
Defines functions binaryPGLMM transf_phy partialR2adj partialR2 inv.logit

Documented in binaryPGLMM inv.logit partialR2 partialR2adj transf_phy

#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom phyr pglmm_predicted_values
#' @importFrom stats anova binomial family glm lm logLik model.frame model.matrix model.response optim pchisq pnorm poisson quantile reorder rnorm sd sigma update var na.omit fitted predict dnorm qnorm resid 
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix t %*% crossprod diag tcrossprod solve determinant update

#' Invert logit function
#' Convert numeric values between 0 and 1.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @export
inv.logit <- function(x) {
    1/(1 + exp(-x))

#' Partial R2
#' Get partial R2 by comparing a model and its reduced model.
#' @param mod A linear regression model.
#' @param mod.r A reduced model based on \code{mod}.
#' @return R2 value between 0 and 1.
#' @export
partialR2 <- function(mod, mod.r) {
    anova.full <- anova(mod)
    anova.reduced <- anova(mod.r)
    sse.full <- tail(anova.full$`Sum Sq`, 1)
    sse.reduced <- tail(anova.reduced$`Sum Sq`, 1)
    return((sse.reduced - sse.full)/sse.reduced)

#' Adjusted partial R2
#' Get adjusted partial R2 by comparing a model and its reduced model.
#' @param mod A linear regression model.
#' @param df.f Degree of freedom of the \code{mod}.
#' @param mod.r A reduced model based on \code{mod}.
#' @param df.r Degree of freedom of the reduced \code{mod.r}.
#' @return A list of both R2 and adjusted R2 , the latter is not necessary to be between 0 and 1.
#' @export
partialR2adj <- function(mod, df.f = summary(mod)$df[1], 
                         mod.r, df.r = summary(mod.r)$df[1]) {
    anova.full <- anova(mod)
    anova.reduced <- anova(mod.r)
    sse.full <- tail(anova.full$`Sum Sq`, 1)
    sse.reduced <- tail(anova.reduced$`Sum Sq`, 1)
    R2 <- 1 - sse.full/sse.reduced
    R2.adj <- 1 - (sse.full/df.f)/(sse.reduced/df.r)
    return(list(R2 = R2, R2.adj = R2.adj))

#' Transform a phylogeny based on a phylolm model
#' Using a fitted phylolm model to transform branch lengths of a phylogeny
#' @param phylolmMod A fitted phylolm model.
#' @param phy A phylogeny with class 'phylo'.
#' @return A transformed phylogeny.
#' @export
transf_phy <- function(phylolmMod, phy) {
  if (!phylolmMod$model %in% c("BM", "trend")) {
        # optpar for BM models is NULL
        optpar <- round(phylolmMod$optpar, digits = 4)
        m.list <- list(x = optpar)
        if (phylolmMod$model %in% c("OUrandomRoot", "OUfixedRoot")) {
            names(m.list) <- "alpha"
        } else {
            names(m.list) <- phylolmMod$model
        phy.f <- phylolm::transf.branch.lengths(phy, parameters = m.list, model = phylolmMod$model)$tree
    } else {
        # If model='BM' or model='trend', the output tree is the same as the input tree
        # except that the output tree is in pruningwise order.
        phy.f <- phylolm::transf.branch.lengths(phy, parameters = NULL, model = phylolmMod$model)$tree

#' Phylogenetic GLM for binary data
#' Fitting phylogenetic generalized linear models for binary data (0 and 1).
#' @param formula Regression formula.
#' @param data Data frame to fit the model with.
#' @param phy Phylogenetic tree of type phylo with branch lengths.
#' @param s2.init Initial variance values for random terms, default is 0.1.
#' @param B.init Initial coefficient values for fixed terms, if not provided, will use those from \code{lm}.
#' @param tol.pql Tolerance value, default is 10^-6.
#' @param maxit.pql The number of iterations, default is 200.
#' @param maxit.reml The number of iterations for optim, default is 100.
#' @return A large list with class as \code{binaryPGLMM}.
#' @export
binaryPGLMM <- function(formula, data = list(), phy, s2.init = 0.1, B.init = NULL, 
    tol.pql = 10^-6, maxit.pql = 200, maxit.reml = 100) {
    # Helper function for \code{binaryPGLMM}
    # par = s2, tinvW = invW, tH = H, tVphy = Vphy, tX = X save(s2, invW, H, Vphy, X,
    # file = 'pglmm.reml.RData')
    pglmm.reml <- function(par, tinvW, tH, tVphy, tX) {
        n <- dim(tX)[1]
        p <- dim(tX)[2]
        ss2 <- abs(Re(par))
        Cd <- ss2 * tVphy
        V <- tinvW + Cd
        LL <- 10^10
        if (sum(is.infinite(V)) == 0) {
            if (all(eigen(V)$values > 0)) {
                invV <- solve(V)
                logdetV <- determinant(V)$modulus[1]
                if (is.infinite(logdetV)) {
                  cholV <- chol(V)
                  logdetV <- 2 * sum(log(diag(chol(V))))
                LL <- logdetV + t(tH) %*% invV %*% tH + determinant(t(tX) %*% invV %*% tX)$modulus[1]
    if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) 
        stop("Object 'phy' is not of class 'phylo'.")
    if (is.null(phy$edge.length)) 
        stop("The tree has no branch lengths.")
    if (is.null(phy$tip.label)) 
        stop("The tree has no tip labels.")
    phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
    n <- length(phy$tip.label)
    mf <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)
    if (nrow(mf) != length(phy$tip.label)) 
        stop("Number of rows of the design matrix does not match with length of the tree.")
    if (is.null(rownames(mf))) {
        warning("No tip labels, order assumed to be the same as in the tree.\n")
        data.names <- phy$tip.label
    } else {
        data.names <- rownames(mf)
    .order <- match(data.names, phy$tip.label)  # do not name an object as a base function
    if (sum(is.na(.order)) > 0) {
        warning("Data names do not match with the tip labels.\n")
        rownames(mf) <- data.names
    } else {
        tmp <- mf
        rownames(mf) <- phy$tip.label
        mf[.order, ] <- tmp[1:nrow(tmp), ]
    X <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
    y <- model.response(mf)
    if (sum(!(y %in% c(0, 1)))) {
        stop("PGLMM.binary requires a binary response (dependent variable).")
    if (var(y) == 0) {
        stop("The response (dependent variable) is always 0 or always 1.")
    p <- ncol(X)
    Vphy <- ape::vcv(phy)
    Vphy <- Vphy/max(Vphy)
    Vphy <- Vphy/exp(determinant(Vphy)$modulus[1]/n)
    if (!is.null(B.init) & length(B.init) != p) {
        warning("B.init not correct length, so computed B.init using glm()")
    if (is.null(B.init) | (!is.null(B.init) & length(B.init) != p)) {
        B.init <- t(matrix(glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = "binomial")$coefficients, 
            ncol = p))
    B <- B.init
    s2 <- s2.init
    b <- matrix(0, nrow = n)
    beta <- rbind(B, b)
    mu <- exp(X %*% B)/(1 + exp(X %*% B))
    XX <- cbind(X, diag(1, nrow = n, ncol = n))
    C <- s2 * Vphy
    est.s2 <- s2
    est.B <- B
    oldest.s2 <- 10^6
    oldest.B <- matrix(10^6, nrow = length(est.B))
    iteration <- 0
    exitflag <- 0
    rcondflag <- 0
    while (((crossprod(est.s2 - oldest.s2) > tol.pql^2) | 
            (crossprod(est.B - oldest.B)/length(B) > tol.pql^2)) & 
           (iteration <= maxit.pql)) {
        iteration <- iteration + 1
        oldest.s2 <- est.s2
        oldest.B <- est.B
        est.B.m <- B
        oldest.B.m <- matrix(10^6, nrow = length(est.B))
        iteration.m <- 0
        while ((crossprod(est.B.m - oldest.B.m)/length(B) > tol.pql^2) & 
               (iteration.m <= maxit.pql)) {
            iteration.m <- iteration.m + 1
            oldest.B.m <- est.B.m
            invW <- diag(as.vector((mu * (1 - mu))^-1))
            V <- invW + C
            if (sum(is.infinite(V)) > 0 | rcond(V) < 10^-10) {
                rcondflag <- rcondflag + 1
                B <- 0 * B.init + 0.001
                b <- matrix(0, nrow = n)
                beta <- rbind(B, b)
                mu <- exp(X %*% B)/(1 + exp(X %*% B))
                oldest.B.m <- matrix(10^6, nrow = length(est.B))
                invW <- diag(as.vector((mu * (1 - mu))^-1))
                V <- invW + C
            invV <- solve(V)
            Z <- X %*% B + b + (y - mu)/(mu * (1 - mu))
            denom <- t(X) %*% invV %*% X
            num <- t(X) %*% invV %*% Z
            B <- as.matrix(solve(denom, num))
            b <- C %*% invV %*% (Z - X %*% B)
            beta <- rbind(B, b)
            mu <- exp(XX %*% beta)/(1 + exp(XX %*% beta))
            est.B.m <- B
        H <- Z - X %*% B
        opt <- optim(fn = pglmm.reml, par = s2, tinvW = invW, tH = H, tVphy = Vphy, 
            tX = X, method = "BFGS", control = list(factr = 1e+12, maxit = maxit.reml))
        s2 <- abs(opt$par)
        C <- s2 * Vphy
        est.s2 <- s2
        est.B <- B
    convergeflag <- "converged"
    if (iteration >= maxit.pql | rcondflag >= 3) {
        convergeflag <- "Did not converge; try increasing maxit.pql or starting with B.init values of .001"
    converge.test.s2 <- (crossprod(est.s2 - oldest.s2))^0.5
    converge.test.B <- (crossprod(est.B - oldest.B))^0.5/length(est.B)
    invW <- diag(as.vector((mu * (1 - mu))^-1))
    V <- invW + C
    invV <- solve(V)
    Z <- X %*% B + b + (y - mu)/(mu * (1 - mu))
    denom <- t(X) %*% invV %*% X
    num <- t(X) %*% invV %*% Z
    B <- solve(denom, num)
    b <- C %*% invV %*% (Z - X %*% B)
    beta <- rbind(B, b)
    mu <- exp(XX %*% beta)/(1 + exp(XX %*% beta))
    H <- Z - X %*% B
    B.cov <- solve(t(X) %*% invV %*% X)
    B.se <- as.matrix(diag(B.cov))^0.5
    B.zscore <- B/B.se
    B.pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(abs(B/B.se), lower.tail = FALSE)
    LL <- opt$value
    lnlike.cond.reml <- -0.5 * (n - p) * log(2 * pi) + 
      0.5 * determinant(t(X) %*% X)$modulus[1] - 0.5 * LL
    LL0 <- pglmm.reml(par = 0, tinvW = invW, tH = H, tVphy = Vphy, tX = X)
    lnlike.cond.reml0 <- -0.5 * (n - p) * log(2 * pi) + 0.5 * determinant(t(X) %*% 
        X)$modulus[1] - 0.5 * LL0
    P.H0.s2 <- pchisq(2 * (lnlike.cond.reml - lnlike.cond.reml0), df = 1, lower.tail = F)/2
    results <- list(formula = formula, B = B, B.se = B.se, B.cov = B.cov, B.zscore = B.zscore, 
        B.pvalue = B.pvalue, s2 = s2, P.H0.s2 = P.H0.s2, mu = mu, b = b, B.init = B.init, 
        X = X, y = y, phy = phy, data = data, H = H, VCV = Vphy, V = V, convergeflag = convergeflag, 
        iteration = iteration, converge.test.s2 = converge.test.s2, converge.test.B = converge.test.B, 
        rcondflag = rcondflag)
    class(results) <- "binaryPGLMM"
arives/rr2 documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 3:24 a.m.