## File Name: prmse.subscores.R
## File Version: 0.14
# calculation of PRMSE for Subscores according to Haberman (2007)
prmse.subscores <- function( data.X, data.Z){
ind <- which( rowSums( is.na( data.Z ) ) > 0 )
# require(psy)
if (length(ind) > 0){
data.X <- data.X[ - ind, ]
data.Z <- data.Z[ - ind, ]
aX <- .cronbach.alpha( data.X )
aZ <- .cronbach.alpha( data.Z )
res <- list( "N"=aX$sample.size, "nX"=aX$number.of.items )
score.X <- rowSums( data.X )
score.Z <- rowSums( data.Z )
res$M.X <- mean( score.X )
res$Var.X <- stats::var( score.X )
res$SD.X <- sqrt( res$Var.X )
res$alpha.X <- aX$alpha
res$Var.TX <- res$Var.X * res$alpha.X
res$Var.EX <- res$Var.X * ( 1 - res$alpha.X )
res$nZ <- aZ$number.of.items
res$M.Z <- mean( score.Z )
res$Var.Z <- stats::var( score.Z )
res$SD.Z <- sqrt( res$Var.Z )
res$alpha.Z <- aZ$alpha
res$Var.TZ <- res$Var.Z * res$alpha.Z
res$Var.EZ <- res$Var.Z * ( 1 - res$alpha.Z )
res$cor.X_Z <- stats::cor( score.X, score.Z )
res$cor.X_Y <- stats::cor( score.X, score.Z - score.X )
res$cor.TX_TY <- res$cor.X_Y / sqrt( res$alpha.X ) /
sqrt( .cronbach.alpha( data.Z[, setdiff( colnames(data.Z), colnames(data.X) ) ] )$alpha )
res$Var.TX <- res$Var.X - res$Var.EX
res$Var.TZ <- res$Var.Z - res$Var.EZ
res$cor.TX_TZ <- res$cor.X_Z / sqrt( res$alpha.X * res$alpha.Z ) -
res$Var.EX / sqrt( res$Var.TX * res$Var.Z )
res$cor.TX_Z <- res$cor.TX_TZ * sqrt( res$alpha.Z )
# RMSE based on subscores (Kelley formula)
res$rmse.X <- sqrt( res$Var.TX * ( 1 - res$alpha.X ) )
# RMSE based on total scores
res$rmse.Z <- sqrt( res$Var.TX * ( 1 - res$cor.TX_Z^2 ) )
# calculation of regression coefficients
regr <- matrix( 0, nrow=3, ncol=3 )
colnames(regr) <- c("Int", "beta.X", "beta.Z" )
rownames(regr) <- c("Mod.X", "Mod.Z", "Mod.XZ" )
regr[ "Mod.X", "beta.X" ] <- res$alpha.X
regr[ "Mod.X", "Int" ] <- res$M.X - res$alpha.X * res$M.X
regr[ "Mod.Z", "beta.Z" ] <- res$cor.TX_Z * sqrt(res$Var.TX) / sqrt( res$Var.Z )
regr[ "Mod.Z", "Int" ] <- res$M.X - regr[ "Mod.Z", "beta.Z" ] * res$M.Z
regr[ "Mod.XZ", "beta.X" ] <- ( sqrt( res$Var.TX ) * ( sqrt( res$alpha.X ) - res$cor.TX_Z * res$cor.X_Z ) ) /
( res$SD.X * ( 1 - res$cor.X_Z^2 ) )
regr[ "Mod.XZ", "beta.Z" ] <- ( sqrt( res$Var.TX ) * ( res$cor.TX_Z - sqrt(res$alpha.X) * res$cor.X_Z ) ) /
( res$SD.Z * ( 1 - res$cor.X_Z^2 ) )
regr[ "Mod.XZ", "Int" ] <- res$M.X - regr[ "Mod.X", "beta.X" ] * res$M.X - regr[ "Mod.Z", "beta.Z" ] * res$M.Z
# calculation of RMSE of the regression on both subscores and total score
pcor <- (( res$cor.TX_Z - sqrt( res$alpha.X) * res$cor.X_Z ) /
sqrt( 1 - res$alpha.X ) / sqrt( 1 - res$cor.X_Z^2 ) )
res$rmse.XZ <- res$rmse.X * sqrt( 1 - pcor^2)
res$prmse.X <- res$alpha.X
res$prmse.Z <- res$cor.TX_Z^2
res$prmse.XZ <- 1 - ( 1 - res$alpha.X )*( 1 -pcor^2 )
list( "res"=res, "regr"=regr )
# calculation of PRMSE for a number of subscales
prmse.subscores.scales <- function( data, subscale ){
# data ... original data frame
# scales ... classification of items in data into scales
scales <- sort( unique( subscale ) )
dfr <- NULL
for ( ss in scales ){
# ss <- scales[1]
res1 <- prmse.subscores( data.X=data[, subscale==ss ], data.Z=data )
dfr <- cbind( dfr, unlist( res1$res ) )
colnames(dfr) <- scales
# aux function for Cronbach's Alpha
.cronbach.alpha <- function( data ){
# covariance
c1 <- stats::cov( data, use="pairwise.complete.obs" )
# mean covariance
c1a <- c1 ; diag(c1a) <- 0
I <- ncol(data)
mc <- sum(c1a) / ( I^2 - I )
# mean variance
mv <- mean( diag(c1) )
alpha <- I * mc / ( mv + (I-1) *mc )
mean.tot <- mean( rowSums(data) )
var.tot <- var( rowSums( data ) )
res <- list( "I"=I, "alpha"=alpha,
"mean.tot"=mean.tot, "var.tot"=var.tot,
"number.of.items"=I )
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