Man pages for aib-group/PFP
Pathway Fingerprint Framework in R

calc_PFP_scoreGet the pathway fingerprint of a gene_list
data_stdA matrix of counts A dataset of gene expression profile, a...
gene_list_hsaA gene list of human gene_list_hsa is a array of 40 genetic...
genes_score-methodsThe score of genes in _PFP_ class
get_asso_netmerge the edges_coexp and edges_kegg
get_exp_cor_edgesget co-expression genes
get_pathway_infoget pathway info of a species in KEGG
get_PFPRefnetget a PFPRefnet for a species
group-methodsgroup information of _PFPRefnet_
kegg_downloaddownload kegg KGML files
net_info-methodsBasic pathway networks information of _PFPRefnet_ class
net_names-methodsNames of basic networks
network-methodsBasic pathway networks of _PFPRefnet_ class
pathway_infopathway_info pathway_info is dataframe of the information of...
pathway_info_hsapathway_info pathway_info is dataframe of the information of...
pathways_score-methodsBasic pathway networks scores of _PFP_ class
PFPThe NFP package
PFPRefnet_hsaPathway fingerprint data of human
PFPRefnet_mmuPathway fingerprint data of mouse
PFP_score-methodsThe score of _PFP_
plot_PFPlistPlot multiple PFPs.
plot_PFP-methodsPlot PFP results
rank_PFP-methodsrank PFPscore
refnet_info-methodsBasic network information of _PFP_ class
refnet_names-methodsNames of basic networks
result_PFP-methodsresult of the PFP object.
show_net-methodsShow an Object
show_PFP-methodsThe show_PFP generic function
stats_test-methodsThe P value of _PFP_
subnet-methodsSubset the basic networks
sub_PFP-methodssubset of PFP object
trans_graph2PFPRefnettranslate graph_list to PFPRefnet class
trans_xml2graphtranslate kgml files to graphNEl
aib-group/PFP documentation built on Dec. 27, 2020, 1:13 a.m.