
Defines functions .cronbach rowSums.colbundles rowCumsums.colbundles colCumsums rowCumsums whichcolMins whichrowMins whichcolMaxs whichrowMaxs colMaxs rowMaxs rowMins2 min_vec colSds rowSds colVars rowVars colMedians rowMedians colProds rowProds2 rowProds

## File Name: matrix_functions.R
## File Version: 0.202

# Utility Functions                                         #
# Function calculates the rowwise product of a matrix       #
# Note that the entries must be nonnegative                 #
rowProds <- function(matr)
    # INPUT:
    # matrix with positive entries
    exp( rowSums( log(matr + 10^(-300) ) ) )
# for nonnegative entries use this function in combination      ##
# with sign(matr)                                               ##
# rowProds( matr ) * rowProds( sign(matr) )                     ##
# alternative to rowProds
rowProds2 <- function(matr)
    y <- matr[,1]
    for (ii in 2:dim(matr)[2]){
        y <- y * matr[,ii] }

# columnwise product
colProds <- function(matr)
    exp( colSums( log(matr + 10^(-300) ) ) )

# Function of D. Rizoupoulos                                         #
rowMedians <- function(mat)
    stopifnot(is.matrix(mat), typeof(mat)=="double")
    if (any(is.na(mat)))
        stop("'mat' should not contain NAs")
    n <- nrow(mat)
    p <- ncol(mat)
    x <- as.vector(mat)
    x <- matrix(x[order(rep(1:n, p), x)], p, n)
    if (p%%2)
        x[0.5 * (p + 1), ]
        0.5 * (x[0.5 * p, ] + x[0.5 * p + 1, ])
colMedians <- function(mat){ rowMedians( t(mat) ) }

rowVars <- function(mat, na.rm=FALSE )
    n <- rowSums( 1 - is.na(mat) )
    ( rowSums( mat^2, na.rm=TRUE) - n * rowMeans( mat, na.rm=na.rm )^2 ) / ( n - 1 )
colVars <- function( mat, na.rm=FALSE){ rowVars( t(mat), na.rm ) }
rowSds <- function( mat, na.rm=FALSE){ sqrt(rowVars( mat, na.rm ) ) }
colSds <- function( mat, na.rm=FALSE){ sqrt(colVars( mat, na.rm ) ) }
min_vec <- function(a,b)
    ifelse( a >=b, b, a )
rowMins2 <- function(matr)
    y <- do.call( pmin, as.data.frame(matr) )

rowMaxs <- function(mat)
    n <- nrow(mat)
    p <- ncol(mat)
    x <- as.vector(mat)
    x <- matrix(x[order(rep(1:n, p), x)], p, n)
    x[p, ]
colMaxs <- function(mat){ t( rowMaxs( mat ) ) }

whichrowMaxs <- function(mat)
    n <- nrow(mat)
    p <- ncol(mat)
    x <- as.vector(mat)
    dfr <- data.frame( x, rep(1:n, p), rep( 1:p,each=n ) )
    ind <- order(rep(1:n, p), x)
    arg <- matrix(  dfr[ ind, 3], p, n )[p,]
    x <- matrix(x[ind], p, n)
    val <- x[p, ]
    return( list( "val"=val, "arg"=arg ) )
whichcolMaxs <- function(mat){ t( whichrowMaxs( mat ) ) }
whichrowMins <- function(mat){  whichrowMaxs( - mat ) }
whichcolMins <- function(mat){  whichcolMaxs( - mat ) }

# rowwise cumsum operation on matrices                        #
rowCumsums <- function( mat, multmat=NULL)
    if (is.null(multmat)){
        m <- ncol(mat)
        multmat <- matrix( 1, ncol=m, nrow=m )
        multmat[ lower.tri( multmat )] <- 0
    mat %*% multmat
colCumsums <- function( mat  ){
    rowCumsums( t(mat) )

# compute column-bundlewise rowSums of a matrix
rowCumsums.colbundles <- function( mat, ind, multmat=NULL )
    if (is.null(multmat)){  matlist <- as.list( rep(1,length(ind)))
        for (ii in 1:( length(ind) )){
            mat1 <- matrix( 1, nrow=ind[ii], ncol=ind[ii] )
            mat1[ lower.tri( mat1 ) ] <- 0
            matlist[[ii]] <- mat1
        multmat <- Matrix::bdiag(lapply(matlist, as.matrix))
    as.matrix( mat %*% multmat )

# compute column-bundlewise rowSums of a matrix
rowSums.colbundles <- function( mat, ind, multmat=NULL )
    if (is.null(multmat)){
        matlist <- as.list( rep(1,length(ind)))
        for (ii in 1:( length(ind) )){
            mat1 <- matrix( 1, nrow=ind[ii], ncol=ind[ii] )
            matlist[[ii]] <- mat1
        multmat <- Matrix::bdiag(lapply(matlist, as.matrix))
    as.matrix( mat %*% multmat )

# function for calculation of Cronbach's Alpha
.cronbach <- function(matr)
    matr <- stats::na.omit(matr)
    p <- ncol(matr)
    p / ( p - 1 )* ( sum( matr ) - sum( diag( matr ) ) )/ sum(matr )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 5:42 a.m.