## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.width = 5.7,
fig.height = 7
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# library(tibble) # Else prints all of a tibble
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sculpin = 127205
snakeblenny = 154675
specForFig = c(snakeblenny, sculpin)
dataTwoSpec = dplyr::filter(dataBin, SpecCode %in% specForFig)
## ----combine------------------------------------------------------------------
dataComb = dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(dataTwoSpec,
wmax = unique(wmax),
number = round(sum(Number), dig=4))
dataComb = dplyr::mutate(dataComb, j = dplyr::min_rank(wmin)) # works since they're grouped
dataComb[nrow(dataComb), "j"] = 25 # manually, because there's a gap
dataComb = dplyr::mutate(dataComb, wmid = (wmin + wmax)/2) # midpoint for plotting
## ----fig.width=6.5, fig.height=4----------------------------------------------
target = 7 # target bin (for species 2)
target.wmin = dplyr::filter(dataComb,
SpecCode == specForFig[2],
j == target)$wmin
target.wmax = dplyr::filter(dataComb,
SpecCode == specForFig[2],
j == target)$wmax
# Smallest and then largest possible inclusions of being > target bin:
dataComb = dplyr::mutate(dataComb,
wmin.gt.tmax = (wmin >= target.wmax))
dataComb = dplyr::mutate(dataComb,
wmax.gt.tmin = (wmax > target.wmin))
xLim = c(15, 43) # range to show, must be integers
dataComb = dplyr::filter(dataComb,
wmin > xLim[1]) # only show complete bins
numSpec = length(specForFig)
yLimMax = 1
yVals = c(0.3, 0.7) # y values for horizontal mass bins
colSpec = c("red", "pink")
thick = 30 # y thickness of bins
cex.sub = 0.7 # font size for subscripts
# height = 4, width = 6.5,
# horizontal=FALSE, paper="special")
par(mgp=c(2.0, 0.5, 0)) # puts axes labels closer I think
par(lend="butt") # To have butted line caps, need for thick lines.
par(mar = c(4, 2.5, 3, 2)) # outer margins
plot(0, 0, xlab="Body mass, g", ylab="", xlim=xLim,
ylim=c(0, yLimMax), yaxt="n", type="n", xaxs="i") # set up axes.
axis(1, at = xLim[1]:xLim[2], labels = rep("", xLim[2]-xLim[1]+1), tck=-0.01)
mtext("Species Code", side=2, line=1.5, cex.lab=1)
axis(2, at = yVals, labels = c(1,2), las = 2,
tck = -0.005, cex.axis=0.8)
abline(v = target.wmin, col = "grey")
abline(v = target.wmax, col = "grey")
for(ii in 1:length(specForFig)) # loop over species, plot bins for each
yVal = yVals[ii] # where to have horizontal bars
bins.wmin = dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmin # for this sp
bins.wmax = dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmax
bins.wmid = dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmid
# bins for which wmin >= target.wmax
bins.wmin.gt.tmax = dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmin.gt.tmax
bins.wmin.gt.tmax.yn = ifelse(bins.wmin.gt.tmax,"Y", "N")
# bins for which wmax > target.wmin
bins.wmax.gt.tmin = dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmax.gt.tmin
bins.wmax.gt.tmin.yn = ifelse(bins.wmax.gt.tmin,"Y", "N")
segments(y0 = yVal,
x0 = bins.wmin,
x1 = bins.wmax,
col=colSpec, lwd=thick) # recycles col
# Bin break labels (cannot do , with vector for labels, it seems):
for(iiii in 1:length(bins.wmin))
text(x = bins.wmin[iiii],
y = yVal,
labels = bquote(paste(w[.(ii)*","*
.(dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$j[iiii])])),
pos = 1,
offset = 0.03*thick,
cex = cex.sub)
# Do final wmax manually:
text(x = bins.wmax[length(bins.wmax)],
y = yVal,
labels = bquote(paste(w[.(ii)*","*
.(max(dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$j)+1)])),
pos = 1,
offset = 0.03*thick,
cex = cex.sub)
# Put counts for each bin
text(x = bins.wmid,
y = yVal,
labels = f(dplyr::filter(dataComb, SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$number, ii+1),
# ii+1 happens to give 3 d.p.s for species 2 and 2 for species 1,
# as needed on figure
pos = NULL,
offset = 0.03*thick,
cex = cex.sub*1.2)
# Whether to include in counts
eps = 0.23 # Offset from wmid for Y's and N's
text(x = bins.wmid - eps,
y = yVal,
labels = bins.wmin.gt.tmax.yn,
pos = 3,
offset = 0.03*thick,
cex = cex.sub*1.2)
text(x = bins.wmid + eps,
y = yVal,
labels = bins.wmax.gt.tmin.yn,
pos = 3,
offset = 0.03*thick,
cex = cex.sub*1.2)
# Need w_1,24 manually, assumes this is the only one with j=23
text(x = dplyr::filter(dataComb, j==23)$wmax,
y = yVals[1],
labels = bquote(paste(w[.(1)*","*24])),
pos = 1,
offset = 0.03*thick,
cex = cex.sub)
# Calculations for the caption:
lowCount = sum(dataComb$wmin.gt.tmax * dataComb$number)
highCount = sum(dataComb$wmax.gt.tmin * dataComb$number)
## ----recommended--------------------------------------------------------------
dataRecommend.isd = dplyr::select(dataBin,
data.year.list = list() # to save results for each year
fullYears = sort(unique(dataBin$Year))
for(i in 1:length(fullYears))
data.year = dplyr::filter(dataRecommend.isd,
Year == fullYears[i])
data.year = dplyr::arrange(data.year,
sumNumber = sum(data.year$Number)
# data.year = dplyr::mutate(data.year,
# cumSum = cumsum(Number))
# This is wrong when we have two species with the same
# length-weight coefficients in the same year, so need countGTEwmin below
# Have to do not with dplyr:
wmin.vec = data.year$wmin
wmax.vec = data.year$wmax
num.vec = data.year$Number
countGTEwmin = rep(NA, length(num.vec)) # to do a manual count
lowCount = countGTEwmin
highCount = countGTEwmin
for(iii in 1:length(countGTEwmin))
countGTEwmin[iii] = sum( (wmin.vec >= wmin.vec[iii]) * num.vec)
lowCount[iii] = sum( (wmin.vec >= wmax.vec[iii]) * num.vec)
highCount[iii] = sum( (wmax.vec > wmin.vec[iii]) * num.vec)
data.year = cbind(data.year,
"countGTEwmin" = countGTEwmin,
"lowCount" = lowCount,
"highCount" = highCount)
data.year = dplyr::tbl_df(data.year) # This is one of the desired input for
# the plotting function below
data.year.list[[i]] = data.year
xlim.global = c(min(dataRecommend.isd$wmin),
max(dataRecommend.isd$wmax)) # x-axis limits to be common for
# all plots
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# # ```{r, animation.hook = 'gifski', interval = 1.5, fig.width = 5.36, fig.height = 8}
# # fig.width is 0.67 * fig.height (which is 8)
# #
# # for(i in 1:length(fullYears)) # Not tested new options here (from _all vignette)
# # {
# # ISD_bin_plot(data.year = data.year.list[[i]],
# # b.MLE = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year == fullYears[i])$b,
# # b.confMin = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# # fullYears[i])$confMin,
# # b.confMax = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# # fullYears[i])$confMax,
# # year = fullYears[i],
# # xlim = xlim.global,
# # xmin = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# # fullYears[i])$xmin,
# # xmax = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# # fullYears[i])$xmax,
# # IBTS_MEPS_figs = TRUE
# # )
# # }
# # ```
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# for(i in 1:length(fullYears))
# {
# postscript(paste0("../IBTS-ISD-figs/IBTS-ISD", fullYears[i], ".eps"),
# height = 8, width = 5.36,
# horizontal=FALSE, paper="special")
# ISD_bin_plot(data.year = data.year.list[[i]],
# b.MLE = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year == fullYears[i])$b,
# b.confMin = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# fullYears[i])$confMin,
# b.confMax = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# fullYears[i])$confMax,
# year = fullYears[i],
# xlim = xlim.global,
# xmin = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# fullYears[i])$xmin,
# xmax = dplyr::filter(MLEbins.res, Year ==
# fullYears[i])$xmax,
# )
# dev.off()
# }
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# % Include this in latex preamble:
# \newcommand\isdfig[2]{ % filename is #1, text is #2
# \begin{figure}[tp]
# \begin{center}
# \epsfbox{IBTS-ISD-figs/IBTS-ISD#1.eps}
# \end{center}
# \vspace{-5mm}
# \caption{#2}
# \label{fig:ISD-#1}
# \end{figure}
# \clearpage
# }
# % Include this after the figures have already been created in an R loop
# \isdfig{\Sexpr{fullYears[1]}}{Include caption as above for year \Sexpr{fullYears[i]}}
# \newcounter{loop}
# \newcommand{\loopMax}{\Sexpr{max(fullYears)+1}}
# \forloop{loop}{\Sexpr{fullYears[2]}}{\value{loop} < \loopMax}
# {\isdfig{\arabic{loop}}{Individual size distribution and MLEbins fit
# with 95\% confidence intervals for IBTS data in \arabic{loop}.
# Details as in Figure~\ref{fig:ISD-1986}.
# }}
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