prepare.Bow <- function(prname, rootFolder="org", pattern = "*.java", prog.langs=c("java"), nat.langs=c("english")){
  setwd(paste("benchmark", prname, sep="/"))
  mydata <- read.directory(rootFolder, pattern)
  # Preprocessing data #
  for (i in 1:length(prog.langs))
    mydata <- prepare.prog.lang.list(mydata, prog.langs[i])
  for (i in 1:length(nat.langs)) 
    mydata <- prepare.natural.lang.list(mydata, nat.langs[i])
  mydata.BoW.list <- make.BoW.list(mydata)
  mydata.BoW.frame <- make.BoW.frame(mydata.BoW.list, names(mydata.BoW.list))
  #Load Bag of Features, so remove the src code units which have no features in BoF --FOR COMPATIBILITY
#   myBoF = read.csv(paste("BoF", paste(prname, "BoF.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),  sep = ",")
#   rownames(myBoF) <- myBoF[,1]
#   myBoF <- myBoF[,-1]
#   myBoF <- data.matrix(myBoF)
#   #Remove empty source code units
#   myBoF <- myBoF[which(!apply(myBoF,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)})),]
#   #Intersect BoW and Bof
#   mydata.BoW.frame <- mydata.BoW.frame[rownames(myBoF),]
  #Write BoW
  write.table(mydata.BoW.frame, file=paste("BoW", paste(prname, "BoW.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  return (mydata.BoW.frame)

compute.BoW.kernel <- function(prname, size = 0.25, rootFolder="org", pattern = "*.java", prog.langs=c("java"), nat.langs=c("english")){
  #Load theauthoritative decomposition
  decomposition <- read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname ,"decomposition.csv", sep="/"), sep=",",  header = TRUE)
  priori.decomp <- decomposition$x
  names(priori.decomp) <- decomposition$X
  priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
  if (file.exists(paste("benchmark", prname , "BoW", paste(prname, "BoW.csv", sep="-"), sep="/")))  
      mydata.BoW.frame <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "BoW", paste(prname, "BoW.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                                     sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
     mydata.BoW.frame <- prepare.Bow(prname, rootFolder, pattern, prog.langs, nat.langs)
    myBoF = read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname , "BoF", paste(prname, "BoF.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),  sep = ",")
    rownames(myBoF) <- myBoF[,1]
    myBoF <- myBoF[,-1]
    myBoF <- data.matrix(myBoF)
  #Get the sample src code units
  src.code.units <- intersect(rownames(myBoF), names(priori.decomp))
  myBoF <- myBoF[src.code.units,]
  priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[src.code.units]
  #Get the sample src code units
  if (size < 1)
    myBoF <- myBoF[get_sample_docs(prname, priori.decomp, size),]
  #Remove unused identifiernames
  myBoF <- myBoF[,which(!apply(myBoF,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))]
  #Remove empty source code units
  myBoF <- myBoF[which(!apply(myBoF,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)})),]

  #Intersect BoW and Bof
  mydata.BoW.frame <- mydata.BoW.frame[rownames(myBoF),]
  #test the idf.weight function to see if it matches 
  mydata.BoW.idf.frame <- idf.weight(mydata.BoW.frame)  
  #compute cosine similariry
  #   mydata.BoW.idf.frame.t <- t(na.omit(mydata.BoW.idf.frame))
  kernel <- compute_cosine_kernel(mydata.BoW.idf.frame)
  #Fix priori decomposition 
  dummy_v <- rep(0, dim(kernel)[1])
  names(dummy_v) <- rownames(kernel)
  priori.decomp <- find.intersection(priori.decomp, dummy_v)
  priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
  priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[order(names(priori.decomp))]
  #K number of clusters
  noc <- max(priori.decomp)
  print("printing the numer of groups:")
  #find the intersection with the available classes
  clusters <- kmeans(kernel, centers = noc, iter.max = 1500, nstart = 20000)$cluster
#   print(clusters$)
  # result <- spectral.clustering(addition.kernel, k, iter = 15)
  # result <- spectral.clustering(laplacian(addition.kernel, TRUE), k, iter = 40)
  clusters <- normalizeVector(clusters)
  names(clusters) = rownames(kernel)
  precision <- compute.precision(clusters, priori.decomp)
  recall <- compute.recall(clusters, priori.decomp)
  f1.score <- compute.f1(clusters, priori.decomp)
  mojosim <- compute.MoJoSim(clusters, priori.decomp)
  print(paste(round(mojosim, 3),round(precision, 3) ,round(recall, 3), round(f1.score, 3), sep="&"))
  return(list(mojosim=mojosim, precision=precision, recall=recall, f1.score=f1.score))

compute.BoF.kernel <- function(prname, size=0.25){
  # Read the authoritative decomposition
  decomposition <- read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname ,"decomposition.csv", sep="/"), sep=",",  header = TRUE)
  priori.decomp <- decomposition$x
  names(priori.decomp) <- decomposition$X
  priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
  #Make BoW from BoF
  #Load Bag of Features
  myBoF = read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname , "BoF", paste(prname, "BoF.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),  sep = ",")
  rownames(myBoF) <- myBoF[,1]
  myBoF <- myBoF[,-1]
  myBoF <- data.matrix(myBoF)
  #Get the sample src code units
  src.code.units <- intersect(rownames(myBoF), names(priori.decomp))
  myBoF <- myBoF[src.code.units,]
  priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[src.code.units]
  #Get the sample src code units
  if (size < 1)
    myBoF <- myBoF[get_sample_docs(prname, priori.decomp, size),]
  #Remove unused identifiernames
  myBoF <- myBoF[,which(!apply(myBoF,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))]
  r <- load_process_All_SN(prname, 0.5)
  #Find common identifiernames between BoF and the Semantic Network
  identifierNames <- intersect(colnames(myBoF), colnames(r$kernel))
  #Filter out names shorter than 4
  identifierNames <- identifierNames[which(unlist(lapply(identifierNames, nchar))>4)]
  r$kernel <- r$kernel[identifierNames, identifierNames]
  myBoF <- myBoF[,identifierNames]
  #remove classes with no identifiers, when combined with the semantic network    
  myBoF <- myBoF[which(!apply(myBoF,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)})),]
  kernel <- compute_cosine_kernel(myBoF)
  #Fix priori decomposition 
  dummy_v <- rep(0, dim(kernel)[1])
  names(dummy_v) <- rownames(kernel)
  priori.decomp <- find.intersection(priori.decomp, dummy_v)
  priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
  priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[order(names(priori.decomp))]
  #K number of clusters
  noc <- max(priori.decomp)
  print("printing the numer of groups:")
  #find the intersection with the available classes
  clusters <- kmeans(kernel, centers = noc, iter.max = 1500, nstart = 20000)$cluster
  # result <- spectral.clustering(addition.kernel, k, iter = 15)
  # result <- spectral.clustering(laplacian(addition.kernel, TRUE), k, iter = 40)
  clusters <- normalizeVector(clusters)
  names(clusters) = rownames(kernel)
#   precision <- compute.precision(clusters, priori.decomp)
#   recall <- compute.recall(clusters, priori.decomp)
  f1.score <- compute.f1(clusters, priori.decomp)

adjustedRI <- compute.AdjRI(clusters, priori.decomp)

  mojosim <- compute.MoJoSim(clusters, priori.decomp)
  print(paste(round(mojosim, 3),round(f1.score, 3) ,round(adjustedRI, 3), sep="&"))
  return(list(mojosim=mojosim, f1.score=f1.score, adjustedRI=adjustedRI))

compute.BoF.BoW.kernel <- function(prname, size=0.25){

    # Read the authoritative decomposition
    decomposition <- read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname ,"decomposition.csv", sep="/"), sep=",",  header = TRUE)
    priori.decomp <- decomposition$x
    names(priori.decomp) <- decomposition$X
    priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
    #Make BoW from BoF
    #Load Bag of Features
    myBoF = read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname , "BoF", paste(prname, "BoF.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),  sep = ",")
    rownames(myBoF) <- myBoF[,1]
    myBoF <- myBoF[,-1]
    myBoF <- data.matrix(myBoF)
    #Get the sample src code units
    src.code.units <- intersect(rownames(myBoF), names(priori.decomp))
    myBoF <- myBoF[src.code.units,]
    priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[src.code.units]
    #Get the sample src code units
    if (size < 1)
      myBoF <- myBoF[get_sample_docs(prname, priori.decomp, size),]
    #Remove unused identifiernames
    myBoF <- myBoF[,which(!apply(myBoF,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))]
    r <- load_process_All_SN(prname, beta)
    #Find common identifiernames between BoF and the Semantic Network
    identifierNames <- intersect(colnames(myBoF), colnames(r$kernel))
    #Filter out names shorter than 4
    identifierNames <- identifierNames[which(unlist(lapply(identifierNames, nchar))>4)]
    r$kernel <- r$kernel[identifierNames, identifierNames]
    myBoF <- myBoF[,identifierNames]
    #remove classes with no identifiers, when combined with the semantic network    
    myBoF <- myBoF[which(!apply(myBoF,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)})),]

#     #Find common identifiernames between BoF and the Semantic Network
    identifierNames <- colnames(myBoF)
    stcUnits <- rownames(myBoF)

  txts <- list()

  for (i in 1:dim(myBoF)[1]){
    txt <- ""
    for (j in 1:dim(myBoF)[2]){
      if (myBoF[i, j] > 0)
        for (z in 1: myBoF[i,j])
          txt <- paste(txt, identifierNames[j], sep= " ")
    txts[[stcUnits[i]]]<- txt
  txts <- lapply(txts, strip.java.text, 4)

  txts <- prepare.prog.lang.list(txts, "java")

  txts <- prepare.natural.lang.list(txts, "english")

  mydata.BoW.list <- make.BoW.list(txts)

  mydata.BoW.frame <- make.BoW.frame(mydata.BoW.list, names(mydata.BoW.list))


  write.table(mydata.BoW.frame, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "BoF", paste(prname, "BoW.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
                                           col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)

  #test the idf.weight function to see if it matches 
  mydata.BoW.idf.frame <- idf.weight(mydata.BoW.frame)  
  #compute cosine similariry
#   mydata.BoW.idf.frame.t <- t(na.omit(mydata.BoW.idf.frame))
  kernel <- compute_cosine_kernel(mydata.BoW.idf.frame)

  #Fix priori decomposition 
  dummy_v <- rep(0, dim(kernel)[1])
  names(dummy_v) <- rownames(kernel)
  priori.decomp <- find.intersection(priori.decomp, dummy_v)
  priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
  priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[order(names(priori.decomp))]
  #K number of clusters
  noc <- max(priori.decomp)
  print("printing the numer of groups:")
  #find the intersection with the available classes
  clusters <- kmeans(kernel, centers = noc, iter.max = 1500, nstart = 20000)$cluster
  # result <- spectral.clustering(addition.kernel, k, iter = 15)
  # result <- spectral.clustering(laplacian(addition.kernel, TRUE), k, iter = 40)
  clusters <- normalizeVector(clusters)
  names(clusters) = rownames(kernel)
  precision <- compute.precision(clusters, priori.decomp)
  recall <- compute.recall(clusters, priori.decomp)
  f1.score <- compute.f1(clusters, priori.decomp)
  mojosim <- compute.MoJoSim(clusters, priori.decomp)

print(paste(round(mojosim, 3),round(precision, 3) ,round(recall, 3), round(f1.score, 3), sep="&"))

return(list(mojosim=mojosim, precision=precision, recall=recall, f1.score=f1.score))

compute.semantic.kernel <- function(prname, choice="PR", DIFF = 1, beta=0.5, size= 0.25, ISA_IPO_choice=0, ISA_IPO= c(0.5, 0.5), rootFolder = "org", baseline){
# Read the authoritative decomposition
decomposition <- read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname ,"decomposition.csv", sep="/"), sep=",",  header = TRUE)
priori.decomp <- decomposition$x
names(priori.decomp) <- decomposition$X
priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)

if (ISA_IPO_choice > 0){
  print("reached ISA_IPO")
    r <- load_process_ISA_IPO_SN(prname, beta, ISA_IPO, rootFolder)

else if (DIFF > 0){
  print("reached ALL DIFF")
  r <- load_process_All_SN(prname, beta)
# else  
# {
#   print("reached ALL CT")
#   r <- load_process_All_CT_SN(prname)
# }

#Bag of Features
myBoF = read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname , "BoF", paste(prname, "BoF.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),  sep = ",")
rownames(myBoF) <- myBoF[,1]
myBoF <- myBoF[,-1]
myBoF <- data.matrix(myBoF)

#Get the sample src code units
src.code.units <- intersect(rownames(myBoF), names(priori.decomp))
myBoF <- myBoF[src.code.units,]
priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[src.code.units]

if (size < 1)
  myBoF <- myBoF[get_sample_docs(prname, priori.decomp, size),]

#Remove unused identifiernames

myBoF <- myBoF[,which(!apply(myBoF,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))]

#Find common identifiernames between BoF and the Semantic Network
identifierNames <- intersect(colnames(myBoF), colnames(r$kernel))

#Filter out names shorter than 4
identifierNames <- identifierNames[which(unlist(lapply(identifierNames, nchar))>4)]

SK <- constant.string.kernel(identifierNames)
dimnames(SK) <- list(identifierNames, identifierNames) 

r$kernel <- r$kernel[identifierNames, identifierNames]
r$dist <- r$dist[identifierNames, identifierNames]
myBoF <- myBoF[,identifierNames]

#remove classes with no identifiers, when combined with the semantic network

myBoF <- myBoF[which(!apply(myBoF,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)})),]

#order the names
# myBoF <- myBoF[order(rownames(myBoF)), ]
# r$kernel <- r$kernel[order(rownames(r$kernel)), order(colnames(r$kernel))]
# SK <- SK[order(rownames(SK)), order(colnames(SK))]

# sort(r$kernel[1,], decreasing = T)[1:5]

semantic <- switch(choice,
          SK = SK,
          SN = r$kernel,
          PR = SK * r$kernel)

#SVD to compute to USU^T
USUt <- svd(semantic)
S <- USUt$u %*% diag(sqrt(USUt$d))

#LSA by reducing concepts
# d <- rep(0, nrow(USUt$u))
# D <- USUt$d[USUt$d > 0.7]
# d[1:10] <- USUt$d[1:10]
# semantic <- USUt$u %*% diag(d) %*% t(USUt$u)

#diagonal matrix for term weighings
#TODO CHECK if this is correct
doc.freq <- colSums(myBoF>0)
doc.freq[doc.freq == 0] <- 1
w <- 1/log(nrow(myBoF)/doc.freq)
R <- diag(w)

#Compute cosine similarity
Phi_d <- myBoF %*% R %*% S

dimnames(Phi_d) <- dimnames(myBoF)

kernel <- compute_cosine_kernel(Phi_d)
kernel <- kernel[order(rownames(kernel)), order(colnames(kernel))]

#Fix priori decomposition 
dummy_v <- rep(0, dim(kernel)[1])
names(dummy_v) <- rownames(kernel)

priori.decomp <- find.intersection(priori.decomp, dummy_v)
priori.decomp <- normalizeVector(priori.decomp)
priori.decomp <- priori.decomp[order(names(priori.decomp))]

#K number of clusters
noc <- max(priori.decomp)

print("printing the numer of groups:")

#find the intersection with the available classes

clusters <- kmeans(kernel, centers = noc, iter.max = 1500, nstart = 20000)$cluster
# result <- spectral.clustering(addition.kernel, k, iter = 15)
# result <- spectral.clustering(laplacian(addition.kernel, TRUE), k, iter = 40)

clusters <- normalizeVector(clusters)

names(clusters) = rownames(kernel)

# precision <- compute.precision(clusters, priori.decomp)
# recall <- compute.recall(clusters, priori.decomp)
f1.score <- compute.f1(clusters, priori.decomp)

adjustedRI <- compute.AdjRI(clusters, priori.decomp)

mojosim <- compute.MoJoSim(clusters, priori.decomp)

print.mojosim <- paste(round(mojosim, 3), " (+", round((mojosim - baseline$mojosim)*100/baseline$mojosim, 1) , "\\%)", sep="")
print.f1.score <- paste(round(f1.score, 3), " (+", round((f1.score - baseline$f1.score)*100/baseline$f1.score, 1) , "\\%)", sep="")
print.adjustedRI <- paste(round(adjustedRI, 3), " (+", round((adjustedRI - baseline$adjustedRI), 3) , ")", sep="")

print(paste(print.mojosim, print.f1.score ,print.adjustedRI, sep="&"))

return(list(mojosim=mojosim, f1.score=f1.score, adjustedRI=adjustedRI))


load_process_All_CT_SN <- function(prname){
  #checking only if kernel exists, is enough
  if (file.exists(paste("benchmark", prname ,  "CT", "SN", paste(prname, "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"))) {
    kernel <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "CT", "SN", paste(prname, "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                         sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    return(list(kernel=kernel, dist=NULL))
  Adj <- load_SN(prname)
  kernel <- process_All_CT_SN(Adj)
  write.table(kernel, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "CT", "SN", paste(prname,beta, "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  return(list(kernel=kernel, dist=NULL))


process_All_CT_SN <- function(Adj){
  #   Adj <- load_SN(prname)
  d <- apply(abs(Adj),1,sum)
  D <- diag(d)
  kernel <- compute.avg.commute.time.kernel(Adj, D)

#Semantic Network
load_process_All_SN <- function(prname, beta){
  #checking only if kernel exists, is enough
  if (file.exists(paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"))) {
    kernel <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                         sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    dist <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "dist.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                       sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    return(list(kernel=kernel, dist=dist))
  Adj <- load_SN(prname)
  r <- process_All_SN(Adj, beta)
  write.table(r$kernel, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  write.table(r$dist, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "dist.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)

load_process_ISA_IPO_SN <- function(prname, beta, ISA_IPO = c(0.5,0.5), rootFolder="org"){
  if ((file.exists(paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname, beta, "ISA", "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"))) 
      && (file.exists(paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname, beta, "IPO", "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/")))){
    ISA_kernel <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta,"ISA", "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                             sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    ISA_dist <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta,"ISA", "dist.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                           sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    IPO_kernel <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "IPO", "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                             sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
    IPO_dist <- read.table(file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "IPO", "dist.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), 
                           sep=",", row.names = 1, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE) 
    kernel = ISA_IPO[1] * ISA_kernel + ISA_IPO[2] * IPO_kernel
    dist = ISA_IPO[1] * ISA_dist + ISA_IPO[2] * IPO_dist
    return(list(kernel=kernel, dist=dist))
  Adj <- load_SN(prname)
  r1 <- process_ISA_SN(Adj, beta, rootFolder)
  r2 <- process_IPO_SN(Adj, beta, rootFolder)
  write.table(r1$kernel, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname, beta, "ISA", "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  write.table(r1$dist, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "ISA", "dist.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  write.table(r2$kernel, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname, beta, "IPO", "kernel.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  write.table(r2$dist, file=paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname,beta, "IPO", "dist.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"),row.names=TRUE, 
              col.names=NA,sep=",", quote=FALSE)
  kernel = ISA_IPO[1] * r1$kernel + ISA_IPO[2] * r2$kernel
  dist = ISA_IPO[1] * r1$dist + ISA_IPO[2] * r2$dist
  return(list(kernel=kernel, dist=dist))

merge_names_by_lower_case <- function(mydata, dimension=1){
#   stopifnot(dim(adj)[1] == dim(adj)[2])
#   stopifnot(rownames(adj) == colnames(adj))
  lower_names <- tolower(dimnames(mydata)[[dimension]])
  equiv_names = list()
  names <- dimnames(mydata)[[dimension]]
  duplicates = c()
  equivalent_indices <- lapply(names, function(name) which(tolower(name)==lower_names))
  for (i in 1:length(equivalent_indices))
    if (length(equivalent_indices[[i]]) > 1)
      if (!(any(equivalent_indices[[i]] %in% duplicates))){
        if (dimension==1){
          #add by rowsums
          added <- colSums(data.matrix(mydata[equivalent_indices[[i]], ]))
          mydata[equivalent_indices[[i]][1],] <- added
          added <- rowSums(data.matrix(mydata[, equivalent_indices[[i]]]))
          mydata[,equivalent_indices[[i]][1]] <- added
        duplicates <- c(duplicates, equivalent_indices[[i]][2:length(equivalent_indices[[i]])])
  if (any(duplicates))
    if (dimension==1)
      mydata <- mydata[-duplicates,]
      mydata <- mydata[,-duplicates]


load_diff_type_sim <- function(prname) {
  type_sim = read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname, "type-sim.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec= ".")
  rownames(type_sim) <- type_sim[,1]
  type_sim <- type_sim[,-1]

load_SN <- function(prname, make_symmetric=T, makeTopNode=T, eliminate_local_variables=T, rootNode="java.lang.Object", identifiers=c()){
  mySN = read.csv(paste("benchmark", prname , "SN", paste(prname, "SN.csv", sep="-"), sep="/"), sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec= ".")
  # mySN[which(is.na(mySN[,1])),1] <- NA
  indices <- which(is.na(mySN[,1]))
  if(length(indices) > 0){
    mySN <- mySN[-indices, - (indices + 1)]
  rownames(mySN) <- mySN[,1]
  mySN <- data.matrix(mySN[,-1])
  memory.limit(size = 4*10^6)
  # mySN <- data.matrix(mySN)
  mySN <- Matrix(mySN, sparse=TRUE)
  colnames(mySN) <- rownames(mySN)

  startIndex <- get.start.index.of.types(colnames(mySN))
  #Siz of dictionary
  D <-startIndex-1

#Filter on the identifiers; otherwise use all the identifiers
#It is safe to intersect on uppercase (camel-case for Java)

# NOW all info
# identifiers <- rownames(mySN[1:D,])
  if (length(identifiers) > 0){
    lower_case_sensitive_identifiers <- tolower(rownames(mySN)[1:D])
    case_insensitive_identifiers <- intersect(lower_case_sensitive_identifiers, tolower(identifiers))
    identifier_indices <- which(lower_case_sensitive_identifiers %in% case_insensitive_identifiers)

    mySN <- rbind(merge_names_by_lower_case(mySN[identifier_indices,], 1), mySN[startIndex:nrow(mySN),])  
    mySN <- cbind(merge_names_by_lower_case(mySN[,identifier_indices], 2), mySN[,startIndex:ncol(mySN)])
    mySN <- rbind(merge_names_by_lower_case(mySN[1:D,], 1), mySN[startIndex:nrow(mySN),])  
    mySN <- cbind(merge_names_by_lower_case(mySN[,1:D], 2), mySN[,startIndex:ncol(mySN)])

  setTopNode <- function(Adj, rootNode){
    stopifnot(all(rownames(Adj)== colnames(Adj)))
    names <- colnames(Adj)
    startIndex <- get.start.index.of.types(names)

    print("First Type Node found at:")
    #size of dictionary
    D <- startIndex -1
    #size of types
    V <- dim(Adj)[2] - startIndex +1

    dims <- dim(Adj)
    S <- Adj[startIndex:dims[1], startIndex:dims[2]]
    Adj_dimnames <- dimnames(Adj)

    rownames(S) <- Adj_dimnames[[1]][startIndex:dims[1]]
    colnames(S) <- colnames(Adj)[startIndex:dims[2]]
    topNode <- which(rownames(S) == rootNode)  
    g <- graph.adjacency(S, mode='directed', diag=FALSE)
    count <-0
    for (i in 1:V)
      if (i != topNode){
        s <- shortest.paths(g, v=topNode, to=i, mode="in")
        if (s==Inf){
          Adj[colnames(s), rownames(s)] <- 1
          count <- count+1

  remove_unknown_node <- function(Adj) {
    allNames <- colnames(Adj)
    startIndex <- get.start.index.of.types(allNames)
    #Remove unknown type
    unknownIdx <- which(allNames[startIndex:length(allNames)] == "Unknown")
    if(length(unknownIdx) > 0)
      Adj <- Adj[-unknownIdx,-unknownIdx]

  remove_empty_nodes <- function(Adj){
    #Remove nodes with no edges
    empty_rows <- which(apply(Adj,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))
    empty_cols <- which(apply(Adj,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))
    exclude_empty_elements <- intersect(empty_rows, empty_cols)
    if (length(exclude_empty_elements) > 0)
      Adj <- Adj[-exclude_empty_elements, -exclude_empty_elements]

  mySN <- remove_unknown_node(mySN)
  mySN <- remove_empty_nodes(mySN)

  #Make a virtual top node, i.e. java.lang.Object
  if (makeTopNode)
    mySN <- setTopNode(mySN, rootNode)

  #Eliminate Local variables
  eliminateLocalVariables <- function(Adj){
    #find the start Index for the types in SN
    names <- colnames(Adj)
    startIndex <- get.start.index.of.types(names)

    print("starting Index")
    #size of Dictionary
    D <- startIndex - 1
    #Remove contaninmet dependencies from method names to local variables
    Adj[1:D,1:D] <- 0

    # Get the type contents
    C <- data.matrix(Adj[startIndex:dim(Adj)[1], 1:D])
    dimnames(C) <- dimnames(Adj[startIndex:dim(Adj)[1], 1:D])
    exposed_identifiers <- colSums(C)
    excluded_names_indices <- which(exposed_identifiers == 0)
    if (length(excluded_names_indices) > 0){
      Adj <- Adj[-excluded_names_indices, -excluded_names_indices]
    Adj <- remove_empty_nodes(Adj)

  if (eliminate_local_variables)
    mySN <- eliminateLocalVariables(mySN)

  if (make_symmetric){
    stopifnot(dim(mySN)[1] == dim(mySN)[2])
    # mySN <- data.matrix(mySN)
    mySN <- 0.5 * (mySN + t(mySN))
    # mySN <- mySN[which(!apply(mySN,1,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)})),which(!apply(mySN,2,FUN = function(x){all(x == 0)}))]
  #   names <- rownames(Adj)
  # Adj <- Adj[which(unlist(lapply(names, nchar))>4),which(unlist(lapply(names, nchar))>4)]
  #TODO get rid of the identifier names not used.

process_All_SN <- function(Adj, beta){
  #   Adj <- load_SN(prname)
  g <- build.graph(Adj)
  r <- graph.diffusion(g, beta= beta, v=V(g))
  dimnames(r$kernel) <- dimnames(Adj)
  dimnames(r$dist) <- dimnames(Adj)

get.start.index.of.types <- function(mySN_names){
  classTypeIndex <- which(unlist(gregexpr(pattern ="\\.",mySN_names)) > 0)[1]
  primitiveTypeIndices <- which(mySN_names %in% c("float", "int", "char", "byte", "void", "double", "boolean"))
  startIndex <- min(c(classTypeIndex, primitiveTypeIndices))

process_ISA_SN <- function(Adj, beta, rootFolder="org"){
  #remove Adj of types to identifier names
  #find the first occurence of a type name in the colnames(ADj), set everything else to 0
  names <- colnames(Adj)
  startIndex <- get.start.index.of.types(names)
  #Also remove contaninmet dependencies from method names to local variables
  for (i in 1:dim(Adj)[1])
    for (j in 1:(startIndex-1))
      Adj[i,j] <- 0
  g <- build.graph(Adj)
  r <- graph.diffusion(g, beta= beta, v=V(g))
  dimnames(r$kernel) <- dimnames(Adj)
  dimnames(r$dist) <- dimnames(Adj)

process_IPO_SN <- function(Adj, beta, rootFolder="org"){
  names <- rownames(Adj)
  startIndex <- get.start.index.of.types(names)
  for (i in 1:(startIndex-1))
    for (j in startIndex:dim(Adj)[2])
      Adj[i,j] <- 0
  g <- build.graph(Adj)
  r <- graph.diffusion(g, beta= beta, v=V(g))
  dimnames(r$kernel) <- dimnames(Adj)
  dimnames(r$dist) <- dimnames(Adj)

#Input: rows are documents, columns are identifiernames
compute_cosine_kernel <- function(Phi_d){
  cos.sim <- function(ix) 
    A = Phi_d[ix[1],]
    B = Phi_d[ix[2],]
    return( sum(A*B)/sqrt(sum(A^2)*sum(B^2)) )
  n <- nrow(Phi_d) 
  cmb <- expand.grid(i=1:n, j=1:n) 
  kernel <- matrix(apply(cmb,1,cos.sim),n,n)
  rownames(kernel) <- rownames(Phi_d)
  colnames(kernel) <- rownames(kernel)

get_top_sample_docs <- function(prname, decomp, size = 30, top = 5){
  cluster_sizes <- unlist(lapply(1:max(decomp), function(x) length(decomp[decomp==x])))
  top_cluster_sizes = sort(cluster_sizes, decreasing=T)[1:top]
  top_clusters <- c()
  for (i in 1:top)
    top_clusters <- c(top_clusters, which(cluster_sizes == top_cluster_sizes[i]))
  size_sample_per_cluster <- ceiling(size/top)
  names <- unlist(lapply(top_clusters, function(x) {
    cls = decomp[decomp==x]
    if (length(cls) > size_sample_per_cluster)
      names(cls[sample(1:length(cls), size_sample_per_cluster)])

eliminate_small_packages <- function(filenames) {
  paths <- lapply(filenames, function(filename) {
    g <- grep("/", strsplit(filename, "")[[1]])
    lastChar <- g[length(g)]
    substr(filename, 1, lastChar-1)
  paths <- unlist(unique(paths))
  decomp <- lapply(filenames, function(filename) {
    g <- grep("/", strsplit(filename, "")[[1]])
    lastChar <- g[length(g)]
    p <- substr(filename, 1, lastChar-1)
    which(paths %in% p)
  decomp <- unlist(decomp)
  decomp <- GeLaToLab::normalizeVector(decomp)
  names(decomp) <- filenames
  get_sample_docs("", decomp)

load_module_names <- function(prname) {
  mydata = read.table(paste("benchmark", prname ,"MODULE_NAMES.txt", sep="/")) 

get_sample_docs <- function(prname, decomp, size=0.25, lower.limit=3){

  #number of clusters
  noc <- max(decomp)
  names <- unlist(lapply(1:noc, function(x) {
    cls = decomp[decomp==x]
    if (length(cls) >= lower.limit)
#       names(cls[sample(1:length(cls), ceiling(length(cls) * size))])
amirms/GeLaToLab documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:36 a.m.