
Defines functions EulerAngles2rotationMatrix rotationMatrix2EulerAngles Euler2rotationMatrix rotationMatrix2Euler EulerAngles2quaternion quaternion2EulerAngles Euler2quaternion quaternion2Euler quaternion2rotationMatrix rotationMatrix2quaternion aziinc2rotationMatrix rotationMatrix xyzrotate xyz2ai ll2ai ai2ll xyz2ll antipode lon2azi azi2lon inc2lat lat2inc ai2xyz ll2xyz xyz2globe

Documented in ai2ll ai2xyz antipode azi2lon aziinc2rotationMatrix Euler2quaternion Euler2rotationMatrix EulerAngles2quaternion EulerAngles2rotationMatrix inc2lat lat2inc ll2ai ll2xyz lon2azi quaternion2Euler quaternion2EulerAngles quaternion2rotationMatrix rotationMatrix rotationMatrix2Euler rotationMatrix2EulerAngles rotationMatrix2quaternion xyz2ai xyz2globe xyz2ll xyzrotate

#' OLD for plotting on the globe, we need to trasform as the texture is fuckd up
#' @export
xyz2globe <- function(xyz) {
  xyzrotate(xyz, ax=pi/2, ay=-pi/2)

#' latlon to 3d coordinates
#' @export
ll2xyz <- function(latlon) {
  latlon <- rbind(latlon)
  azi <- lon2azi(latlon[,2])
  inc <- lat2inc(latlon[,1])

#' (azi,incl) to 3d coordinates
#' @export
ai2xyz <- function(aziinc) {
  aziinc <- rbind(aziinc)
  azi <- aziinc[,1]
  inc <- aziinc[,2]

#' latitude to inclination
#' @export
lat2inc <- function(lat) {
  pi/2 - lat
#' inclination to latitude
#' @export
inc2lat <- function(inc){
  pi/2 - inc
#' azimuth to longitude
#' @export
azi2lon <- function(azi){
  lon <- azi
  lon[lon>pi] <- -(2*pi-azi[azi>pi])
#' longitude to azimuth
#' @export
lon2azi <- function(lon){
  azi <- lon
  azi[azi < 0] <- 2*pi + azi[azi < 0]

#' antipode lat and lon
#' @export
antipode <- function(latlon){
  cbind(-latlon[,1], latlon[,2]-sign(latlon[,2])*pi)

#' xyz to lat lon
#' @export
xyz2ll <- function(xyz) {
  ai <- xyz2ai(xyz)
  inc <- ai[,2]
  azi <- ai[,1]
  cbind(lat=inc2lat(inc), lon=azi2lon(azi))

#' azi-inc to lat lon
#' @export
ai2ll <- function(aziinc){
  aziinc <- rbind(aziinc)
  cbind(lat=inc2lat(aziinc[,2]), lon=azi2lon(aziinc[,1]))

#'latlon to aziinc
#' @export
ll2ai <- function(latlon){
  latlon <- rbind(latlon)
  cbind(azi=lon2azi(latlon[,2]), inc=lat2inc(latlon[,1]))

#' xyz to azi inc
#' @export
xyz2ai <- function(xyz) {
  xyz <- rbind(xyz)
  r <- apply(xyz, 1, function(a)sqrt(sum(a^2)))
  inc <- acos(xyz[,3]/r)
  azi <- atan2(xyz[,2],xyz[,1])
  cbind(azi=azi, inc=inc)

#' rotate xyz coordinates
#' @export 
xyzrotate <- function(xyz, ...) {
  R <- rotationMatrix(...)
  xyz %*% R

#' Product of elementary rotation matrices
#' @param order Order in which to to the product. Aimed for pre-product
#' Default: 3-2-1 i.e. around z, then around y, then around x. 
#' @export 
rotationMatrix <- function(ax=0, ay=0, az=0, order=c(3,2,1)) {
  R[[1]] <- cbind(c(1,0,0), c(0, cos(ax), sin(ax)), c(0, -sin(ax), cos(ax)) )
  R[[2]] <- cbind(c(cos(ay), 0, -sin(ay)), c(0, 1, 0), c(sin(ay), 0, cos(ay)) )
  R[[3]] <- cbind(c(cos(az), sin(az), 0), c(-sin(az), cos(az), 0), c(0,0,1) )

#' Rotation using azimuth-inclination.
#' @export
aziinc2rotationMatrix <- function(rot_ai=c(0,0)){

#' Rotation matrix to quaternion
#' @export
rotationMatrix2quaternion <- function(R){
  q4 <- 0.5 * sqrt(1 + R[1,1] + R[2,2] + R[3,3])
  if(is.na(q4)) q4<-0 # improper rotation
  if(q4 < 1e-5){ # try other way
    q1 <- 0.5 * sqrt(1+R[1,1]-R[2,2]-R[3,3])
    if(q1 < 1e-5){ # try other way
      q2 <- 0.5 * sqrt(1-R[1,1]+R[2,2]-R[3,3])
      if(q2 < 1e-5){
        q3 <- 0.5 * sqrt(1-R[1,1]-R[2,2]+R[3,3])
        if(q3 < 1e-5) stop("Can't convert matrix to quaternion.")
        m <- 1/(4*q3) # q3 ok
        q1 <- m * (R[3,1]+R[1,3])
        q2 <- m * (R[3,2]+R[2,3])
        q4 <- m * (R[2,1]-R[1,2])
      }else{ # q2 ok
        m <- 1/(4*q2)
        q1 <- m * (R[2,1]+R[1,2])
        q3 <- m * (R[3,2]+R[2,3])
        q4 <- m * (R[1,3]-R[3,1])
    }else{ # q1 ok 
      m <- 1/(4*q1)
      q2 <- m * (R[1,2]+R[2,1])
      q3 <- m * (R[1,3]+R[3,1])
      q4 <- m * (R[3,2]-R[2,3])
  }else{ # q4 ok
    m <- 1/(4*q4)
    q1 <- m * (R[3,2]-R[2,3])
    q2 <- m * (R[1,3]-R[3,1])
    q3 <- m * (R[2,1]-R[1,2])

#' Quaternion to rotation matrix
#' @export
quaternion2rotationMatrix <- function(q){
  q3 <- q[-4]
  Q <- matrix(c(0,q[3],-q[2],-q[3],0,q[1],q[2],-q[1],0), 3)
  c(q[4]^2-t(q3)%*%q3) * diag(1,3) + 2*q3%*%t(q3) + 2*q[4]*Q

#' Quaternion to Euler axis/angle
#' @export
quaternion2Euler <- function(q){
  e <- q[-4]/sqrt(sum(q[-4]^2))
  theta <- 2 * acos(q[4])
  c(e=e, theta=theta)

#' Euler axis/angle to quaternion
#' @param euler c(e1,e2,e3,angle) where e* is the unit axis of rotation
#' @export
Euler2quaternion <- function(euler){
  theta <- euler[4]
  m <- sin(theta/2)
  c(q=euler[1:3]*m, q4=cos(theta/2))

#' Quaternion to Euler angles
#' from euclideanspace.com,
#' @details
#' Convention: Euler is (Heading, Attitude, Bank) so that
#' Heading = rotation  around y, Attitude = rotation around z, 
#' Bank = rotation around x, in that order.
#' @export
quaternion2EulerAngles <- function(q){
#   if(q[2]*q[3]+q[3]*q[1]==0.5){
#     phi <- 2*atan2(q[2],q[1])
#   }
  phi <- atan2(2*(q[1]*q[3]-q[2]*q[4]), 1-2*(q[3]^2+q[4]^2))
  theta <- asin(2*(q[2]*q[3]+q[1]*q[4]))
  psi <- atan2(2*(q[1]*q[2]-q[3]*q[4]), 1-2*(q[2]^2+q[4]^2))
  c(phi=phi, theta=theta, psi=psi)

#' Euler angles to quaternions
#' @export
EulerAngles2quaternion <- function(angle){
  cc <- cos(angle/2)
  ss <- sin(angle/2)
  q1 <- cc[1]*cc[2]*cc[3] - ss[1]*ss[2]*ss[3]
  q2 <- ss[1]*ss[2]*cc[3] + cc[1]*cc[2]*ss[3]
  q3 <- ss[1]*cc[2]*cc[3] + cc[1]*ss[2]*ss[3]
  q4 <- cc[1]*ss[2]*cc[3] - ss[1]*cc[2]*ss[3]

#' Rotation matrix (prop or improp) to Euler axis-angle
#' @export
rotationMatrix2Euler <- function(R){ 
  e <- det(R)
  Tr <- sum(diag(R))
  a <- 3-e*Tr
  b <- 1+e*Tr
    theta <- acos(e)
    n <- c(1,0,0)
  else if(b==0){
    theta <- acos(-e)
    eR <- e*R
    e1 <- e2 <- e3 <- 1
    n1 <- sqrt(1+eR[1,1])
    n2 <- sqrt(1+eR[2,2])
    n3 <- sqrt(1+eR[3,3])
      if(n2) e2 <- eR[1,2]/(n1*n2)
      if(n3) e3 <- eR[1,3]/(n1*n3)
      if(n2 & n3) e2 <- e3 <- eR[2,3]/(n2*n3)
    n <- c(n1,n2,n3)*c(e1,e2,e3)
    n <- n/sum(n)
    theta <- acos(0.5 * (Tr-e))
    n <-  c(R[3,2]-R[2,3], R[1,3]-R[3,1], R[2,1]-R[1,2]) /sqrt(a*b)
  v <- c(axis=n, angle=theta)
  if(e < 0) attr(v, "proper") <- FALSE

#' Euler axis-angle to Rotation matrix
#' @export
Euler2rotationMatrix <- function(v, proper=TRUE){
  n <- v[1:3]
  a <- v[4]
  co <- cos(a)
  si <- sin(a)
    r1 <- c(co + n[1]^2*(1-co), n[1]*n[2]*(1-co)-n[3]*si, n[1]*n[3]*(1-co)+n[2]*si)
    r2 <- c(n[1]*n[2]*(1-co)+n[3]*si, co+n[2]^2*(1-co), n[2]*n[3]*(1-co)-n[1]*si)
    r3 <- c(n[1]*n[3]*(1-co)-n[2]*si, n[2]*n[3]*(1-co)+n[1]*si, co+n[3]^2*(1-co))
  } else{
    r1 <- c(co - n[1]^2*(1+co), -n[1]*n[2]*(1+co)-n[3]*si, -n[1]*n[3]*(1+co)+n[2]*si)
    r2 <- c(-n[1]*n[2]*(1+co)+n[3]*si, co-n[2]^2*(1+co), -n[2]*n[3]*(1+co)-n[1]*si)
    r3 <- c(-n[1]*n[3]*(1+co)-n[2]*si, -n[2]*n[3]*(1+co)+n[1]*si, co-n[3]^2*(1+co))  
  R <- rbind(r1, r2, r3)

#' Rotation matrix to Euler angles
#' @return
#' (Heading, Attitude, Bank)
#' @export
rotationMatrix2EulerAngles <- function(R){ 

#' Euler angles to Rotation matrix
#' @export
EulerAngles2rotationMatrix <- function(angle){

#' perkele

# xyz<-u <- unit.vecs(3)
# e<-xyz2ll(u)
# f <- ll2xyz(e)
# all.equal(u,f)
antiphon/sphere documentation built on April 6, 2022, 8:10 p.m.