#' @title (DEPRECATED) Wrapper for processing ENCODE HAIB and Caltech HTS
#' @description (DEPRECATED) \code{process_haib_caltech_wrap} is a wrapper
#' method for processing HTS data and returning the methylation promoter
#' regions and the corresponding gene expression data for those promoter
#' regions. Note that the format of BS-Seq data should be in the Encode Haib
#' bed format and for the RNA-Seq data in Encode Caltech bed format.
#' @param bs_files Filename (or vector of filenames if there are replicates) of
#' the BS-Seq '.bed' formatted data to read values from.
#' @param rna_files Filename of the RNA-Seq '.bed' formatted data to read values
#' from. Currently, this version does not support pooling RNA-Seq replicates.
#' @param chrom_size_file Optional filename containing genome chromosome sizes.
#' @param chr_discarded A vector with chromosome names to be discarded.
#' @param upstream Integer defining the length of bp upstream of TSS for
#' creating the promoter region.
#' @param downstream Integer defining the length of bp downstream of TSS for
#' creating the promoter region.
#' @param min_bs_cov The minimum number of reads mapping to each CpG site. CpGs
#' with less reads will be considered as noise and will be discarded.
#' @param max_bs_cov The maximum number of reads mapping to each CpG site. CpGs
#' with more reads will be considered as noise and will be discarded.
#' @param cpg_density Optional integer defining the minimum number of CpGs that
#' have to be in a methylated region. Regions with less than \code{n} CpGs are
#' discarded.
#' @param sd_thresh Optional numeric defining the minimum standard deviation of
#' the methylation change in a region. This is used to filter regions with no
#' methylation change.
#' @param ignore_strand Logical, whether or not to ignore strand information.
#' @param gene_log2_transf Logical, whether or not to log2 transform the gene
#' expression data.
#' @param gene_outl_thresh Logical, whehter or not to remove outlier gene
#' expression data.
#' @param gex_outlier Numeric, denoting the threshold above of which the gene
#' expression data (before the log2 transformation) are considered as noise.
#' @param fmin Optional minimum range value for region location scaling. Under
#' this version, this parameter should be left to its default value.
#' @param fmax Optional maximum range value for region location scaling. Under
#' this version, this parameter should be left to its default value.
#' @return A \code{processHTS} object which contains following information:
#' \itemize{ \item{ \code{methyl_region}: A list containing methylation data,
#' where each entry in the list is an \eqn{L_{i} X 3} dimensional matrix,
#' where \eqn{L_{i}} denotes the number of CpGs found in region \code{i}. The
#' columns contain the following information: \enumerate{ \item{ 1st column:
#' Contains the locations of CpGs relative to TSS. Note that the actual
#' locations are scaled to the (fmin, fmax) region. } \item{ 2nd column:
#' Contains the total reads of each CpG in the corresponding location.} \item{
#' 3rd column: Contains the methylated reads each CpG in the corresponding
#' location.} } } \item{\code{gex}: A vector containing the corresponding gene
#' expression levels for each entry of the \code{methyl_region} list.} \item{
#' \code{prom_region}: A \code{GRanges} object
#' containing corresponding annotated promoter regions for each entry of the
#' \code{methyl_region} list. The GRanges object has one additional metadata
#' column named \code{tss}, which stores the TSS of each promoter. } \item{
#' \code{rna_data}: A \code{GRanges} object containing
#' the corresponding RNA-Seq data for each entry of the \code{methyl_region}
#' list. The GRanges object has three additional metadata columns which are
#' explained in \code{\link{read_rna_encode_caltech}}} \item{ \code{upstream}:
#' Integer defining the length of bp upstream of TSS.} \item{
#' \code{downstream}: Integer defining the length of bp downstream of TSS.}
#' \item{ \code{cpg_density}: Integer defining the minimum number of CpGs that
#' have to be in a methylated region. Regions with less than \code{n} CpGs are
#' discarded.} \item{ \code{sd_thresh}: Numeric defining the minimum standard
#' deviation of the methylation change in a region. This is used to filter
#' regions with no methylation change.} \item{ \code{fmin}: Minimum range
#' value for region location scaling.} \item{ \code{fmax}: Maximum range value
#' for region location scaling.} }
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the files
#' rrbs_file <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' rnaseq_file <- system.file("extdata", "rnaseq.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' proc_data <- process_haib_caltech_wrap(rrbs_file, rnaseq_file)
#' @export
process_haib_caltech_wrap <- function(bs_files, rna_files,
chrom_size_file = NULL,
chr_discarded = NULL, upstream = -7000,
downstream = 7000, min_bs_cov = 4,
max_bs_cov = 1000, cpg_density = 10,
sd_thresh = 10e-02, ignore_strand = TRUE,
gene_log2_transf = TRUE,
gene_outl_thresh = TRUE,
gex_outlier = 300,
fmin = -1, fmax = 1){
# Process BS-Seq file and return data in the required format
bs_data <- preprocess_bs_seq(files = bs_files, file_format = "encode_rrbs",
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, min_bs_cov = min_bs_cov,
max_bs_cov = max_bs_cov)
# Read the chromosome size file, if it is supplied
if (!is.null(chrom_size_file)) {
chrom_size <- read_chrom_size(file = chrom_size_file)
}else {chrom_size <- NULL }
# Read RNA-Seq BED file
rna_data <- read_rna_encode_caltech(file = rna_files,
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
# Create promoter regions
prom_reg <- create_anno_region(anno = rna_data, chrom_size = chrom_size,
upstream = upstream, downstream = downstream)
# Create methylation regions data
methyl_reg <- create_region_object(met_dt = bs_data, anno_dt = prom_reg,
cov = cpg_density, sd_thresh = sd_thresh, ignore_strand = ignore_strand,
filter_empty_region = FALSE, fmin = fmin, fmax = fmax)$met
# Keep only covered genomic regions
cov_ind <- which(!is.na(methyl_reg))
methyl_reg <- methyl_reg[cov_ind]
prom_reg <- prom_reg[cov_ind, ]
rna_data <- rna_data[cov_ind, ]
proc_data <- preprocess_final_HTS_data(methyl_region = methyl_reg,
prom_reg = prom_reg,
rna_data = rna_data,
gene_log2_transf = gene_log2_transf,
gene_outl_thresh = gene_outl_thresh,
gex_outlier = gex_outlier)
# Create object
obj <- structure(list(methyl_region = proc_data$methyl_region,
gex = proc_data$gex,
prom_region = proc_data$prom_reg,
rna_data = proc_data$rna_data,
upstream = upstream,
downstream = downstream,
cpg_density = cpg_density,
sd_thresh = sd_thresh,
fmin = fmin,
fmax = fmax),
class = "processHTS")
#' @title (DEPRECATED) Pre-process BS-Seq data in any given format
#' @description (DEPRECATED) \code{preprocess_bs_seq} is a general function for
#' reading and preprocessing BS-Seq data. If a vector of files is given, these
#' are considered as replicates and are pooled together. Finally, noisy reads
#' are discarded.
#' @param files A vector of filenames containing replicate experiments. This can
#' also be just a single replicate.
#' @param file_format A string denoting the file format that the BS-Seq data are
#' stored. Current version allows "\code{encode_rrbs}" or "\code{bismark_cov}"
#' formats.
#' @param chr_discarded A vector with chromosome names to be discarded.
#' @param min_bs_cov The minimum number of reads mapping to each CpG site. CpGs
#' with less reads will be considered as noise and will be discarded.
#' @param max_bs_cov The maximum number of reads mapping to each CpG site. CpGs
#' with more reads will be considered as noise and will be discarded.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object. The GRanges object contains two additional
#' metadata columns: \itemize{ \item \code{total_reads}: total reads mapped to
#' each genomic location. \item \code{meth_reads}: methylated reads mapped to
#' each genomic location. } These columns can be accessed as follows:
#' \code{granges_object$total_reads}
#' @section Additional Info: Information about the file formats can be found in
#' the following links:
#' Encode RRBS format:
#' \url{http://rohsdb.cmb.usc.edu/GBshape/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=
#' hg19&hgta_group=regulation&hgta_track=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs&hgta_table=
#' wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbreast0203015BiochainSitesRep2&hgta_doSchema=
#' describe+table+schema}
#' Bismark Cov format: \url{http://rnbeads.mpi-inf.mpg.de/data/RnBeads.pdf}
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_bs_encode_haib}} \code{\link{pool_bs_seq_rep}}
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the files
#' bs_file <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' bs_data <- preprocess_bs_seq(bs_file, file_format = "encode_rrbs")
#' @export
preprocess_bs_seq <- function(files, file_format = "encode_rrbs",
chr_discarded = NULL, min_bs_cov = 4,
max_bs_cov = 1000){
# If we have more than one replicates
if (length(files) > 1) {
bs_data <- pool_bs_seq_rep(files = files, file_format = file_format,
chr_discarded = chr_discarded)
if (file_format == "encode_rrbs") {
bs_data <- read_bs_encode_haib(file = files,
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
}else if (file_format == "bismark_cov") {
bs_data <- .read_bs_bismark_cov(file = files,
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
else {stop("Wrong file format.") }
bs_data <- .discard_bs_noise_reads(bs_data = bs_data,
min_bs_cov = min_bs_cov, max_bs_cov = max_bs_cov)
#' @title (DEPRECATED) Pre-process final HTS data for downstream analysis
#' @description (DEPRECATED) \code{preprocess_final_HTS_data} performs a final
#' filtering and preprocessing on the data for use in downstream analysis.
#' These include, removing noisy gene expression data, removing or not
#' un-expressed genes and log2-transorming of the FPKM values.
#' @param methyl_region Methylation region data, which are the output of the
#' "\code{create_region_object}" function.
#' @param rna_data A \code{GRanges} object containing corresponding RNA-Seq data
#' for each entry of the \code{methyl_region} list. This is the output of the
#' "\code{read_rna_encode_caltech} function.
#' @param prom_reg A \code{GRanges} object containing corresponding annotated
#' promoter regions for each entry of the \code{methyl_region} list.
#' @inheritParams process_haib_caltech_wrap
#' @return An object which contains following information: \itemize{ \item
#' \code{methyl_region}: The subset of promoter methylation region data after
#' the filtering process. \item \code{gex}: A vectoring storing only the
#' corresponding gene expression values for each promoter region. \item
#' \code{rna_data}: The corresponding gene expression data stored as a GRanges
#' object.}
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_rna_encode_caltech}}
#' \code{\link{process_haib_caltech_wrap}}
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the BS file and then read it
#' bs_file <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' bs_data <- read_bs_encode_haib(bs_file)
#' # Create promoter regions
#' rnaseq_file <- system.file("extdata", "rnaseq.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' annot_data <- read_rna_encode_caltech(rnaseq_file)
#' prom_region <- create_anno_region(annot_data)
#' # Create methylation regions
#' methyl_reg <- create_region_object(bs_data, prom_region,
#' filter_empty_region = FALSE)
#' # Keep only covered genomic regions
#' cov_ind <- which(!is.na(methyl_reg))
#' methyl_reg <- methyl_reg[cov_ind]
#' prom_region <- prom_region[cov_ind, ]
#' annot_data <- annot_data[cov_ind, ]
#' # Finally preprocess the HTS data
#' res <- preprocess_final_HTS_data(methyl_reg, prom_region, annot_data)
#' @export
preprocess_final_HTS_data <- function(methyl_region, prom_reg, rna_data,
gene_log2_transf = TRUE,
gene_outl_thresh = TRUE,
gex_outlier = 300){
# Extract only the gene expression data in FPKM
gex <- as.numeric(rna_data$gene_fpkm)
# Option to discard possible outliers / noisy data
if (gene_outl_thresh) {
ind <- which(gex > gex_outlier)
if (length(ind) > 0) {
gex <- gex[-ind]
methyl_region <- methyl_region[-ind]
prom_reg <- prom_reg[-ind]
rna_data <- rna_data[-ind]
# Option to log-transform gene expression data
if (gene_log2_transf) { gex <- log2(gex + 0.1) }
return(list(methyl_region = methyl_region, gex = gex,
prom_reg = prom_reg, rna_data = rna_data))
#' @title (DEPRECATED) Read and pool replicates from BS-Seq data
#' @description (DEPRECATED) \code{pool_bs_seq_rep} reads and pools replicate
#' methylation data from BS-Seq experiments that are either in Encode RRBS or
#' Bismark Cov format. Read the Important section below on when to use this
#' function.
#' @inheritParams preprocess_bs_seq
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object. The GRanges object contains two additional
#' metadata columns: \itemize{ \item \code{total_reads}: total reads mapped to
#' each genomic location. \item \code{meth_reads}: methylated reads mapped to
#' each genomic location. } These columns can be accessed as follows:
#' granges_object$total_reads
#' @section Important: Unless you want to create a different workflow when
#' processing the BS-Seq data, you should NOT call this function, since this
#' is a helper function. Instead you should call the
#' \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}} function.
#' Information about the file formats can be found in the following links:
#' Encode RRBS format:
#' \url{http://rohsdb.cmb.usc.edu/GBshape/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=
#' regulation&hgta_track=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs&hgta_table=
#' wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbreast0203015BiochainSitesRep2&hgta_doSchema=
#' describe+table+schema}
#' Bismark Cov format: \url{http://rnbeads.mpi-inf.mpg.de/data/RnBeads.pdf}
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_bs_encode_haib}}, \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}}
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the file
#' bs_file1 <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' bs_file2 <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' # Concatenate the files
#' bs_files <- c(bs_file1, bs_file2)
#' # Pool the replicates
#' pooled_data <- pool_bs_seq_rep(bs_files)
#' @export
pool_bs_seq_rep <- function(files, file_format = "encode_rrbs",
chr_discarded = NULL){
assertthat::assert_that(length(files) > 1)
message("Pooling BS-Seq replicates ...")
# Read first file
if (file_format == "encode_rrbs") {
pooled_bs <- read_bs_encode_haib(file = files[1],
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
}else if (file_format == "bismark_cov") {
pooled_bs <- .read_bs_bismark_cov(file = files[1],
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
stop("Wrong file format. Please check the available file formats!")
for (i in 2:length(files)) {
# Read replicate file i
if (file_format == "encode_rrbs") {
bs_data_rep <- read_bs_encode_haib(file = files[i],
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
}else if (file_format == "bismark_cov") {
bs_data_rep <- .read_bs_bismark_cov(file = files[i],
chr_discarded = chr_discarded, is_GRanges = TRUE)
# Find overlaps between BS-Seq replicates.
# A Hits object containing in the 1st column the query indices and in
# the 2nd column the corresponding subject indices that overlap.
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = pooled_bs,
subject = bs_data_rep)
# Get only the subset of overlapping CpG sites
tmp_bs <- pooled_bs[S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)]
# Add the total reads from the two distinct replicates
tmp_bs$total <- tmp_bs$total +
# Add the methylated reads from the two distinct replicates
tmp_bs$met <- tmp_bs$met +
# Add CpG sites that were not overlapping between replicates
tmp_bs <- c(tmp_bs,
# Sort the pooled GRanges object
pooled_bs <- sort(tmp_bs, ignore.strand = TRUE)
#' @title (DEPRECATED) Read ENCODE HAIB bed formatted BS-Seq file
#' @description (DEPRECATED) \code{read_bs_encode_haib} reads a file containing
#' methylation data from BS-Seq experiments using the \code{\link{scan}}
#' function. The BS-Seq file should be in ENCODE HAIB \code{bed} format. Read
#' the Important section below on when to use this function.
#' @param file The name of the file to read data values from.
#' @param chr_discarded A vector with chromosome names to be discarded.
#' @param is_GRanges Logical: if TRUE a GRanges object is returned, otherwise a
#' data.frame object is returned.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object if \code{is_GRanges} is
#' TRUE, otherwise a \code{data.table} object.
#' The GRanges object contains two additional metadata columns: \itemize{
#' \item \code{total_reads}: total reads mapped to each genomic location.
#' \item \code{meth_reads}: methylated reads mapped to each genomic location.
#' } These columns can be accessed as follows:
#' \code{granges_object$total_reads}
#' @section Important: Unless you want to create a different workflow when
#' processing the BS-Seq data, you should NOT call this function, since this
#' is a helper function. Instead you should call the
#' \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}} function.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pool_bs_seq_rep}}, \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}}
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the file and then read it
#' bs_file <- system.file("extdata", "rrbs.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' bs_data <- read_bs_encode_haib(bs_file)
#' @export
read_bs_encode_haib <- function(file, chr_discarded = NULL, is_GRanges = TRUE){
message("Reading file ", file, " ...")
data_raw <- scan(file = file, skip = 1, sep = "\t",
what = list("character", # Reference chromosome or scaffold
integer(), # Start position in chromosome
NULL, # End position in chromosome
NULL, # Name of item
integer(), # Score from 0-1000. Capped number
"character", # Strand : + or - or . for unknown
NULL, # Start position
NULL, # End position
NULL, # Color value R,G,B
NULL, # Number of reads or coverage
integer() # Methylation percentage
# Convert to actual methylated reads -------------------------
data_raw[[11]] <- as.integer(round(0.01 * data_raw[[5]] * data_raw[[11]]))
# Store only required fields
bs_data <- data.table::data.table(chr = data_raw[[1]],start = data_raw[[2]],
strand = data_raw[[6]], total_reads = data_raw[[5]],
meth_reads = data_raw[[11]])
# Remove selected chromosomes -------------------------------
bs_data <- .discard_chr(x = bs_data, chr_discarded = chr_discarded)
# Sorting data -----------------------------------------------
# With order priority: 1. chr, 2. start, 3. strand
message("Sorting BS-Seq data ...")
bs_data <- bs_data[order(bs_data$chr, bs_data$start, bs_data$strand)]
if (is_GRanges) {
# Create a GRanges object -----------------------------------
message("Creating GRanges object ...")
bs_data <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = bs_data$chr,
strand = bs_data$strand,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = bs_data$start, width = 1),
met = bs_data$meth_reads,
total = bs_data$total_reads)
# (DEPRECATED) Read Bismark Cov formatted BS-Seq file
# (DEPRECATED) \code{read_bs_bismark_cov} reads a file containing
# methylation data from BS-Seq experiments using the
# \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} function. The BS-Seq file should be in
# Bismark Cov format. Read the Important section below on when to use this
# function.
# @inheritParams read_bs_encode_haib
# @return A \code{GRanges} object if \code{is_GRanges} is
# TRUE, otherwise a \code{data.table} object.
# The GRanges object contains two additional metadata columns: \itemize{
# \item \code{total_reads}: total reads mapped to each genomic location.
# \item \code{meth_reads}: methylated reads mapped to each genomic location.
# } These columns can be accessed as follows:
# \code{granges_object$total_reads}
# @section Important: Unless you want to create a different workflow when
# processing the BS-Seq data, you should NOT call this function, since this
# is a helper function. Instead you should call the
# \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}} function.
# @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
# @references \url{http://rnbeads.mpi-inf.mpg.de/data/RnBeads.pdf}
# @seealso \code{\link{pool_bs_seq_rep}}, \code{\link{preprocess_bs_seq}}
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # Download the files and change the working directory to that location
# file <- "name_of_bismark_file"
# bs_data <- read_bs_bismark_cov(file)
# # Extract the total reads and methylated reads
# total_reads <- bs_data$total_reads
# meth_reads <- bs_data$meth_reads
# }
.read_bs_bismark_cov <- function(file, chr_discarded = NULL, is_GRanges = TRUE){
message("Reading file ", file, " ...")
bs_data <- data.table::fread(input = file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE,
col.names = c("chr", "start", "meth_reads", "unmeth_reads"))
# Remove selected chromosomes -------------------------------
bs_data <- .discard_chr(x = bs_data, chr_discarded = chr_discarded)
# Sorting data -----------------------------------------------
# With order priority: 1. chr, 2. start
message("Sorting BS-Seq data ...")
bs_data <- bs_data[order(bs_data$chr, bs_data$start)]
if (is_GRanges) {
# Create a GRanges object ---------------------------------
message("Creating GRanges object ...")
bs_data <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = bs_data$chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = bs_data$start, width = 1),
met = bs_data$meth_reads,
total = bs_data$meth_reads + bs_data$unmeth_reads)
#' @title (DEPRECATED) Read ENCODE Caltech bed formatted RNA-Seq file
#' @description (DEPRECATED) \code{read_rna_encode_caltech} reads a file
#' containing promoter annotation data together with gene expression levels
#' from RNA-Seq experiments using the \code{\link{scan}} function. The RNA-Seq
#' file should be in ENCODE Caltech \code{bed} format, e.g. use \code{gtf2bed}
#' tool if your initial file is in \code{gtf} format.
#' @inheritParams read_bs_encode_haib
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object if \code{is_GRanges} is TRUE, otherwise a
#' \code{data.table} object.
#' The GRanges object contains three additional metadata columns: \itemize{
#' \item \code{ensembl_id}: Ensembl IDs of each gene promoter. \item
#' \code{gene_name}: Gene name. \item \code{gene_fpkm}: Expression level in
#' FPKM. } These columns can be accessed as follows:
#' \code{granges_object$ensembl_id}
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_chrom_size}}, \code{\link{read_bs_encode_haib}}
#' @examples
#' # Obtain the path to the file and then read it
#' rnaseq_file <- system.file("extdata", "rnaseq.bed", package = "BPRMeth")
#' rna_data <- read_rna_encode_caltech(rnaseq_file)
#' @export
read_rna_encode_caltech <- function(file, chr_discarded = NULL,
is_GRanges = TRUE){
message("Reading file ", file, " ...")
data_raw <- scan(file = file, sep = "\t",
what = list("character", # Reference chromosome
integer(), # Start position in chromosome
integer(), # End position in chromosome
"character", # Gene ENSEMBL id
numeric(), # Expression level
"character", # Strand : + or - or . for unknown
NULL, # Source, e.g. HAVANA
NULL, # Type of feature, e.g. gene
NULL, # No information
"character" # Metadata
# Store only required fields
rna_data <- data.table::data.table(chr = data_raw[[1]],
start = data_raw[[2]], end = data_raw[[3]], strand = data_raw[[6]],
ensembl_id = data_raw[[4]],gene_expr = data_raw[[5]])
# Extract FPKM and gene name from each gene ------------------
gene_info <- data_raw[[10]]
fpkm <- vector(mode = "numeric")
gene_name <- vector(mode = "character")
message("Extracting FPKM and gene names ...")
for (i in 1:length(gene_info)) {
fpkm[i] <- .extract_fpkm(gene_info[i])
gene_name[i] <- .extract_gene_name(gene_info[i])
# Store extracted data to data.frame
rna_data <- data.table::data.table(rna_data, fpkm = fpkm,
gene_name = gene_name)
# Remove selected chromosomes -------------------------------
rna_data <- .discard_chr(x = rna_data, chr_discarded = chr_discarded)
# Sorting data -----------------------------------------------
# With order priority: 1. chr, 2. start, 3. strand
message("Sorting RNA-Seq data ...")
rna_data <- rna_data[order(rna_data$chr, rna_data$start, rna_data$strand)]
if (is_GRanges) {
# Create a GRanges object -----------------------------------
message("Creating GRanges object ...")
rna_data <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = rna_data$chr,
strand = rna_data$strand,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = rna_data$start,
end = rna_data$end),
id = rna_data$ensembl_id,
gene_name = rna_data$gene_name,
gene_fpkm = rna_data$fpkm)
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