
#' Combine multiple independent P-values together using Fisher's method
#' Fisher's method for combining P-values together consists of studying a test statistic of \eqn{T = \sum_i -log(P_i)} and
#' finding the corresponding point in the cumulative distribution of an appropriately parameterised chi-squared distribution.
#' The basic assumption is that P-values are uniformly distributed under the null-hypothesis, meaning that \eqn{-log(P) \sim exp(1)}. Recall that
#' if \eqn{X \sim exp(1)} then \eqn{\sum_{k} X_{k} \sim \Gamma (k,1) \sim \chi^2 (2k) } (note that the gamma and erlang distributions are identical for integer \eqn{k}).
#' We therefore simply calculate the point in the cumulative of the gamma distribution
#' Note that the use of this method for analysis of omics datasets was pioneered by Luo et al.
#' @inheritParams betaUniformPvalueSumTest
#' @param rate Provide the rate for the exponential in the sum (distributed as a
#' gamma)
#' @param na.rm remove NA. Default set to TRUE
#' @param ... extra-arguments
#' @return combinedPval A single P-value combining the results of multiple
#' independent hypothesis tests into one
#' @references \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher\%27s_method}
#' @references \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang_distribution}
#' @references Luo, W., Friedman, M. S., Shedden, K., Hankenson, K. D., & Woolf, P. J. (2009). GAGE: generally applicable gene set enrichment for pathway analysis. BMC Bioinformatics
#' @importFrom stats pgamma
#' @importFrom Biobase mkScalar
#' @seealso betaUniformPvalueSumTest
#' @family P-value sum tests
#' @rdname fishersPvalueSumTest
#' @export
           signature = c("testPvalues"),
           valueClass = "Pvalue",
           function(testPvalues, ...) standardGeneric("fishersPvalueSumTest"))

#' @describeIn fishersPvalueSumTest Convert to P-values on the fly
          signature = c( testPvalues = "numeric"),
          function(testPvalues, ...) callGeneric( new("Pvalues", testPvalues), na.rm = TRUE, ...) )

#' @describeIn fishersPvalueSumTest Fisher's combined probability test
          signature = c(testPvalues = "Pvalues"),
          function(testPvalues, na.rm = TRUE, rate = 1, ...){

            if(na.rm){testPvalues <- na.omit(testPvalues)}
            if(length(testPvalues) == 0){stop("No non-NA P-values passed in to routine!")}
            if(any(testPvalues < .Machine$double.xmin)){warning("One or more test P-values are less than machine precision. This could easily result in inaccuracies.")}

            testStatistic <- sum(-log(testPvalues))
            nValues <- length(testPvalues)

            #Using the pgama parameterisation, rather than chi-squared, so as to be consistent with paper derivation
            fishersMethodPval <- pgamma(testStatistic, shape = nValues, rate = rate, lower.tail = FALSE)

            return(new("Pvalue", mkScalar(fishersMethodPval)))
adamsardar/metaDEGth documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 10:12 p.m.