
Defines functions .sort.items .inverse.guttman.data.frame .guttman.data.frame cor.rowwise sd.rowwise cov.rowwise pf.eci pf.dependability pf.rpbis.itemdiff pf.rpbis pf.caution pf.U3 pf.outfit.infit pf.l0 .display.conv pf.logist.regression

## File Name: personfit.R
## File Version: 1.29

# person fit with logistic regression
pf.logist.regression <- function( data, itemdiff, perc=seq(5,100,5) ){
    P <- nrow( data )
    fits <- rep(0,P)
    convdis <- .display.conv( maxiter=P, perc=perc, P=P )
    for (pp in 1:P){
        # pp <- 40
        y1 <-  t(data[pp,])[,1]
        mod.pp <- stats::glm( y1 ~ itemdiff, family="binomial")
        fits[pp] <- stats::coef(mod.pp)[2]
        ind.pp <- which( convdis[,1] %in% pp )
        if (length(ind.pp) > 0){ cat("\n",paste(convdis[ind.pp,2], "%", sep="") ) ;
    return( fits)
# display convergence progress
.display.conv <- function( maxiter, perc=seq( 5, 100, 5 ), P=P ){
    h1 <- 100 * seq( 1, P ) / P
    h2 <- sapply( perc, FUN=function(perc.pp){
            # perc.pp <- perc[1]
            which.min( abs( h1 - perc.pp ) )[1]
            } )
    cbind( "iter"=h2, "perc"=perc )
# Reise fit
##NS export(pf.reisefit)
# pf.reisefit <- function( data, itemdiff ){
#    dat1 <- data
#    a1 <- data.frame( "y"=matrix(  t(dat1), ncol=1, byrow=T),
#                    "person"=rep(  seq( 1, nrow(dat1) ), each=I ),
#                    "itemdiff"=rep( itemdiff, nrow(dat1) )
#                        )
#    mod <- lmer( y ~ itemdiff + ( 1 + itemdiff | person ), data=a1, family="binomial" )
#    l1 <- list( "reise.fit"=fixef(mod)[2] + ranef(mod)$person[,2], "summary"=summary(mod), "model"=mod )
#    return(l1)
#    }
# calculate l0 and lz likelihood based statistic
##NS export(pf.l0)
pf.l0 <- function( data, wle, itemdiff ){
    dat1 <- data
    dat1.resp <- 1 - is.na(dat1)
    dat1[ is.na(dat1) ] <- 0
    # I <- ncol(dat1)
    Iresp <- rowSums( dat1.resp )
    pmatrix <- stats::plogis( outer( wle, itemdiff, "-" ) )
    # l0
    l0 <- rowSums( ( dat1 * log( pmatrix ) + ( 1 - dat1) * log( 1 - pmatrix ) )*dat1.resp /
                Iresp )
    # standardized l0
    E.l0 <- rowSums( dat1.resp*( pmatrix * log( pmatrix ) + ( 1 - pmatrix) * log( 1 - pmatrix ) )  )
    Var.l0 <- rowSums( dat1.resp*( pmatrix * ( 1 - pmatrix ) * ( stats::qlogis( pmatrix ) )^2 )  )
    # lz <- ( I*l0 - E.l0 ) / sqrt( Var.l0 )
    lz <- ( Iresp*l0 - E.l0 ) / sqrt( Var.l0 )
    list( "l0"=l0, "lz"=lz )
# Infit and Outfit (Rasch model)
##NS export(pf.outfit.infit)
pf.outfit.infit <- function( data, wle, itemdiff ){
    dat1 <- data
    # I <- ncol(dat1)
    pmatrix <- stats::plogis( outer( wle, itemdiff, "-" ) )

    dat1.resp <- 1 - is.na(dat1)
    dat1[ is.na(dat1) ] <- 0

    Iresp <- rowSums(dat1.resp)

    # Outfit (unweighted fit)
    U <- rowSums(  ( ( dat1 - pmatrix )^2 / Iresp / pmatrix / ( 1 - pmatrix ) ) * dat1.resp )
    # Infit (weighted fit)
    W <- rowSums(  dat1.resp * ( dat1 - pmatrix )^2  ) /
                    rowSums(  dat1.resp * pmatrix * ( 1 - pmatrix ) )
    list( "Outfit"=U, "Infit"=W )

# U3 statistic
##NS export(pf.U3)
pf.U3 <- function( data, pval ){
    dat1 <- data
    # data processing
    data.proc <- .guttman.data.frame( data=dat1, pval=pval )
    data.proc2 <- .inverse.guttman.data.frame( data=dat1, pval=pval )
    P <- nrow(dat1)
    I <- ncol(dat1)
    # calculate A_i
    pmatrix <- outer( rep(1,P), data.proc$pval )
    pmatrix <- log( pmatrix / ( 1 - pmatrix ) )
    T1 <- rowSums( data.proc$data.guttman * pmatrix)
    T2 <- rowSums( data.proc$data * pmatrix)
    T3 <- rowSums( data.proc2$data.inverse.guttman  * pmatrix )
    GI <- ( T1 - T2 ) / ( T1 - T3 )
# Caution Index
##NS export(pf.caution)
pf.caution <- function( data, pval ){
    dat1 <- data
    # data processing
    data.proc <- .guttman.data.frame( data=dat1, pval=pval )
    data.proc2 <- .inverse.guttman.data.frame( data=dat1, pval=pval )
    P <- nrow(dat1)
    I <- ncol(dat1)
    # calculate caution index
    pmatrix <- outer( rep(1,P), data.proc$pval )
    T1 <- rowSums( data.proc$data.guttman * pmatrix)
    T2 <- rowSums( data.proc$data * pmatrix)
    T3 <- rowSums( data.proc2$data.inverse.guttman  * pmatrix )
    GI <- ( T1 - T2 ) / ( T1 - T3 )
# Correlation Index
##NS export(pf.rbis)
pf.rpbis <- function( data, pval ){
    I <- ncol(data)
    P <- nrow(data)
    cor.rowwise( data, outer( rep(1,P), pval ) )
# Correlation Index
##NS export(pf.rpbis.itemdiff)
pf.rpbis.itemdiff <- function( data, itemdiff ){
    I <- ncol(data)
    P <- nrow(data)
    cor.rowwise( data, outer( rep(1,P), itemdiff ) )
# Disagreement index
##NS export(pf.dependability)
pf.dependability <- function( data, pval ){
    dat1 <- data
    # data processing
    data.proc <- .guttman.data.frame( data=dat1, pval=pval )
    P <- nrow(dat1)
    I <- ncol(dat1)
    # calculate A_i
    pmatrix <- outer( rep(1,P), data.proc$pval )
    A.max <- rowSums( data.proc$data.guttman * pmatrix) / I
    A.i <- rowSums( data.proc$data * pmatrix) / I
    # disagreement index
    DI <- A.max - A.i
# ECI indexes
##NS export(pf.ECI)
pf.eci <- function( data, pval, wle, itemdiff){
    dat1 <- data
    # data processing
    data.proc <- .guttman.data.frame( data=dat1, pval=pval )
    itemdiff2 <- itemdiff[ data.proc$index ]
    P <- nrow(dat1)
    I <- ncol(dat1)
    # calculate matrices
    P.matr <- stats::plogis( outer( wle, itemdiff2, "-")  )
    X.matr <- data.proc$data
    n.matr <- outer( rep( 1, P), data.proc$pval )
    G.matr <- outer( rep(1,P), colMeans( P.matr )  )
    # indices
    ECI1 <- 1 - cov.rowwise( X.matr, n.matr ) / cov.rowwise( P.matr, n.matr )
    ECI2 <- 1 - cov.rowwise( X.matr, G.matr ) / cov.rowwise( P.matr, G.matr )
    ECI3 <- 1 - cor.rowwise( X.matr, G.matr ) / cor.rowwise( P.matr, G.matr )
    ECI4 <- 1 - cov.rowwise( X.matr, P.matr ) / cov.rowwise( G.matr, P.matr )
    ECI5 <- 1 - cor.rowwise( X.matr, P.matr ) / cor.rowwise( G.matr, P.matr )
    ECI6 <- 1 - cov.rowwise( X.matr, P.matr ) / cov.rowwise( P.matr, P.matr )
    ECI <- data.frame( ECI1, ECI2, ECI3, ECI4, ECI5, ECI6 )
    colnames(ECI) <- paste("ECI", 1:6, sep="")
    list( "ECI"=ECI, "ECI1"=ECI1,"ECI2"=ECI2, "ECI3"=ECI3, "ECI4"=ECI4, "ECI5"=ECI5, "ECI6"=ECI6 )
# calculate covariance rowwise for matrices
cov.rowwise <- function( m1, m2 ){
    I <- ncol(m1)
    ( rowSums( m1 * m2 ) - I * rowMeans(m1) * rowMeans(m2) ) / ( I - 1 )
# rowwise SD's
sd.rowwise <- function(m1){
    sqrt( cov.rowwise( m1, m1 ) )
# rowwise correlations
cor.rowwise <- function(m1,m2){
    cov.rowwise(m1,m2) / sd.rowwise( m1 ) / sd.rowwise( m2 )
# create Guttman data frame
.guttman.data.frame <- function( data, pval ){
    data.sort <- .sort.items( data=data, pval=pval )
    data1 <- data.sort$data
    pval1 <- data.sort$pval
    I <- ncol(data1)
    # create Guttman pattern data matrix data.guttman
    score <- rowSums( data1 )
    data.guttman <- 0*data1
    for (ii in 1:I){
            data.guttman[,ii] <- 1*( score >=ii )
    res <- list( data=data1, pval=pval1, data.guttman=data.guttman, index=data.sort$index )
    return( res )
# create inverse Guttman data frame
.inverse.guttman.data.frame <- function( data, pval ){
    data.sort <- .sort.items( data=data, pval=pval )
    data1 <- data.sort$data
    pval1 <- data.sort$pval
    I <- ncol(data1)
    # create Guttman pattern data matrix data.guttman
    score <- rowSums( data1 )
    data.guttman <- 0*data1
    for (ii in 1:I){ data.guttman[,I + 1 - ii] <- 1*( score >=ii ) }
    return( list( data=data1, pval=pval1, data.inverse.guttman=data.guttman ) )
# auxiliary function for sorting items according to p values
.sort.items <- function( data, pval ){
    l1 <- sort( pval, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE    )
    dat1 <- data[, l1$ix ]
    pval1 <- pval[ l1$ix ]
    return( list( data=dat1, pval=pval1, index=l1$ix) )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.