
#' @export

#comparing FPKM data with the number p-scores of intersected contacts

rnaSeqCorContacts <- function(Experiments_4C,rearranged_rawData,expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots)
	#choosing a genome size file
	ls_genomes <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/genomes/",intern=TRUE)
	genome_file.name <- readline(prompt=cat("\nChoose the file of the organism you are dealing with:\n",ls_genomes,"",sep="\n"))
	genome_sizes <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/genomes/",genome_file.name,sep=""))
	numOFchroms <- nrow(genome_sizes)
	chr_names <- rep(0,numOFchroms)
	for(t in 1:numOFchroms)
		chr_names[t] <- paste("chr",t,sep="")

	translocated_flag <- 0
	files_flag <- 0 #this marks if the user does or doesn't want to choose more files to use (0 choose more, 1 don't choose more)
	z <- 1 #counts how many files are chosen
	secs_rmv <- "no" #this says if there were any sections removed
	CO_ps_type <- c()
	CO_ps <- c()
	CO_ps_chroms <- c()
	CO_FPKM_type <- c()
	CO_FPKM <- c()
	CO_FPKM_chroms <- c()
	wind_flag <- 0 #this marks if the user wants to change the window sizes
	by_winds <- "no"
	winds <- "NA"
	psORreads <- "pScores" #are p-score or reads correlated with the FPKM data
	save_flag <- 0 #marks if there was any plot saved, if yes then the details are entered into 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots'
	#the user decides if to correlate individual RE sites or by windows
	choice4 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nchoose a method of comparison:\n\n1) intersect FPKM bands with contact bands\n2) create windows, add the values of FPKM and contacts, and correlate them\n\n")))
	if(choice4 == 2)
		by_winds <- "yes"
		winds <- c()
	#asking if to compare multiple FPKMs against one p-score or one FPKM file against multiple p-score files
	choice1 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nchoose how you would like to compare the files:\n1) compare one FPKM file against multiple p-score files\n2) compare one p-score file against multiple FPKM files\n\n")))
	if(choice1 == 1)
	#choosing one FPKM file
	#choosing multiple p-scores
		#getting the FPKM file	
		ls_files_FPKM <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/RNAseq/FPKM | grep '.bed$'",intern=TRUE)
			file.name_FPKM <- readline(prompt=cat("\nThese are the expression data (FPKM) files available\nwhich would you like to use?\n",ls_files_FPKM,"",sep="\n"))
			ind_files_FPKM <- pmatch(file.name_FPKM,ls_files_FPKM,nomatch=0)
			if(ind_files_FPKM == 0)
				cat("no such file exists.\nplease try again.\n\n")
				#asking if to not use all the FPKMs that are 0, this is important because when getting the quantiles it considers the 0 examples as well
				#and since FPKMs of 0 could be considered as if there is no expression at all in those areas, then we might be able to remove them
				#the user decided
				remZeroFPKM <- readline(prompt=cat("\nshould FPKM's of 0 be removed?\ny/n\n\n"))

				#importing the data from the file
				FPKM <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/RNAseq/FPKM/",file.name_FPKM,sep=""))
				if(remZeroFPKM == "y") #removing all FPKMs that are 0 (since they are basically rna-seq reads that don't exist)
					FPKM <- FPKM[FPKM[,4]>0,]

			#here i might need to edit and sort the data in FPKM
			#FPKM <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]!="Pt" & FPKM[,1]!="Mt",]
			#FPKM <- FPKM[order(FPKM[,1],FPKM[,2]),]
			#names(FPKM) <- c("chr","first","last","FPKM")
		FPKM_Experiments <- file.name_FPKM
		num_of_FPKM_files <- 1
		ps_datName_all <- c() #this will contain all the names the user gives the p-score data for the plot

	#choosing one p-score file
			choice3 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nwhat folder of p-score files would you like to choose from? (enter the number)\n1) no bp windows\n2) with bp windows\n\n")))
			if(choice3 == 1) #no bp windows
				ps_folder <- "no_bp"
			else if(choice3 == 2) #with bp windows
				ps_folder <- "with_bp"

			ps_files <- system(paste("ls ~/Analyze4C/pScores/",ps_folder,sep=""),intern=TRUE)
			ps.file <- readline(prompt=cat("These are the p-score files available\nwhich would you like to use?\n",ps_files,"",sep="\n"))
			ind_files2 <- pmatch(ps.file,ps_files,nomatch=0)
			if(ind_files2 == 0)
				cat("no such file exists.\nplease try again.\n\n")
				#here we check to see if the p-score file chosen is of a translocation switched type
				if(identical(grep("translocatedSwitched",ps.file),integer(0)) == "FALSE") #the p-score file is of translocation switched and needs to be removed
					#the translocation area needs to be removed both from the p-score and from the FPKM file
					translocated_flag <- 1
		ps_Experiments <- ps.file
		num_of_pScore_files <- 1
		#importing the p-score data from the file 	
		ps <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/pScores/",ps_folder,"/",ps.file,sep=""))

		#finding the specific p-score files information in Experiments_4C
		sp1 <- unlist(strsplit(ps.file,"[.]"))
		sp2 <- unlist(strsplit(sp1[1],"_"))
		#getting the size of the window per RE sites
		sp3 <- sp2[as.integer(grep("RE$",sp2))]
		RE_wind <- as.numeric(strsplit(sp3,"RE"))
		if(choice3 == 2)
			#getting the size of the window per bp sites
			sp4 <- sp2[as.integer(grep("bp$",sp2))]
			bp_wind <- as.numeric(strsplit(sp4,"bp"))

		#finding the specific p-scores files information in Experiments_4C			
		out <- findIn.Experiments_4C(sp2[1],sp2[2],sp2[3],Experiments_4C)
		#getting the cis chromosome number
		cis <- as.numeric(out[2])

		FPKM_datName_all <- c() #this will contain all the names the user gives the FPKM data for the plot	
	intersected_pairs_all <- c() #this will contain all the intersections data from all the files
	intersected_reads_pairs_all <- c() #this will contain all the intersections data from all the files, for the reads

	while(files_flag == 0)
		if(choice1 == 1)
			cat("\np-score file number ",z,":\n",sep="")
			#choosing a p-score file:
				choice3 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nwhat folder of p-score files would you like to choose from? (enter the number)\n1) no bp windows\n2) with bp windows\n\n")))
				if(choice3 == 1) #no bp windows
					ps_folder <- "no_bp"
				else if(choice3 == 2) #with bp windows
					ps_folder <- "with_bp"

				ps_files <- system(paste("ls ~/Analyze4C/pScores/",ps_folder,sep=""),intern=TRUE)
				ps.file <- readline(prompt=cat("These are the p-score files available\nwhich would you like to use?\n",ps_files,"",sep="\n"))
				ind_files2 <- pmatch(ps.file,ps_files,nomatch=0)
				if(ind_files2 == 0)
					cat("no such file exists.\nplease try again.\n\n")
					#here we check to see if the p-score file chosen is of a translocation switched type
					if(identical(grep("translocatedSwitched",ps.file),integer(0)) == "FALSE") #the p-score file is of translocation switched and needs to be removed
						#the translocation area needs to be removed both from the p-score and from the FPKM file
						translocated_flag <- 1
			#gets the names of the experiments to later be entered into the 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots' file
				ps_Experiments <- ps.file
				ps_Experiments <- paste(ps_Experiments," ; ",ps.file,sep="")

			#importing the p-score data from the file 	
			ps <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/pScores/",ps_folder,"/",ps.file,sep=""))

			#finding the specific p-scores files information in Experiments_4C
			sp1 <- unlist(strsplit(ps.file,"[.]"))
			sp2 <- unlist(strsplit(sp1[1],"_"))
			#getting the size of the window per RE sites
			sp3 <- sp2[as.integer(grep("RE$",sp2))]
			RE_wind <- as.numeric(strsplit(sp3,"RE"))
			if(choice3 == 2)
				#getting the size of the window per bp sites
				sp4 <- sp2[as.integer(grep("bp$",sp2))]
				bp_wind <- as.numeric(strsplit(sp4,"bp"))

			#finding the specific p-scores files information in Experiments_4C			
			out <- findIn.Experiments_4C(sp2[1],sp2[2],sp2[3],Experiments_4C)
			#getting the cis chromosome number
			cis <- as.numeric(out[2])
			#choosing an FPKM file
			cat("\nFPKM file number ",z,":\n",sep="")
			ls_files_FPKM <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/RNAseq/FPKM | grep '.bed$'",intern=TRUE)
				file.name_FPKM <- readline(prompt=cat("\nThese are the expression data (FPKM) files available\nwhich would you like to use?\n",ls_files_FPKM,"",sep="\n"))
				ind_files_FPKM <- pmatch(file.name_FPKM,ls_files_FPKM,nomatch=0)
				if(ind_files_FPKM == 0)
					cat("no such file exists.\nplease try again.\n\n")
					#asking if to not use all the FPKMs that are 0, this is important because when getting the quantiles it considers the 0 examples as well
					#and since FPKMs of 0 could be considered as if there is no expression at all in those areas, then we might be able to remove them
					#the user decided
					remZeroFPKM <- readline(prompt=cat("\nshould FPKM's of 0 be removed?\ny/n\n\n"))
					#importing the data from the file
					FPKM <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/RNAseq/FPKM/",file.name_FPKM,sep=""))
					if(remZeroFPKM == "y") #removing all FPKMs that are 0 (since they are basically rna-seq reads that don't exist)
						FPKM <- FPKM[FPKM[,4]>0,]

				#here i might need to edit and sort the data in FPKM
				#FPKM <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]!="Pt" & FPKM[,1]!="Mt",]
				#FPKM <- FPKM[order(FPKM[,1],FPKM[,2]),]
				#names(FPKM) <- c("chr","first","last","FPKM")
			#gets the names of the experiments to later be entered into the 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots' file
				FPKM_Experiments <- file.name_FPKM
				FPKM_Experiments <- paste(FPKM_Experiments," ; ",file.name_FPKM,sep="")

		if(choice4 == 2 & wind_flag == 0)
			genome_sizes_temp <- as.data.frame(cbind(gsub("^chr","",genome_sizes[,1]),genome_sizes[,2])) #removing 'chr' from the chromosome numbers, if there are any with 'chr'
			write.table(genome_sizes_temp,"~/Analyze4C/temp/genome_sizes_temp.txt",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t") #creating a temp file of the genome sizes			
			winSize <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nplease enter a window size (bp) that the whole genome will divided into:\n\n")))
			system(paste("bedtools makewindows -g ~/Analyze4C/temp/genome_sizes_temp.txt -w",winSize,"> ~/Analyze4C/temp/windows.bed"))
		#getting the cutoff for the p-score data
		ans8 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the number of what type of cutoff method you would like to do for the p-score data:\n\n1) all chromosomes with the same cutoff (in p-score)\n2) all chromosomes with the same cutoff percentage\n\n")))
		if(ans8 == 1)
			CO1 <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nplease enter a p-score cutoff. Anything above the cutoff will be considered a positive RE site:\n\n")))
			CO_ps_type <- paste(CO_ps_type,";","fixed")
			CO_ps <- paste(CO_ps,";",CO1)			
			ans4 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nshould the cutoff be applied to:\n1) the whole genome\n2) all trans\n3) only cis\n\n")))
			ps_COper <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter a cutoff percentage (between 0 and 1) that will be applied to the p-scores\nonly the p-scores that are above or equal to the cutoff will be intersected with the FPKM data.\nif you don't want any cutoff, enter 0:\n")))			
			CO_ps_type <- paste(CO_ps_type,";","top percent per chromosome")
			CO_ps <- paste(CO_ps,";",ps_COper)

			ans4 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nshould the cutoff percentage be of and applied to:\n1) the whole genome\n2) all trans\n3) each chromosome separately\n\n")))
			#getting the actual cutoffs (we do this here since we need to consider the translocated areas before removing them, if there are any, in order to calculate the cutoffs)
			if(ans4 == 1) #whole genome
				CO1 <- quantile(ps[,3],ps_COper)
				CO_ps_chroms <- paste(CO_ps_chroms,";","all")
			else if(ans4 == 2) #trans
				CO1 <- quantile(ps[ps[,1]!=cis,3],ps_COper)
				CO_ps_chroms <- paste(CO_ps_chroms,";","trans")
			else if(ans4 == 3) #each chromosome separately
				seperate_CO1 <- rep(0,numOFchroms)
				for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
					seperate_CO1[k] <- quantile(ps[ps[,1]==k,3],ps_COper)
				CO_ps_chroms <- paste(CO_ps_chroms,";","each chromosome separately")	
		#applying a cutoff to the FPKM data
		ans9 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the number of what type of cutoff method you would like to do for the FPKM:\n\n1) all chromosomes with the same cutoff (in FPKM)\n2) all chromosomes with the same cutoff percentage\n\n")))
		if(ans9 == 1)
			CO2 <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nplease enter an FPKM cutoff. Anything above the cutoff will be considered a positive RE site:\n\n")))
			CO_FPKM_type <- paste(CO_FPKM_type,";","fixed")
			CO_FPKM <- paste(CO_FPKM,";",CO2)
			ans5 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nshould the cutoff be applied to:\n1) the whole genome\n2) all trans\n3) cis\n\n")))
			if(ans5 == 1) #whole genome
				FPKM_afterCO <- FPKM[FPKM[,4]>=CO2,]
				CO_FPKM_chroms <- paste(CO_FPKM_chroms,";","all")
			else if(ans5 == 2) #trans
				FPKM_afterCO <- c()
				for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
						FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k & FPKM[,4]>=CO2,]
						FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
						FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k,]
						FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
				CO_FPKM_chroms <- paste(CO_FPKM_chroms,";","trans")
			else if(ans5 == 3) #cis
				FPKM_afterCO <- c()
				for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
						FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k & FPKM[,4]>=CO2,]
						FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
						FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k,]
						FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
				CO_FPKM_chroms <- paste(CO_FPKM_chroms,";","cis")
			FPKM_COper <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter a cutoff percentage (between 0 and 1) that will be applied to the FPKM\nonly the FPKMs that are above or equal to the cutoff will be intersected to the p-scores.\nif you don't want any cutoff, enter 0:\n")))
			CO_FPKM_type <- paste(CO_FPKM_type,";","top percent per chromosome")
			CO_FPKM <- paste(CO_FPKM,";",FPKM_COper)

			ans5 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nshould the cutoff percentage be of:\n1) the whole genome\n2) all trans\n3) each chromosome separately\n\n")))
			if(ans5 == 1) #whole genome
				CO2 <- quantile(FPKM[,4],FPKM_COper)
				FPKM_afterCO <- FPKM[FPKM[,4]>=CO2,]
				CO_FPKM_chroms <- paste(CO_FPKM_chroms,";","all")
			else if(ans5 == 2) #trans
				FPKM_afterCO <- c()
				CO2 <- quantile(FPKM[FPKM[,1]!=cis,4],FPKM_COper)
				for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
						FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k & FPKM[,4]>=CO2,]
						FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
						FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k,]
						FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
				CO_FPKM_chroms <- paste(CO_FPKM_chroms,";","trans")					
			else if(ans5 == 3) #each chromosome separately
				FPKM_afterCO <- c()
				for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
					CO2 <- quantile(FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k,4],FPKM_COper)
					FPKM_temp <- FPKM[FPKM[,1]==k & FPKM[,4]>=CO2,]
					FPKM_afterCO <- rbind(FPKM_afterCO,FPKM_temp)
				CO_FPKM_chroms <- paste(CO_FPKM_chroms,";","each chromosome separately")					
		#adjusting the row numbers			
		rownames(FPKM_afterCO) <- seq(length=nrow(FPKM_afterCO))
		#removing the translocated areas from 'rawData' and 'FPKM_afterCO' if they were switched
		if(translocated_flag == 1)
			cat("\nremoving translocated areas:\nthe purpose of this is in order to be able and intersect the p-scores with FPKM bands\n")
			cat("the translocated areas indices mess up the order and will cause an error\n")
			#getting the line numbers that need to be removed
			for(d in 1:length(rearranged_rawData$Experiment))
				sTemp <- unlist(strsplit(rearranged_rawData$Experiment[d],"_"))
				dtTemp <- unlist(strsplit(rearranged_rawData$Date_and_Time[d]," "))
				tTemp <- dtTemp[2]
				dtTemp[2] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(tTemp,":")),collapse="")
				if(all(sTemp %in% sp2) & !is.na(rearranged_rawData$Added_Sections_Lines[d]) & all(dtTemp %in% sp2))
					lin_nums1 <- rearranged_rawData$Added_Sections_Lines[d]
					lin_nums2 <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(lin_nums1,", ")))
					#getting the raw data file that the p-scores file was created from:
						ls_raws <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/rawData/coverage_removed",intern=TRUE)
						ls_raws <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/rawData/rearranged",intern=TRUE)
					dAndtspl <- paste(dtTemp[1],"_",dtTemp[2],sep="")
					raws_inds <- grep(dAndtspl,ls_raws)
					for(o in raws_inds)
								#getting the raw data
								raw_dat <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/rawData/coverage_removed/",ls_raws[o],sep=""))
								#getting the raw data
								raw_dat <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/rawData/rearranged/",ls_raws[o],sep=""))
					secs_rmv <- "yes"

			#the following actions will work under these specific conditions: 
			#1) the rearranged raw data file contains all the original chromosomes. 
			#2) the line numbers in 'rearranged_rawData' file are divided so that each pair are of one specific chromosome (meaning that 'first' and 'second' are not of two different chromosomes)

			#removing the sections from the FPKM and ps data
			all_chroms <- seq(numOFchroms)
			pointer <- 1
			FPKM_fin <- c()

			#this is for removing sections from the raw data
			rawData_removed <- cbind(raw_dat,rep(1,nrow(raw_dat)))
			for(r in seq(1,length(lin_nums2),by=2))
				first <- lin_nums2[r]
				second <- lin_nums2[r+1]
				ch <- raw_dat[first,1]
				if(ch != raw_dat[second,1])
					cat("\nerror:there is something wrong with the line numbers entered into the file 'rearranged_rawData'.\nthe first and last lines must be of the same chromosome\n\n")

				#this is for removing sections from the raw data
				rawData_removed[first:second,ncol(rawData_removed)] <- 0			
				#taking all the chromosomes that aren't getting the removal treatment, and adding them to the FPKM and ps data
					FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[FPKM_afterCO[,1]==all_chroms[pointer],]
					FPKM_fin <- rbind(FPKM_fin,FPKM_t)
					pointer <- pointer + 1
				FPKM_t <- c() #just in case no conditions are met, this way we won't get the previous FPKM_t (this shouldn't happen, it's just a precaution)
				#getting the indices to remove
				if(first==1)#if first is the 1st line in the file
					if(second!=nrow(raw_dat)) #if second isn't the last of the file
						if(raw_dat[second,1]!=raw_dat[(second+1),1]) #if it covers all the chromosome (if second is the last in chromosome) (1)
							FPKM_t <- c()
						else if(raw_dat[second,1]==raw_dat[(second+1),1]) #if second isn't the last of the chromosome (2)
							#remove anything below the index at second
							FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[(FPKM_afterCO[,1]==ch)&(FPKM_afterCO[,2]>=raw_dat[(second+1),2]),]
					else #the line numbers cover all the data, so none of it is used (9)
						FPKM_t <- c()
				else if(raw_dat[first,1]!=raw_dat[(first-1),1]) #if it is the first line in chromosome
					if(second!=nrow(raw_dat)) #if second isn't last line
						if(raw_dat[second,1]!=raw_dat[(second+1),1]) #if second is the last in chromosome (4)
							FPKM_t <- c()
						else if(raw_dat[second,1]==raw_dat[(second+1),1]) #if second isn't last in chromosome (3)
							#remove anything below the index at second
							FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[(FPKM_afterCO[,1]==ch)&(FPKM_afterCO[,2]>=raw_dat[(second+1),2]),]
					else #if second is last line of the file (7)
						FPKM_t <- c()
				else if(raw_dat[first,1]==raw_dat[(first-1),1])#if first is in the middle of a chromosome
					if(second!=nrow(raw_dat)) #if second isn't last line
						if(raw_dat[second,1]!=raw_dat[(second+1),1]) #if second is the last in chromosome (6)
							#remove anything above the index at first
							FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[(FPKM_afterCO[,1]==ch)&(FPKM_afterCO[,2]<=raw_dat[(first-1),2]),]
						else if(raw_dat[second,1]==raw_dat[(second+1),1]) #if second isn't last in chromosome (5)
							#remove anything above the index at first and below the index at second
							FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[(FPKM_afterCO[,1]==ch)&((FPKM_afterCO[,2]<=raw_dat[(first-1),2])|(FPKM_afterCO[,2]>=raw_dat[(second+1),2])),]
					else #if second is last line of the file (8)
						#remove anything above the index at first
						FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[(FPKM_afterCO[,1]==ch)&(FPKM_afterCO[,2]<=raw_dat[(first-1),2]),]
				FPKM_fin <- rbind(FPKM_fin,FPKM_t)
				pointer <- pointer + 1

			#adding the last chromosomes data (if there are any) that didn't get the section removal treatment
				FPKM_t <- FPKM_afterCO[FPKM_afterCO[,1]==all_chroms[pointer],]
				FPKM_fin <- rbind(FPKM_fin,FPKM_t)
				pointer <- pointer + 1
			FPKM_afterCO <- FPKM_fin
			rownames(FPKM_afterCO) <- seq(length=nrow(FPKM_afterCO))
			#this is for removing sections from the raw data			
			rawData_removed <- rawData_removed[rawData_removed[,ncol(rawData_removed)]==1,-ncol(rawData_removed)]
			rownames(rawData_removed) <- seq(length=nrow(rawData_removed))			
		if(z == 1) #maybe i could remove this condition and have that every time you could enter which ever chrom you want, even different ones
			choice2 <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nwhat chromosomes should the intersection be applied to? (enter the option number)\n1) all chromosomes\n2) trans\n3) cis\n4) specific chromosome\n\n")))

		#getting the p-score and FPKM data by chromosome according to the request of the user, and also the chromosomes chosen
		if(choice2 == 1) #all chromosomes
			ps_dat <- ps
			FPKM_dat <- FPKM_afterCO
			chroms <- c(1:numOFchroms)
			int_chroms <- "all" #this will be entered later in 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt'
		else if(choice2 == 2) #trans
			ps_dat <- ps[ps[,1] != cis,]
			FPKM_dat <- FPKM_afterCO[FPKM_afterCO[,1] != cis,]
			chroms <- Filter(function(x) x!=cis,1:numOFchroms) #this here excludes cis chromosome number in the sequence, another way would be - (1:numOFchroms)[-cis]
			int_chroms <- "trans" #this will be entered later in 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt'
		else if(choice2 == 3) #cis
			ps_dat <- ps[ps[,1] == cis,]
			FPKM_dat <- FPKM_afterCO[FPKM_afterCO[,1] == cis,]			
			chroms <- cis
			int_chroms <- "cis" #this will be entered later in 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt'
		else if(choice2 == 4) #by chromosome
			chr_chosen <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nchoose a chromosome you would like to use:\n\n")))
			ps_dat <- ps[ps[,1] == chr_chosen,]
			FPKM_dat <- FPKM_afterCO[FPKM_afterCO[,1] == chr_chosen,]			
			chroms <- chr_chosen
			int_chroms <- paste("chr",chr_chosen,sep="") #this will be entered later in 'expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt'

		#add an index to each p-score file
		ps_bed <- c()
		for(u in chroms)
			if(nrow(ps_dat[ps_dat[,1]==u,]) != 0)
				ps_chrom_temp <- ps_dat[ps_dat[,1]==u,]
				inds_temp <- ps_chrom_temp[,2]+1
				if(tail(inds_temp,1)>genome_sizes[u,2]) #if the addition of the extra index is larger than the size of the chromosome, we will remove that p-score line
					inds_temp <- head(inds_temp,-1)
					ps_chrom_temp <- head(ps_chrom_temp,-1)
				ps_chrom_bed <- cbind(ps_chrom_temp[,1],ps_chrom_temp[,2],inds_temp,ps_chrom_temp[,3])
				ps_bed <- rbind(ps_bed,ps_chrom_bed)
		ps_bed <- data.frame(ps_bed)
		write.table(ps_bed,"~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed.bed",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t") #creating a temp file of the p-score data chosen			
		write.table(FPKM_dat,"~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM.bed",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t") #creating a temp file of the FPKM data chosen			

		#getting the raw data that corresponds to the p-score file, in order to get the corresponding reads for each RE site
		#cat("\nthis is the current p-score file that is being tested:\n",ps.file,"\n")
		#	choice <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the number of the folder which contains the raw data that the p-score file was created from (look at the name of the p-score file for clues):\n\n1) original\n2) rearranged\n3) coverage removed\n\n")))
		#	if(choice == 2)
		#	{
		#		ls_files <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/rawData/rearranged",intern=TRUE)
		#	}
		#	else if(choice == 3)
		#	{
		#		ls_files <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/rawData/coverage_removed",intern=TRUE)
		#	}
		#	else
		#	{
		#		ls_files <- system("ls ~/Analyze4C/rawData/original",intern=TRUE)
		#	}		
		#	if(length(ls_files) != 0)
		#	{	
		#		file.name <- readline(prompt=cat("\nchoose from these raw data files (make sure the name is similar to the p-score files):\n",ls_files,"\n",sep="\n"))
		#		ind_files <- pmatch(file.name,ls_files,nomatch=0)
		#		if(ind_files == 0)
		#		{
		#			cat("no such file exists.\nplease try again.\n\n")
		#		}
		#		else
		#		{
		#			break
		#		}
		#	}
		#	else
		#	{
		#		cat("\nthis folder is empty. please choose a different folder from which you would like to use a file\n\n")
		#	}			
		#importing the data from the file
		#if(choice == 2)
		#	rawData <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/rawData/rearranged/",file.name,sep=""))
		#else if(choice == 3)
		#	rawData <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/rawData/coverage_removed/",file.name,sep=""))
		#	rawData <- read.table(paste("~/Analyze4C/rawData/original/",file.name,sep=""))
		#add an index to the rawData_removed file 
		rawData_bed <- c()
		for(u in chroms)
			if(nrow(rawData_removed[rawData_removed[,1]==u,]) != 0) 
				rawData_chrom_temp <- rawData_removed[rawData_removed[,1]==u,] 
				rawData_inds_temp <- rawData_chrom_temp[,2]+1
				if(tail(rawData_inds_temp,1)>genome_sizes[u,2]) #if the addition of the extra index is larger than the size of the chromosome, we will remove that p-score line
					rawData_inds_temp <- head(rawData_inds_temp,-1)
					rawData_chrom_temp <- head(rawData_chrom_temp,-1)
				rawData_chrom_bed <- cbind(rawData_chrom_temp[,1],rawData_chrom_temp[,2],rawData_inds_temp,rawData_chrom_temp[,3])
				rawData_bed <- rbind(rawData_bed,rawData_chrom_bed)
		rawData_bed <- data.frame(rawData_bed)
		write.table(rawData_bed,"~/Analyze4C/temp/rawData_bed.bed",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t") #creating a temp file of the rawData data chosen
		#removing the sections from the data:
		#intersecting the bed files so that we get the indices that aren't removed (since the way we removed was with line numbers of the files, we can't just remove them from the p-score data since we removed some lines from the cis when calculating the p-scores)
		system("bedtools intersect -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/rawData_bed.bed > ~/Analyze4C/temp/out.bed")
		system("bedtools intersect -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/rawData_bed.bed -c > ~/Analyze4C/temp/out2.bed") #this output will have all the same lines as psBed.bed but with an indication if the indices intersected or not (0 not intersected, 1 intersected)
		#there was a problem with intersected repeats, where if the same indices appeared in the translocated area that needs to be removed and an area that doesn'table
		#this will cause repeats in the intersections and some indices to be out of order
		#i couldn't figure out an automatic way to fix this
		#for now the user will fix it manually

		cat("\nview the 'out.bed' file for any repeats of intesections.\nthis happens if there is an index that appears in the translocated area and in areas that aren't.\n")
		cat("bedtools doesn't know how to distinguish between 'good' intersections like these and 'bad' ones.\nthese repeats should be at the beginning of the chromosome (if the translocation occured on the left telomere of the chromosome.\n")
		cat("you could confirm that these are the lines that need to be erased by looking at the 'out2.bed' which shows that there are some indices that appear early on and in translocated areas that have been intersected.\n")
		cat("most chances are that you will see a '1' at the line of some indices with other indices that have a '0' surrounding them\n")

		lns <- c()
		fl <- 1
		cat("\n\nentering the lines that need to be removed:\n")
		while(fl == 1)
			ans <- readline(prompt=cat("\nare there any (more) lines that need to be erased?\ny/n\n\n"))
			if(ans == "y")
				new_ln <- as.integer(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the line number that needs to be removed, as it appears in 'out.bed':\n")))
				lns <- c(lns,new_ln)
				fl <- 0

		ps_bed2 <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/out.bed")

			ps_bed2 <- ps_bed2[-1*lns,] #removing the specific lines

		#applying the cutoff to the p-scores	
		if(ans4 == 1) #whole genome
			ps_bed_afterCO <- ps_bed2[ps_bed2[,4]>=CO1,]
		else if(ans4 == 2) #trans
			ps_bed_afterCO <- c()
			for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
					ps_temp <- ps_bed2[ps_bed2[,1]==k & ps_bed2[,4]>=CO1,]
					ps_bed_afterCO <- rbind(ps_bed_afterCO,ps_temp)
					ps_temp <- ps_bed2[ps_bed2[,1]==k,]
					ps_bed_afterCO <- rbind(ps_bed_afterCO,ps_temp)
		else if(ans4 == 3) #cis or each chromosome separately
			ps_bed_afterCO <- c()
			for(k in 1:numOFchroms) 
				if(ans8 == 1) #only cis
						ps_temp <- ps_bed2[ps_bed2[,1]==k & ps_bed2[,4]>=CO1,]
						ps_bed_afterCO <- rbind(ps_bed_afterCO,ps_temp)
						ps_temp <- ps_bed2[ps_bed2[,1]==k,]
						ps_bed_afterCO <- rbind(ps_bed_afterCO,ps_temp)
				else #each chromosome separately
					ps_temp <- ps_bed2[ps_bed2[,1]==k & ps_bed2[,4]>=seperate_CO1[k],]
					ps_bed_afterCO <- rbind(ps_bed_afterCO,ps_temp)

		#adjusting the row numbers
		rownames(ps_bed_afterCO) <- seq(length=nrow(ps_bed_afterCO))
		#ps_dat2 <- cbind(ps_bed2[,1],ps_bed2[,2],ps_bed2[,4])
		system("bedtools intersect -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed_afterCO.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/rawData_bed.bed -loj > ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads.bed")
		reads <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/reads.bed",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,sep="\t")
		reads_bed <- as.data.frame(cbind(ps_bed_afterCO[,1],ps_bed_afterCO[,2],ps_bed_afterCO[,3],reads[,8]))
		if(choice4 == 1) #if by individual
			system("bedtools intersect -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed_afterCO.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM.bed -wo > ~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected.bed")			

			#if there were no intersections	(i think this is the best way to deal with a case like this)
			if(file.info("~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected.bed")$size == 0)
				cat("\nthere were no intersections between the p-scores and FPKM data\n\n")
			#if there were intersections:
			intersected <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected.bed")	
			intersected_pairs <- as.data.frame(cbind(intersected[,4],intersected[,8]))
			system("bedtools intersect -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_bed.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM.bed -wo > ~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected_reads.bed")

			#if there were no intersections	(i think this is the best way to deal with a case like this)
			if(file.info("~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected_reads.bed")$size == 0)
				cat("\nthere were no intersections between the reads and FPKM data\n\n")
			#if there were intersections:
			intersected_reads <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected_reads.bed")	
			intersected_reads_pairs <- as.data.frame(cbind(intersected_reads[,4],intersected_reads[,8]))			
		else #if by window
			system("bedtools map -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/windows.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed_afterCO.bed -c 4 > ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_windows.bed")
			ps_windows <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_windows.bed",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,sep="\t")
			ps_windows[ps_windows[,4]==".",4] <- 0

			system("bedtools map -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/windows.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM.bed -c 4 > ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM_windows.bed")
			FPKM_windows <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM_windows.bed",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,sep="\t")
			FPKM_windows[FPKM_windows[,4]==".",4] <- 0
			intersected_pairs <- as.data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(ps_windows[,4]),as.numeric(FPKM_windows[,4])))
			system("bedtools map -a ~/Analyze4C/temp/windows.bed -b ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_bed.bed -c 4 > ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_windows.bed")
			reads_windows <- read.table("~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_windows.bed",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,sep="\t")
			reads_windows[reads_windows[,4]==".",4] <- 0
			intersected_reads_pairs <- as.data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(reads_windows[,4]),as.numeric(FPKM_windows[,4])))			
		#adding the name given by user to the data, and creating a column for it
		if(choice1 == 1)
			ps_datName <- readline(prompt=cat("\nhow would you like this p-score data to be refered to in the plot? (no spaces)\n\n"))
			ps_datName_all <- c(ps_datName_all,ps_datName)
			intersected_pairs <- cbind(intersected_pairs,rep(ps_datName,nrow(intersected_pairs)))
			intersected_reads_pairs <- cbind(intersected_reads_pairs,rep(ps_datName,nrow(intersected_reads_pairs)))			
			FPKM_datName <- readline(prompt=cat("\nhow would you like this FPKM data to be refered to in the plot? (no spaces)\n\n"))
			FPKM_datName_all <- c(FPKM_datName_all,FPKM_datName)
			intersected_pairs <- cbind(intersected_pairs,rep(FPKM_datName,nrow(intersected_pairs)))
			intersected_reads_pairs <- cbind(intersected_reads_pairs,rep(FPKM_datName,nrow(intersected_reads_pairs)))			
		colnames(intersected_pairs) <- c("pScore","FPKM","names")
		#intersected_pairs <- as.data.frame(intersected_pairs)
		intersected_pairs_all <- rbind(intersected_pairs_all,intersected_pairs)

		colnames(intersected_reads_pairs) <- c("reads","FPKM","names")
		#intersected_reads_pairs <- as.data.frame(intersected_reads_pairs)
		intersected_reads_pairs_all <- rbind(intersected_reads_pairs_all,intersected_reads_pairs)
		cat("\nthe spearman correlation coefficient for the p-score vs. FPKM:\n")
		cat("\nthe pearson correlation coefficient for the p-score vs. FPKM:\n")

		cat("\nthe spearman correlation coefficient for the reads vs. FPKM:\n")
		cat("\nthe pearson correlation coefficient for the reads vs. FPKM:\n")

		if(choice1 == 1)
			#asking if to choose another p-score file to correlate
			ans6 <- readline(prompt=cat("\nwould you like to choose another p-score file to intersect with the FPKM data?\ny/n\n\n"))
			if(ans6 == "y")
				z <- z + 1				
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_bed_afterCO.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_bed.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/rawData_bed.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/out.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/out2.bed")				
				if(choice4 == 1)
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected.bed")
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected_reads.bed")
					winds <- c(winds," ; ",winSize)
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_windows.bed")
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_windows.bed")
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM_windows.bed")
					choice5 <- readline(prompt=cat("\nwould you like to choose a different window size?\ny/n\n\n"))
					if(choice5 == "y")
						system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/windows.bed")
						wind_flag <- 0
						wind_flag <- 1
				files_flag <- 1
				num_of_pScore_files <- z
				#erasing all the files from temp
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/*")				
			#asking if to choose another FPKM file to correlate
			ans6 <- readline(prompt=cat("\nwould you like to choose another FPKM file to intersect with the FPKM data?\ny/n\n\n"))
			if(ans6 == "y")
				z <- z + 1
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads.bed")
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_bed.bed")				
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/rawData_bed.bed")				
				if(choice4 == 1)
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected.bed")
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/intersected_reads.bed")
					winds <- c(winds," ; ",winSize)
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/FPKM_windows.bed")
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/ps_windows.bed")
					system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/reads_windows.bed")
					choice5 <- readline(prompt=cat("\nwould you like to choose a different window size?\ny/n\n\n"))
					if(choice5 == "y")
						system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/windows.bed")
						wind_flag <- 0
						wind_flag <- 1
				files_flag <- 1
				num_of_FPKM_files <- z
				#erasing all the files from temp
				system("rm ~/Analyze4C/temp/*")

	#getting the time and date
	DandT1 <- toString(Sys.time())
	DandT2 <- gsub(" ","_",DandT1)
	DandT2 <- gsub(":","",DandT2)
	#intersected_pairs_all <- as.data.frame(intersected_pairs_all)
	cat("\ncreating the p-score VS. FPKM plot\nplease wait...\n\n")
	#print(ggplot2::ggplot(intersected_pairs_all, ggplot2::aes(x=pScore,y=FPKM,color=names)) + ggplot2::scale_x_log10() +  ggplot2::scale_y_log10() + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE))
	#print(ggplot2::ggplot(intersected_pairs_all, ggplot2::aes(x=pScore,y=FPKM,color=names)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE) + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,5000)) + ggplot2::ggtitle("contact VS. expression - correlation") + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=15,hjust = 0.5)))
	print(ggplot2::ggplot(intersected_pairs_all, ggplot2::aes(x=pScore,y=FPKM,color=names)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE) + ggplot2::ggtitle("contact VS. expression - correlation") + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=15,hjust = 0.5)))

	#saving the plot if the user wants
	ans7 <- readline(prompt=cat("\nwould you like to save this plot?\ny/n\n\n"))
	if(ans7 == "y")
		#save the plot
		nm <- paste("expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots_pScores_vs_FPKM_",DandT2,".png",sep="")
		wd <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the width size of the plot:\n\n")))
		ht <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the height size of the plot:\n\n")))
		cat("\nsaving the plot\nplease wait...\n\n")
		save_flag <- 1	

	#intersected_reads_pairs_all <- as.data.frame(intersected_reads_pairs_all)	
	cat("\ncreating the reads VS. FPKM plot\nplease wait...\n\n")	
	#print(ggplot2::ggplot(intersected_reads_pairs_all, ggplot2::aes(x=reads,y=FPKM,color=names)) + ggplot2::scale_x_log10() +  ggplot2::scale_y_log10() + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE))
	#print(ggplot2::ggplot(intersected_reads_pairs_all, ggplot2::aes(x=reads,y=FPKM,color=names)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE) + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,5000)) + ggplot2::ggtitle("contact VS. expression - reads correlation") + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=15,hjust = 0.5)))
	print(ggplot2::ggplot(intersected_reads_pairs_all, ggplot2::aes(x=reads,y=FPKM,color=names)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_smooth(method=lm,se=FALSE,fullrange=TRUE) + ggplot2::ggtitle("contact VS. expression - reads correlation") + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=15,hjust = 0.5)))

	#saving the plot if the user wants
	ans10 <- readline(prompt=cat("\nwould you like to save this plot?\ny/n\n\n"))
	if(ans10 == "y")
		#save the plot
		nm <- paste("expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots_reads_vs_FPKM_",DandT2,".png",sep="")
		wd <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the width size of the plot:\n\n")))
		ht <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=cat("\nenter the height size of the plot:\n\n")))
		cat("\nsaving the plot\nplease wait...\n\n")
		save_flag <- 1	
	if(save_flag == 1)
		#replacing the " ; " at the start of the lines with nothing
		CO_ps_type <- gsub("^ ; ","",CO_ps_type)
		CO_ps <- gsub("^ ; ","",CO_ps)
		CO_ps_chroms <- gsub("^ ; ","",CO_ps_chroms)
		CO_FPKM_type <- gsub("^ ; ","",CO_FPKM_type)
		CO_FPKM <- gsub("^ ; ","",CO_FPKM)
		CO_FPKM_chroms <- gsub("^ ; ","",CO_FPKM_chroms)
		if(choice4 == 2)
			winds <- gsub("^ ; ","",winds)
		#saving the parameters and details to expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt
		expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots[nrow(expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots)+1,] <- c(psORreads,num_of_pScore_files,ps_Experiments,num_of_FPKM_files,FPKM_Experiments,CO_ps_type,CO_ps,CO_ps_chroms,CO_FPKM_type,CO_FPKM,CO_FPKM_chroms,int_chroms,secs_rmv,by_winds,winds,DandT1)
		#sorting the list of experiments by bait alphabetically (and sorting the row indices)
		expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots <- expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots[order(expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots$Date_and_Time),]
		rownames(expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots) <- seq(length=nrow(expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots))
		#adding the new data to the file (by erasing the old one and creating a new one)
		system("rm expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt")
		write.table(expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots,"expressionVScontacts_correlation_plots.txt",sep="\t",row.names = FALSE,col.names = TRUE,quote=FALSE)	
akivab2/Analyze4CPackage documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:45 a.m.