# Generate, summarize and merge all derived data for one species. The only
# inputs are a genome and a GFF file of gene models.
load_species <- function(species_name, con){
message("Loading ", species_name)
# Type descriptions
#- SpeciesName :: character
#- FolderPath :: character
#- GenomeDB :: FaFile
#- GenomeSeq :: DNAStringSet
#- TranscriptomeDB :: FaFile
#- TranscriptomeSeq :: DNAStringSet
#- GenomeSeq :: DNAStringSet
#- CDS :: DNAStringSet
#- GenomeSeqinfo :: Seqinfo
#- Length :: integer | numeric
#- Count :: integer
#- NString :: GRanges
#- ORFRanges :: GRanges
#- GeneModelsDB :: TxDb
#- GeneModelList :: GeneModelList
#- NStringSummary :: [Length]
#- Density :: density
#- AA :: A | C | D | E | ... | X -- enum of amino acids
#- Phase :: 0 | 1 | 2
#- DNASummary :: {
#- n_triple = [Count],
#- initial_codon = [Count],
#- final_codon = [Count]
#- }
#- AASummary :: {
#- initial_residue = PairList (AA, Count),
#- final_residue = PairList (AA, Count),
#- has_internal_stop = Bool,
#- comp = Matrix Count,
#- table = Table {
#- seqids = Seqid,
#- length = Length
#- }
#- }
#- GFFSummary :: {
#- table = data.frame,
#- mRNA_length = NumericSummary,
#- CDS_length = NumericSummary,
#- exon_length = NumericSummary
#- }
#- NumericSummary :: {
#- min = [Num],
#- q25 = [Num],
#- median = [Num],
#- q75 = [Num],
#- max = [Num],
#- mean = [Num],
#- sd = [Num],
#- n = Int,
#- density = Density
#- }
#- GRangesSummary :: {
#- table = Table {
#- seqid = Seqid,
#- min = Int,
#- max = Int
#- },
#- width = NumericSummary
#- }
.view <- function(m, tag){
rmonad::view(m, tag, species_name)
.tag <- function(m, tag){
rmonad::tag(m, tag, species_name)
get_gff_from_txdb <- function(x, ...){
# genome and summary_genome
#- _ :: FilePath -> Genome
as_monad(load_dna(con@input@fna[[species_name]])) %>%
.tag("genomeDB") %>>%
#- _ :: Genome -> DNASummary
summarize_dna %>% .tag("summary_genome") %>%
# seqinfo
.view("genomeDB") %>>%
convert_FaFile_to_XStringSet %>% .tag('genomeSeq') %>>%
make_seqinfo(species_name) %>% .tag('seqinfo') %>%
# nstring and summary_nstring
.view("genomeSeq") %>>%
#- _ :: GenomeSeq -> NString
derive_nstring %>% .tag("nstring") %>>%
#- _ :: NString -> NStringSummary
summarize_nstring %>% .tag("summary_nstring") %>%
.view("seqinfo") %>%
#- _ :: FilePath -> GenomeSeqinfo -> m GeneModels
)} %*>% load_gene_models %>% .tag("gffDB") %>>%
#- _ :: GeneModels -> GFFSummary
summarize_gff %>% .tag("summary_gff") %>%
# GeneModels -> mRNA
.view("gffDB") %>>%
GenomicFeatures::transcripts() %>%
x = .,
seqinfo_ = .view(., "seqinfo")
) %*>%
get_gff_from_txdb(type = "mRNA") %>% .tag("mRNA") %>%
# GeneModels -> CDS
.view("gffDB") %>>%
GenomicFeatures::cds() %>%
x = .,
seqinfo_ = .view(., "seqinfo")
) %*>%
get_gff_from_txdb(type = "CDS") %>% .tag("CDS") %>%
# GeneModels -> Exon
.view("gffDB") %>>%
GenomicFeatures::exons() %>%
x = .,
seqinfo_ = .view(., "seqinfo")
) %*>%
get_gff_from_txdb(type = "exon") %>% .tag("exon") %>%
# orfgff and summary_orfgff
.view("genomeSeq") %>>%
#- _ :: GenomeSeq -> ORFRanges
derive_genomic_ORFs(con) %>>%
convert_GRanges_to_SynderGFF %>%
.tag("orfgff") %>>%
#- _ :: GRanges -> GRangesSummary
summarize_granges %>%
.tag("summary_orfgff") %>%
#- Genome -> ORFRanges -> DNASeqs
dna = .view(., "genomeDB"),
gff = .view(., "orfgff")
)} %*>%
extract_with_complements %>>%
fuzzy_translate(label=species_name) %>% .tag("orffaa") %>>%
#- AASeqs -> AASummary
summarize_faa %>% .tag("summary_orffaa") %>%
gffDB = .view(., "gffDB"),
genomeDB = .view(., "genomeDB")
)} %*>% m_get_proteins(species_name=species_name) %>%
# aa_model_phase
.view("faa") %>%
#- [Phase] -> AASeqs -> {
#- summary = NamedList (0 = Count, 1 = Count, 2 = Count),
#- incomplete_models = [Seqid]
#- }
rmonad::funnel(phases = .view(., "aa_model_phase"), aa = .) %*>%
summarize_phase %>% .tag("summary_phase") %>%
# transfna
.view("gffDB") %>>%
#- GeneModels -> GenomicRanges
GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(by="tx", use.names=TRUE) %>%
#- Genome -> GenomicRanges -> Transcriptome
x = .view(., "genomeDB"),
transcripts = .
) %*>%
get_trans_dna(species_name=species_name) %>% .tag("transcriptomeDB") %>>%
#- Transcriptome -> DNASummary
summarize_dna %>% .tag("summary_transfna") %>%
# transorfgff
.view("transcriptomeDB") %>>%
#- Transcriptome -> TranscriptomeSeq
convert_FaFile_to_XStringSet %>>%
#- TranscriptomeSeq -> ORFRange
derive_transcript_ORFs(con) %>>%
#- ORFRange -> ORFRange -- slightly different format, some checking
convert_GRanges_to_SynderGFF %>% .tag("transorfgff") %>>%
#- ORFRange -> GRangesSummary
summarize_granges %>% .tag("summary_transorfgff") %>%
#- AASummary -> GRangesSummary -> *Warning
aa_summary = .view(., "summary_aa"),
trans_summary = .view(., "summary_transfna")
)} %*>%
check_protein_transcript_match %>%
.view("transcriptomeDB") %>>%
convert_FaFile_to_XStringSet %>% .tag("transcriptomeSeq") %>%
#- Transcriptome -> ORFRange -> CDS
dna = .view(., "transcriptomeDB"),
gff = .view(., "transorfgff")
)} %*>%
extract_with_complements %>>%
#- CDS -> AASeqs
fuzzy_translate(label=species_name) %>% .tag("transorfaa") %>>%
#- AASeqs -> AASummary
summarize_faa %>% .tag("summary_transorfaa")
load_synmap_meta <- function(m, focal, target, con){
m %>>%
"Get synteny map file from config"
} %>% rmonad::tag("synmap_file", target) %>%
seqinfo_a = rmonad::view(., "seqinfo", focal),
seqinfo_b = rmonad::view(., "seqinfo", target)
) %*>%
synder::read_synmap %>% rmonad::tag("synmap", target) %>>%
summarize_syn %>% rmonad::tag("synmap_summary", target)
#' Load primary data
#' @export
primary_data <- function(con){
Derive secondary data from the minimal required inputs
The required inputs to Fagin are genome fasta files, GFFs, synteny maps, a
species tree, and the focal species name. This function derives all required
secondary data, but does no analysis specific to the query intervals (e.g.
the orphan genes candidates).
This function does not handle the full data validation. All individual
pieces are validated, but not the relationships between them. This is the
role of the `validate_derived_inputs` function.
as_monad(get_species(con)) %>%
FUN = load_species,
con = con
) %>>%
} %>% rmonad::tag("query_genes") %>>%
} %>% rmonad::tag("control_genes")
} -> m
for(target in get_targets(con)){
m <- load_synmap_meta(
focal = con@input@focal_species,
target = target,
con = con
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