## Export: inla.posterior.sample
##! \name{inla.sample}
##! \alias{inla.posterior.sample}
##! \alias{posterior.sample}
##! \title{Generate samples from an approximated posterior of a fitted model}
##! \description{This function generate samples from an approximated posterior of a fitted model, ie an inla-object}
##! \usage{
##! inla.posterior.sample(n = 1L, result, hyper.user.scale = TRUE, use.improved.mean = TRUE)
##! }
##! \arguments{
##! \item{n}{Number of samples.}
##! \item{result}{The inla-object, ie the output from an \code{inla}-call. The \code{inla}-object must be created with
##! \code{control.compute=list(config=TRUE)}.}
##! \item{hyper.user.scale}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} then values of
##! the hyperparameters are given in the user scale (for example
##! \code{precision}). If \code{FALSE} then values of the
##! hyperparameters are given in the internal representation (for
##! example \code{log(precision)}).}
##! \item{use.improved.mean}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} then use the
##! marginal mean values when constructing samples. If \code{FALSE}
##! then use the mean in the Gaussian approximations.}
##!\value{ A list of the samples, where each sample is a list with
##! names \code{hyperpar} and \code{latent}, and with their marginal
##! densities in \code{logdens$hyperpar} and \code{logdens$latent}
##! and the joint density is in \code{logdens$joint}. THIS IS AN
##!\author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@math.ntnu.no}}
##! r = inla(y ~ 1 ,data = data.frame(y=rnorm(1)), control.compute = list(config=TRUE))
##! samples = inla.posterior.sample(2,r)
`inla.posterior.sample` = function(n = 1, result, hyper.user.scale = TRUE, use.improved.mean = TRUE)
warning("inla.posterior.sample: THIS FUNCTION IS EXPERIMENTAL!!!")
stopifnot(!missing(result) && any(class(result) == "inla"))
if (is.null(result$misc$configs)) {
stop("You need an inla-object computed with option 'control.compute=list(config = TRUE)'.")
n = as.integer(n)
stopifnot(is.integer(n) && n > 0L)
## first sample the theta(-index)
cs = result$misc$configs
ld = numeric(cs$nconfig)
for (i in 1:cs$nconfig) {
ld[i] = cs$config[[i]]$log.posterior
p = exp(ld - max(ld))
idx = sample(1:cs$nconfig, n, prob = p, replace = TRUE)
idx = sort(idx)
n.idx = numeric(cs$nconfig)
n.idx[] = 0
for(i in 1:cs$nconfig) {
n.idx[i] = sum(idx == i)
all.samples = list(list())
all.samples[[n]] = NA
i.sample = 1L
for(k in 1:cs$nconfig) {
if (n.idx[k] > 0) {
## then the latent field
xx = inla.qsample(n=n.idx[k], Q=cs$config[[k]]$Q,
mu = inla.ifelse(use.improved.mean, cs$config[[k]]$improved.mean, cs$config[[k]]$mean),
constr = cs$constr, logdens = TRUE)
nm = c()
ld.theta = cs$max.log.posterior + cs$config[[k]]$log.posterior
for(j in 1:length(cs$contents$tag)) {
ii = seq(cs$contents$start[j], length = cs$contents$length[j])
nm = c(nm,
inla.ifelse(cs$contents$length[j] == 1L, 1, inla.num(1:cs$contents$length[j])),
theta = cs$config[[k]]$theta
log.J = 0.0
if (!is.null(theta) && hyper.user.scale) {
for(j in 1:length(theta)) {
theta[j] = do.call(result$misc$from.theta[[j]], args = list(theta[j]))
names(theta) = paste(names(theta), "-- in user scale")
if (TRUE) {
## new fancy code using the automatic differentiation feature in R
for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
arg.val = formals(result$misc$from.theta[[i]])
arg = names(arg.val)
if (length(arg) == 1L) {
deriv.func = inla.eval(paste("function(", arg, ") {}"))
} else {
if (length(arg)==2L) {
deriv.func = inla.eval(paste("function(", arg[1L], ",", arg[2L], "=", arg.val[2L], ") {}"))
else {
stopifnot(length(arg) == 3L)
deriv.func = inla.eval(paste("function(", arg[1L], ",", arg[2L], "=", arg.val[2L], ",", arg[3L], "=", arg.val[3L], ") {}"))
temptest <- try(D(body(result$misc$from.theta[[i]]), arg[1L]), silent=TRUE)
if (!inherits(temptest, "try-error")) {
body(deriv.func) <- temptest
log.J = log.J - log(abs(deriv.func(cs$config[[k]]$theta[i]))) ## Yes, it's a minus...
else {
h = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
theta.1 = do.call(result$misc$from.theta[[i]], args = list(cs$config[[k]]$theta[i] - h))
theta.2 = do.call(result$misc$from.theta[[i]], args = list(cs$config[[k]]$theta[i] + h))
log.J = log.J - log(abs((theta.2 - theta.1)/(2.0*h))) ## Yes, it's a minus...
## print(paste("logJ", log.J))
} else {
## old code using numerical differentiation
h = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
theta.1 = do.call(result$misc$from.theta[[i]], args = list(cs$config[[k]]$theta[i] - h))
theta.2 = do.call(result$misc$from.theta[[i]], args = list(cs$config[[k]]$theta[i] + h))
log.J = log.J - log(abs((theta.2 - theta.1)/(2.0*h))) ## Yes, it's a minus...
## print(paste("logJ", log.J))
for(i in 1:n.idx[k]) {
if (is.null(theta)) {
a.sample = list(
hyperpar = NULL,
latent = xx$sample[ , i, drop=FALSE],
logdens = list(
hyperpar = NULL,
latent = as.numeric(xx$logdens[i]),
joint = as.numeric(xx$logdens[i])))
} else {
ld.h = as.numeric(ld.theta - result$mlik[1, 1] + log.J)
a.sample = list(
hyperpar = theta,
latent = xx$sample[ , i, drop=FALSE],
logdens = list(
hyperpar = ld.h,
latent = as.numeric(xx$logdens[i]),
joint = as.numeric(ld.h + xx$logdens[i])))
rownames(a.sample$latent) = nm
all.samples[[i.sample]] = a.sample
i.sample = i.sample + 1L
return (all.samples)
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