
Defines functions lscale_from_Matern RBF_filter

#' @title RBF filter
#' @description Takes a 2-D set of disaggregated points and smooths them out by placing a radial basis function at each point and using
#' least-squares estimation for the ensuing weights. The constant trend is added on at the end.
#' @param data a data frame with fields \code{x}, \code{y} and an output variable.
#' @param si data frame containing fields \code{x} and \code{y} which denote the desired coordinates of the output field (typically a grid).
#' @param varname the label of the column in \code{data} to use as the output variable.
#' @param smooth_var the variance of the radial basis function.
#' @return the smoothed field  values at locations in \code{si}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data <- data.frame(x = c(1,1,2,2),y = c(1,2,1,2), z = c(1,2,3,4))
#' si <- as.data.frame(expand.grid(seq(0,3,by=0.1),seq(0,3,by=0.1)))
#' names(si) <- c("x","y")
#' si$z <- RBF_filter(data,si,varname="z",smooth_var=1)
RBF_filter <- function(data,si,varname="z",smooth_var=800^2) {
  kernel_smooth_var <- smooth_var
  D <- rdist(data[c("x","y")],data[c("x","y")])
  A <- my_RBF(D,mu=matrix(0,1,2),A=1,sigma2=kernel_smooth_var)
  z <- data[varname][,1]
  data$RBFw <- solve(A)%*%(z - mean(z))
  si[varname] <-  0
  for(i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    r <- rdist(cbind(si$x,si$y),matrix(c(data$x[i],data$y[i]),1,2))
    si[varname] <- si[varname] + my_RBF(r,A=data$RBFw[i],sigma2=kernel_smooth_var)
  si[varname] <- si[varname]  + mean(z)

#' @title Find length scales by fitting a Matern
#' @description Takes a spatial or spatio-temporal data set and returns spatial and temporal length scales by finding the maximum likelihood
#' on a pre-specified grid. If the data is spatio-temporal a separable covariance structure is assumed.
#' @param data a data frame with fields \code{x}, \code{y} and an output variable \code{z}. The time coordinate \code{t} is optional.
#' @param rho an array of spatial practical ranges to consider.
#' @param nu an array of smoothness parameters to consider.
#' @param var an array of marginal variances to consider
#' @param theta an array of first-order auto-regressive parameters to consider in the model \eqn{x_{t+1} = \theta x_{t} + e_{t}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' var_true <- 1
#' kappa_true <- kappa_from_l(l=1700,nu=2)
#' X <- data.frame(x = 3000*runif(100), y = 3000*runif(100))
#' dd<- fields::rdist(X,X)
#' K <- Matern(r=dd,nu=2,var=var_true,kappa=kappa_true)
#' X$z <-  t(chol(K)) %*% rnorm(nrow(X))
#' var_marg <- var(X["z"])
#' var_search <- 10^(seq(log10(var_marg/100),log10(var_marg*100),length=100))
#' rho_search=seq(100,4000,200)
#' lk_fit <- lscale_from_Matern(X,rho=rho_search,var=var_search,nu=c(2))
#' print(lk_fit$spat_df)
lscale_from_Matern  <- function(data,rho=100,nu=3/2,var=1,theta = seq(-0.99,0.99,0.33)) {
  marg_spat <- matrix(0,length(rho),length(var))
  marg_temp <- NULL
  spat_result_frame <- temp_result_frame <- NULL
  dist_space <- list()
  dist_time <- list()
  if(!("t" %in% names(data))) {
    data$t = 0
  dist_space <- dlply(data,"t",function(df) {   
    if ("y" %in% names(df)) {
      dd<- rdist(df[c("x","y")],df[c("x","y")])
    } else {
      dd<- rdist(df["x"],df["x"])
  dist_time <- dlply(data,.("x","y"),function(df) {   
    dd<- rdist(df["t"],df["t"])
  t_axis <- seq_along(unique(data$t))
  tt <- unique(data$t)
  L_norm <-  marg1_norm <- marg2_norm <- list()
  for(k in 1:length(nu)) {
    nu_sel <- nu[k]
    for(i in 1:length(rho)) {
      kappa = kappa_from_l(rho[i],nu_sel)
      for(h in t_axis) {
        sub_data <- subset(data, t == tt[h])
        K_norm <- Matern(r=dist_space[[h]],nu=nu_sel,var=1,kappa=kappa)
        diag(K_norm) <- 1
        L_norm[[h]] <- chol(K_norm) # Cholesky of normalised covariance matrix
        Kinv_norm <- chol2inv(L_norm[[h]]) # normalised precision matrix
        marg1_norm[[h]] <-  t(sub_data$z)%*%Kinv_norm%*%sub_data$z
        marg2_norm[[h]] <-  logdet(L_norm[[h]])
      for(j in 1:length(var)) {
        #Kinv <- Kinv_norm/var[j]    
        #marg[i,j] <- -0.5*t(data$z)%*%Kinv%*%data$z - 0.5*logdet(sqrt(var[j])*L_norm)
        for(h in t_axis)
          marg_spat[i,j] <- marg_spat[i,j] -0.5*marg1_norm[[h]]/var[j] - 0.5*(nrow(L_norm[[h]]))*log(var[j]) - 0.5*marg2_norm[[h]]
      #           for(j in 1:length(var))
      #           for(h in t_axis) {
      #             sub_data <- subset(data, t == tt[h])
      #             K <- var[j]*Matern(r=dist_space[[h]],nu=nu_sel,var=1,kappa=kappa)
      #             diag(K) <- diag(K)*2
      #             L <- chol(K) # Cholesky of normalised covariance matrix
      #             Kinv <- chol2inv(L) # normalised precision matrix
      #             marg1_norm <-  t(sub_data$z)%*%Kinv%*%sub_data$z
      #             marg2_norm <-  logdet(L)
      #             marg[i,j] <- marg[i,j] -0.5*marg1_norm - 0.5*marg2_norm
      #           }
    rho_max_ind <- which.max(apply(marg_spat,1,max))
    var_max_ind <- which.max(apply(marg_spat,2,max))
    if((rho_max_ind %in% c(1,length(rho)) )| (var_max_ind %in% c(1,length(var))) ) {
      cat(paste("Warning: reached search boundary for nu = ",nu_sel,sep=""),sep="\n"); flush.console()
    spat_result_frame <- rbind(spat_result_frame,data.frame(lscale = rho[rho_max_ind],var = var[var_max_ind], nu = nu_sel, lk = max(marg_spat)))
  if(length(t_axis)>1) {
    marg_temp <- matrix(0,length(theta),length(var)+2)
    for (i in 1:length(theta)) {
      marg_temp[i,] <- as.vector(colSums(ddply(data,c("x","y"), function(df) {
        time_dist <- rdist(df$t,df$t)
        diag(time_dist) <- 0
        K_norm <- theta[i]^time_dist
        L_norm <- chol(K_norm)
        Kinv_norm <- chol2inv(L_norm) 
        marg1_norm <-  t(df$z)%*%Kinv_norm%*%df$z
        marg2_norm <-  logdet(L_norm)
        X <- rep(0,length(var))
        for(j in 1:length(var)) {
          X[j] <- -0.5*marg1_norm/var[j] - 0.5*nrow(L_norm)*log(var[j]) - 0.5*marg2_norm
    marg_temp <- marg_temp[,-(1:2)]
    theta_max_ind <- which.max(apply(marg_temp,1,max))
    var_max_ind <- which.max(apply(marg_temp,2,max))
    if((theta_max_ind %in% c(1,length(theta)) )| (var_max_ind %in% c(1,length(var))) ) {
      cat(paste("Warning: reached search boundary for temporal correlation",sep=""),sep="\n"); flush.console()
    # Attach on the temporal bit
    temp_result_frame <- rbind(temp_result_frame,data.frame(lscale = theta[theta_max_ind],var = var[var_max_ind], nu = NA, lk = max(marg_temp)))
  return(list(spat_df = spat_result_frame,temp_df = temp_result_frame,marg_spat=marg_spat,marg_temp = marg_temp))

FreqAnal2D <- function(locs,x,theta.grid=0,smoothness = 5/2,d = seq(-5,5,0.1),dither = T,plotit=F) {

  if (class(locs) == "list") {
    locs <- cbind(locs[[1]],locs[[2]])

  if (class(x) == "numeric") x <- matrix(x)

   if ((dim(x)[1] > 200)&(dither==T)) {
      cat("Dithering: too much data",sep="\n")
      while(dim(x)[1] > 200) {
        x <- matrix(x[seq(1,length(x),2)])
        locs <- locs[seq(1,dim(locs)[1],2),]

  cat('Using a Matern field to model data',sep="\n")
  dd <- mean(diff(d))   # In km
  fs_rho = 1/dd         # In cycles per km
  d1 <- d2 <- d
  N_rho1 = length(d1)
  N_rho2 = length(d2)
  f_rho1 = fs_rho * (0 : (N_rho1-1)) / N_rho1        # Frequency axis for correlation function
  f_rho2 = fs_rho * (0 : (N_rho2-1)) / N_rho2

  #D <- meshgrid(d1,d2)
  #D <- cbind(c(D$x),c(D$y))
  D <- as.matrix(expand.grid(d1,d2))
  r <- apply(D,1,function(x) {sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2) } )     # find radial distance from origin of every point

  x <- apply(x,2,function(x) {x - mean(x)})   # detrend signal       
  if (length(theta.grid) == 0) {
  fit <- MLE.Matern.fast(locs,x,smoothness=smoothness)
  } else {
    fit <- MLE.Matern.fast(locs,x,smoothness=smoothness,theta.grid=theta.grid)        # estimate Matern parameters
    # In MLE.Matern.fast theta is the range, rho is the sill and sigma2 is the nugget
  rho <- matrix(Matern(abs(r),range=fit$par['theta'],nu=smoothness,phi=fit$par['rho']),N_rho2,N_rho1)    
  # In Matern range is theta and phi is the marginal variance (rho)
  RHO <- fft(rho*dd)
  PS = abs(RHO)

  prediction <- Krig(locs,x,Covariance="Matern",smoothness=smoothness,theta=fit$par['theta'],rho=fit$par['rho'],sigma2=fit$par['sigma']^2)
  out<- predict.surface(prediction)

  if (plotit) {
      image(d1,d2,t(rho),xlab='s1 (km)',ylab='s2 (km)')
      title('Matern Kernel')
      image(f_rho1,f_rho2,t(PS),xlab='f1 (cycles per unit)',ylab='f2 (cycles per unit)')
      title('Power Spectrum')
      surface( out, type="C") # option "C" our favorite
      title("Kriged Field")
  fit$cutoff <- f_rho1[min(which(abs(RHO)[1,] < 0.1*abs(RHO)[1,1]))]
  fit$rho_0_1 <- as.numeric(fit$pars["theta"])*sqrt(8*smoothness)        #Lindgren
   theta_axis =  seq(1,50,0.5)
   info<- list( x=locs,y=x,smoothness=smoothness, ngrid=1)
   for(i in theta_axis) out2[i] <-  MLE.objective.fn2(log(i), info, value=T,lambda.grid=1e3)
   theta = theta_axis[which.min(out2)]
   fit$rho_0_1 <- as.numeric(theta)*sqrt(8*smoothness)        #Lindgren 

## Find 2D Power Spectrum
PS2D <- function(s1,s2,x) {
  N1 <- length(s1)
  N2 <- length(s2)
  ds <- mean(diff(s1))
  fs <- 1/ds

  #S = meshgrid(s1,s2)
  X <- fft(x*ds)
  f1 = fs * (0 : (N1-1)) / N1
  f2 = fs * (0 : (N2-1)) / N2
  #f_grid <- meshgrid(f1,f2)
  PS = abs(X)^2
  return(list(f1 = f1,f2 = f2, PS = PS))
 MLE.objective.fn2 <- function (ltheta, info, value = TRUE,lambda.grid=100)
    y <- as.matrix(info$y)
    x <- info$x
    smoothness <- info$smoothness
    ngrid <- info$ngrid
    M <- ncol(y)
    Tmatrix <- fields.mkpoly(x, 2)
    qr.T <- qr(Tmatrix)
    N <- nrow(y)
    Q2 <- qr.yq2(qr.T, diag(1, N))
    ys <- t(Q2) %*% y
    N2 <- length(ys)
    theta <- exp(ltheta)
    K <- Matern(rdist(x, x)/theta, smoothness = smoothness)
    Ke <- eigen(t(Q2) %*% K %*% Q2, symmetric = TRUE)
    u2 <- t(Ke$vectors) %*% ys
    u2.MS <- c(rowMeans(u2^2))
    D2 <- Ke$values
    N2 <- length(D2)
    ngrid <- min(ngrid, N2)
    # lambda.grid <- 100
    trA <- minus.pflike <- rep(NA, ngrid)
    temp.fn <- function(llam, info) {
        lam.temp <- exp(llam)
        u2 <- info$u2.MS
        D2 <- info$D2
        N2 <- length(u2.MS)
        rho.MLE <- (sum((u2.MS)/(lam.temp + D2)))/N2
        lnDetCov <- sum(log(lam.temp + D2))
        -1 * M * (-N2/2 - log(2 * pi) * (N2/2) - (N2/2) * log(rho.MLE) -
            (1/2) * lnDetCov)
    info <- list(D2 = D2, u2 = u2.MS, M = M)
    out <- golden.section.search(f = temp.fn, f.extra = info,
        gridx = log(lambda.grid), tol = 1e-07)
    minus.LogProfileLike <- out$fmin
    lambda.MLE <- exp(out$x)
    rho.MLE <- (sum((u2.MS)/(lambda.MLE + D2)))/N2
    sigma.MLE <- sqrt(lambda.MLE * rho.MLE)
    trA <- sum(D2/(lambda.MLE + D2))
    pars <- c(rho.MLE, theta, sigma.MLE, trA)
    names(pars) <- c("rho", "theta", "sigma", "trA")
    if (value) {
    else {
        return(list(minus.lPlike = minus.LogProfileLike, lambda.MLE = lambda.MLE,
            pars = pars, mle.grid = out$coarse.search))
 lscale_from_variogram  <- function(data,lim=500,plotit=T) {
      dist <- rdist(data[,1:2],data[,1:2])
      diff <- rdist(data[,3],data[,3])
      D <- data.frame(d <- c(dist),var <- c(diff)^2)
      D <- subset(D, d < lim)
      break_diff = lim/50
      breaks <- seq(0,lim*2,break_diff)
      D$group <- cut(D$d,breaks)
      D_mean <- ddply(D,"group",function(x) mean = mean(x$var))
      if (plotit == T)  {
      th <- min(D_mean[,2])+diff(range(D_mean[,2]))*0.9

andrewzm/MVST documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 5:26 p.m.