#' Simulate evolution of mixture by reassortment and/or mutation, for many replicates
#' @param MOI multiplicity of infection = number of virions/number of cells
#' @param iv numeric vector of length n_strains = 4.
#' Initial proportions of [mt, mt], [mt, wt], [wt, mt], [wt, wt].
#' @param fitness_MW fitness of the PB1 mutant
#' @param fitness_WM fitness of the PA mutant
#' @param fitness_MM fitness of the double mutant
#' @param mutation_prob probability of mutation for each new virion. Assume same
#' for pb1 and pa.
#' @param reassort logical. If TRUE, random reassortment of segments occurs
#' before packaging. If FALSE, each strain in the cell effectively produces
#' pre-packaged viruses
#' @param pop_size numeric vector of length 1. Number of virions.
#' @param burst_size numeric vector of length 1.
#' Burst size from a cell infected with one virion with fitness 1.
#' @param sim_name character vector for naming of output file
#' @param hash character vector: git hash for tagging run
#' @return matrix of dim c(generations * n_replicates, n_strains + 1).
#' Concatenated simulation results for n_replicates simulations with the
#' above model parameters.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
run_default_pars <- function(MOI = 1,
iv = c(95,0,0,5),
fitness_MW = 0.01,
fitness_WM = 1.25,
fitness_MM = 1,
mutation_prob = 2e-4,
reassort = TRUE,
pop_size = 1e6,
burst_size = 10,
MOI_dependent_burst_size = TRUE,
choose_strain_by_fitness = FALSE,
hash) {
fitness <- c(fitness_MM, fitness_MW, fitness_WM, 1)
n_cells <- round(pop_size / MOI)
generations <- 20
coinfection <- TRUE
one_strain_produced <- FALSE
n_replicates <- 100
run_parallel <- TRUE
reassort <- as.logical(reassort)
dir_name <- ifelse(missing(hash),
make_results_folder(sim_name, hash = hash))
inputs <- ls()
inputs <- list_vars_from_environment(inputs)
saveRDS(inputs, paste0(dir_name, "inputs.rds"))
sim_func <- function(run_no) {
result <- simulate_evolution(iv, fitness, burst_size, n_cells, pop_size,
generations, mutation_prob,
result <- cbind(result, matrix(run_no, nrow = generations, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "run")))
results <- parLapply_wrapper(run_parallel, seq_len(n_replicates), sim_func)
results <- do.call(rbind, results)
saveRDS(results, paste0(dir_name, "results.rds"))
#' Simulate evolution of mixture by mutation, with no co-infection
#' @param iv numeric vector of length n_strains = 4.
#' Initial proportions of [mt, mt], [mt, wt], [wt, mt], [wt, wt].
#' @param fitness numeric vector of length n_strains = 4.
#' Relative fitness of the four strains.
#' @param burst_size numeric vector of length 1.
#' Burst size from a cell infected with one virion with fitness 1.
#' @param pop_size numeric vector of length 1. Initial number of virions.
#' @param generations numeric vector of length 1. Number of generations for
#' which to run model.
#' @param mutation_prob probability of mutation for each new virion. Assume same
#' for pb1 and pa.
#' @return matrix of dim c(generations, n_strains). Proportion of virions of
#' each strain for each generation.
#' @export
run_mutation_model_no_coinfection <- function(iv, fitness, burst_size, pop_size,
generations, mutation_prob) {
# equivalent to allowing co-infection, but only one virion is selected to be
# productive and that virion dictates the burst size... or not? Because we're
# saying that the virions are uniformly spread out across cells rather than
# being Poisson distributed
n_strains <- 4
# assign strains to initial virus population
popn_by_strain <- round_preserve_sum(normalise(iv) * pop_size)
burst_size_by_strain_per_virus <- burst_size * fitness
results <- matrix(0, nrow = generations, ncol = n_strains)
results[1,] <- popn_by_strain
mutation_matrix <- make_mutation_matrix(mutation_prob)
for(generation in 2:generations) {
burst_size <- probabilistic_round(burst_size_by_strain_per_virus * popn_by_strain)
burst_size <- matrix(burst_size, ncol = 1)
# deterministic mutation
burst_size <- (mutation_matrix %*% burst_size)
burst_size <- as.numeric(burst_size)
# to do: should be selecting from, rather than sampling with probability...
popn_by_strain <- rmultinom(1, pop_size, normalise(burst_size))
popn_by_strain <- as.numeric(popn_by_strain)
results[generation,] <- popn_by_strain
results <- apply(results, 1, normalise)
rownames(results) <- c("MM", "MW", "WM", "WW")
#' Simulate evolution of mixture by reassortment and/or mutation
#' @param iv numeric vector of length n_strains = 4.
#' Initial proportions of [mt, mt], [mt, wt], [wt, mt], [wt, wt].
#' @param fitness numeric vector of length n_strains = 4.
#' Relative fitness of the four strains.
#' @param burst_size numeric vector of length 1.
#' Burst size from a cell infected with one virion with fitness 1.
#' @param n_cells numeric vector of length 1. Number of cells.
#' @param pop_size numeric vector of length 1. Number of virions.
#' @param generations numeric vector of length 1. Number of generations for
#' which to run model.
#' @param mutation_prob probability of mutation for each new virion. Assume same
#' for pb1 and pa.
#' @param coinfection logical. If TRUE, cells can be infected by more than one
#' virion. If FALSE, each cell can only be infected by one virion.
#' @param MOI_dependent_burst_size logical. If TRUE, for a cell infected with a
#' single strain, the burst size scales with the MOI for that cell. If FALSE,
#' the burst size is independent of the MOI.
#' @param choose_strain_by_fitness logical. If TRUE, strain(s) producing virions
#' in cell is/are chosen proportional to fitness and abundance, otherwise
#' proportional to abundance only
#' @param one_strain_produced logical. If TRUE, each cell can only produce progeny
#' from one of its co-infecting strains. If FALSE, each cell can produce progeny
#' for all of its coinfecting strains.
#' @param reassort logical. If TRUE, random reassortment of segments occurs
#' before packaging. If FALSE, each strain in the cell effectively produces
#' pre-packaged viruses
#' @return matrix of dim c(generations, n_strains). Proportion of virions of
#' each strain for each generation.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
simulate_evolution <- function(iv, fitness, burst_size, n_cells,
pop_size, generations, mutation_prob,
reassort) {
# faster implementation for the case with no co-infection
if(!coinfection) {
return(run_mutation_model_no_coinfection(iv, fitness, burst_size, pop_size,
generations, mutation_prob))
n_strains <- 4 # MM, MW, WM, WW
# function to assign cell number to each virion
assign_cells <- function(virus_popn) {
cbind(virus_popn, sample.int(n_cells, length(virus_popn), replace=TRUE))
# assign strains to initial virus population and
# decide which virion is in which cell (assume Poisson distribution)
virus_popn <- round_preserve_sum(normalise(iv) * pop_size)
virus_popn <- enumerate_popn(virus_popn)
virus_popn <- assign_cells(virus_popn)
colnames(virus_popn) <- c("strain", "cell_no")
# initialise results matrix
results <- matrix(0, nrow = generations, ncol = n_strains)
results[1,] <- sum_strains(virus_popn[,"strain"])
mutate_popn <- mutate_popn_wrapper(mutation_prob)
# run simulation
# output_timing <- "timing.txt"
# old_time <- Sys.time()
for(generation in 2:generations) {
# determine the number of virions produced by a given cell, and what strains they belong to
make_new_popn <- function(virus_popn) {
# determine the number of virions of each strain that infected the cell
strains_in_cell <- sum_strains(virus_popn)
# determine the burst size from this cell.
# If the burst size is MOI-independent, then it is burst_size *
# the average fitness of the co-infecting virions.
# If the burst size of MOI-dependent, then it is burst_size *
# the summed fitnesses of the co-infectin virions.
burst_size_from_cell <- burst_size * sum(fitness * strains_in_cell)
if(!MOI_dependent_burst_size) {
burst_size_from_cell <- burst_size_from_cell / sum(strains_in_cell)
burst_size_from_cell <- rpois(1, burst_size_from_cell)
# return early if no virions are produced
if(burst_size_from_cell == 0) {
# for each virion produced, prob_strain[x] gives the probability that
# the virion is from strain x
# if choose_strain_by_fitness is TRUE, prob_strain is a function of both
# the number of virions of each strain infecting the cell and the fitness
# of each strain; of FALSE, prob_strain is a function of the number of
# virions of each strain infecting the cell only
if(choose_strain_by_fitness) {
prob_strain <- normalise(strains_in_cell * fitness)
} else {
prob_strain <- normalise(strains_in_cell)
# old implementation of reassortment. rmultinom at the strain level + reassort
# produces less variance than rbinom at the segment level
# if(one_strain_produced) {
# new_popn <- as.numeric(rmultinom(1, 1, prob_strain) * burst_size)
# } else {
# new_popn <- as.numeric(rmultinom(1, burst_size, prob_strain))
# }
# # reassort then mutate. Does the order matter?
# if(reassort) {
# new_popn <- reassort_popn(new_popn)
# }
# if one_strain_produced is TRUE, choose the strain all the newly produced
# virions belong to according to prob_strain
if(one_strain_produced) {
new_popn <- as.numeric(rmultinom(1, 1, prob_strain) * burst_size_from_cell)
} else {
# if one_strain_produced is FALSE and there is reassortment, choose
# the newly produced segments and randomly package them
if(reassort) {
new_popn <- make_and_package_segments(prob_strain, burst_size_from_cell)
} else {
# if one_strain_produced is FALSE and there is no reassortment, choose
# the strain each newly produced virion belongs to according to prob_strain
new_popn <- as.numeric(rmultinom(1, burst_size_from_cell, prob_strain))
# apply the above function to all infected cells and combine the results
virus_popn <- tapply(virus_popn[,"strain"], virus_popn[,"cell_no"], make_new_popn)
virus_popn <- do.call(rbind, virus_popn) %>%
# mutate the newly produced strain population
if(mutation_prob > 0) {
virus_popn <- mutate_popn(virus_popn)
virus_popn <- enumerate_popn(virus_popn)
# cap virus population (assume the effective reproduction number is 1
# and thus the virus population is constant)
if(length(virus_popn) > pop_size) {
virus_popn <- virus_popn[sample.int(length(virus_popn), pop_size)]
# assign which cell each new virion infects.
# assumes each new generation infects the same number of cells --
# probably ok if effective reproduction number = 1.
virus_popn <- assign_cells(virus_popn)
colnames(virus_popn) <- c("strain", "cell_no")
results[generation,] <- sum_strains(virus_popn[,"strain"])
# )
# new_time <- Sys.time()
# timing <- new_time - old_time
# print(timing)
# old_time <- new_time
# write(timing, output_timing, append = TRUE)
# return proportion of each strain at given generation number
results <- apply(results, 1, normalise)
rownames(results) <- c("MM", "MW", "WM", "WW")
#' make matrix of probabilities of strain x mutating into strain y
#' @param mutation_prob mutation probability
#' @return 4x4 matrix of mutation probabilities
make_mutation_matrix <- function(mutation_prob) {
n_strains <- 4
mutation_matrix <- matrix(c(0, mutation_prob, mutation_prob, mutation_prob^2,
mutation_prob, 0, mutation_prob^2, mutation_prob,
mutation_prob, mutation_prob^2, 0, mutation_prob,
mutation_prob^2, mutation_prob, mutation_prob, 0),
nrow = n_strains, byrow = TRUE)
diag(mutation_matrix) <- 1 - rowSums(mutation_matrix)
#' make function to mutate a population of virions
#' @param mutation_prob probability of mutation for each virion. Assume same
#' for pb1 and pa.
#' @return function that takes the argument virus_popn: numeric vector of
#' length 4, with the number of virions in each of the 4 strains, and outputs
#' the same vector but with mutated virions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
mutate_popn_wrapper <- function(mutation_prob) {
mutation_matrix <- make_mutation_matrix(mutation_prob) %>%
function(virus_popn) {
Map(rmultinom, virus_popn, mutation_matrix, n = 1) %>%
do.call(cbind, .) %>%
# round_preserve_sum(as.numeric(mutation_matrix %*% matrix(virus_popn, ncol = 1)))
#' old implementation of reassortment
#' @param virus_popn numeric vector of length 4, with the number of virions
#' in each of the 4 strains
#' @return numeric vector of length 4, with the number of virions
#' in each of the 4 strains, after reassortment
reassort_popn <- function(virus_popn) {
strain_segments <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
popn_segments <- enumerate_popn(virus_popn)
popn_segments <- t(vapply(popn_segments, function(x) strain_segments[x,], numeric(2)))
popn_segments[,2] <- sample(popn_segments[,2])
new_popn <- apply(popn_segments, 1, segments_to_strain)
new_popn <- sum_strains(new_popn)
#' take a vector with the number of virions of each strain, and return a vector
#' of length equal to the number of virions, where each entry is the strain number
#' of that virion (the reverse of sum_strains)
#' @param virus_popn numeric vector of length 4, with the number of virions
#' in each of the 4 strains
#' @return numeric vector of length sum(virus_popn), where each entry is the
#' strain number of a virion
enumerate_popn <- function(virus_popn) {
unlist(Map(function(x, y) rep(x, each = y),
#' turns a list of segment indices into a strain number
#' @param idx numeric vector of length 2, where each entry is 1 or 0:
#' 1 in the first entry indicates MT PB1,
#' 1 in the second entry indicates MT PA
#' @return the strain number of the virion -- MM = 1, MW = 2, WM = 3, WW = 4
segments_to_strain <- function(idx) {
-(2 * idx[,1] + idx[,2] + 1) + 5
#' takes a vector of length equal to the number of virions,
#' where each entry is the strain number of that virion, and returns a vector
#' with the number of virions of each strain (the reverse of enumerate_popn)
#' @param strains a vector of length equal to the number of virions,
#' where each entry is the strain number of that virion
#' @return numeric vector of length 4, with the number of virions
#' in each of the 4 strains
sum_strains <- function(strains) {
n_strains <- 4
vnapply(seq_len(n_strains), function(x) sum(strains == x))
#' returns the number of newly produced virions after reassortment and before mutation
#' @param prob_strain numeric vector of length 4. Probabilities of the segments
#' corresponding to each of the four strains being produced.
#' @param burst_size burst size from a given cell
#' @return numeric vector of length 4, with the number of newly produced virions
#' in each of the 4 strains
make_and_package_segments <- function(prob_strain, burst_size) {
strain_segments <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
prob_wt_segment <- colSums(strain_segments * prob_strain)
prob_wt_segment <- pmin(prob_wt_segment, 1) # gets rid of rounding errors
# segments <- vnapply(prob_wt_segment, function(x) rbinom(1, burst_size, x))
# strains <- numeric(length(prob_strain))
# # pair WT PA segments[1] up with PB1s -- sample from segments[2] WT PB1s out of burst_size PB1s
# strains[1] <- rhyper(1, segments[2], burst_size - segments[2], segments[1])
# # rest of WT PA segments must be paired with mutants
# strains[3] <- segments[1] - strains[1]
# remaining_WT_PB1 <- segments[2] - strains[1]
# remaining_MUT_PB1 <- burst_size - segments[1] - remaining_WT_PB1
# strains[2] <- rhyper(1, remaining_WT_PB1, remaining_MUT_PB1, burst_size - segments[1])
# strains[4] <- burst_size - sum(strains)
# stopifnot(all(strains >= 0))
segments <- vapply(prob_wt_segment, function(x) rbinom(burst_size, 1, x), numeric(burst_size))
if(!is.matrix(segments)) {
segments <- matrix(segments, nrow = 1)
strains <- sum_strains(segments_to_strain(segments))
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