# Author :
# Sebastien Dejean, Institut de Mathematiques, Universite de Toulouse et CNRS (UMR 5219), France
# Ignacio Gonzalez, Genopole Toulouse Midi-Pyrenees, France
# Kim-Anh Le Cao, French National Institute for Agricultural Research and
# ARC Centre of Excellence ins Bioinformatics, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia
# Leigh Coonan, Student, University of Queensland, Australia
# Fangzhou Yao, Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics, University of Queensland, Australia and
# Shangai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, P.R. China
# Jeff Coquery, Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics, University of Queensland, Australia and
# Sup Biotech, Paris, France
# Florian Rohart, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
# created: 2009
# last modified: 05-10-2017
# Copyright (C) 2009
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#' Print Methods for CCA, (s)PLS, PCA and Summary objects
#' Produce \code{print} methods for class \code{"rcc"}, \code{"pls"},
#' \code{"spls"}, \code{"pca"}, \code{"rgcca"}, \code{"sgcca"} and
#' \code{"summary"}.
#' \code{print} method for \code{"rcc"}, \code{"pls"}, \code{"spls"}
#' \code{"pca"}, \code{"rgcca"}, \code{"sgcca"} class, returns a description of
#' the \code{x} object including: the function used, the regularization
#' parameters (if \code{x} of class \code{"rcc"}), the (s)PLS algorithm used
#' (if \code{x} of class \code{"pls"} or \code{"spls"}), the samples size, the
#' number of variables selected on each of the sPLS components (if \code{x} of
#' class \code{"spls"}) and the available components of the object.
#' \code{print} method for \code{"summary"} class, gives the (s)PLS algorithm
#' used (if \code{x} of class \code{"pls"} or \code{"spls"}), the number of
#' variates considered, the canonical correlations (if \code{x} of class
#' \code{"rcc"}), the number of variables selected on each of the sPLS
#' components (if \code{x} of class \code{"spls"}) and the available components
#' for Communalities Analysis, Redundancy Analysis and Variable Importance in
#' the Projection (VIP).
#' @aliases print print.rcc print.mixo_pls print.mixo_spls print.summary
#' print.pca print.spca print.rgcca print.sgcca
#' @param x object of class inherited from \code{"rcc"}, \code{"pls"},
#' \code{"spls"}, \code{"pca"}, \code{"spca"}, \code{"rgcca"}, \code{"sgcca"}or
#' \code{"summary"}.
#' @param list() not used currently.
#' @return none
#' @author Sébastien Déjean, Ignacio González and Kim-Anh Lê Cao.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rcc}}, \code{\link{pls}}, \code{\link{spls}},
#' \code{\link{vip}}.
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @examples
#' ## print for objects of class 'rcc'
#' X <- nutrimouse$lipid
#' Y <- nutrimouse$gene
#' nutri.res <- rcc(X, Y, ncomp = 3, lambda1 = 0.064, lambda2 = 0.008)
#' print(nutri.res)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## print for objects of class 'summary'
#' more <- summary(nutri.res, cutoff = 0.65)
#' print(more)
#' ## print for objects of class 'pls'
#' X <- linnerud$exercise
#' Y <- linnerud$physiological
#' linn.pls <- pls(X, Y)
#' print(linn.pls)
#' ## print for objects of class 'spls'
#' X <- liver.toxicity$gene
#' Y <- liver.toxicity$clinic
#' toxicity.spls <- spls(X, Y, ncomp = 3, keepX = c(50, 50, 50),
#' keepY = c(10, 10, 10))
#' print(toxicity.spls)
#' }
#------------------ print method for pls ------------------#
print.mixo_pls <-
function(x, ...)
mode = paste("'", x$mode, "'", sep = "")
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" PLS with a", mode, "mode with", x$ncomp, "PLS components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y of dimensions:", nrow(x$Y), ncol(x$Y), "\n\n")
cat(" No variable selection. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
#------------------ print method for mint.pls ------------------#
print.mint.pls <-
function(x, ...)
mode = paste("'", x$mode, "'", sep = "")
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" MINT PLS with a", mode, "mode with", x$ncomp, "PLS components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y of dimensions:", nrow(x$Y), ncol(x$Y), "\n\n")
cat(" You entered a grouping factor with", nlevels(x$study), "studies. \n")
cat(" No variable selection. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" loading vectors per study: see object$loadings.partial \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variates per study: see object$variates.partial \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
#------------------ print method for plsda ------------------#
print.mixo_plsda <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" PLS-DA (regression mode) with", x$ncomp, "PLS-DA components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y with", ncol(x$ind.mat) , "classes. \n\n")
cat(" No variable selection. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow, cim \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" auc \n")
#------------------ print method for mint.plsda ------------------#
print.mint.plsda <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" MINT PLS-DA (regression mode) with", x$ncomp, "PLS-DA components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y with", ncol(x$ind.mat) , "classes. \n\n")
cat(" You entered a grouping factor with", nlevels(x$study), "studies. \n")
cat(" No variable selection. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" loading vectors per study: see object$loadings.partial \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variates per study: see object$variates.partial \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow, cim \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" perf, auc\n")
#----------------- print method for spls ------------------#
print.mixo_spls <-
function(x, ...)
mode = paste("'", x$mode, "'", sep = "")
keepX = paste("[", x$keepX, "]", sep = "")
keepY = paste("[", x$keepY, "]", sep = "")
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" sPLS with a", mode, "mode with", x$ncomp, "sPLS components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y of dimensions:", nrow(x$Y), ncol(x$Y), "\n\n")
cat(" Selection of", keepX, "variables on each of the sPLS components on the X data set. \n")
cat(" Selection of", keepY, "variables on each of the sPLS components on the Y data set. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
#----------------- print method for mint.spls ------------------#
print.mint.spls <-
function(x, ...)
mode = paste("'", x$mode, "'", sep = "")
keepX = paste("[", x$keepX, "]", sep = "")
keepY = paste("[", x$keepY, "]", sep = "")
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" MINT sPLS with a", mode, "mode with", x$ncomp, "sPLS components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y of dimensions:", nrow(x$Y), ncol(x$Y), "\n\n")
cat(" You entered a grouping factor with", nlevels(x$study), "studies. \n")
cat(" Selection of", keepX, "variables on each of the sPLS components on the X data set. \n")
cat(" Selection of", keepY, "variables on each of the sPLS components on the Y data set. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" loading vectors per study: see object$loadings.partial \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variates per study: see object$variates.partial \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar\n")
#----------------- print method for splsda ------------------#
print.mixo_splsda <-
function(x, ...)
keepX = paste("[", x$keepX, "]", sep = "")
keepY = paste("[", x$keepY, "]", sep = "")
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" sPLS-DA (regression mode) with", x$ncomp, "sPLS-DA components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y with", ncol(x$ind.mat) , "classes. \n\n")
cat(" Selection of", keepX, "variables on each of the sPLS-DA components on the X data set. \n")
cat(" No Y variables can be selected. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow, cim \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar, tune, perf, auc \n")
#----------------- print method for mint.splsda ------------------#
print.mint.splsda <-
function(x, ...)
keepX = paste("[", x$keepX, "]", sep = "")
keepY = paste("[", x$keepY, "]", sep = "")
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" MINT sPLS-DA (regression mode) with", x$ncomp, "sPLS-DA components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y with", ncol(x$ind.mat) , "classes. \n\n")
cat(" You entered a grouping factor with", nlevels(x$study), "studies. \n")
cat(" Selection of", keepX, "variables on each of the sPLS-DA components on the X data set. \n")
cat(" No Y variables can be selected. \n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" loading vectors per study: see object$loadings.partial \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variates per study: see object$variates.partial \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow, cim \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, cim \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar, tune, perf, auc \n")
#------------------ print method for rcc ------------------#
print.rcc <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" rCCA with", x$ncomp, "components and regularization parameters", x$lambda[1], "and", x$lambda[2], "for the X and Y data. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions :", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" You entered data Y of dimensions :", nrow(x$Y), ncol(x$Y), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" canonical correlations: see object$cor \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
# ------------------------ print for pca --------------------------------
print.pca <- function(x, ...)
ind.show = min(10, x$ncomp)
cat("Eigenvalues for the first", ind.show, "principal components, see object$sdev^2:", "\n")
per.var = x$explained_variance
names(x$sdev) = paste("PC", 1:length(x$sdev), sep = "")
names(per.var) = paste("PC", 1:length(per.var), sep = "")
names(cum.var) = paste("PC", 1:length(cum.var), sep = "")
cat("Proportion of explained variance for the first", ind.show, "principal components, see object$explained_variance:", "\n")
cat("Cumulative proportion explained variance for the first", ind.show, "principal components, see object$cum.var:", "\n")
cat(" Other available components: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$rotation \n")
# ------------------------ print for spca -------------------------
print.spca <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" sparse pCA with", x$ncomp, "principal components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" Selection of", x$keepX, "variables on each of the principal components on the X data set. \n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$rotation \n")
cat(" principal components: see object$x \n")
cat(" cumulative explained variance: see object$varX \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar, tune\n")
# ------------------------ print for ipca -------------------------
print.ipca <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" IPCA with", x$ncomp, "independent components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" unmixing matrix: see object$unmixing \n")
cat(" independent principal components: see object$x \n")
cat(" mxing matrix: see object$mixing \n")
cat(" kurtosis: see object$kurtosis \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" independent loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
# ------------------------ print for sipca -------------------------
print.sipca <-
function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Sparse IPCA with", x$ncomp, "independent components. \n")
cat(" You entered data X of dimensions:", nrow(x$X), ncol(x$X), "\n")
cat(" Selection of", x$keepX, "variables on each of the principal components on the X data set. \n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" unmixing matrix: see object$unmixing \n")
cat(" independent principal components: see object$x \n")
cat(" mxing matrix: see object$mixing \n")
cat(" kurtosis: see object$kurtosis \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" independent loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
# ------------------------ print for rgcca -------------------------
print.rgcca <- function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
# components
for(k in 1:length(x$blocks)){
cat(" rGCCA with", x$ncomp[k], "components on block", k, "named", x$names$blocks[k], "\n")
# dimension
for(k in 1 : length(x$blocks)){
cat(" Dimension of block", k, 'is ', dim(x$blocks[[k]]), "\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar\n")
# ------------------------ print for sgcca -------------------------
print.sgcca<- function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
# components
for(k in 1 : length(x$X)){
cat(" sGCCA with", x$ncomp[[k]], "components on block", k, "named", x$names$blocks[k], "\n")
# dimension
for(k in 1 : length(x$X)){
cat(" Dimension of block", k, 'is ', dim(x$X[[k]]), "\n")
# selected variables
list.select = list()
for(k in 1:length(x$X)){
list.select[[k]] = apply(x$loadings[[k]], 2, function(x){sum(x!=0)})
cat(" Selection of", list.select[[k]], "variables on each of the sGCCA components on the block", k, "\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network\n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar \n")
# ------------------------ print for sgcca -------------------------
print.sgccda<- function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
# components
for(k in 1 : length(x$X)){
cat(" sGCCA with", x$ncomp[[k]], "components on block", k, "named", x$names$blocks[k], "\n")
cat(" sGCCA with", x$ncomp[x$indY], "components on the outcome Y\n")
# dimension
for(k in 1 : length(x$X)){
cat(" Dimension of block", k, 'is ', dim(x$X[[k]]), "\n")
cat(" Outcome Y has", nlevels(x$Y), "levels \n")
# selected variables
list.select = list()
for(k in 1:length(x$X)){
list.select[[k]] = apply(x$loadings[[k]], 2, function(x){sum(x!=0)})
cat(" Selection of", list.select[[k]], "variables on each of the sGCCA components on the block", k, "\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" loading vectors: see object$loadings \n")
cat(" variates: see object$variates \n")
cat(" variable names: see object$names \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise samples: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotIndiv, plotArrow, cimDiablo, plotDiablo \n")
cat(" Functions to visualise variables: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plotVar, plotLoadings, network, circosPlot \n")
cat(" Other functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" selectVar, perf, auc \n")
#------- print for summary with (s)PLS object or rcc ---------#
print.summary <-
function(x, ...)
print.gap = 4
what = x$what
digits = x$digits
#--------------------- output pls/spls ---------------------#
if(is(x, c("pls", "spls"))){
if (is(x, "pls"))
cat(" PLS mode:", x$mode)
cat("\n Number of variates considered:", x$ncomp, "\n")
} else {
cat(" sPLS mode:", x$mode)
cat("\n Number of variates considered:", x$ncomp)
cat("\n Number of X-variables selected on each of the sPLS components:", x$keepX)
cat("\n Number of Y-variables selected on each of the sPLS components:", x$keepY, "\n")
#---------- affichage communaute ----------#
if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "communalities"))
cat("\n\n Communalities Analysis:\n",
cat("\n X-Variables vs their own Variates: see object$CM.X$own \n")
cat("\n X-Variables vs the opposite Variates: see object$CM.X$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs their own Variates: see object$CM.Y$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs the opposite Variates: see object$CM.Y$opp \n")
#--------- affichage redondance -----------#
if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "redundancy"))
cat("\n\n Redundancy Analysis:\n",
cat("\n X-Variables vs their own Variates: see object$Rd.X$own \n")
cat("\n X-Variables vs the opposite Variates: see object$Rd.X$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs their own Variates: see object$Rd.Y$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs the opposite Variates: see object$Rd.Y$opp \n")
#---------- tableau VIP ---------#
if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "VIP"))
cat("\n\n", "Variable Importance in the Projection (VIP): see object$VIP \n",
"------------------------------------------- \n\n")
} #end if pls
# ---------------------- output rcc ------------------------#
if(is(x, "rcc"))
print.gap = 4
if (any(what == "all"))
cat(" Number of canonical variates considered:", x$ncomp, "\n")
cat("\n Canonical correlations:",
"\n ----------------------\n")
print(round(x$can.cor, digits = digits), print.gap = print.gap)
#-- affichage communaute --#
if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "communalities"))
cat("\n\n Canonical Communalities Analysis:\n",
cat("\n X-Variables vs their own Canonical Variates: see object$Cm.X$own \n")
cat("\n X-Variables vs the opposite Canonical Variates: see object$Cm.X$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs their own Canonical Variates: see object$Cm.Y$own \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs the opposite Canonical Variates: see object$Cm.Y$opp \n")
#--------- affichage redondance -----------#
if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "redundancy"))
cat("\n\n Redundancy Analysis:\n",
cat("\n X-Variables vs their own Variates: see object$Rd.X$own \n")
cat("\n X-Variables vs the opposite Variates: see object$Rd.X$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs their own Variates: see object$Rd.Y$opp \n")
cat("\n Y-Variables vs the opposite Variates: see object$Rd.Y$opp \n")
} #end rcc
# perf.diablo / sgccda.mthd
# perf.splsda = perf.plsda / splsda.mthd plsda.mthd
# perf.spls = perf.pls / spls.mthd pls.mthd
print.perf.pls.mthd = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" MSEP, R2, Q2, Q2.total, RSS, PRESS. See the help file ?perf \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.perf.spls.mthd = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" MSEP, R2, Q2, Q2.total, RSS, PRESS. See the help file ?perf \n")
cat(" Stable features of X on each component: see object$features$stable.X \n")
cat(" Stable features of Y on each component: see object$features$stable.Y \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.perf.plsda.mthd = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Error rate (overall or BER) for each component and for each distance: see object$error.rate \n")
cat(" Error rate per class, for each component and for each distance: see object$error.rate.class \n")
cat(" Prediction values for each component: see object$predict \n")
cat(" Classification of each sample, for each component and for each distance: see object$class \n")
cat(" AUC values: see object$auc if auc = TRUE \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.perf.splsda.mthd = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Error rate (overall or BER) for each component and for each distance (averaged over the nrepeat): see object$error.rate \n")
cat(" Error rate (overall or BER) for each component, for each distance and for each repeat: see object$error.rate.all \n")
cat(" Error rate per class, for each component and for each distance: see object$error.rate.class \n")
cat(" Prediction values for each component: see object$predict \n")
cat(" Classification of each sample, for each component and for each distance: see object$class \n")
cat(" Stable features on each component: see object$features$stable \n")
cat(" AUC values: see object$auc if auc = TRUE \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.perf.mint.splsda.mthd = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Study-specific error rate (overall, BER and error rate per class) for each component and for each distance: see object$study.specific.error \n")
cat(" Global error rate (overall, BER and error rate per class) for each component and for each distance: see object$global.error \n")
cat(" Prediction values for each component: see object$predict \n")
cat(" Classification of each sample, for each component and for each distance: see object$class \n")
cat(" AUC values: see object$auc \n")
cat(" AUC values per study: see object$auc.study if auc = TRUE \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.perf.sgccda.mthd = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Error rate (overall or BER) for each component and for each distance: see object$error.rate \n")
cat(" Error rate per class, for each component and for each distance: see object$error.rate.class \n")
cat(" Prediction values for each component: see object$predict \n")
cat(" Classification of each sample, for each component and for each distance: see object$class \n")
cat(" Stable features on each component: see object$features$stable \n")
cat(" AUC values: see object$auc if auc = TRUE \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
# tune: "spls", "splsda", "mint.splsda", "rcc", "pca"
print.tune.pca = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" for all principal components, see object$sdev, object$explained_variance and object$cum.var\n")
print.tune.rcc = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" lambda1 = ", x$opt.lambda1, ", see object$opt.lambda1\n", " lambda2 = ", x$opt.lambda2, ", see object$opt.lambda2\n",
"CV-score = ", x$opt.score, ", see object$opt.score\n")
print.tune.splsda = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Optimal keepX for each component, see object$choice.keepX \n")
cat(" Optimal number of components: see object$choice.ncomp \n")
cat(" Error rate for each tested keepX and for each component (averaged over the nrepeat, mean and standard deviation): see object$error.rate and object$error.rate.sd \n")
cat(" Error rate for each tested keepX, for each component and for each repeat: see object$error.rate.all \n")
cat(" Error rate per class obtained with the optimal keepX, for each component and for each nrepeat: see object$error.rate.class \n")
cat(" AUC when applicable, (note that those results may differ with sPLS-DA prediction, see details): see object$AUC \n\n")
cat(" Other outputs are available, and details on those outputs in ?tune.splsda. \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.tune.mint.splsda = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Optimal keepX for each component, see object$choice.keepX \n")
cat(" Error rate for each tested keepX and for each component: see object$error.rate \n")
cat(" Error rate per class obtained with the optimal keepX, for each component: see object$error.rate.class \n\n")
cat(" Other outputs available, see ?tune.mint.splsda \n\n")
cat(" Visualisation Functions: \n", "-------------------- \n")
cat(" plot \n")
print.tune.block.splsda = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
cat(" Optimal keepX for each component, see object$choice.keepX \n")
cat(" Error rate for each tested keepX and for each component (averaged over the nrepeat): see object$error.rate \n")
cat(" Error rate for each tested keepX, for each component and for each repeat: see object$error.rate.all \n")
cat(" Error rate per class obtained with the optimal keepX, for each component and for each nrepeat: see object$error.rate.class \n\n")
cat(" Other outputs available, see ?tune.splsda. \n\n")
print.predict = function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500), "\n\n")
cat(" Main numerical outputs: \n",
"-------------------- \n")
if(is.list(x$predict)) #block analysis
cat(" Prediction values of the test samples for each block and each component: see object$predict \n")
cat(" variates of the test samples for each block and each component: see object$variates \n")
if(!is.null(x$dist)) #DA object, more outputs
cat(" Classification of the test samples for each distance, for each block and each component: see object$class \n")
cat(" Majority vote of the test samples for each distance and each component: see object$vote \n")
cat(" Prediction values of the test samples for each component: see object$predict \n")
cat(" variates of the test samples: see object$variates \n")
if(!is.null(x$dist)) #DA object, more outputs
cat(" Classification of the test samples for each distance and for each component: see object$class \n")
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