
######## Utilities to facilitate automated testing ###########

simulate.outliers <- function(n.outliers, max.val) {
                                        #sample(0:max.val, n.outliers, replace=TRUE) %>% return
    rpois(n.outliers, lambda=max.val)

perturb.cumincid <-  function(Cases, n.perturb=10, mu.perturb){

    if( length(Cases) < n.perturb){
        stop("cannot perturb more positions than items in the input.", do.call=FALSE)
                                        # choose random places in the input to add poisson noise
    perturb.at <- sample(1:length(Cases), n.perturb, replace=TRUE)
    perturb.by <- rpois(n.perturb, lambda=mu.perturb)
    Cases[perturb.at] %<>% `+`(perturb.by)

simulate.cumincid <- function(n=100, lambda, n.outliers=1){

    if(n.outliers > n){
        stop("cannot replace more items than there are in the input.", do.call=FALSE)
    cum.incidence <- rpois(n, lambda) %>% cumsum %>% rev
    last.few <- simulate.outliers(n.outliers, min(cum.incidence))
    cum.incidence[1:n.outliers] <- last.few
    cum.incidence %<>% rev

test_outlier_removal <- function(){

    length.out <- 20
    p.within.k <- 0.45
    use.last <- 15
    n.outliers <- 3
    num.sims <- 4
    lambda <- 5
    perturb <- TRUE
    n.perturb <- 10
    mu.perturb <- 3

    dates <- seq(from=as.Date("01/01/2017"), length.out=length.out, by=1)
    cases <-  simulate.cumincid(length.out, lambda, n.outliers=n.outliers)
    if(perturb) cases <- perturb.cumincid(cases, ...)
    cum.incidence <- data.frame(Date=dates, Cases=cases)

    k.sd <- interval.width.for.p(use.last, 1 - p.within.k) %>% sqrt %>% `[`(2)
    no.outliers <- remove.last.outliers(cum.incidence, use.last=use.last, k.sd=k.sd)

    rows.removed <- nrow(cum.incidence) - nrow(no.outliers)
    params <- paste("n =",length.out, ", p.within.k =",p.within.k, ",
                   use.last =",use.last, ", n.outliers =",n.outliers)

    params <- paste(params, ", rows.removed =",rows.removed)
    outfile <- paste("simulated_outlier_removal.pdf", sep="")
    plot_fixed_cumincid(cum.incidence, no.outliers, params, outfile)


test_that("is_monotonically_increasing works as expected", {
    mono_inc <-  c(1, 2, 3, 4)
    nowhere <- mono_inc %>% is_monotonically_increasing %>% length
    expect_equal(nowhere, 0)

    mono_noninc <- c(1, 2, 3, 3)
    nowhere <- mono_noninc %>% is_monotonically_increasing %>% length
    expect_equal(nowhere, 0)

    decr <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1)
    somewhere <- decr %>% is_monotonically_increasing
    right_ans <- c(4, 5)

test_that("non monotonically increasing count is made increasing",{

annecori/mRIIDSprocessData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:16 p.m.