examples/A novel algorithmic approach to Bayesian logic regression supplementaries/simple usage/inference_help.r

#read the most recent stable version of the package

#make sure that you are using Mac Os or Linux (mclapply is currently not supported for Windows, unless some mclapply hack function for Windows is pre-loaded in your R session)

#simulate Gaussian responses

X1= as.data.frame(array(data = rbinom(n = 50*1000,size = 1,prob = runif(n = 50*1000,0,1)),dim = c(1000,50)))
Y1=rnorm(n = 1000,mean = 1+0.7*(X1$V1*X1$V4) + 0.8896846*(X1$V8*X1$V11)+1.434573*(X1$V5*X1$V9),sd = 1)

#specify the initial formula
formula1 = as.formula(paste(colnames(X1)[51],"~ 1 +",paste0(colnames(X1)[-c(51)],collapse = "+")))
data.example = as.data.frame(X1)

#run the inference with robust g prior
res4G = LogicRegr(formula = formula1,data = data.example,family = "Gaussian",prior = "G",report.level = 0.5,d = 15,cmax = 2,kmax = 15,p.and = 0.9,p.not = 0.01,p.surv = 0.2,ncores = 32)
#run the inference with Jeffrey's prior
res4J = LogicRegr(formula = formula1,data = data.example,family = "Gaussian",prior = "J",report.level = 0.5,d = 15,cmax = 2,kmax = 15,p.and = 0.9,p.not = 0.01,p.surv = 0.2,ncores = 32)

#change to Bernoulli responses
X1= as.data.frame(array(data = rbinom(n = 50*1000,size = 1,prob = 0.3),dim = c(1000,50)))
Y1=-0.7+1*((1-X1$V1)*(X1$V4)) + 1*(X1$V8*X1$V11)+1*(X1$V5*X1$V9)

#specify the initial formula
formula1 = as.formula(paste(colnames(X1)[51],"~ 1 +",paste0(colnames(X1)[-c(51)],collapse = "+")))
data.example = as.data.frame(X1)

#run the inference with robust g prior
res1G = LogicRegr(formula = formula1,data = data.example,family = "Bernoulli",prior = "G",report.level = 0.5,d = 15,cmax = 2,kmax = 15,p.and = 0.9,p.not = 0.2,p.surv = 0.2,ncores = 32)

#run the inference with Jeffrey's prior
res1J = LogicRegr(formula = formula1,data = data.example,family = "Bernoulli",prior = "J",report.level = 0.5,d = 15,cmax = 2,kmax = 15,p.and = 0.9,p.not = 0.2,p.surv = 0.2,ncores = 32)
aliaksah/EMJMCMC2016 documentation built on July 27, 2023, 5:48 a.m.