# Creates default simulation and fitting results (the list data object
# eight.results.default) for 10,000 data sets for the MEE paper data. Running
# as part of the vignette takes too long when building the vignette.
# See ?sizeSpectra::eight.results.default for details.
n = 1000 # sample size
b.known = -2 # known fixed value of b
xmin.known = 1 # known fixed value of xmin
xmax.known = 1000 # known fixed value of xmax
num.reps = 10000 # number of times to draw sets of n random numbers.
# (throwing n PLB dice num.reps times)
# Changing Llin.rep etc to be data frame with three columns, less to save. Call
# ...df for now then remove that.
NA.vec = numeric(num.reps)*NA
Llin.rep.df = data.frame(slope = NA.vec, confMin = NA.vec, confMax = NA.vec)
LT.rep.df = Llin.rep.df
LTplus1.rep.df = Llin.rep.df
LBmiz.rep.df = Llin.rep.df
LBbiom.rep.df = Llin.rep.df
LBNbiom.rep.df = Llin.rep.df
LCD.rep.df = Llin.rep.df
MLE.rep.df = data.frame(b = NA.vec, confMin = NA.vec, confMax = NA.vec)
MLEfix.rep.df = MLE.rep.df # Adding in MLE calculations when we fix xmax=xmax.known
MLE.rep.xmax = NA.vec # Also save the xmax =max(x) for each run, to see how
# correlates with estimate of b.
num.bins = 8 # number of bins for standard histogram and Llin method, though
# this is only a suggestion (and can get overridden). Daan used
# 8 bins.
hLBmiz.num.bins = num.bins # for mizer method
# Main loop for doing the fitting num.reps times
for(iii in 1:num.reps)
# if(iii %in% seq(1000, num.reps, 1000)) print(paste("iii = ", iii))
# to show progress, but commented out here
x = rPLB(n, b = b.known, xmin = xmin.known, xmax = xmax.known)
log.x = log(x) # to avoid keep calculating
sum.log.x = sum( log.x )
xmin = min(x)
xmax = max(x)
eight.results = sizeSpectra::eightMethodsMEE(x,
num.bins = num.bins,
b.only = TRUE)
# Could do more efficiently, but just modify existing code for now
Llin.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLlin[1:3]
# Llin.rep.conf[iii,] = eight.results$hLlin[2:3]
LT.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLT[1:3]
# LT.rep.conf[iii,] = eight.results$hLT[2:3]
LTplus1.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLTplus1[1:3]
# LTplus1.rep.conf[iii,] = eight.results$hLT[2:3]
LBmiz.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLBmiz[1:3]
# LBmiz.rep.conf[iii,]= eight.results$hLBmiz[2:3]
LBbiom.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLBbiom[1:3]
# LBbiom.rep.conf[iii, ]= eight.results$hLBbiom[2:3]
LBNbiom.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLBNbiom[1:3]
# LBNbiom.rep.conf[iii, ] = eight.results$hLBNbiom[2:3]
LCD.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hLCD[1:3]
# LCD.rep.conf[iii,] = eight.results$hLCD[2:3]
MLE.rep.df[iii, ] = eight.results$hMLE[1:3]
# MLE.rep.conf[iii,] = eight.results$hMLE[2:3]
MLE.rep.xmax[iii] = xmax
# MLE (maximum likelihood method) calculations, but fix xmax=xmax.known
# Think there is now a function for MLE, so could take it out of eightMethodsMEE function
# Use analytical value of MLE b for PL model (Box 1, Edwards et al. 2007)
# as a starting point for nlm for MLE of b for PLB model.
PL.bMLE = 1/( log(min(x)) - sum.log.x/length(x)) - 1
PLBfix.minLL = nlm(negLL.PLB, p=PL.bMLE, x=x, n=length(x),
xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax.known, sumlogx=sum.log.x) #, print.level=2 )
PLBfix.bMLE = PLBfix.minLL$estimate
# 95% confidence intervals for MLE method.
PLBfix.minNegLL = PLBfix.minLL$minimum
# Values of b to test to obtain confidence interval. For the movement data
# sets in Table 2 of Edwards (2011) the intervals were symmetric, so make a
# symmetric interval here.
bvec = seq(PLBfix.bMLE - 0.5, PLBfix.bMLE + 0.5, 0.001)
PLBfix.LLvals = vector(length=length(bvec)) # negative log-likelihood for bvec
for(i in 1:length(bvec))
PLBfix.LLvals[i] = negLL.PLB(bvec[i], x=x, n=length(x), xmin=xmin,
xmax=xmax.known, sumlogx=sum.log.x)
critVal = PLBfix.minNegLL + qchisq(0.95,1)/2
# 1 degree of freedom, Hilborn and Mangel (1997) p162.
bIn95 = bvec[ PLBfix.LLvals < critVal ]
# b values in 95% confidence interval
PLBfix.MLE.bConf = c(min(bIn95), max(bIn95))
if(PLBfix.MLE.bConf[1] == min(bvec) | PLBfix.MLE.bConf[2] == max(bvec))
{ windows()
plot(bvec, PLBfix.LLvals)
abline(h = critVal, col="red")
stop("Need to make bvec larger for PLBfix - see R window") # Could automate
MLEfix.rep.df[iii, ] = c(PLBfix.bMLE, PLBfix.MLE.bConf)
# MLEfix.rep.conf[iii,] = c(PLBfix.MLE.bConf[1], PLBfix.MLE.bConf[2])
} # End for for(iii in 1:num.reps) loop
eight.results.default <- list(Llin.rep.df = Llin.rep.df,
LT.rep.df = LT.rep.df,
LTplus1.rep.df = LTplus1.rep.df,
LBmiz.rep.df = LBmiz.rep.df,
LBbiom.rep.df = LBbiom.rep.df,
LBNbiom.rep.df = LBNbiom.rep.df,
LCD.rep.df = LCD.rep.df,
MLE.rep.df = MLE.rep.df,
MLEfix.rep.df = MLEfix.rep.df,
MLE.rep.xmax = MLE.rep.xmax,
b.known = b.known,
xmin = xmin,
xmax = xmax)
usethis::use_data(eight.results.default, overwrite = TRUE)
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