## File Name: mcmc.2pno.ml_alg.R
## File Version: 3.25
# parts of algorithm:
# * draw Z
# * draw theta2
# * draw theta1 (centering!)
# * draw sigma2
# * draw sigma1
# * draw b_class
# * draw b
# * draw variance(b_class)
# * draw a_class
# * draw a
# * draw variance(a_class)
# compute group mean by the rowsum function
.mcmc.groupmean <- function( matr, group, groupsize=NULL ){
r1 <- rowsum( matr, group )
if ( is.null(groupsize) ){
groupsize <- rowsum( 1+0*matr[,1], group )[,1]
r1 / groupsize
# draw latent responses Z
.draw.Z.2pno.ml <- function( aM, bM, theta, N, I, threshlow, threshupp ){
# calculate means
mij <- aM * theta - bM
# simulate uniform data
rij <- matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I )
# calculate corresponding value
pl <- stats::pnorm( threshlow, mean=mij)
pu <- stats::pnorm( threshupp, mean=mij)
pij <- pl + (pu-pl)*rij
# simulate Z
Zij <- stats::qnorm( pij, mean=mij )
# draw theta=theta.L2 + theta.L1
# here, the "total" theta is sampled!
.draw.theta.2pno.ml <- function( aM, b, bM, N, I, Z,
sigma1, sigma2, sigma.res, link, theta2, idgroup ){
# link=logit
# Z=aM * theta - bM + eps
# Z + bM=aM * theta + eps
# bM <- matrix(b,N,I,byrow=TRUE )
if (link=="logit"){
# vtheta <- 1 / ( rowSums( aM^2 ) + ( sigma1^2+sigma2^2 ) )
# vtheta <- 1 / ( rowSums( aM^2 ) + 1/( sigma1^2+sigma2^2 ) )
# mtheta <- rowSums( aM * ( Z + bM ) ) * vtheta
Zres <- Z + bM
m1ij <- rowSums( aM * Zres )
prec1 <- rowSums(aM^2 )
m1ij <- m1ij / prec1
m2ij <- theta2[ idgroup ]
# prec2 <- 1 / ( sigma1^2 + sigma2^2 )
prec2 <- 1 / ( sigma1^2)
} # end logit
# link=normal
if (link=="normal"){
# print(sigma.res)
sigma.resM <- matrix( sigma.res, N, I, byrow=TRUE)
Zres <- Z + bM
# correct precision and estimator
# something seems to go wrong here
# m1ij <- rowSums( aM * Zres * sigma.resM)
m1ij <- rowSums( aM * Zres / sigma.resM^2 )
m2ij <- theta2[ idgroup ]
# prec1 <- rowSums( aM^2 * sigma.resM^2 )
prec1 <- rowSums( aM^2 / sigma.resM^2 )
m1ij <- m1ij / prec1
prec2 <- 1 / ( sigma1^2 )
} # end normal
prectotal <- prec1 + prec2
mtheta <- ( prec1*m1ij + prec2 * m2ij ) / prectotal
vtheta <- 1 / prectotal
theta <- stats::rnorm( N, mean=mtheta, sd=sqrt( vtheta ) )
theta <- theta - mean(theta)
# draw level 2 latent class mean
.draw.theta2.2pno.ml <- function( theta, idgroup, groupsize,
sigma1, sigma2, G ){
# compute latent mean
mij1 <- .mcmc.groupmean( theta, idgroup, groupsize)[,1]
prec.ij1 <- 1 / ( sigma1^2 / groupsize )
prec.ij2 <- 1 / sigma2^2
prec.tot <- prec.ij1 + prec.ij2
vtheta <- 1 / prec.tot
mtheta <- mij1 * prec.ij1 / prec.tot
theta2 <- stats::rnorm( G, mean=mtheta, sd=sqrt( vtheta ))
theta2 <- theta2 - mean(theta2)
# draw level 1 and level 2 variances
.draw.sigma12.2pno.ml <- function( theta, theta2, idgroup, N,
G, prior.sigma2 ){
# level 1 variance
sig2 <- sum( (theta - theta2[ idgroup ])^2 ) / N
sigma1 <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( 1, w0=1, sig02=.7, n=N, sig2=sig2 ) )
# level 2 variance
sig2 <- sum( theta2^2 ) / G
sigma2 <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( 1,
w0=prior.sigma2[1], sig02=prior.sigma2[2]^2, n=G, sig2=sig2 ) )
res <- list( "sigma1"=sigma1, "sigma2"=sigma2 )
# b item parameter single level case
.draw.est.b.sl <- function( Z, aM, theta, N, I, omega.b, mu.b,
sigma.res, link ){
# Z=aM * theta - bM + eps
#=> bM=Z - aM*theta - eps
Zres <- Z - aM * theta
mij1 <- -colMeans(Zres)
# link=logit
if (link=="logit"){
prec1ij <- N
prec2ij <- 1 / omega.b^2
prectotal <- prec1ij + prec2ij
mij <- ( mij1 * prec1ij + mu.b * prec2ij ) / prectotal
vij <- 1 / prectotal
# link=normal
if (link=="normal"){
prec1ij <- N / sigma.res^2
prec2ij <- 1 / omega.b^2
prectotal <- prec1ij + prec2ij
mij <- ( mij1 * prec1ij + mu.b * prec2ij ) / prectotal
vij <- 1 / prectotal
} # end link=normal
#*** sample b parameter
b <- stats::rnorm( I, mean=mij, sd=sqrt( vij ) )
# draw hyperparameters of b
.draw.est.b.hyperpars <- function( b, mu.b, omega.b, I,
prior.omega.b, est.b.M ){
if ( est.b.M=="h"){
# sample mu.b
mij <- mean(b)
vij <- omega.b^2 / I
mu.b <- stats::rnorm(1, mean=mij, sd=sqrt(vij) )
# sample omega.b
sig2 <- sum( ( b - mu.b )^2 ) / I
omega.b <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( 1,
w0=prior.omega.b[1], sig02=prior.omega.b[2]^2,
n=I, sig2=sig2 ) )
res <- list( "mu.b"=mu.b, "omega.b"=omega.b )
# sampling of b in case of multilevel DIF
.mcmc.est.b.2pno.ml.v2 <- function( N, Z, aM, theta, idgroup, groupsize,
b, bG, G, I, sigma.b, omega.b, mu.b, sigma.res, link ){
# sampling of b (fixed item difficulties)
# Z=aM * theta - b - bG + eps
# Z - aM * theta + bG=- b + eps
Zres <- Z - aM * theta + bG[ idgroup, ]
# Zres <- Z - aM * theta
mij1 <- -colMeans(Zres)
# link=logit
if (link=="logit"){
prec1ij <- N
prec2ij <- 1 / omega.b^2
prectotal <- prec1ij + prec2ij
mij <- ( mij1 * prec1ij + mu.b * prec2ij ) / prectotal
vij <- 1 / prectotal
# link=normal
if (link=="normal"){
prec1ij <- N / sigma.res^2
prec2ij <- 1 / omega.b^2
prectotal <- prec1ij + prec2ij
mij <- ( mij1 * prec1ij + mu.b * prec2ij ) / prectotal
vij <- 1 / prectotal
} # end link=normal
#*** sample b parameter
b <- stats::rnorm( I, mean=mij, sd=sqrt( vij ) )
# estimation of b for clusters
.mcmc.est.b.group.2pno.ml <- function( Z, aM, theta, idgroup, groupsize,
b, G, I, sigma.b, sigma.res, link, N ){
# Z=a * theta - b - bG + eps
#=> - b=Z - a * theta + bG + eps
bM1 <- matrix( b, nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE )
Zres <- Z - aM * theta + bM1
# compute means
mij1 <- - .mcmc.groupmean( matr=Zres, group=idgroup, groupsize )
mij2 <- matrix( 0, G, I, byrow=TRUE )
# compute precisions
prec1 <- matrix( groupsize, G, I, byrow=FALSE) / 1
if (link=="normal"){
prec1 <- prec1 / matrix( sigma.res^2, G, I, byrow=TRUE )
prec2 <- 1 / matrix( sigma.b^2, G, I, byrow=TRUE )
prectot <- prec1 + prec2
# compute total means
mtot <- ( mij1*prec1 + mij2*prec2 ) / prectot
vtot <- 1 / prectot
# sampling of bG
bG <- matrix( stats::rnorm( G*I, mean=mtot, sd=sqrt(vtot) ), G, I )
# adjustment
# bG1 <- rowMeans( bG )
# bG1 <- bG1 - mean(bG1)
# bG <- bG - bG1
# bG1 <- colMeans( bG )
bG <- as.matrix( scale( bG, scale=FALSE ) )
# estimation of hierarchical distribution
.mcmc.sigma.b.2pno.ml <- function( bG, mu.b, omega.b, G, I,
est.b.Var, prior.sigma.b, sigma.b ){
# draw item group standard deviations
bresG <- bG
if ( est.b.Var=="i"){
sig2b <- colSums( bresG^2 ) / G
sigma.b <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( I,
w0=prior.sigma.b[1], sig02=prior.sigma.b[2]^2,
n=G, sig2=sig2b ) )
if ( est.b.Var=="j"){
sig2b <- sum( bresG^2 ) / (G*I)
sigma.b <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( 1,
w0=prior.sigma.b[1], sig02=prior.sigma.b[2]^2,
n=G*I, sig2=sig2b ) )
sigma.b <- rep( sigma.b, I )
# sampling of a parameters
.draw.est.a.sl <- function( Z, bM, theta, mu.a, omega.a, I,
sigma.res, link ){
# Z=a * theta - b + eps
#=> Z + b=a*theta + eps
# a is obtained as a regression estimate
eps <- .01
Zres <- Z + bM
h1 <- sum( theta^2 )
h2 <- colSums( Zres * theta )
# calculate means
m1ij <- h2 / h1
m2ij <- mu.a
# calculate precisions
prec1 <- h1 * 1 # (X'X)^(-1) * sigma^2_{res}
if ( link=="normal"){
prec1 <- prec1 / sigma.res^2
prec2 <- 1 / omega.a^2
prectotal <- prec1 + prec2
# define mean and variance of posterior
m1 <- ( m1ij * prec1 + m2ij * prec2 ) / prectotal
# sampling of a
a <- stats::rnorm( I, mean=m1, sd=1/sqrt(prectotal) )
# a <- a - ( mean(a) - 1 )
a[ a < 0 ] <- eps
a <- exp( log(a) - mean( log( a ) ) )
# a <- a / prod(a)
# draw hyperparameters of a
.draw.est.a.hyperpars <- function( a, mu.a, omega.a, I,
prior.omega.a, est.a.M ){
if ( est.a.M=="h"){
# set mu.a to one
mu.a <- 1
# sample omega.a
sig2 <- sum( ( a - mu.a )^2 ) / I
omega.a <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( 1,
w0=prior.omega.a[1], sig02=prior.omega.a[2]^2,
n=I, sig2=sig2 ) )
res <- list( "mu.a"=mu.a, "omega.a"=omega.a )
# sampling of a parameters
.mcmc.a.est.a.2pno.ml <- function( Z, bM, aG, idgroup, theta,
mu.a, omega.a, I, link, sigma.res ){
# Z=a * theta + aG*theta - bM + eps
#=> Z + bM - aG * theta=a*theta + eps
# a is obtained as a regression estimate
Zres <- Z + bM - aG[ idgroup, ] * theta
h1 <- sum( theta^2 )
h2 <- colSums( Zres * theta )
# calculate means
m1ij <- h2 / h1
m2ij <- mu.a
# calculate precisions
prec1 <- h1 * 1 # (X'X)^(-1) * sigma^2_{res}
if (link=="normal"){
prec1 <- prec1 / sigma.res^2
prec2 <- 1 / omega.a^2
prectotal <- prec1 + prec2
# define mean and variance of posterior
m1 <- ( m1ij * prec1 + m2ij * prec2 ) / prectotal
# sampling of a
a <- stats::rnorm( I, mean=m1, sd=1/sqrt(prectotal) )
a <- a - ( mean(a) - 1 )
# draw a parameters group wise
.mcmc.est.aG.2pno.ml.v2 <- function( Z, bM, theta, idgroup, G, I,
a, sigma.a, N, link, sigma.res ){
# Z=a * theta + aG*theta - bM + eps
# Z + bM - a*theta=aG * theta + eps
aM1 <- matrix( a, N, I, byrow=TRUE )
Zres <- Z + bM - aM1*theta
# calculate means of a parameters
theta2l <- rowsum( theta^2, idgroup )[,1]
Zrestheta <- rowsum( Zres*theta, idgroup )
m1ij <- Zrestheta / theta2l
m2ij <- matrix( 0, G, I, byrow=TRUE )
# calculate precisions
prec1 <- matrix( theta2l, G, I )
if (link=="normal"){
prec1 <- prec1 / sigma.res^2
# take sigma.res into account!!
prec2 <- matrix( 1 / sigma.a^2, G, I, byrow=TRUE )
prectotal <- prec1 + prec2
m1 <- ( m1ij*prec1 + m2ij * prec2 ) / prectotal
aG <- matrix( stats::rnorm(G*I, mean=m1, sd=sqrt( 1 / prectotal )), G, I )
# center aG parameters within each group
# aG <- aG - ( rowMeans( aG ) - 0 )
aG <- scale( aG, scale=FALSE)
# sampling from hierarchical a distribution
.mcmc.a.grouphier.2pno.ml <- function( aG, mu.a, G, omega.a, I,
prior.sigma.a, est.a.Var, sigma.a ){
# draw item group standard deviations
aresG <- aG
if ( est.a.Var=="i"){
sig2b <- colSums( aresG^2 ) / G
sigma.a <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( I,
w0=prior.sigma.a[1], sig02=prior.sigma.a[2]^2,
n=G, sig2=sig2b ) )
if ( est.a.Var=="j"){
sig2b <- sum( aresG^2 ) / (G*I)
sigma.a <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( 1,
w0=prior.sigma.a[1], sig02=prior.sigma.a[2]^2,
n=G*I, sig2=sig2b ) )
sigma.a <- rep( sigma.a, I )
# draw residual standard deviations
.draw.sigma.res.2pno.ml <- function( Z, aM, bM, theta, N, I ){
# Z=a * theta - b + eps
Zres <- Z - aM * theta + bM
sig2 <- colSums( Zres^2 ) / N
sigma.res <- sqrt( .mcmc.draw.variance( I,
w0=.001, sig02=1,
n=N, sig2=sig2 ) )
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