
Defines functions TWTaov

Documented in TWTaov

#' @title Threshold Wise Testing procedure for testing functional analysis of variance
#' @description The function implements the Threshold Wise Testing procedure for testing mean differences between several
#' functional populations in a one-way or multi-way functional analysis of variance framework.
#' Functional data are tested locally and unadjusted and adjusted p-value
#' functions are provided. The unadjusted p-value function controls the point-wise error rate.
#' The adjusted p-value function controls the
#' threshold-wise error rate.
#' @param formula An object of class "\code{\link{formula}}" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' The output variable of the formula can be either a matrix of dimension \code{c(n,J)} collecting the pointwise evaluations of \code{n} functional data on the same grid of \code{J} points, or a \code{fd} object from the package \code{fda}.
#' @param B The number of iterations of the MC algorithm to evaluate the p-values of the permutation tests. The defualt is \code{B=1000}.
#' @param method Permutation method used to calculate the p-value of permutation tests. Choose "\code{residuals}" for the permutations of residuals under the reduced model, according to the Freedman and Lane scheme, and "\code{responses}" for the permutation of the responses, according to the Manly scheme.
#' @param dx Used only if a \code{fd} object is provided. In this case, \code{dx} is the size of the discretization step of the grid  used to evaluate functional data.
#' If set to \code{NULL}, a grid of size 100 is used. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return \code{TWTaov} returns an object of \code{\link{class}} "\code{IWTaov}". The function \code{summary} is used to obtain and print a summary of the results.
#' An object of class "\code{IWTaov}" is a list containing at least the following components:
#' \item{call}{The matched call.}
#' \item{design_matrix}{The design matrix of the functional-on-scalar linear model.}
#' \item{unadjusted_pval_F}{Evaluation on a grid of the unadjusted p-value function of the functional F-test.}
#' \item{adjusted_pval_F}{Evaluation on a grid of the adjusted p-value function of the functional F-test.}
#' \item{unadjusted_pval_factors}{Evaluation on a grid of the unadjusted p-value function of the functional F-tests on each factor of the analysis of variance (rows).}
#' \item{adjusted_pval_factors}{adjusted p-values of the functional F-tests on each factor of the analysis of variance (rows) and each basis coefficient (columns).}
#' \item{data.eval}{Evaluation on a fine uniform grid of the functional data obtained through the basis expansion.}
#' \item{coeff.regr.eval}{Evaluation on a fine uniform grid of the functional regression coefficients.}
#' \item{fitted.eval}{Evaluation on a fine uniform grid of the fitted values of the functional regression.}
#' \item{residuals.eval}{Evaluation on a fine uniform grid of the residuals of the functional regression.}
#' \item{R2.eval}{Evaluation on a fine uniform grid of the functional R-squared of the regression.}
#' @seealso See \code{\link{summary.IWTaov}} for summaries and \code{\link{plot.IWTaov}} for plotting the results.
#' See \code{\link{ITPaovbspline}} for a functional analysis of variance test based on B-spline basis expansion.
#' See also \code{\link{IWTlm}} to fit and test a functional-on-scalar linear model applying the IWT, and \code{\link{IWT1}}, \code{\link{IWT2}}  for one-population and two-population tests.
#' @examples
#' # Importing the NASA temperatures data set
#' data(NASAtemp)
#' temperature <- rbind(NASAtemp$milan,NASAtemp$paris)
#' groups <- c(rep(0,22),rep(1,22))
#' # Performing the TWT
#' TWT.result <- TWTaov(temperature ~ groups,B=1000)
#' # Summary of the ITP results
#' summary(TWT.result)
#' # Plot of the TWT results
#' layout(1)
#' plot(TWT.result)
#' # All graphics on the same device
#' layout(matrix(1:4,nrow=2,byrow=FALSE))
#' plot(TWT.result,main='NASA data', plot_adjpval = TRUE,xlab='Day',xrange=c(1,365))
#' @references
#' Abramowicz, K., Pini, A., Schelin, L., Stamm, A., & Vantini, S. (2022).
#' “Domain selection and familywise error rate for functional data: A unified framework. 
#' \emph{Biometrics} 79(2), 1119-1132.
#' D. Freedman and D. Lane (1983). A Nonstochastic Interpretation of Reported Significance Levels. \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics} 1.4, 292-298.
#' B. F. J. Manly (2006). Randomization, \emph{Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Methods in Biology}. Vol. 70. CRC Press.
#' @export

TWTaov <- function(formula,B=1000,method='residuals',dx=NULL){
  stat_lm_glob <- function(anova){
    result <- summary.lm(anova)$f[1]
  stat_aov_part <- function(anova){
    result <- summary(anova)[[1]][,4]
    result <- result[-length(result)]
  extract.residuals = function(anova){
  extract.fitted = function(anova){
  #extract.pval <- function(anova){
  #  result <- summary(anova)[[1]][,5]
  #  result <- result[-length(result)]
  #  return(result)
  env <- environment(formula)
  variables = all.vars(formula)
  y.name = variables[1]
  covariates.names <- colnames(attr(terms(formula),"factors"))
  #data.all = model.frame(formula)
  cl <- match.call()
  data <- get(y.name,envir = env)
  if(is.fd(data)){ # data is a functional data object
    rangeval <- data$basis$rangeval
      dx <- (rangeval[2]-rangeval[1])*0.01
    abscissa <- seq(rangeval[1],rangeval[2],by=dx)
    coeff <- t(eval.fd(fdobj=data,evalarg=abscissa))
  }else if(is.matrix(data)){
    coeff <- data
    stop("First argument of the formula must be either a functional data object or a matrix.")
  #design.matrix = model.matrix(formula)
  #mf = model.frame(formula)
  #data = model.response(mf)
  dummynames.all <- colnames(attr(terms(formula),"factors"))
  formula.const <- deparse(formula[[3]],width.cutoff = 500L) #extracting the part after ~ on formula. this will not work if the formula is longer than 500 char
  formula.discrete <- as.formula(paste('coeff ~',formula.const),env=environment())
  design.matrix = model.matrix(formula.discrete)
  mf = model.frame(formula.discrete)
  #var.names = variables[-1]
  #nvar = length(var.names)
  n <- dim(coeff)[1]
  J <- dim(coeff)[2]
  p <- dim(coeff)[2]
  npt <- J
  print('Point-wise tests')
  #univariate permutations
  coeffnames <- paste('coeff[,',as.character(1:p),']',sep='')
  formula.coeff <- paste(coeffnames,'~',formula.const)
  formula.coeff <- sapply(formula.coeff,as.formula,env=environment())
  aovcoeff1 <- aov(formula.coeff[[1]],data=mf)
  var.names <- rownames(summary(aovcoeff1)[[1]])
  df.vars <- summary(aovcoeff1)[[1]][,1]
  df.residuals <- df.vars[length(df.vars)]
  var.names <- var.names[-length(var.names)]
  nvar = length(var.names)
  for(ii in 1:nvar){
    var.names[ii] <- gsub(' ' , '',var.names[ii])
  index.vars <- cbind(c(2,(cumsum(df.vars)+2)[-length(df.vars)]),cumsum(df.vars)+1)
  regr0 = lm.fit(design.matrix,coeff)
  #pval_parametric <- sapply(aov0,extract.pval)
  MS0 <- matrix(nrow=nvar+1,ncol=p)
  for(var in 1:(nvar+1)){
    MS0[var,] <- colSums(rbind(regr0$effects[index.vars[var,1]:index.vars[var,2],]^2))/df.vars[var]
  # test statistic:
  T0_part <- MS0[1:nvar,] / matrix(MS0[nvar+1,],nrow=nvar,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE)
  Sigma <- chol2inv(regr0$qr$qr)
  resvar <- colSums(regr0$residuals^2)/regr0$df.residual
  if(nvar >1){
    T0_glob <- colSums((regr0$fitted - matrix(colMeans(regr0$fitted),nrow=n,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE))^2)/ ((nvar)*resvar)
  }else if(nvar==1){ #only one factor -> the permutation of the residuals is equivalent to the one of responses
    method <- 'responses'
    T0_glob <- colSums((regr0$fitted - matrix(colMeans(regr0$fitted),nrow=n,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE))^2)/ ((nvar)*resvar)
  }else if(nvar==0){
    method = 'responses' # model with only intercept -> the permutation of the residuals is equivalent to the one of responses
    T0_glob = numeric(p)
  #calculate residuals
    #n residuals for each coefficient of basis expansion (1:p)
    #and for each partial test + global test (nvar+1)
    #saved in array of dim (nvar+1,n,p)
    design.matrix.names2 = design.matrix
    var.names2 = var.names
      index.factor = grep('factor',var.names)
      replace.names = paste('group',(1:length(index.factor)),sep='')
      var.names2[index.factor] = replace.names
      colnames(design.matrix.names2) = var.names2
    residui = array(dim=c(nvar,n,p))
    fitted_part = array(dim=c(nvar,n,p)) # fitted values of the reduced model (different for each test)
    formula.coeff_part = vector('list',nvar)
    regr0_part = vector('list',nvar)
    dummy.interaz <- grep(':',dummynames.all)
    #coeff.perm_part = array(dim=c(nvar+1,n,p))
    for(ii in 1:(nvar)){ #no test on intercept
      var.ii = var.names2[ii]
      variables.reduced = var.names2[-which(var.names2==var.ii)] #removing the current variable to test
      if(length(grep(':',var.ii))>0){ # testing interaction
        var12 <- strsplit(var.ii,':')
        var1 <- var12[[1]][1]
        var2 <- var12[[1]][2]
        dummy.test1 <- grep(var1,dummynames.all)
        dummy.test2 <- grep(var2,dummynames.all)
        dummy.test <- intersect(dummy.test1,dummy.test2)
        dummynames.reduced <- dummynames.all[-dummy.test]
        dummy.test <- grep(var.ii,dummynames.all)
        dummy.test <- setdiff(dummy.test,dummy.interaz)
        dummynames.reduced <- dummynames.all[-dummy.test]
        formula.temp = paste(dummynames.reduced,collapse=' + ')
        formula.temp = '1' #removing the only variable -> reduced model only has intercept term
      formula.coeff.temp <- paste(coeffnames,'~',formula.temp)
      formula.coeff_part[[ii]] <- sapply(formula.coeff.temp,as.formula,env=environment())
      regr0_part[[ii]] = lapply(formula.coeff_part[[ii]],lm)
      residui[ii,,] = simplify2array(lapply(regr0_part[[ii]],extract.residuals))
      fitted_part[ii,,] = simplify2array(lapply(regr0_part[[ii]],extract.fitted))
  T_glob <- matrix(ncol=p,nrow=B)
  T_part = array(dim=c(B,nvar,p))
  for (perm in 1:B){
    # the F test is the same for both methods
    if(nvar >0){
      permutazioni <- sample(n)
      coeff_perm <- coeff[permutazioni,]
    }else{ # testing intercept -> permute signs
      signs <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)*2 - 1
      coeff_perm <- coeff*signs
    regr_perm = lm.fit(design.matrix,coeff_perm)
    Sigma <- chol2inv(regr_perm$qr$qr)
    resvar <- colSums(regr_perm$residuals^2)/regr0$df.residual
    if(nvar > 0)
      T_glob[perm,] <- colSums((regr_perm$fitted - matrix(colMeans(regr_perm$fitted),nrow=n,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE))^2)/ ((nvar)*resvar)
    # partial tests: differ depending on the method
      MSperm <- matrix(nrow=nvar+1,ncol=p)
      for(var in 1:(nvar+1)){
        MSperm[var,] <- colSums(rbind(regr_perm$effects[index.vars[var,1]:index.vars[var,2],]^2))/df.vars[var]
      # test statistic:
      T_part[perm,,] <- MSperm[1:nvar,] / matrix(MSperm[nvar+1,],nrow=nvar,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE)
    }else if(method=='residuals'){
      residui_perm = residui[,permutazioni,]
      aov_perm_part = vector('list',nvar)
      for(ii in 1:(nvar)){
        coeff_perm = fitted_part[ii,,] + residui_perm[ii,,]
        regr_perm = lm.fit(design.matrix,coeff_perm)
        MSperm <- matrix(nrow=nvar+1,ncol=p)
        for(var in 1:(nvar+1)){
          MSperm[var,] <- colSums(rbind(regr_perm$effects[index.vars[var,1]:index.vars[var,2],]^2))/df.vars[var]
        # test statistic:
        T_part[perm,ii,] <- (MSperm[1:nvar,] / matrix(MSperm[nvar+1,],nrow=nvar,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE))[ii,]
  pval_glob <- numeric(p)
  pval_part = matrix(nrow=nvar,ncol=p)
  for(i in 1:p){
    pval_glob[i] <- sum(T_glob[,i]>=T0_glob[i])/B
    pval_part[,i] = colSums(T_part[,,i]>=matrix(T0_part[,i],nrow=B,ncol=nvar,byrow=TRUE))/B
  print('Threshold-wise tests')
  # F-test
  thresholds = c(0,sort(unique(pval_glob)),1)
  adjusted.pval_glob <- pval_glob # we initialize the adjusted p-value as unadjusted one
  pval.tmp <- rep(0,p) # inizialize p-value vector resulting from combined test
  for(test in 1:length(thresholds)){
    # test below threshold
    points.1 = which(pval_glob <= thresholds[test])
    T0_comb = sum(T0_glob[points.1],na.rm=TRUE) # combined test statistic
    T_comb <- (rowSums(T_glob[,points.1,drop=FALSE],na.rm=TRUE))
    pval.test <- mean(T_comb>=T0_comb)
    pval.tmp[points.1] <- pval.test
    # compute maximum
    adjusted.pval_glob = apply(rbind(adjusted.pval_glob,pval.tmp),2,max) 
    # test above threshold
    points.2 = which(pval_glob > thresholds[test])
    T0_comb = sum(T0_glob[points.2]) # combined test statistic
    T_comb <- (rowSums(T_glob[,points.2,drop=FALSE],na.rm=TRUE))
    pval.test <- mean(T_comb>=T0_comb)
    pval.tmp[points.2] <- pval.test
    # compute maximum
    adjusted.pval_glob = apply(rbind(adjusted.pval_glob,pval.tmp),2,max) 
  # F-tests on single factors
  thresholds = c(0,sort(unique(as.numeric(pval_part))),1)
  adjusted.pval_part <- pval_part # we initialize the adjusted p-value as unadjusted one
  for(ii in 1:(nvar)){
    pval.tmp <- rep(0,p) 
    for(test in 1:length(thresholds)){
      # test below threshold
      points.1 = which(pval_part[ii,] <= thresholds[test])
      T0_comb = sum(T0_part[ii,points.1],na.rm=TRUE) # combined test statistic
      T_comb <- (rowSums(T_part[,ii,points.1,drop=FALSE],na.rm=TRUE))
      pval.test <- mean(T_comb>=T0_comb)
      pval.tmp[points.1] <- pval.test
      # compute maximum
      adjusted.pval_part[ii,] = apply(rbind(adjusted.pval_part[ii,],pval.tmp),2,max) 
      # test above threshold
      points.2 = which(pval_part[ii,] > thresholds[test])
      T0_comb = sum(T0_part[ii,points.2]) # combined test statistic
      T_comb <- (rowSums(T_part[,ii,points.2,drop=FALSE],na.rm=TRUE))
      pval.test <- mean(T_comb>=T0_comb)
      pval.tmp[points.2] <- pval.test
      # compute maximum
      adjusted.pval_part[ii,] = apply(rbind(adjusted.pval_part[ii,],pval.tmp),2,max) 
  coeff.regr = regr0$coeff
  coeff.t <- coeff.regr
  fitted.regr = regr0$fitted.values
  fitted.t <- fitted.regr
  rownames(adjusted.pval_part) = var.names
  rownames(coeff.t) = colnames(design.matrix)
  rownames(coeff.regr) = colnames(design.matrix)
  rownames(pval_part) = var.names
  residuals.t = coeff - fitted.t
  ybar.t = colMeans(coeff)
  R2.t = colSums((fitted.t - matrix(data=ybar.t,nrow=n,ncol=npt,byrow=TRUE))^2)/colSums((coeff - matrix(data=ybar.t,nrow=n,ncol=npt,byrow=TRUE))^2)
  print('Threshold-Wise Testing completed')
  TWTresult <- list(call=cl,
  class(TWTresult) = 'IWTaov'
alessiapini/fdatest documentation built on April 28, 2024, 12:35 a.m.