
Defines functions saxeyCor dissocDensity dissocTime dissocTrack saxeyPlot multiples indexMultiples

Documented in dissocDensity dissocTime dissocTrack indexMultiples multiples saxeyCor saxeyPlot

# This file contains functions for extracting and processing multiple hit data
# for APT.

#### indexMultiples ####
#' Index multiple hits
#' \code{indexMultiples} extracts the indicies of the \emph{first} hit for every
#' multiplicity in the ATO file. The indicies are sorted into a list that is
#' ordered by multiplicity. This list is then returned.
#' This function uses the \code{parallel} package to speed processing of the ATO
#' file. The argument \code{cl.n} defines the number of cores to use according
#' to \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}.
#' @param ato An ATO data frame. The data frame should be generated by
#'   \code{\link{readATO}}.
#' @param cl.n An integer. The number of cores to use when creating the parallel
#'   cluster with \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{multiples}}, \code{\link{readATO}},
#'   \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}.
#' @export
indexMultiples <- function(ato, cl.n = 3) {
  mu.ind <- sort(unique(
    c(which(diff(ato$pIndex) == 0), which(diff(ato$pIndex) == 0) + 1L)
  mu.rle <- rle(ato[mu.ind, ]$pIndex)
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    mu.cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cl.n)
    parallel::clusterExport(mu.cl, c("mu.rle", "mu.ind"))
  } else {
    mu.cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(cl.n)
  mu.ls <- parallel::parLapply(mu.cl, 1:max(mu.rle$lengths), function(x) {
    ind <- which(mu.rle$lengths == x)
    cum <- cumsum(mu.rle$lengths)
    cum <- c(0L, cum)
    first <- cum[ind] + 1L
    mu <- mu.ind[first]
  mu.ls[[1]] <- setdiff(1:dim(ato)[1], mu.ind)
#### multiples ####
#' Generate a vector of multiplicity orders
#' \code{multiples} takes the output list of first hit indicies returned by
#' \code{indexMultiples} and creates a single vector of the multiplicity of each
#' hit.
#' @param mind A list of integers. The output from \code{\link{indexMultiples}}.
#' @return A vector of integers corresponding to the multiplicity of each hit in
#'   the ATO that generated the list. The order corresponds to the order in the
#'   ATO.
#' @seealso \code{\link{indexMultiples}}
#' @export
multiples <- function(mind) {
  multi <- vector()
  full <- lapply(1:length(mind), function(n) {
    sapply(mind[[n]], function(i) {
      i:(i + n - 1)
  multi[unlist(full)] <- rep(1:length(full),
    times = unlist(lapply(full, length))

#### saxeyPlot ####
#' Create a 2D correlation histogram
#' \code{saxeyPlot} creates a 2D correlation histogram of mass spectra using the
#' index of the first hit of an ATO data frame. The optional plot also shows the
#' corresponding mass spectrum on each axis for easier identification of high
#' intensity areas of the histogram.
#' @param ind A vector of first hit indices for double hits. The list
#'   generated by \code{\link{indexMultiples}} has this vector as its second
#'   entry.
#' @param ato An ATO data frame. This data frame is generated by
#'   \code{\link{readATO}}.
#' @param begin A numeric. The starting mass value of the correlation histogram.
#' @param end A numeric. The ending mass value of the correlation histogram.
#' @param res A numeric. The bin width of the correlation histogram.
#' @param plot.it A logical scalar. Should the result be plotted?
#' @return The output is the same as that of \code{\link[ash]{ash2}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{indexMultiples}}, \code{\link[ash]{ash2}}
#' @references Saxey, D. W. (2011). Correlated ion analysis and the
#' interpretation of atom probe mass spectra. Ultramicroscopy, 111(6), 473-479.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.11.021}.
#' @export
saxeyPlot <- function(ind, ato, begin, end, res = 0.25, plot.it = T) {
  rng <- end - begin
  if (rng <= 0) {
    stop("Mass spec range must be positive")
  nbin <- round(rng / res)
  bin <- ash::bin2(
      ato[c(ind, ind + 1), "mass"],
      ato[c(ind + 1, ind), "mass"]
    matrix(c(begin, begin, end, end), 2, 2), c(nbin, nbin)
  ash <- ash::ash2(bin, c(1, 1))
  if (plot.it) {
    ms <- createSpec(ato[ato$mass >= begin & ato$mass <= end, ], res = res)
    sax.old <- par(no.readonly = T)
    plot(0:1, 0:1, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
    par(new = T, plt = c(0.11, 0.85, 0.12, 0.85))
    image(ash$x, ash$y, log(ash$z),
      breaks = seq(floor(min(log(ash$z[ash$z > 0]))),
        length.out = 256
      ), col = hcl.colors(255),
      xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n"
    axis(1, tck = -0.015, labels = FALSE)
    axis(1, tick = FALSE, line = -0.5)
    mtext("Mass-to-Charge Ratio (Da)", side = 1, line = 1.7)
    axis(2, tck = -0.015, labels = FALSE)
    axis(2, tick = F, line = -0.5, las = 1)
    mtext("Mass-to-Charge Ratio (Da)", side = 2, line = 2, las = 0)
    # Mass spectrum for second hit
    par(new = T, plt = c(0.11, 0.85, 0.85, 0.95))
    plot(ms@intensity ~ ms@mass,
      type = "l",
      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
      xlab = "", ylab = ""
    # Mass spectrum for first hit
    par(new = T, plt = c(0.85, 0.95, 0.12, 0.85))
    plot(ms@mass ~ ms@intensity,
      type = "l",
      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
      xlab = "", ylab = ""
    par(new = F)

#### dissocTrack ####
#' Parameterized dissociation track on a multiple hit
#' \code{dissocTrack}
#' @references Saxey, D. W. (2011). Correlated ion analysis and the
#' interpretation of atom probe mass spectra. Ultramicroscopy, 111(6), 473-479.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.11.021}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{saxeyPlot}}, \code{\link{dissocDensity}}
dissocTrack <- function(v, m, mp) {
  m * (1 - v * (1 - m / mp))^-1

#### dissocTime ####
#' Estimate the dissociation time
#' \code{dissocTime}
#' @references Saxey, D. W. (2011). Correlated ion analysis and the
#' interpretation of atom probe mass spectra. Ultramicroscopy, 111(6), 473-479.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.11.021}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{saxeyPlot}}, \code{\link{dissocDensity}}
dissocTime <- function(mp, x0, phi, v0,
                       amu = 1.66053904e-27, el = 1.602176634e-19) {
  Mp <- mp * amu / el
  sqrt(2 * Mp * x0^2 * phi / v0)

#### dissocHist ####
#' Project hits along a dissociation track
#' @param sax The output of \code{\link{saxeyPlot}}
#' @param m1 Mass to charge ratio of the first daughter ion
#' @param m2 Mass to charge ratio of the second daughter ion
#' @param mp Mass to charge ratio of the parent ion
#' @param dv Voltage parameter step
#' @param v Voltage parameter series
#' @param drop Should repeated bins be dropped? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param nbhd The neighborhood of bins to be included. One of: "point",
#'   "rook", or "queen".
#' @param method A function or character string to be matched by
#'   \code{\link{match.fun}} that returns a single value. The density
#'   calculation method used for the neighborhood of each point.
#' @param renorm Should the returned densities be renormalized to sum to 1?
#'   FALSE uses the densities in \code{sax}. Defaults to TRUE. See
#'   \code{\link[ash]{ash2}}.
#' @references Saxey, D. W. (2011). Correlated ion analysis and the
#' interpretation of atom probe mass spectra. Ultramicroscopy, 111(6), 473-479.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.11.021}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{saxeyPlot}}, \code{\link{dissocTrack}},
#'   \code{\link[ash]{ash2}}
dissocDensity <- function(sax, m1, m2, mp,
                          dv = NULL, v = NULL, drop = FALSE,
                          nbhd = "point", method = "max", renorm = TRUE) {
  # Need method for discretizing v parameter to get dv
  if (is.null(dv)) {
    stop("dv calculation not implemented")
  if (is.null(v)) {
    v <- seq(0, 1, dv)

  # Sample points along the dissociation curve
  x <- dissocTrack(v, m1, mp)
  y <- dissocTrack(v, m2, mp)
  zx <- spatstat.utils::fastFindInterval(x, sax$x)
  zy <- spatstat.utils::fastFindInterval(y, sax$y)
  zc <- zx + zy * 1i
  w <- !duplicated(zc) # used only if drop = TRUE

  # Select values in neighborhood
  if (nbhd == "point") {
    nb <- 0
  } else if (nbhd == "rook") {
    nb <- c(0, 1, -1, 1i, -1i)
  } else if (nbhd == "queen") {
    nb <- c(0, 1, -1, 1i, -1i, 1 + 1i, 1 - 1i, -1 + 1i, -1 - 1i)
  } else {
      "Unknown neighborhood.", sQuote("nbhd"), "should be one of:",
      sQuote("point"), sQuote("rook"), sQuote("queen")
  reg <- outer(zc, nb, `+`)
  den <- apply(reg, 1, function(r) {
    nx <- Re(r)
    ny <- Im(r)
    d <- sax$z[cbind(nx, ny)]
    f <- match.fun(method) # Summarize values

  # Drop points
  if (drop) {
    v <- v[w]
    den <- den[w]
    # Need to adjust dv so renorm still works...

  # Renormalize densities
  if (renorm) {
    den <- den / sum(den * dv)

  dat <- data.frame(v = v, den = den)
  attr(dat, "mp") <- mp
  attr(dat, "m1") <- m1
  attr(dat, "m2") <- m2
  attr(dat, "nbhd") <- nbhd


#### saxeyCor
#' Create a Corrected 2D correlation histogram
#' @description \code{saxeyCor} creates a 2D correlation histogram, similar to that of \code{saxeyPlot}
#' However, \code{saxeyCor} differs in that it offers various normalization options.  This is the
#' "correlation table" referred to in section 2.1 of Saxey, D. W. (2011).
#' @param ind A vector of first hit indices for double hits.  The list
#'   generated by \code{\link{indexMultiples}} has this vector as its second entry.
#' @param ato An ATO data frame.  This data frame is generated by \code{\link{readATO}}.
#' @param begin  A numeric.  The starting mass value of the correlation histogram
#' @param end A numeric.  The ending mass value of the correlation histogram
#' @param res.  A numeric.  The bin width of the correlation histogram
#' @param plot.it A logical scalar.  Should the result be plotted?
#' @param expected either \code{"DOUBLE"}, \code{"TOTAL"}, or \code{FALSE}.  Determines which method of normalization to use. If \code{"DOUBLE"} then
#' e_ij and N are calculated using double hits.  If \code{"TOTAL"} then e_ij and N are calculated using all hits.  If \code{FALSE},
#' no normalization is done and simply pair hits, p_ij, are returned
#' @param log a logical.  Should the log of the results be plotted?
#' @param remove_diagonal a logical.  Should the diagonal  (y = x) be removed?  This effectively removes
#'  values of p_ii/d_ii
#' @param remove_double a logical.  Should the "double diagonal" lines (y = 2x and y = 1/2x) be removed?
#' @param remove_diagona_width an integer.  If \code{remove_diagonal} is true, this will
#'  remove \code{remove_diagonal_width} additional pixels from each side of the diagonal line,
#'  to account for lower resolution in the mass spectrum
#' @param remove_double_width an integer.  If \code{remove_double_width} is true, this will
#'  remove \code{remove_double_width} additional pixels from each side of the double (y = 2x, y = 1/2x) lines
#' @param expected_remove_threshold A numeric.  Will remove all pixels whose expectation values e_ij are less than
#'  this threshold
#' @param ... extra input to be added to \code{\link{image.plot}} function
#' @details This is used to reproduce plots made in of Saxey, D. W. (2011). If \code{expected = FALSE},
#' then the uncorrected correlation histograms shown in Figure 3 of Saxey, D. W. (2011), are produced.
#' If \code{expected = "DOUBLE"}, then the calculations will follow equations 2.1-2.3 and d_ij will be plotted.
#' #' If \code{expected = "TOTAL"}, then the calculations will follow equations 2.1-2.3, except
#' expectation values e_ij are calculated using all hits, not just double hits

#' @seealso \code{\link{indexMultiples}}, \code{\link[ash]{ash2}}
#' @references Saxey, D. W. (2011). Correlated ion analysis and the
#' interpretation of atom probe mass spectra. Ultramicroscopy, 111(6), 473-479.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.11.021}.
#' @export
saxeyCor <- function(ind, ato, begin, end,
                     res = 0.5, plot.it = TRUE,
                     expected = "DOUBLE", log = FALSE,
                     remove_diagonal = FALSE,
                     remove_double = FALSE,
                     remove_diagonal_width = 0,
                     remove_double_width = 0,
                     expected_remove_threshold = NA,
                     ...) {
  rng <- end - begin
  if (rng <= 0) {
    stop("Mass spec range must be positive")
  nbin <- round(rng / res)
  bin <- ash::bin2(
      ato[c(ind, ind + 1), "mass"],
      ato[c(ind + 1, ind), "mass"]
    matrix(c(begin, begin, end, end), 2, 2), c(nbin, nbin)
  p_ij <- bin$nc # actual number of hits
  d_ij <- p_ij # this is not actually true, but if there is no correction, then this is what we want to plot

  # if normalizing by total hits in that mass
  if (expected == "TOTAL") {
    # create binned histogram
    # All hits within range binned to histogram
    bin_total <- ash::bin1(ato[, "mass"], c(begin, end), nbin)

    # bin_total$nc <- (bin_total$nc) %*% t(bin_total$nc)
    # bin_total$ab <- bin$ab
    # bin_total$nskip
    # ash_single <- ash::ash1(bin_total)
    N <- sum(colSums(bin$nc))
    N_total <- sum(bin_total$nc)
    #  P_k = bin_total$nc/N not required
    # P_k and ash_single are basically the same- just ash_single had a polynomial kernel
    # applied

    e_ij <- (bin_total$nc) %*% t(bin_total$nc) / N_total / N_total * N

    d_ij <- (p_ij - e_ij) / sqrt(e_ij)

  # if normalizing with respect to total number of double hits
  else if (expected == "DOUBLE") {
    bin_total <- colSums(bin$nc)
    ## I suspect that the difference between colSums(bin$nc) and bin_total$nc is that bin_total will include a hit whose partner is not within the range so long
    # as the hit itself is within the range
    # colSums(bin$nc)

    # number of pairs
    N <- sum(bin_total)
    # P_k = colSums(bin$nc) / N # not required

    e_ij <- ((bin_total) %*% t(bin_total)) / N
    d_ij <- (p_ij - e_ij) / sqrt(e_ij)

  ## remove the values off diagonal and off doubles
  i <- 1:(end / res / 2)
  double_ind <- cbind(c(i, i * 2), c(i * 2, i))
  double_ind_wide <- double_ind
  if (remove_double_width > 0) {
    width <- (-1 * remove_double_width):(1 * remove_double_width)
    # remove zero
    width <- width[-ceiling(length(width) / 2)]

    # get indices of all points within width of double ind
    for (i in width) {
      double_ind_wide <- rbind(double_ind_wide, double_ind + i)

  # remove negative indices and indices greater than dimensions of p_ij
  max_ind <- ncol(p_ij)
  double_ind <- double_ind_wide[1, ]
  for (i in 2:nrow(double_ind_wide)) {
    if (double_ind_wide[i, 1] > 0 &&
      double_ind_wide[i, 2] > 0 &&
      double_ind_wide[i, 1] <= max_ind &&
      double_ind_wide[i, 2] <= max_ind) {
      double_ind <- rbind(double_ind, double_ind_wide[i, ])

  # now for diagonals
  ## remove the values off diagonal and off diags
  i <- 1:(end / res)
  diagonal_ind <- cbind(i, i)
  diagonal_ind_wide <- diagonal_ind
  if (remove_diagonal_width > 0) {
    width <- (-1 * remove_diagonal_width):(1 * remove_diagonal_width)
    # remove zero
    width <- width[-ceiling(length(width) / 2)]

    # get indices of all points within width of diagonal ind
    for (i in width) {
      diagonal_ind_wide <- rbind(diagonal_ind_wide, cbind(diagonal_ind[, 1], diagonal_ind[, 2] + i))

  # remove negative indices and indices greater than dimensions of p_ij
  max_ind <- ncol(p_ij)
  diagonal_ind <- diagonal_ind_wide[1, ]
  for (i in 2:nrow(diagonal_ind_wide)) {
    if (diagonal_ind_wide[i, 1] > 0 &&
      diagonal_ind_wide[i, 2] > 0 &&
      diagonal_ind_wide[i, 1] <= max_ind &&
      diagonal_ind_wide[i, 2] <= max_ind) {
      diagonal_ind <- rbind(diagonal_ind, diagonal_ind_wide[i, ])

  # iteravely adjust p_ii until they all equal e_ii
  # repeatfor indices i = 2*i to account for double ionization
  if (remove_diagonal && remove_double) {
    while (sum(abs(p_ij[diagonal_ind] - e_ij[diagonal_ind])) > 0.1 | sum(abs(p_ij[double_ind] - e_ij[double_ind])) > 0.1) {
      # set equal
      p_ij[diagonal_ind] <- e_ij[diagonal_ind]
      p_ij[double_ind] <- e_ij[double_ind]
      # recalculate expectation values
      N <- sum(colSums(p_ij))
      # print(N)
      e_ij <- (colSums(p_ij) %*% t(colSums(p_ij))) / N
      # print(sum(abs(p_ij[diagonal_ind] - e_ij[diagonal_ind])))
    # reset deviation value
    d_ij <- (p_ij - e_ij) / sqrt(e_ij)

  # if only diagonals
  else if (remove_diagonal) {
    while (sum(abs(p_ij[diagonal_ind] - e_ij[diagonal_ind])) > 0.1) {
      # set equal
      p_ij[diagonal_ind] <- e_ij[diagonal_ind]
      # recalculate expectation values
      N <- sum(colSums(p_ij))
      # print(N)
      e_ij <- (colSums(p_ij) %*% t(colSums(p_ij))) / N
      # print(sum(abs(p_ij[diagonal_ind] - e_ij[diagonal_ind])))
    # reset deviation value
    d_ij <- (p_ij - e_ij) / sqrt(e_ij)

  # repeat remove_diagonals, but for indices i = 2*i to account for double ionization
  else if (remove_double) {
    while (sum(abs(p_ij[double_ind] - e_ij[double_ind])) > 0.1) {
      # set equal
      p_ij[double_ind] <- e_ij[double_ind]
      # recalculate expectation values
      N <- sum(colSums(p_ij))
      # print(N)
      e_ij <- (colSums(p_ij) %*% t(colSums(p_ij))) / N
      # print(sum(abs(p_ij[double_ind] - e_ij[double_ind])))
    d_ij <- (p_ij - e_ij) / sqrt(e_ij)

  # remove all points that don't have expected value equal to some threshold
  if (!is.na(expected_remove_threshold)) {
    sub_threshold <- which(e_ij <= expected_remove_threshold)
    d_ij[sub_threshold] <- NA

  if (plot.it) {
    ms <- createSpec(ato[ato$mass >= begin & ato$mass <= end, ], res = res)
    sax.old <- par(no.readonly = T)
    plot(0:1, 0:1, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
    par(new = T, plt = c(0.11, 0.85, 0.12, 0.85))

    ## If you want to do a log plot
    if (log) {
      # have to get rid of all "-Inf" values
      # replace them with NA
      negs <- which(d_ij < 0)
      log_d_ij <- log((d_ij))
      # log_d_ij[log_d_ij == -Inf] = NA
      # log_d_ij[negs] = -1* log_d_ij[negs]
      image.plot(seq(begin, end, by = res), seq(begin, end, by = res),
        col = hcl.colors(255),
        xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ...
    } else {
      image.plot(seq(begin, end, by = res), seq(begin, end, by = res),
        col = hcl.colors(255),
        xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ...

    axis(1, tck = -0.015, labels = FALSE)
    axis(1, tick = FALSE, line = -0.5)
    mtext("Mass-to-Charge Ratio (Da)", side = 1, line = 1.7)
    axis(2, tck = -0.015, labels = FALSE)
    axis(2, tick = F, line = -0.5, las = 1)
    mtext("Mass-to-Charge Ratio (Da)", side = 2, line = 2)
    # Mass spectrum for second hit
    par(new = T, plt = c(0.11, 0.85, 0.85, 0.95))
    plot(ms@intensity ~ ms@mass,
      type = "l",
      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
      xlab = "", ylab = ""
    # only inlude mass spec on top axis since right axis would overlap with legend


#### houghClean ####
# Stub for Hough Transform cleaning of multiple hit noise
# houghClean <- function(sax) {
# }
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