
## ---------- internal
.sipca <- function (X, ncomp  = 3, mode = c("deflation","parallel"),
            fun = c("logcosh", "exp"), scale = FALSE, max.iter = 200,
            tol = 1e-04, keepX = rep(50,ncomp), w.init = NULL)
    cl = match.call()
    cl[[1]] = as.name('sipca')

    dim_x <- dim(X)
    d <- dim_x[dim_x != 1]
    if (length(d) != 2)
      stop("data must be in a matrix form")
    X <- if (length(d) != length(dim_x))
    {matrix(X, d[1], d[2])}
    else {as.matrix(X)}

    alpha <- 1

    mode <- .matchArg(mode)
    fun <- .matchArg(fun)

    X.names = dimnames(X)[[2]]
    if (is.null(X.names)) X.names = paste("X", 1:ncol(X), sep = "")

    ind.names = dimnames(X)[[1]]
    if (is.null(ind.names)) ind.names = 1:nrow(X)

    X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
    if (scale) {X=scale(X, scale=scale)}
    svd_mat <- svd(X)
    right_sing_vect <- svd_mat$v
    right_sing_vect <- scale(right_sing_vect, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
    n <- nrow(t(X))
    p <- ncol(t(X))

    if (ncomp > min(n, p)) {
      message("'ncomp' is too large: reset to ", min(n, p))
      ncomp <- min(n, p)
      w.init <- matrix(1/sqrt(ncomp),ncomp,ncomp)
    else {
      if(!is.matrix(w.init) || length(w.init) != (ncomp^2))
        stop("w.init is not a matrix or is the wrong size")

    X1 <- t(right_sing_vect)[1:ncomp,]

    if (mode == "deflation") {
      unmix_mat <- ica.def(X1, ncomp, tol = tol, fun = fun,
                           alpha = alpha, max.iter = max.iter, verbose = FALSE, w.init = w.init)
    else if (mode == "parallel") {
      unmix_mat <- ica.par(X1, ncomp, tol = tol, fun = fun,
                           alpha = alpha, max.iter = max.iter, verbose = FALSE, w.init = w.init)
    w <- unmix_mat
    independent_mat <- w %*% X1
    #==order independent_mat by kurtosis==#
    kurt <- vector(length=ncomp)
    independent_mat.new <- matrix(nrow = ncomp, ncol = n)
    for(h in 1:ncomp){
      kurt[h] <- (mean(independent_mat[h,]^4)-3*(mean(independent_mat[h,]^2))^2)
    for(i in 1:ncomp){
      independent_mat.new[i,] <- independent_mat[order(kurt,decreasing=TRUE)[i],]
      independent_mat.new[i,] <- independent_mat.new[i,]/as.vector(crossprod(independent_mat.new[i,]))

    #== variable selection==#
    v.sparse=matrix(nrow = ncomp, ncol = n)
    for(i in 1:ncomp){
      nx <- n - keepX[i]
      v.sparse[i,] = ifelse(abs(independent_mat.new[i,]) > abs(independent_mat.new[i,][order(abs(independent_mat.new[i,]))][nx]),
                            (abs(independent_mat.new[i,]) - abs(independent_mat.new[i,][order(abs(independent_mat.new[i,]))][nx])) * sign(independent_mat.new[i,]), 0)
    independent_mat.new = v.sparse

    mix_mat <- t(w) %*% solve(w %*% t(w))

    ipc_mat = matrix(nrow=p, ncol=ncomp)
    ipc_mat = X %*% t(independent_mat.new)
    ##== force orthogonality ==##
    for(h in 1:ncomp){
      if(h==1){ipc_mat[,h]=X %*% (t(independent_mat.new)[,h])}
      if(h>1){ipc_mat[,h]=(lsfit(y=X%*%(t(independent_mat.new)[,h]), ipc_mat[,1:(h-1)],intercept=FALSE)$res)}
    ##== force over ==##
    # put rownames of loading vectors
    colnames(independent_mat.new) = colnames(X)

    result = (list(call=cl, X = X, ncomp=ncomp, keepX=keepX, unmixing = t(unmix_mat), mixing = t(mix_mat), loadings = list(X=t(independent_mat.new)), rotation = t(independent_mat.new),
                   kurtosis = kurt[order(kurt,decreasing=TRUE)],names = list(X = X.names, sample = ind.names)))

    result$x = ipc_mat
    dimnames(result$x) = list(ind.names, paste("IPC", 1:ncol(result$rotation), sep = " "))

    class(result) = c("sipca","ipca","pca")

    #calcul explained variance

#' @title Independent Principal Component Analysis
#' @description Performs sparse independent principal component analysis on the given data
#' matrix to enable variable selection.
#' See Details of ipca.
#' Soft thresholding is implemented on the independent loading vectors to
#' obtain sparse loading vectors and enable variable selection.

## ----------------------------------- Parameters
#' @inheritParams spca
## ----------------------------------- Value
#' @return \code{pca} returns a list with class \code{"ipca"} containing the
#' following components: \item{ncomp}{the number of principal components used.}
#' \item{unmixing}{the unmixing matrix of size (ncomp x ncomp)}
#' \item{mixing}{the mixing matrix of size (ncomp x ncomp} \item{X}{the
#' centered data matrix} \item{x}{the principal components (with sparse
#' independent loadings)} \item{loadings}{the sparse independent loading
#' vectors} \item{kurtosis}{the kurtosis measure of the independent loading
#' vectors}

## ----------------------------------- Misc
#' @author Fangzhou Yao and Jeff Coquery.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ipca}}, \code{\link{pca}}, \code{\link{plotIndiv}},
#' \code{\link{plotVar}} and http://www.mixOmics.org for more details.
#' @references Yao, F., Coquery, J. and LĂȘ Cao, K.-A. (2011) Principal
#' component analysis with independent loadings: a combination of PCA and ICA.
#' (in preparation)
#' A. Hyvarinen and E. Oja (2000) Independent Component Analysis: Algorithms
#' and Applications, \emph{Neural Networks}, \bold{13(4-5)}:411-430
#' J L Marchini, C Heaton and B D Ripley (2010). fastICA: FastICA Algorithms to
#' perform ICA and Projection Pursuit. R package version 1.1-13.
#' @keywords algebra

## ----------------------------------- Examples
#' @example examples/sipca-example.R

## ---------- Generic
#' @param ... aguments passed to the generic.
#' @usage \S4method{sipca}{ANY}X, ncomp  = 3, mode = c("deflation","parallel"),
#' fun = c("logcosh", "exp"), scale = FALSE, max.iter = 200,
#' tol = 1e-04, keepX = rep(50,ncomp), w.init = NULL)
#' @export
setGeneric('sipca', function (X, ncomp=2,...) standardGeneric('sipca'))

## ---------- Methods

## ----------------------------------- ANY
#' @export
setMethod('sipca', 'ANY', .sipca)

## ----------------------------------- MultiAssayExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @rdname sipca
#' @export
setMethod('sipca', 'MultiAssayExperiment', function(X, ncomp=2,..., assay=NULL){
  ## refer to pca for code details
  if(!assay %in% tryCatch(names(assays(X)), error=function(e)e)) .inv_assay()
  ml <- match.call()
  ml[[1L]] <- quote(sipca)
  mli <- ml
  mli[[1L]] <- quote(.sipca)
  arg.ind <- match(names(formals(.sipca)), names(mli), 0L)
  mli <- mli[c(1L,arg.ind)]
  mli[['X']] <- t(assay(X, assay))
  result <- eval(mli, parent.frame())
  result[["call"]] <- ml
ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.