#' Fill NA cells in a raster using interpolation
#' @description This function uses splines to fill `NA` cells in a raster based on the values of nearby cells. Depending on the method used, not all `NA` cells can be filled.
#' @param x A `GRaster`.
#' @param lambda Either `NULL` (default), or a numeric value > 0: If `NULL`, then the function will use leave-one-out crossvalidation to find the optimal value.
#' @param method Character: Type of spline, either "`bilinear`" (default), "`bicubic`", or "`RST`" (regularized splines with tension). Partial matching is used and case is ignored.
#' **Note**: The RST method will often display warnings, but these can be ignored.
#' @param min,max Numeric: Lowest and highest values allowed in the interpolated values. Values outside these bounds will be truncated to the minimum/maximum value(s) allowed. The default imposes no constraints. For multi-layered rasters, you can supply a single value for `min` and/or `max`, or multiple values (one per layer). Values will be recycled if there are fewer than one or them per layer in the raster.
#' @param cells Integer or numeric integer: Number of cells away from the non-`NA` cells to fill. For example, if `cells = 2`, then only cells within a 2-cell buffer of non-`NA` cells will be filled. The default is `Inf` (fill all possible cells--some methods may not be able to do this, depending on the configuration of the raster).
#' @returns A `GRaster`.
#' @example man/examples/ex_fillNAs.r
#' @seealso [terra::interpNear()], **GRASS** module `r.fillnulls` (see `grassHelp("r.fillnulls")`)
#' @aliases fillNAs
#' @rdname fillNAs
#' @exportMethod fillNAs
f = "fillNAs",
signature = c(x = "GRaster"),
function(x, lambda = NULL, method = "bilinear", min = -Inf, max = Inf, cells = Inf) {
method <- tolower(method)
method <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(method, c("bilinear", "bicubic", "rst"), n = 1L)
nLayers <- nlyr(x)
if (length(min) < nLayers) min <- rep(min, length.out = nLayers)
if (length(max) < nLayers) max <- rep(max, length.out = nLayers)
mm <- minmax(x)
if (any(min > mm["min", ])) warning("The `min` value is greater than the actual minimum value in at least one raster layer.\n Observed values will be truncated.")
if (any(max > mm["max", ])) warning("The `max` value is less than the actual maximum value in at least one raster layer.\n Observed values will be truncated.")
srcs <- .makeSourceName("r_fillnulls", "raster", nLayers)
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
# mask
if (!is.infinite(cells)) {
maskSrc <- .makeSourceName("r_grow", "raster")
cmd = "r.grow",
input = sources(x)[i],
output = maskSrc,
radius = cells + 0.01,
metric = "euclidean",
old = 1,
new = 1,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
cmd = "r.mask",
raster = maskSrc,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
args <- list(
cmd = "r.fillnulls",
input = sources(x)[i],
output = srcs[i],
method = method,
memory = faster("memory"),
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"),
Sys_show.output.on.console = FALSE
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
# unmask
if (!is.infinite(cells)) .removeMask()
# constrain interpolation
if (!is.infinite(min[i]) | !is.infinite(max[i])) {
srcIn <- srcs[i]
srcs[i] <- .makeSourceName("r_mapcalc", "raster")
if (!is.infinite(min[i]) & is.infinite(max[i])) {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", srcIn, " < ", min[i], ", ", min[i], ", ", srcIn, ")")
} else if (is.infinite(min[i]) & !is.infinite(max[i])) {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", srcIn, " > ", max[i], ", ", max[i], ", ", srcIn, ")")
} else if (!is.infinite(min[i]) & !is.infinite(max[i])) {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", srcIn, " < ", min[i], ", ", min[i], ", if (", srcIn, " > ", max[i], ", ", max[i], ", ", srcIn, "))")
cmd = "r.mapcalc",
expression = ex,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
.rm(srcIn, type = "raster", warn = FALSE)
.makeGRaster(srcs, names(x))
} # EOF
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