
#' Replace function body for coverage measurement
#' Decorate function body to be able to measure coverage. Function object is replaced in a proper namespace
#' @param func function object to be monitored
#' @param package.name optional name of the package for function replacement
#' @import utils
#' @export
MonitorCoverage <- function(func, package.name) {
    if (is.character(func)) {
        getAW <- getAnywhere(func)
        if (length(getAW$where) == 0)
        if (getAW$where[1] == '.GlobalEnv') {
            if (length(getAW$where) > 1) {
                warning("Found multiple instances. Taking the one from GlobalEnv")
        } else {
            if (length(grep("^namespace:", getAW$where)) > 1 && missing(package.name)) {
                warning(sprintf("Function %s found in more than one package. Please supply the exact function", func))
        func.obj <- getAW$obj[[1]]
        func.name <- func
    } else if (is.function(func)) {
        func.obj <- func
        func.name <- deparse(substitute(func))
    } else {
        warning("Supplied argument is neither a function object or a function name")
    if (!is.function(func.obj) 
        || func.name == "last.warning" || func.name == "isNamespace" || func.name == "as.character" 
        || func.name == "substitute" || func.name == "get" || func.name == "asNamespace" 
        || func.name == "getNamespace" || func.name == ":::"
        || func.name == "as.name")
    if (is.null(body(func.obj)))
    if (missing(package.name)){
        package.name <-gsub('namespace:',  "\\1",getAnywhere(func.name)$where[grep("^namespace", getAnywhere(func.name)$where)])
    } else {
        func.obj <- get(func.name, getNamespace(package.name))
    new.func <- MonitorCoverageHelper(func.obj, func.name)
    cov.funcs[[func.name]] <- new.func
    environment(new.func) <- environment(func.obj)
    if (length(package.name) > 0) {
        func.package.namespace <- getNamespace(package.name)   
        func.package.env <- as.environment(paste("package", package.name, sep=":"))
        reassignInEnv(func.name, new.func, func.package.namespace)
        reassignInEnv(func.name, new.func, func.package.env)
        if (any(grepl('registered S3 method', getAnywhere(func.name)$where))) { # checking if its an S3 method
            S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = getNamespace(package.name))
            assign(func.name, new.func, S3Table)
    } else {
        assign(func.name, new.func, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    if (!func.name %in% ls(cov.cache))
        assign(func.name, vector(length=(cache$k - 1)), envir = cov.cache)
    assign(func.name, func.obj, envir = func.cache)
    rm('k', envir = cache)
    rm('func.name', envir = cache)

#' Create new function with coverage annotation
#' Change function body to add statements needed to measure code coverage
#' @param func.obj function to be changed
#' @param func.name function name 
MonitorCoverageHelper <- function(func.obj, func.name) {
    cache$k <- 1
    cache$func.name <- func.name
    func.body <- as.list(body(func.obj))
    if (func.body[[1]] != '{') {
        func.body <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), body(func.obj)))
    new.func <- function(...){}
    statements[[cache$func.name]] <- list()
    new.func.body <- CoverageAnnotationDecorator(as.list(func.body)[-1])
    formals(new.func) <- formals(func.obj)
    body(new.func) <- as.call(c(as.name('{'), new.func.body))

#' Stop monitoring coverage for a function
#' Function stop clears the annotation added to monitor coverage
#' @param func function or function name
#' @param package.name optional name of the package for function replacement
#' @export
StopMonitoringCoverage <- function(func, package.name) {
    if (is.character(func)) {
        func.name <- func
    } else if (is.function(func)) {
        func.name <- deparse(substitute(func))
    } else {
        stop("Supplied argument is neither a function object or a function name")
    if (missing(package.name)) {
        package.name <-gsub('namespace:',  "\\1",getAnywhere(func.name)$where[grep("^namespace", getAnywhere(func.name)$where)])
    if (func.name %in% ls(func.cache)) {
        if (length(package.name) > 0) {
            func.package.namespace <- getNamespace(package.name)   
            func.package.env <- as.environment(paste("package", package.name, sep=":"))
            reassignInEnv(func.name, func.cache[[func.name]], func.package.namespace)
            reassignInEnv(func.name, func.cache[[func.name]], func.package.env)
            if (any(grepl('registered S3 method', getAnywhere(func.name)$where))) { # checking if its an S3 method
                S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = getNamespace(package.name))
                assign(func.name, func.cache[[func.name]], S3Table)
        } else {
            assign(func.name, func.cache[[func.name]], envir = .GlobalEnv)
        rm(list = c(func.name), envir = func.cache)
        rm(list = c(func.name), envir = cov.cache)
    } else {
        warning("Function was not monitored for coverage")

#' Add coverage annotation to statement list
#' Recursive decorator of statement list that adds annotations needed to measure coverage
#' @param stmt.list statement list
#' @return annotated statement list
CoverageAnnotationDecorator <- function(stmt.list) {
    ## TODO rename variables
    for (i in 1:(length(stmt.list))) {
        if (IsControlFlow(stmt.list[[i]])) {
            if (stmt.list[[i]][[1]] != 'for') {
                decl <- unlist(CoverageAnnotationDecorator(as.list(stmt.list[[i]])[-1]))
                stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(stmt.list[[i]][[1]], decl))
            } else {
                temp.k <- cache$k
                cache$k <- cache$k + 1
                decl <- unlist(CoverageAnnotationDecorator(as.list(stmt.list[[i]])[-(1:3)]))
                statements[[cache$func.name]][[cache$k]] <- stmt.list[[i]]
                stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(stmt.list[[i]][[1]], stmt.list[[i]][[2]],  stmt.list[[i]][[3]], decl))
                stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), 
                                            parse(text=sprintf("rcov:::SetExecuteValue('%s', %d)", cache$func.name, temp.k)), 
        } else {
            if (is.symbol(stmt.list[[i]]) || stmt.list[[i]][[1]] != 'switch' || is.na(stmt.list[[i]]) || is.null(stmt.list[[i]])){
                if (suppressWarnings(is.na(stmt.list[[i]])) || suppressWarnings(is.null(stmt.list[[i]])) || !stmt.list[[i]] == "") {
                    statements[[cache$func.name]][[cache$k]] <- stmt.list[[i]]
                    if (!suppressWarnings(is.null(stmt.list[[i]]))) {
                        stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), 
                                                    parse(text=sprintf("rcov:::SetExecuteValue('%s', %d)", cache$func.name, cache$k)), 
                    } else {
                        stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), 
                                                    parse(text=sprintf("rcov:::SetExecuteValue('%s', %d)\nNULL", cache$func.name, cache$k))
                    cache$k <- cache$k + 1
            } else {
                temp.k <- cache$k
                cache$k <- cache$k + 1
                decl <- unlist(CoverageAnnotationDecorator(as.list(stmt.list[[i]])[-(1:2)]))
                statements[[cache$func.name]][[temp.k]] <- stmt.list[[i]]
                stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(stmt.list[[i]][[1]], stmt.list[[i]][[2]], decl))
                stmt.list[[i]] <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), 
                                            parse(text=sprintf("rcov:::SetExecuteValue('%s', %d)", cache$func.name, temp.k)), 

#' Is statment is a control flow statement
#' Check if statement is a control flow statement that needs special handling for coverage annotations
#' @param stmt statement to be checked
#' @return \code{TRUE/FALSE}
IsControlFlow <- function(stmt){
    if (length(stmt) <= 1)
    if (deparse(stmt[[1]]) %in% c('if', 'while', '{', 'for', 'repeat'))

#' Report Coverage Information
#' Gather coverage information in a data frame and return it. Report contains following information per function - 
#' total number of statements, number of non-executed statement, line coverage percentage.
#' @return data.frame with coverage information
#' @export
ReportCoverageInfo <- function(cov.env){
    if (missing(cov.env))
        cov.env <- cov.cache
    cov.data <- data.frame(stmt = integer(0), mstmt = integer(0), cov = numeric(0))
    for(func in ls(cov.env)) {
        cov.data <- do.call(rbind, list(cov.data, data.frame(stmt = length(cov.env[[func]]), 
                                                             mstmt = length(cov.env[[func]]) - sum(cov.env[[func]]), 
                                                             cov = sum(cov.env[[func]])/length(cov.env[[func]]))))
    row.names(cov.data) <- ls(cov.env)

#' Report Missing Statements
#' @return list of lists of missing statements by function that coverage was monitored for
#' @export
ReportMissingStatements <- function(){
    res <- lapply(ls(statements), 
           function(x) {
               s <- statements[[x]]
    names(res) <- ls(statements)

#' Report Coverage Percentage Only
#' @return numeric with coverage percentage
#' @export
ReportCoveragePercentage <- function(cov.env) {
    if (!missing(cov.env))
        cov.data <- ReportCoverageInfo(cov.env)
        cov.data <- ReportCoverageInfo(cov.env)

#' Pause monitoring coverage
#' @export
PauseMonitorCoverage <- function() cache$record.coverage <- FALSE

#' Pause monitoring coverage
#' @export
ResumeMonitorCoverage <- function() cache$record.coverage <- TRUE

#' Write down that line was executed
#' Record that particual line was executed. Used in statement coverage, needed for namespace replacement
#' @param func.name function name
#' @param line.number line.number
SetExecuteValue <- function(func.name, line.number) {
    if (cache$record.coverage)
        cov.cache[[func.name]][line.number] <- TRUE

#' Reset Coverage info
ResetCoverageInfo <- function() {
    for (func in ls(cov.cache))
        cov.cache[[func]] <- vector(length=length(cov.cache[[func]]))
allr/rcov documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:23 a.m.