
Defines functions subsetVCF readVCF createVCF

Documented in createVCF readVCF subsetVCF

#' Creates a regional vcf file using bcftools to extract a region from 1000 genomes vcf files
#' @return none
#' @export
createVCF = function() {

    # node ../fq-thin-vcf-file.js --out vt.vcf --in chr2.vcf --thin 0.7
    # bcftools view -s NA19904,NA19913,NA20317,NA20318,NA20334,NA20355,NA20359,NA20362 vt.vcf|grep -v '^##' > vt2.vcf

    #4 90645249 90759446 strand -1 id SNCA name SNCA bioType protein_coding


# 4 77356252 77704404 strand 1 id SHROOM3 name SHROOM3 bioType protein_coding

bcftools view -S /tmp/CEU.txt --force-samples -r $REGION  $VCF > /tmp/1.vcf
grep -v "^##" /tmp/1.vcf > /tmp/2.vcf
cp /tmp/2.vcf ~/tmp



#' Read a vcf file, with options to filter out low or high frequency markers.
#' @param filename Input VCF file
#' @param thin How much to thin markers
#' @param maxNumberOfVariants Maximum number of variants to keep from region
#' @param min_maf Minimum allele frequency of markers to keep. If NA skip min_maf filtering.
#' @param max_maf Maximum allele frequency of markers to keep. If NA skip max_maf filtering.
#' @param region_start Extract a region from a vcf files with this starting basepair position
#' @param region_end Extract a region from a vcf files with this ending basepair position
#' @return VCF object to be used by startSimulation function.
#' @examples
#' examples_dir = system.file("examples", package = "sim1000G")
#' vcf_file = file.path(examples_dir,
#'   "region-chr4-93-TMEM156.vcf.gz")
#' vcf = readVCF( vcf_file, maxNumberOfVariants = 500 ,
#'                min_maf = 0.02 ,max_maf = NA)
#' str(as.list(vcf))
#' @export
readVCF = function(filename = "data.vcf",
                   thin = NA,
                   maxNumberOfVariants = 400,
                   min_maf = 0.02,
                   max_maf = NA,
                   region_start = NA,
                   region_end = NA

    if(  grepl(".rdata", filename) ) {

        cat("[#.......] Loading VCF environment from rdata file\n")

        e1 = new.env()
        load(filename, envir=e1)

        vcf = e1$vcf
        cat("[##......] Number of variants in VCF: ", nrow(vcf$vcf) , "\n");
        cat("[##......] Number of individuals in VCF: ", ncol(vcf$gt1) , "\n");



    cat("[#.......] Reading VCF file..\n")

    # vcf = read.table(filename, sep="\t", comment.char="", as.is=T, header=T)

    readr_locale = locale(date_names = "en", date_format = "%AD", time_format = "%AT",
           decimal_mark = ".", grouping_mark = ",", tz = "",
           encoding = "UTF-8", asciify = FALSE)

    # in the futre we would like to use data.table as it is faster


    vcf = read_delim(filename, "\t", comment = "##", progress = FALSE, locale = readr_locale)
    vcf = as.data.frame(vcf)

    # Keep bi-allelic markers only
    #vcf = vcf[str_length(vcf[,5]) == 1 ,]
    vcf = vcf[ !grepl(",",vcf[,5]) ,]

    if( !is.na( region_start ) ) vcf = vcf[ vcf[,2] >= region_start  , ]
    if( !is.na( region_end   ) ) vcf = vcf[ vcf[,2] <= region_end    , ]

    if( nrow(vcf) < 5 ) {
         cat("Too few variants in VCF file ( < 5 )\n");

    if(is.na(maxNumberOfVariants) ) maxNumberOfVariants = 1e10

    # Reduce number of variants
    if( !is.na(thin) )
        vcf = vcf[seq(1,nrow(vcf),by = thin) ,]

    cat("[##......] Chromosome:  ", unique(vcf[,1]),
        " Mbp: " , min(vcf[,2])/1e6,
        " Region Size: ", 1e-3 * ( max(vcf[,2])-min(vcf[,2]) ) ,"kb ",
        "Num of individuals:", ncol(vcf)-9,

    cat("[##......] Before filtering ",
        "Num of variants:", dim(vcf)[1] ,
        "Num of individuals:", ncol(vcf)-9,

    individual_ids = colnames(vcf)[-(1:9)]
    gt = vcf[,-(1:9) ]
    vcf = vcf[,1:9]

    gt1 = apply( gt, 2,  function(x) as.numeric( str_sub(x,1,1) )  )
    gt2 = apply( gt, 2,  function(x) as.numeric( str_sub(x,3,3) )  )

    #### --- Filter by MAF ---- ####

    #cat("[###.....] Filtering and thinning variants\n");

    maf = apply( (gt1>0)+(gt2>0) ,1,function(x) mean(x,na.rm=T))/2

    #sites = apply(gt1+gt2,1,function(x) sum(!is.na(x)) )

    #maf = maf / ( 2*sites )


    #maf[maf>0.5] = 1-maf[maf>0.5]

    #maf2 = apply(gt2,1,function(x) mean(x,na.rm=T))
    #maf2[maf2>0.5] = 1 - maf2[maf2>0.5]

    ok = apply(gt1,1,function(x) max(x,na.rm=T))
    s = which(ok < 2)

    if( ! is.na(min_maf) ) {  s = intersect( s  ,   which(maf >= min_maf ) ) }

    if( ! is.na(max_maf) ) {  s = intersect( s  ,   which(maf <= max_maf ) ) }

    total_number_of_variants_within_maf = length(s)

    if(length(s) > maxNumberOfVariants) s = sort( sample(s,maxNumberOfVariants) )

    gt1 = gt1[s,]
    gt2 = gt2[s,]
    gt = gt[s,]
    vcf = vcf[s,]
    maf = maf[s]

    # cat("Q: flip genotypes if maf > 0.5???????????\n")

    cat("[###.....] After filtering ",
        "Num of variants:", dim(vcf)[1] ,
        "Num of individuals:", ncol(gt1),


    R = new.env()

    R$vcf = vcf
    R$gt1 = gt1
    R$gt2 = gt2
    R$individual_ids = individual_ids
    R$maf = maf

    R$varid = paste(R$vcf[,1],R$vcf[,2],R$vcf[,3],R$vcf[,4],R$vcf[,5] )

    R$total_number_of_variants_within_maf = total_number_of_variants_within_maf

    # R$gt = gt



#' Generate a market subset of a vcf file
#' @param vcf VCF data as created by function readVCF
#' @param var_id id  of markers to subset. Should be a selection from vcf$varid. NA if no filtering on id to be performed.
#' @param var_index index of number to subset. Should be in the range 1..length(vcf$varid)
#' @param individual_id IDs of individuals to subset. Should be a selection from vcf$individual_id
#' @return VCF object to be used by startSimulation function.
#' @examples
#' examples_dir = system.file("examples", package = "sim1000G")
#' vcf_file = file.path(examples_dir, "region-chr4-93-TMEM156.vcf.gz")
#' vcf = readVCF( vcf_file, maxNumberOfVariants = 500 ,
#'                min_maf = 0.02 ,max_maf = NA)
#' vcf2 = subsetVCF(vcf, var_index = 1:50)
#' @export
subsetVCF = function(vcf , var_index = NA , var_id = NA, individual_id = NA )

    R = new.env()

    if(!is.na(var_id[1]) && !is.na(var_index[1])) { stop("only one of var_id and var_index should be given")}

    if(!is.na(var_id[1])) var_subset = which(vcf$varid %in% var_id)

    if(!is.na(var_index[1])) var_subset = var_index

    if(length(var_subset) == 0) stop("no variants found")

    s = var_subset

    vcf2 = as.list(vcf)

    vcf2$maf = vcf2$maf [s]
    vcf2$varid = vcf2$varid [s]

    vcf2$gt1 = vcf2$gt1 [s,]
    vcf2$gt2 = vcf2$gt2 [s,]

    vcf2$vcf = vcf2$vcf [s,]

    if(!is.na(individual_id)) {

        s = which(vcf$individual_ids %in% individual_id)

        if(length(s) == 0) stop("no individuals found")

        vcf2$individual_ids = vcf2$individual_ids[s]
        vcf2$gt1 = vcf2$gt1[,s]
        vcf2$gt2 = vcf2$gt2[,s]

        # vcf$maf = apply(vcf2$gt1+vcf2$gt2, mean, na.rm=T) / 2

adimitromanolakis/sim1000G documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 3:44 a.m.