Man pages for almeidasilvaf/BioNERO
Biological Network Reconstruction Omnibus

BioNERO-packageBioNERO: Biological Network Reconstruction Omnibus
check_SFTCheck scale-free topology fit for a given network
consensus_modulesIdentify consensus modules across independent data sets
consensus_SFT_fitPick power to fit networks to scale-free topology
consensus_trait_corCorrelate set-specific modules and consensus modules to...
cor2adjCalculate an adjacency matrix from a correlation matrix
cormat_to_edgelistTransform a correlation matrix to an edge list
detect_communitiesDetect communities in a network
dfs2oneCombine multiple expression tables (.tsv) into a single data...
enrichment_analysisPerform overrepresentation analysis for a set of genes
exp2corCalculate pairwise correlations between genes in a matrix
exp2gcnInfer gene coexpression network from gene expression
exp2gcn_blockwiseInfer gene coexpression network from gene expression in a...
exp2grnInfer gene regulatory network from expression data
exp_genes2orthogroupsCollapse gene-level expression data to orthogroup level
exp_preprocessPreprocess expression data for network reconstruction
filter_by_varianceKeep only genes with the highest variances
filt.seFiltered maize gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
gene_significanceCalculate gene significance for a given group of genes
get_edge_listGet edge list from an adjacency matrix for a group of genes
get_HKGet housekeeping genes from global expression profile
get_hubs_gcnGet GCN hubs
get_hubs_grnGet hubs for gene regulatory network
get_neighborsGet 1st-order neighbors of a given gene or group of genes
grn_average_rankRank edge weights for GRNs and calculate average across...
grn_combinedInfer gene regulatory network with multiple algorithms and...
grn_filterFilter a gene regulatory network based on optimal scale-free...
grn_inferInfer gene regulatory network with one of three algorithms
is_singletonLogical expression to check if gene or gene set is singleton...
modPres_netrepCalculate module preservation between two expression data...
modPres_WGCNACalculate module preservation between two expression data...
module_enrichmentPerform enrichment analysis for coexpression network modules
module_preservationCalculate network preservation between two expression data...
module_stabilityPerform module stability analysis
module_trait_corCorrelate module eigengenes to trait
net_statsCalculate network statistics
og.zma.osaOrthogroups between maize and rice
osa.seRice gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
parse_orthofinderParse orthogroups identified by OrthoFinder
PC_correctionApply Principal Component (PC)-based correction for...
plot_dendro_and_colorsPlot dendrogram of genes and modules
plot_eigengene_networkPlot eigengene network
plot_expression_profilePlot expression profile of given genes across samples
plot_gcnPlot gene coexpression network from edge list
plot_gene_significancePlot a heatmap of gene significance
plot_grnPlot gene regulatory network from edge list
plot_heatmapPlot heatmap of hierarchically clustered sample correlations...
plot_module_trait_corPlot a heatmap of module-trait correlations
plot_ngenes_per_modulePlot number of genes per module
plot_PCAPlot Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of samples
plot_ppiPlot protein-protein interaction network from edge list
q_normalizeQuantile normalize the expression data
remove_nonexpRemove genes that are not expressed based on a user-defined...
replace_naRemove missing values in a gene expression data frame
SFT_fitPick power to fit network to a scale-free topology
ZKfilteringFilter outlying samples based on the standardized...
zma.interproMaize Interpro annotation
zma.seMaize gene expression data from Shin et al., 2021.
zma.tfsMaize transcription factors
almeidasilvaf/BioNERO documentation built on March 25, 2024, 9:14 p.m.