty_by_descent. remake_status doesn't actually get used by
  # remake::make, and the code is full of caveats that make me wonder if they
  # believe it...but it's the nearest thing to a current status report that I've
  # found so far
  graph <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake_dependency_graph')(remake_object)
  target <- current <- dirty <- dirty_by_descent <- '.dplyrvar'
  currentness <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake_status')(remake_object, target_names, graph) %>% # matrix
    as.data.frame() %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var='target') %>% as_tibble() %>% # convert to tibble with rownames as 'target' column
    dplyr::mutate( # mutate maintains a 0-row tibble if it started that way
      current = ('remake' %:::% 'remake_is_current')(remake_object, target)) %>%
    dplyr::select(target, current, dirty, dirty_by_descent)
  # extract dependency info for each target
  dependencies <- lapply(currentness$target, function(target_name) {
    # I can't decide whether this should be as_of 'now' or 'last_build', or if
    # it even makes sense to report this stuff in a table that also reports
    # current (which compares 'now' to 'last_build'). I'm trying last_build
    # for now.
    status_old <- get_dependency_status(target_name, remake_object, as_of='last_build', format='wide')
  }) %>%
  # combine into a single tibble
  status <- full_join(currentness, dependencies, by='target')
  name <- hash <- info <- depends <- functions <- '.dplyrvar'
  # return
  if(format == 'nested') {
  } else {
    flatten_nested <- function(nested_df) {
      nested_df %>% mutate(info = paste(name, hash, sep=':')) %>% pull(info) %>% paste(collapse=':::')
    status_flat <- status %>%
        depends = sapply(depends, flatten_nested),
        functions = sapply(functions, flatten_nested))

#' Retrieve status of dependencies from the remake store
#' Returns placeholders if the object doesn't yet exist. hash=NA when the target
#' hasn't yet been built, or '??' when the target is fake, or a hexcode string
#' otherwise.
#' @param target_name length-1 name of a target
#' @param remake_object as produced by remake:::remake
#' @param as_of what status should be reflected - status as of the last build
#'   (from the remake database) or status if we considered it built right now?
#' @param format return in remake's list format ('raw'), a one-row tibble with
#'   nested tibbles for depends and code ('wide'), or a multi-row tibble with
#'   columns for name, dependency type, and dependency hash ('long')?
#' @importFrom purrr map2_chr
get_dependency_status <- function(
  remake_object = ('remake' %:::% 'remake')(remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file'), verbose=FALSE, load_sources=TRUE),
  as_of=c('last_build', 'now'), format=c('raw', 'wide', 'long')) {
  # process arguments
  target <- remake_object$targets[[target_name]]
  store <- remake_object$store
  as_of <- match.arg(as_of)
  format <- match.arg(format)
  # helper
  null_to_na <- function(x) {
    if(is.null(x)) NA else x
  # mimic remake's behavior, using existing remake functions where possible
  status_list_default <- list(
  status_list <- if(is.null(target)) {
  } else if(target$type == 'fake') {
    replace(status_list_default, 'hash', '??')
  } else if('target_file_implicit' %in% attr(target, 'class')) {
    # target_file_implicits don't have a target rule (code) to check, so
    # just check depends. and return time as the time of last file update,
    # because Sys.time() just doesn't make sense
    status_list_implicit <- ('remake' %:::% 'dependency_status')(target, store, missing_ok=TRUE, check='depends')
    status_list_implicit$time <- file.mtime(target$name)
  } else {
      'last_build' = tryCatch({
        store$db$get(target_name) # hash is NA for unbuilt targets
      }, error=function(e) {
        status_list_default # target hasn't been built
      'now' = ('remake' %:::% 'dependency_status')(target, store, missing_ok=TRUE, check='all') # hash is NA for unbuilt targets
  if(format == 'raw') return(status_list)
  # override depends to include dependencies of fake targets, and to include
  # fake targets as dependencies (remake does neither; only file and object
  # dependencies of file or object targets are reported)
  if(is.null(target) || length(target$depends_name) == 0) {
    missing_depends <- tibble(type='', name='')[c(),]
  } else if(target$type == 'fake') {
    missing_depends <- tibble(type = target$depends_type, name = target$depends_name)
  } else {
    type <- '.dplyrvar'
    missing_depends <- tibble(type = target$depends_type, name = target$depends_name) %>%
      dplyr::filter(type == 'fake')
  if(nrow(missing_depends) > 0) {
    # we don't actually know which targets were dependencies during the
    # last_build, so we've had to assume that they're the same as those that are
    # dependencies now. we'll also take this into account in why_dirty().
    if(target$type == 'fake' && as_of == 'last_build') {
      #warning(sprintf("guessing names and returning hash='??' for depends of fake target '%s' during last build", target$name))  
    } else {
      if(as_of == 'last_build') {
        #warning(sprintf("guessing names and returning hash='??' for fake depends of target '%s' during last build", target$name))  
      } else if(any(missing_depends$type == 'fake')) {
        # fake dependencies have no hash available through remake, hence the warning about hash=?? even when as_of=='now'
        #warning(sprintf("returning hash='??' for fake depends of target '%s'", target$name)) 
    status_list$depends <- c( # this element is a named vector of hashes
      status_list$depends, # append the new dependencies to the current ones
        purrr::map2_chr(missing_depends$name, missing_depends$type, function(name, format) {
          if(format %in% c('file', 'object')) {
              'last_build' = '??',
              'now' = store$get_hash(name, format, missing_ok=TRUE)) # returns NA if missing
          } else { # fake
  # avoid "no visible binding for global variable ..." in R CMD check
  hash <- name <- fixed <- '.dplyrvar'
  # long format
  status_long <- bind_rows(
    tibble(type = 'target', name = status_list$name, hash = status_list$hash),
    if(length(status_list$depends) > 0) {
      tibble(type='depends', name=names(status_list$depends), hash=unlist(unname(status_list$depends)))
    if(!is.null(status_list$fixed)) {
      tibble(type='fixed', name=NA, hash=status_list$fixed)
    if(length(status_list$code$functions) > 0) {
      tibble(type='function', name=names(status_list$code$functions), hash=unlist(unname(status_list$code$functions)))
  )  %>%
      hash = ifelse(is.na(hash), 'none', hash)) # NAs are really inconvenient to deal with below, and 'none' is a little clearer anyway
  if(format == 'long') return(status_long)
  # wide format    
  status_wide <- tibble(
    target = status_list$name,
    type = status_list$type,
    hash = status_list$hash,
    time = status_list$time,
    depends = status_long %>% dplyr::filter(type=='depends') %>% select(name, hash) %>% list(),
    fixed = null_to_na(status_list$fixed),
    functions = status_long %>% dplyr::filter(type=='function') %>% select(name, hash) %>% list()
  ) %>%
      fixed = as.character(fixed),
      hash = ifelse(is.na(hash), 'none', hash))
  if(format == 'wide') return(status_wide)
  stop('a status report should have been returned by now')

#' List the targets for which current is FALSE (as a character vector)
#' Runs faster when RDSify_first = FALSE.
#' @param target_names character vector of targets for which to determine build
#'   status, including status for dependencies of the named targets. If NULL
#'   will return status for the default target and its dependencies.
#' @param remake_file filename of the remake YAML file from which status should
#'   be determined
#' @param RDSify_first logical. Should the info in build/status/*.yml files be
#'   copied over to the remake RDS-based status database before querying for
#'   target cleanliness?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assuming you have a file named remake.yml:
#' get_remake_status() # get status for the default target and its dependencies
#' get_remake_status(list_all_targets()) # get status for all explicitly named targets in remake.yml
#' # or to get status for all targets in a different remake YAML:
#' get_remake_status(list_all_targets('other_remake.yml'), 'other_remake.yml')
#' }
which_dirty <- function(target_names=NULL, remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file'), RDSify_first=TRUE) {
  # get the full status information for all relevant targets
  status <- get_remake_status(target_names=target_names, remake_file=remake_file, RDSify_first=RDSify_first)
  # pick out the non-current targets. It's possible for a file to be current,
  # !dirty, and yet dirty_by_descent, in which case remake will rebuild it, so
  # define non-current as a combination of all three logicals
  not_dirty <- current <- dirty <- dirty_by_descent <- target <- '.dplyrvar'
  status %>%
    mutate(not_dirty = current & !dirty & !dirty_by_descent) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!not_dirty) %>%

#' Explain why a target is dirty
#' Compares the dependency status of a target (1) as it currently appears in the
#' repo and (2) as documented in the remake database. Returns information about
#' the mismatches that are causing remake to consider this target dirty.
#' @param target_name character name of the target for which to determine build
#'   status, including status for dependencies of the named target. Exactly one
#'   is required.
#' @param remake_file filename of the remake YAML file from which status should
#'   be determined
#' @param RDSify_first logical. Should the info in build/status/*.yml files be
#'   copied over to the remake RDS-based status database before querying for
#'   target cleanliness? Defaults to FALSE because if you're asking why, you've
#'   probably already queried to determine that the target is dirty
#' @return Interpretive messages are printed to the console. The return value is
#'   a tibble. The first row is information about the target in question.
#'   hash_old is the hash of that row's target (see 'name') as of the last
#'   documented build. hash_new is the hash of the current file or object, which
#'   might have changed if the file (or object) has been edited. hash_old and
#'   hash_new are '??' if they refer to a fake target or unrecorded previous
#'   build, 'none' if the file or object does not (or did not) exist, and a
#'   hexcode hash otherwise. hash_mismatch is NA if there are '??' values in the
#'   hashes (because we can't determine whether the hashes have changed).
#'   'dirty' is reported by remake and reports whether the object has altered
#'   inputs (files, objects, fixed arguments, and/or functions).
#'   'dirty_by_descent' is as reported by remake and reports whether the
#'   object's dependencies themselves have altered inputs. 'current' is the
#'   output of remake::is_current().
#' @export
why_dirty <- function(target_name, remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file'), RDSify_first=FALSE) {
  # quick argument check
  stopifnot(length(target_name) == 1 & is.character(target_name))
  # avoid "no visible binding for global variable XX" in R CMD  check
  type <- name <- current <- target <- dirty <- dirty_by_descent <- hash_old <- hash_new <- hash_mismatch <- definitely_dirty <- '.dplyrvar'
  # collect information about the current remake database. do load sources to get the dependencies right
  remake_object <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake')(remake_file=remake_file, verbose=FALSE, load_sources=TRUE)
  # target_name ought to be the name of a real target
  if(!exists(target_name, remake_object$targets)) {
    stop(sprintf("target_name '%s' not found in the remake files", target_name))
  # get any pre-existing dependency information
  old_status <- get_dependency_status(target_name, remake_object, as_of='last_build', format='long')
  new_status <- get_dependency_status(target_name, remake_object, as_of='now', format='long')
  # check for dependencies that haven't been rebuilt but need to be (dirty_by_descent)
  new_depends <- dplyr::filter(new_status, type=='depends') %>% pull(name)
  graph <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake_dependency_graph')(remake_object)
  currentness <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake_status')(remake_object, target_name, graph) %>% # matrix
    as.data.frame() %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var='target') %>% as_tibble() %>% # convert to tibble with rownames as 'target' column
    dplyr::mutate( # mutate maintains a 0-row tibble if it started that way
      current = ('remake' %:::% 'remake_is_current')(remake_object, target)) %>%
    dplyr::select(target, dirty, dirty_by_descent, current)
  # check that it's actually dirty. It's possible for a file to be current,
  # !dirty, and yet dirty_by_descent, in which case remake will rebuild it, so
  # define dirty as the combination of all three logicals. Also handle the special
  # case where remake doesn't actually think it's dirty but the file has changed
  if(!target_name %in% which_dirty(target_name, remake_file=remake_file, RDSify_first=FALSE)) {
    old_target <- dplyr::filter(old_status, type=='target')
    new_target <- dplyr::filter(new_status, type=='target')
    if(!is.na(old_target$hash) && !is.na(new_target$hash) && (old_target$hash != new_target$hash)) {
      message(sprintf("target '%s' is not dirty in remake's eyes, but its hashes are different so returning those.", target_name))
      info_df <- full_join(old_target, new_target, by=c('type','name'), suffix=c('_old','_new')) %>%
        mutate(hash_mismatch = TRUE) %>%
        left_join(currentness, by=c(name='target'))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("target '%s' is not dirty", target_name))
  # compare. Truth table for hash_mismatch:
  #    no ?? aa bb
  # no F  NA T  T
  # ?? NA NA NA NA
  # aa T  NA F  T
  # bb T  NA T  F
  status_compare <- full_join(old_status, new_status, by=c('type','name'), suffix=c('_old', '_new')) %>%
    mutate(hash_mismatch = ifelse(
      hash_old == 'none' & hash_new == 'none',
      FALSE, # never built, therefore hashes haven't changed
      ifelse( # now we know there are no 'none's
        hash_old == '??' | hash_new == '??',
        NA, # we just can't know because we're missing information
        hash_old != hash_new # the main case: built or not before and definitely built now, looks different
    )) %>%
    left_join(currentness, by=c('name'='target')) %>%
    mutate( # fill in dirtiness for fixed and functions, which can never themselves by dirty
      dirty_by_descent = ifelse(is.na(dirty_by_descent), FALSE, dirty_by_descent),
      dirty = ifelse(is.na(dirty), FALSE, dirty),
      current = ifelse(is.na(current), TRUE, current))
  # interpret
  dirty_rows <- dplyr::filter(status_compare, (hash_mismatch | is.na(hash_mismatch) | dirty | dirty_by_descent) & type != 'target') %>%
    mutate(definitely_dirty = !is.na(hash_mismatch) | dirty | dirty_by_descent)
  target_type <- remake_object$targets[[target_name]]$type
  if((dplyr::filter(status_compare, type == 'target') %>% pull(hash_new)) == 'none') {
    message(sprintf("The target '%s' does not exist", target_name))
  } else if(target_type == 'fake') {
    preamble <- "Fake targets are never 'current'."
    def_dirty <- pull(dplyr::filter(dirty_rows, definitely_dirty), name)
    pos_dirty <- pull(dplyr::filter(dirty_rows, !definitely_dirty), name)
    if(length(c(def_dirty, pos_dirty)) > 0) {
      preamble <- paste(preamble, sprintf("Also, the fake target '%s' has", target_name))
      if(length(def_dirty) > 0) message(paste(c(paste(preamble, "these dirty dependencies:"), def_dirty), collapse='\n  * '))
      if(length(pos_dirty) > 0) message(paste(c(sprintf("%s these possibly dirty dependencies:", if(length(def_dirty) > 0) 'and' else preamble), pos_dirty), collapse='\n  * '))
    } else {
  } else {
    if(nrow(dirty_rows) == 0) {
      warning(sprintf("Uh oh, can't explain why '%s' is dirty. Please file a bug report.", target_name))
    explanations <- sapply(1:nrow(dirty_rows), function(i) {
      row <- dirty_rows[i,]
      explanation <- if(isTRUE(row$hash_mismatch)) {
          'depends' = sprintf("the dependency '%s' has changed", row$name),
          'fixed' = sprintf("the fixed arguments (character, logical, or numeric) to the target's command have changed", row$name),
          'function' = sprintf("the function '%s' used by the target has changed", row$name)
      } else if(is.na(row$hash_mismatch)) {
        if(row$type == 'fixed') {
          "the fixed arguments might have changed"
        } else {
          sprintf("the dependency '%s' might have changed", row$name)
      } else if(row$dirty_by_descent) {
        sprintf("the dependency '%s' depends on dirty targets", row$name)
      } else if(row$dirty) {
        sprintf("the dependency '%s' depends on files, objects, fixed arguments, or functions that have changed", row$name)
      if(exists(row$name, remake_object$targets) && remake_object$targets[[row$name]]$type == 'fake') {
        paste(explanation, "(but note that remake ignores fake targets when assessing currentness)")
    message(paste(c(sprintf("Since the last build of the target '%s':", target_name), explanations), collapse='\n  * '))
  # return

#' Get the file path and name for a scipiper build/status/*.yml files
#' Internal helper function with limited functionality for now. Before making
#' this an exported function, if that's ever needed, we'd need some error
#' checking to make sure these are indicator files, see whether the .yml files
#' actually exist, and maybe provide suggestions if they don't.
#' @param target_names names of targets. should be .ind files
#' @param remake_file name of the remake_file where target_names can be found
#'   (recursively if needed)
locate_build_status_yml <- function(target_names, remake_file=getOption('scipiper.remake_file')) {
  remake_object <- ('remake' %:::% 'remake')(remake_file=remake_file, verbose=FALSE, load_sources=FALSE)
  mangled_keys <- get_mangled_key(target_names, remake_object$store$db)
  sprintf('build/status/%s.yml', mangled_keys)
aappling-usgs/scipiper documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 3:11 p.m.