
Defines functions summary.mixo_spls summary.rcc

Documented in summary.mixo_spls summary.rcc

# Author :
#   Ignacio Gonzalez, Genopole Toulouse Midi-Pyrenees, France
#   Kim-Anh Le Cao, French National Institute for Agricultural Research and ARC Centre of Excellence ins Bioinformatics, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia
# Sebastien Dejean, Institut de Mathematiques, Universite de Toulouse et CNRS (UMR 5219), France
# created: 2009
# last modified:
# Copyright (C) 2009
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#-- Includes summary.pls, summary.spls and summary.rcc --#

#--------------------- PLS and sPLS ---------------------#

#' Summary Methods for CCA and PLS objects
#' Produce \code{summary} methods for class \code{"rcc"}, \code{"pls"} and
#' \code{"spls"}.
#' The information in the \code{rcc}, \code{pls} or \code{spls} object is
#' summarised, it includes: the dimensions of \code{X} and \code{Y} data, the
#' number of variates considered, the canonical correlations (if \code{object}
#' of class \code{"rcc"}) and the (s)PLS algorithm used (if \code{object} of
#' class \code{"pls"} or \code{"spls"}) and the number of variables selected on
#' each of the sPLS components (if \code{x} of class \code{"spls"}).
#' \code{"communalities"} in \code{what} gives Communalities Analysis.
#' \code{"redundancy"} display Redundancy Analysis. \code{"VIP"} gives the
#' Variable Importance in the Projection (VIP) coefficients fit by \code{pls}
#' or \code{spls}. If \code{what} is \code{"all"}, all are given.
#' For class \code{"rcc"}, when a value to \code{cutoff} is specified, the
#' correlations between each variable and the equiangular vector between
#' \eqn{X}- and \eqn{Y}-variates are computed. Variables with at least one
#' correlation componente bigger than \code{cutoff} are showed. The defaults is
#' \code{cutoff=NULL} all the variables are given.
#' @aliases summary summary.rcc summary.mixo_pls summary.mixo_spls
#' @param object object of class inherited from \code{"rcc"}, \code{"pls"} or
#' \code{"spls"}.
#' @param cutoff real between 0 and 1. Variables with all correlations
#' components below this cutoff in absolute value are not showed (see Details).
#' @param digits integer, the number of significant digits to use when
#' printing. Defaults to \code{4}.
#' @param what character string or vector. Should be a subset of
#' \code{c("all"}, \code{"summarised"}, \code{"communalities"},
#' \code{"redundancy"}, \code{"VIP"}). \code{"VIP"} is only available for
#' (s)PLS. See Details.
#' @param keep.var boolean. If \code{TRUE} only the variables with loadings not
#' zero (as selected by \code{spls}) are showed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param list() not used currently.
#' @return The function \code{summary} returns a list with components:
#' \item{ncomp}{the number of components in the model.} \item{cor}{the
#' canonical correlations.} \item{cutoff}{the cutoff used.}
#' \item{keep.var}{list containing the name of the variables selected.}
#' \item{mode}{the algoritm used in \code{pls} or \code{spls}.} \item{Cm}{list
#' containing the communalities.} \item{Rd}{list containing the redundancy.}
#' \item{VIP}{matrix of VIP coefficients.} \item{what}{subset of
#' \code{c("all"}, \code{"communalities"}, \code{"redundancy"}, \code{"VIP"}).}
#' \item{digits}{the number of significant digits to use when printing.}
#' \item{method}{method used: \code{rcc}, \code{pls} or \code{spls}.}
#' @author Sébastien Déjean, Ignacio González and Kim-Anh Lê Cao.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rcc}}, \code{\link{pls}}, \code{\link{spls}},
#' \code{\link{vip}}.
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @examples
#' ## summary for objects of class 'rcc'
#' X <- nutrimouse$lipid
#' Y <- nutrimouse$gene
#' nutri.res <- rcc(X, Y, ncomp = 3, lambda1 = 0.064, lambda2 = 0.008)
#' more <- summary(nutri.res, cutoff = 0.65)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## summary for objects of class 'pls'
#' X <- linnerud$exercise
#' Y <- linnerud$physiological
#' linn.pls <- pls(X, Y)
#' more <- summary(linn.pls)
#' ## summary for objects of class 'spls'
#' X <- liver.toxicity$gene
#' Y <- liver.toxicity$clinic
#' toxicity.spls <- spls(X, Y, ncomp = 3, keepX = c(50, 50, 50),
#' keepY = c(10, 10, 10))
#' more <- summary(toxicity.spls, what = "redundancy", keep.var = TRUE)
#' }

summary.mixo_pls <- summary.mixo_spls <-
         what = c("all", "communalities", "redundancy", "VIP"),
         digits = 4,
         keep.var = FALSE,

    #-- initialisation des matrices --#
    ncomp = object$ncomp
    n = nrow(object$X)
    p = ncol(object$X)
    q = ncol(object$Y)
    result = list( )

    if (keep.var) {
        gp.X = apply(object$loadings$X, 1, sum) != 0
        gp.Y = apply(object$loadings$Y, 1, sum) != 0
    else {
        gp.X = 1:p
        gp.Y = 1:q

    #-- communaut? --#
    if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "communalities")) {
        # communaut? inter-groupe #
        Cm.XvsV = cor(object$X[, gp.X], object$variate$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.XvsV = t(apply(Cm.XvsV^2, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.XvsV) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        Cm.YvsU = cor(object$Y[, gp.Y], object$variate$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.YvsU = t(apply(Cm.YvsU^2, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.YvsU) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        # communaut? intra-groupe #
        Cm.XvsU = cor(object$X[, gp.X], object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.XvsU = t(apply(Cm.XvsU^2, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.XvsU) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        Cm.YvsV = cor(object$Y[, gp.Y], object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.YvsV = t(apply(Cm.YvsV^2, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.YvsV) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        result$Cm.X = list(own = Cm.XvsU, opp = Cm.XvsV)
        result$Cm.Y = list(own = Cm.YvsV, opp = Cm.YvsU)

    #-- redondance --#
    if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "redundancy")) {
        Rd.XvsU = cor(object$X[, gp.X], object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.XvsU = apply(Rd.XvsU^2, 2, sum)/p
        Rd.XvsV = cor(object$X[, gp.X], object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.XvsV = apply(Rd.XvsV^2, 2, sum)/p

        Rd.YvsU = cor(object$Y[, gp.Y], object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.YvsU = apply(Rd.YvsU^2, 2, sum)/q
        Rd.YvsV = cor(object$Y[, gp.Y], object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.YvsV = apply(Rd.YvsV^2, 2, sum)/q

        own = cbind(Rd.XvsU, cumsum(Rd.XvsU))
        colnames(own) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        opp = cbind(Rd.XvsV, cumsum(Rd.XvsV))
        colnames(opp) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        result$Rd.X = list(own = own, opp = opp)

        own = cbind(Rd.YvsV, cumsum(Rd.YvsV))
        colnames(own) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        opp = cbind(Rd.YvsU, cumsum(Rd.YvsU))
        colnames(opp) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        result$Rd.Y = list(own = own, opp = opp)

    #-- affichage --#
    if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "communalities") ||
        any(what == "redundancy") || any(what == "VIP")) {
        result$ncomp = ncomp
        result$mode = object$mode
        result$keep.var = list(X = colnames(object$X)[gp.X], Y = colnames(object$Y)[gp.Y])

    #-- tableau VIP --#
    if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "VIP")) {
        VIP = vip(object)[gp.X, ]
        result$VIP = VIP

    #-- valeurs sortantes --#
    result$what = what
    result$digits = digits
    if(class(object)[1] == "pls") {
        result$method = 'pls'
	else {
        result$method = 'spls'
        result$keepX = object$keepX
        result$keepY = object$keepY

    class(result) = "summary"

#-------------------------- rcc -------------------------#
summary.rcc <-
         what = c("all", "communalities", "redundancy"),
         cutoff = NULL,
         digits = 4,

    #-- initialisation des matrices --#
    ncomp = object$ncomp
    p = ncol(object$X)
    q = ncol(object$Y)
    n = nrow(object$X)

    bisect = object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp] + object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp]
    cord.X = cor(object$X, bisect, use = "pairwise")
    cord.Y = cor(object$Y, bisect, use = "pairwise")
    gp.X = 1:p
    gp.Y = 1:q

    if (!is.null(cutoff)) {
        # choix des variables avec au moins une coordonn?e #
        # sup?rieur au cutoff                              #
        gp.X = vector(mode = "numeric")
        gp.Y = vector(mode = "numeric")

        k = 1
        for (i in 1:p) {
            if (any(abs(cord.X[i, ]) > cutoff)) {
                gp.X[k] = i
                k = k + 1

        k = 1
        for (i in 1:q) {
            if (any(abs(cord.Y[i, ]) > cutoff)) {
                gp.Y[k] = i
                k = k + 1

    if (length(gp.X) == 0 || length(gp.Y) == 0)
        stop("Cutoff value very high for the components 1:ncomp.
             No variable was selected.")

    result = list( )

    #-- communaut? --#
    if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "communalities")) {
        # communaut? inter-groupe #
        Cm.XvsV = cor(object$X[, gp.X], object$variate$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.XvsV = t(apply(Cm.XvsV^2, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.XvsV) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        Cm.YvsU = cor(object$Y[, gp.Y], object$variate$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.YvsU = t(apply(Cm.YvsU^2, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.YvsU) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        # communaut? intra-groupe #
        Cm.XvsU = cor(object$X[, gp.X], object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.XvsU = scale(Cm.XvsU^2, center = FALSE, scale = (object$cor[1:ncomp])^2)
        Cm.XvsU = t(apply(Cm.XvsU, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.XvsU) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        Cm.YvsV = cor(object$Y[, gp.Y], object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Cm.YvsV = scale(Cm.YvsV^2, center = FALSE, scale = (object$cor[1:ncomp])^2)
        Cm.YvsV = t(apply(Cm.YvsV, 1, cumsum))
        colnames(Cm.YvsV) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)

        result$Cm.X = list(own = Cm.XvsU, opp = Cm.XvsV)
        result$Cm.Y = list(own = Cm.YvsV, opp = Cm.YvsU)

    #-- redondance --#
    if (any(what == "all") || any(what == "redundancy")) {
        Rd.XvsU = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.XvsU = apply(Rd.XvsU^2, 2, sum)/p
        Rd.XvsV = cor(object$X, object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.XvsV = apply(Rd.XvsV^2, 2, sum)/p

        Rd.YvsU = cor(object$Y, object$variates$X[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.YvsU = apply(Rd.YvsU^2, 2, sum)/q
        Rd.YvsV = cor(object$Y, object$variates$Y[, 1:ncomp], use = "pairwise")
        Rd.YvsV = apply(Rd.YvsV^2, 2, sum)/q

        own = cbind(Rd.XvsU, cumsum(Rd.XvsU))
        colnames(own) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        rownames(own) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)
        opp = cbind(Rd.XvsV, cumsum(Rd.XvsV))
        colnames(opp) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        rownames(opp) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)
        result$Rd.X = list(own = own, opp = opp)

        own = cbind(Rd.YvsV, cumsum(Rd.YvsV))
        colnames(own) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        rownames(own) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)
        opp = cbind(Rd.YvsU, cumsum(Rd.YvsU))
        colnames(opp) = c("Proportion", "Cumulative")
        rownames(opp) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)
        result$Rd.Y = list(own = own, opp = opp)

    #-- corr?lations canoniques --#
    can.cor = object$cor[1:ncomp]
    names(can.cor) = paste(1:ncomp, "th", sep = "")

    #-- valeurs sortantes --#
    result$can.cor = can.cor
    result$ncomp = ncomp
    result$cor = can.cor
    result$cutoff = cutoff
    result$keep = list(X = colnames(object$X)[gp.X], Y = colnames(object$Y)[gp.Y])
    result$what = what
    result$digits = digits
    result$method = 'rcc'

    class(result) = "summary"

# from summary.prcomp, adapted for mixOmics
summary.pca <-
function (object, ...)
    vars <- object$explained_variance
    importance <- rbind(`Standard deviation` = object$sdev, `Proportion of Variance` = round(vars,
    5), `Cumulative Proportion` = round(cumsum(vars), 5))
    k <- ncol(object$rotation)
    colnames(importance) <- c(colnames(object$rotation), rep("",
    length(vars) - k))
    object$importance <- importance
    class(object) <- "summary.prcomp"
ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.