
#' Enumerate genotypic vectors
#' Enumerates all genotypic vectors of length k consistent with each identity vector.
#' @param      k (numeric integer) specifies the number of putatitive replicates associated with 
#'               the proband in question.
#' @param S.list (list) output from \code{\link{enumerateS}}.        
#' @return The function returns a list of length two: 
#'      (1) `G|S`: (list) enumerates all genotype vectors consistent with source vector s
#'      (2) `P(G|S)`: (vector) provides the probability of genotype vector g given source vector s. 
#'                    We compute P(G|S) assuming the uniform probability law (i.e. 1/cardinality of set).
#' @author Ariel W Chan, \email{ac2278@@cornell.edu}
#' @export
enumerateG_revised = function(k, S.list){
  require(gtools); require(parallel)
  # (1) Supply a list of all possible identity vectors of length k (i.e. S.list).
  #     We index each source vector using s. 
  S <- do.call(rbind, unlist(S.list, recursive=F))
  rownames(S) <- paste("S=", apply(S, 1, function(s) paste(s, collapse=",")), sep="")
  # (2) Enumerate all possible genotype vectors of length k. (indexed by g)
  G <- permutations(n=3, r=k, v=c("AA","AB","BB"), repeats.allowed=T)
  rownames(G) <- apply(G, 1, function(g) paste(g, collapse=","))
  colnames(G) <- paste("d=", 1:k, sep="")
  # (3) We answer the question "Does g belong to category s?". 
  membership <- apply(G, 1, function(g){ x <- length(unique(g));
                                         putative <- do.call(rbind, unlist(S.list[x:k], recursive=F))
                                         rownames(putative) <- apply(putative, 1, function(i) paste(i, collapse=","))
                                         consistent = apply(putative, 1, function(evaluate){
                                           count = 0 
                                           for (i in 1:k){
                                             test = length(unique(g[evaluate==i]))>1
                                             if(test==T){ break } else count = count + 1
                                         return(paste("S=",names(consistent[consistent==k]),sep="")) })
  enumerateGgivenS <- sapply(setNames(rownames(S), rownames(S)), function(i) names(grep(T, rapply(membership, function(x) ifelse(length(intersect(x,i))==1, T, F)), value=T)))
  # We return a list of length two: 
  #      (1) `G|S`: (list) enumerates all genotype vectors consistent with source vector s
  #      (2) `P(G|S)`: (vector) provides the probability of genotype vector g given source vector s. 
  #                    We compute P(G|S) assuming (for now) the uniform probability law (i.e. 1/cardinality of set).                  
  return(list("G"=G, "G|S"=enumerateGgivenS, "P(G|S)"=rapply(enumerateGgivenS, function(x) setNames(rep(1/length(x), length(x)), x), how="list")))
ac2278/BIGRED documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:22 p.m.