#' Probabilities of the total catch distribution
#' Density and distribution function of the predicted total catch over all
#' passes.
#' @aliases dCatch pCatch Catch catch
#' @param fit an \code{"fcs2Fit"} object containing a full \acronym{FCS2} model
#' fit, as returned from \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}} with \code{runBUGS =
#' TRUE}.
#' @param x vector of (non-negative integer) quantiles.
#' @param newData a data frame with surveys as rows and variables as columns. It
#' should contain all variables required by \code{fit}.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of surveys to calculate
#' the predicted total catch for.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data
#' contain missing values (\code{NA}s). The default is set by the
#' \code{na.action} setting of \code{\link{options}} and this is usually set
#' to \code{\link{na.omit}}. This setting removes surveys that contain missing
#' data in any required variables. A vector indicating the rows that were
#' removed can be extracted from the returned object using
#' \code{\link{na.action}}. Alternatively, \code{\link{na.pass}} can be used
#' to ignore missing values (where possible) or \code{\link{na.fail}} can be
#' given to signal an error if missing values are found.
#' @param mu a matrix of posterior samples of the abundance component
#' \eqn{\mu}{mu} can optionally be given to save recalculation if already
#' available. This is assumed to have been calculated from
#' \code{\link{abundance}} using the same arguments as above.
#' @param rho a matrix of posterior samples of the prevalence component
#' \eqn{\rho}{rho} can optionally be given to save recalculation if already
#' available. This is assumed to have been calculated from
#' \code{\link{prevalence}} using the same arguments as above.
#' @return \code{dCatch} gives the probability mass function and \code{pCatch}
#' the probability distribution function evaluated at values \code{x} for the
#' selected surveys. In each case, a matrix is returned with rows for \code{x}
#' values and columns for selected surveys.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}} for fitting the \acronym{FCS2} model.\cr
#' \code{\link{predict.fcs2Fit}} for calculating the expected total catch.\cr
#' \code{\link{plotCatchPMF}} for plotting these probabilities.\cr
#' \code{\link{dzinbinom}} for the zero-inflated negative binomial
#' distribution, which these functions use.
#' @keywords distribution
#' @export
dCatch <-
function(fit, x, newData, subset = 1:nrow(newData), na.action, mu, rho)
# check 'newData' provided
if (missing(newData))
stop("a data frame 'newData' must be provided")
if (class(subset) == "logical" || min(subset) == 0)
subset <- which(as.logical(subset))
# get default na.action if missing
if (missing(na.action)) {
na.action <- getOption("na.action")
if (is.null(na.action))
na.action <- na.omit # use 'na.omit' if option not set
na.action <- eval(parse(text=na.action))
# calculate or extract posterior samples of shape r, prevalence, abundance and q
r <- fit$bugsFit$sims.list$r
if (missing(mu))
mu <- abundance(fit, newData, subset, na.action)
if (missing(rho))
rho <- prevalence(fit, newData, subset, na.action)
if (fit$multiRun)
q <- fit$bugsFit$sims.list$q
# if multiple runs, calculate or extract number of runs
if (fit$multiRun) {
if (fit$nRunsVar %in% colnames(newData))
nRuns <- newData[, fit$nRunsVar]
else {
# check run total vars available
if (sum(fit$runTotalVars %in% colnames(newData)) < length(fit$runTotalVars))
stop("Unable to calculate number of runs as nRunsVar and runTotalVars unavailable")
nRuns <- rep(NA, nrow(newData))
for (i in 1:nrow(newData))
nRuns[i] <- sum(!is.na(newData[i, fit$runTotalVars]))
# check number of runs variable isn't larger than number of catch variables
if (max(nRuns, na.rm=TRUE) > length(fit$runTotalVars)) {
warning(paste("Number of runs ", if (fit$nRunsVar %in% colnames(newData))
paste("variable '", fit$nRunsVar, "' ", sep=""),
"clipped to not exceed number of catch variables (", length(fit$runTotalVars), ")", sep=""))
nRuns[!is.na(nRuns) & nRuns > length(fit$runTotalVars)] <- length(fit$runTotalVars)
# find joint na.action attribute
na.action.mu <- attr(mu, "na.action")
na.action.rho <- attr(rho, "na.action")
na.action.surveyArea <- attr(na.action(newData[subset, fit$surveyAreaVar]), "na.action")
na.action <- union(union(na.action.mu, na.action.rho), na.action.surveyArea)
if (!is.null(na.action))
na.action <- sort(na.action)
# remove entries missing in other matrix
if (length(setdiff(na.action, na.action.rho)) > 0) {
which <- rep(TRUE, length(subset))
which[na.action] <- FALSE
if (length(na.action.rho) > 0)
which <- which[-na.action.rho]
rho <- rho[, which, drop=FALSE]
if (length(setdiff(na.action, na.action.mu)) > 0) {
which <- rep(TRUE, length(subset))
which[na.action] <- FALSE
if (length(na.action.mu) > 0)
which <- which[-na.action.mu]
mu <- mu[, which, drop=FALSE]
# multiply abundance mu by survey area
isubset <- subset[setdiff(1:length(subset), na.action)]
mu <- mu * matrix(newData[isubset, fit$surveyAreaVar], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mu), ncol=ncol(mu))
# if multiple runs, multiply again by (1 - (1 - q)^nRuns)
if (fit$multiRun)
mu <- mu * (1 - (1 - matrix(q, nrow=length(q), ncol=ncol(mu))) ^ matrix(nRuns[isubset], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mu), ncol=ncol(mu)))
# calculate zeroprob = 1 - rho
rho <- 1 - rho
# calculate probabilities
ret <- array(NA, dim=c(length(x), ncol(mu)), dimnames=list(x, colnames(mu)))
for (i in 1:nrow(ret)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(ret))
ret[i, j] <- mean(dzinbinom(rep(x[i], nrow(mu)), size=r, zeroprob=as.vector(rho[, j]), nbmean=as.vector(mu[, j])))
# add na.action
if (!is.null(na.action))
attr(ret, "na.action") <- na.action
# return
## pCatch
pCatch <-
function(fit, x, newData, subset = 1:nrow(newData), na.action, mu, rho)
# check 'newData' provided
if (missing(newData))
stop("a data frame 'newData' must be provided")
if (class(subset) == "logical" || min(subset) == 0)
subset <- which(as.logical(subset))
# get default na.action if missing
if (missing(na.action)) {
na.action <- getOption("na.action")
if (is.null(na.action))
na.action <- na.omit # use 'na.omit' if option not set
na.action <- eval(parse(text=na.action))
# calculate or extract posterior samples of shape r, prevalence, abundance and q
r <- fit$bugsFit$sims.list$r
if (missing(mu))
mu <- abundance(fit, newData, subset, na.action)
if (missing(rho))
rho <- prevalence(fit, newData, subset, na.action)
if (fit$multiRun)
q <- fit$bugsFit$sims.list$q
# if multiple runs, calculate or extract number of runs
if (fit$multiRun) {
if (fit$nRunsVar %in% colnames(newData))
nRuns <- newData[, fit$nRunsVar]
else {
# check run total vars available
if (sum(fit$runTotalVars %in% colnames(newData)) < length(fit$runTotalVars))
stop("Unable to calculate number of runs as nRunsVar and runTotalVars unavailable")
nRuns <- rep(NA, nrow(newData))
for (i in 1:nrow(newData))
nRuns[i] <- sum(!is.na(newData[i, fit$runTotalVars]))
# check number of runs variable isn't larger than number of catch variables
if (max(nRuns, na.rm=TRUE) > length(fit$runTotalVars)) {
warning(paste("Number of runs ", if (fit$nRunsVar %in% colnames(newData))
paste("variable '", fit$nRunsVar, "' ", sep=""),
"clipped to not exceed number of catch variables (", length(fit$runTotalVars), ")", sep=""))
nRuns[!is.na(nRuns) & nRuns > length(fit$runTotalVars)] <- length(fit$runTotalVars)
# find joint na.action attribute
na.action.mu <- attr(mu, "na.action")
na.action.rho <- attr(rho, "na.action")
na.action.surveyArea <- attr(na.action(newData[subset, fit$surveyAreaVar]), "na.action")
na.action <- union(union(na.action.mu, na.action.rho), na.action.surveyArea)
if (!is.null(na.action))
na.action <- sort(na.action)
# remove entries missing in other matrix
if (length(setdiff(na.action, na.action.rho)) > 0) {
which <- rep(TRUE, length(subset))
which[na.action] <- FALSE
if (length(na.action.rho) > 0)
which <- which[-na.action.rho]
rho <- rho[, which, drop=FALSE]
if (length(setdiff(na.action, na.action.mu)) > 0) {
which <- rep(TRUE, length(subset))
which[na.action] <- FALSE
if (length(na.action.mu) > 0)
which <- which[-na.action.mu]
mu <- mu[, which, drop=FALSE]
# multiply abundance mu by survey area
isubset <- subset[setdiff(1:length(subset), na.action)]
mu <- mu * matrix(newData[isubset, fit$surveyAreaVar], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mu), ncol=ncol(mu))
# if multiple runs, multiply again by (1 - (1 - q)^nRuns)
if (fit$multiRun)
mu <- mu * (1 - (1 - matrix(q, nrow=length(q), ncol=ncol(mu))) ^ matrix(nRuns[isubset], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mu), ncol=ncol(mu)))
# calculate zeroprob = 1 - rho
rho <- 1 - rho
# calculate probabilities
ret <- array(NA, dim=c(length(x), ncol(mu)), dimnames=list(x, colnames(mu)))
for (i in 1:nrow(ret)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(ret))
ret[i, j] <- mean(pzinbinom(rep(x[i], nrow(mu)), size=r, zeroprob=as.vector(rho[, j]), nbmean=as.vector(mu[, j])))
# add na.action
if (!is.null(na.action))
attr(ret, "na.action") <- na.action
# return
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