
Defines functions make_seqinfo filter_with_warning__unnamed_entries convert_FaFile_to_XStringSet get_trans_dna

make_seqinfo <- function(x, species_name){
  si <- GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(x)
  GenomeInfoDb::genome(si) <- species_name

filter_with_warning__unnamed_entries <- function(gr, label=NULL){

  "Check for unnamed entries in a GRanges object. If there are any, remove them
  and raise a warning."

    n_cds_with_unnamed_mRNA <- gr[is.na(names(gr))] %>% length
    total <- GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr) %>% length
    warning(glue::glue(.sep=" ",
      "{.label(label)}: {n_cds_with_unnamed_mRNA} out of {total} entries",
      "have no name associated with them. This may be bad.",
      "All of these entries will be removed from the analysis"
    gr <- gr[!is.na(names(gr))]


convert_FaFile_to_XStringSet <- function(x, ...){

  "FaFile -> XStringSet
  Load an XStringSet object from an indexed FASTA file. Use the first word in
  the header as the sequence name
  A wrapper for scanFa that sets the seqname to the first word in the header
  This is probably the behaviour the function should have, since this is done
  when subsetting a sequence using a GRanges object.

  seq <- Rsamtools::scanFa(x, ...)
  names(seq) <- sub(" .*", "", names(seq)) 

get_trans_dna <- function(x, species_name, transcripts){
  GenomicFeatures::extractTranscriptSeqs(x, transcripts) %>>%

    "Ensure all transcripts are named. If any of the names are missing (NA),
    then the Biostrings::writeXStringSet will report an error as a note,
    which won't stop processing. By checking here I can stop analysis at the
    right time.
    If any transcripts do have missing names, then these are removed with a

    na_indices <- which(is.na(names(.)))

    if(length(na_indices) > 0){ msg <-
"%s of %s transcripts had missing names. This is not good. You should look into
the problem. For now, the offending transcripts have been removed."
      warning(sprintf(msg, length(na_indices), length(.)))
      . <- .[-na_indices] 


  } %>>% {

    "Print the transcripts to a temporary file"

    filepath <- file.path(con@archive, paste0(".", species_name, "_trans.fna"))
    Biostrings::writeXStringSet(., filepath=filepath)

  } %>>% {

    "Build an indexed version of the genome"



  } %>>% {

    "Get a reference to the genome"


arendsee/fagin documentation built on Aug. 27, 2019, 11:58 a.m.