
Defines functions median_peak_length filter_peaks consensus_peaks peaks_by_sample unify_peaks unify_granges read_peaks

Documented in consensus_peaks filter_peaks median_peak_length peaks_by_sample read_peaks unify_granges unify_peaks

# consensus_peaks.R

# Imports ======================================================================

#' @importFrom BiocGenerics %in%
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges union width seqnames ranges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom utils combn read.table

# Functions ====================================================================

#' @title Read peaks from a file
#' @description Read peaks from a BED, narrowPeak, or similar file into a
#'     GRanges object
#' @param peaks_file_path character, path to the peaks file
#' @return GRanges object representing the peaks
read_peaks <- function(peaks_file_path) {
    peaks_df <- read.table(peaks_file_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        seqnames = Rle(peaks_df[[1]]),
        ranges = IRanges(start = peaks_df[[2]], end = peaks_df[[3]])

#' @title Unify GRanges
#' @description Union of several GRanges objects
#' @param x list of GRanges objects
#' @param ignore_strand logical, if TRUE strand information will be ignored
#' @return GRanges, the union of the GRanges in x
unify_granges <- function(x, ignore_strand = FALSE) {
    if (length(x) > 1) {
        Reduce(function(x, y) union(x, y, ignore.strand = ignore_strand), x)
    } else {

#' @title Unify peaks
#' @description Create a GRanges object representing the union of peaks from
#'    one or more input files
#' @param peaks_file_paths character, paths to the files containing the peaks
#' @return GRanges, the union of peaks from the input files
unify_peaks <- function(peaks_file_paths) {
    unify_granges(lapply(peaks_file_paths, read_peaks))

#' @title Peaks by sample
#' @description Get a GRanges object containing a set of peaks for each input
#'     sample
#' @param peaks_paths_by_sample a list of character vectors containing paths of
#'     peaks files for each sample
#' @return list of GRanges objects representing the peaks for each sample
peaks_by_sample <- function(peaks_paths_by_sample) {
    lapply(peaks_paths_by_sample, unify_peaks)

#' @title Consensus peaks
#' @description generate a set of consensus peaks from per-sample peaks
#' @details The consensus set is the union of all peaks identified in any
#'     sample that overlap a peak in another sample.
#' @param peaks list of GRanges objects representing the peaks for each sample
#' @return GRanges, the consensus peak set
consensus_peaks <- function(peaks) {
    cp <- unify_granges(
            combn(peaks, 2, simplify = FALSE),
            function(pair) {
                    subsetByOverlaps(pair[[1]], pair[[2]], ignore.strand = TRUE),
                    subsetByOverlaps(pair[[2]], pair[[1]], ignore.strand = TRUE),
                    ignore.strand = TRUE
    names(cp) <- paste(
        sep = ":"

#' @title Filter peaks
#' @description filter out peaks that are greater than 3kb in length or are
#'     non-autosomal
#' @param peaks GRanges object representing peaks
#' @return GRanges, the filtered peaks
filter_peaks <- function(peaks) {
        (width(peaks) <= 3000)
        & (seqnames(peaks) %in% paste("chr", as.character(seq_len(22)), sep = ""))

#' @title Median Peak Length
#' @description get the median peak length
#' @param peaks Granges object representing peaks
#' @return integer, the median peak length
median_peak_length <- function(peaks) {
anthony-aylward/exploreatacseq documentation built on May 10, 2021, 8:45 a.m.