Man pages for armbrustlab/popcycle
Popcycle: An R package providing reproducible analytical methods to uniformly process and curate SeaFlow data

add_abundanceAdd volume-normalized abundance to gridded SeaFlow data
add_auto_classificationDefine polygons for manual population gating.
add_coord_labelsAdd string coordinate labels to a dataframe of gridded...
add_manual_classificationDefine polygons for manual population gating.
auto_classifyClassify particles based on semisupervized clustering method...
classify_oppClassify particles from an OPP data frame.
classify_opp_filesClassify particles for a list of OPP files.
clean_file_pathClean a file path.
cmap_convertConvert Seaflow data from all cruises into Simons CMAP...
concatenate.evtConcatenate EVT files
concatenate.oppConcatenate OPP files
copy_outlier_tableCopy outlier entries from src_db to dest_db.
copy_tablesCopy tables from one popcycle database to another.
create_breaksCreate breaks vector that can be used with cut().
create_breaks2Create breaks vector that can be used with cut(), with log2...
create_filter_paramsConstruct filter parameters from 1µm bead coordinates
create_grid_binsCreate the breaks to use to grid VCT data.
create_griddedCreate gridded distribution data as particle counts and Qc...
create_metaCreate a metadata tibble for one quantile from the SFL table.
create_realtime_bioCreate a population data tibble for one quantile from the VCT
create_realtime_metaCreate a metadata tibble for one quantile appopriate for...
create_volume_tableCreate a tibble of volumes that can be used to calculate...
csv_convertConvert data from sqlite3 database into a csv file of curated...
delete_filter_params_by_idDelete DB filter parameters by ID.
delete_gating_params_by_idDelete DB gating parameters by gating ID.
delete_poly_by_idDelete DB poly parameters by gating ID.
delete_poly_by_id_popDelete DB poly parameters by gating ID and population
empty_evtCreate an empty EVT data frame
empty_oppCreate an empty OPP data frame
filter_evtFilter EVT particles.
filter_evt_filesFilter a list of EVT files.
find_common_dbsFind common database files between two directories.
flowrateCalculation of flow rate based on stream pressure measured by...
from_filename_date_strConvert timestamp component of SeaFlow filenames to POSIXct.
get_clean_stat_tableClean the stat table by selecting the best refractive index...
get_cruiseGet cruise name
get_evt_by_fileGet EVT data frame by file.
get_evt_filesFind EVT files with a recursive search down a directory tree.
get_filter_params_by_idGet filter parameters by id.
get_filter_plan_tableReturn a tibble for the filter_plan table.
get_filter_tableReturn a tibble for the filter table.
get_gating_params_by_idGet gating parameters by ID.
get_gating_plan_tableReturn a tibble for the gating_plan table.
get_gating_tableReturn a tibble for the gating table.
get_instGet instrument serial number
get_metadata_tableReturn a tibble of the metadata table of cruise and...
get_opp_by_dateGet tibble of filtered particles selecting by date.
get_opp_by_fileGet tibble of filtered particles selecting by file IDs.
get_opp_tableReturn a tibble for the opp table.
get_outlier_tableGet tibble of outliers.
get_poly_log_by_gating_id_popConstruct a gating polygon list for gating_id pop combo
get_poly_tableReturn a data frame for the poly table.
get_processed_particlesGet a tibble of OPP or VCT particles
get_raw_stat_tableGet aggregate statistics data frame joining sfl, opp, and vct...
get_sfl_tableReturn a tibble for the sfl table.
get_stat_tableGet aggregate statistics data frame along with estimates of...
get_vct_by_dateGet tibble of classified particles selecting by date.
get_vct_by_fileGet tibble of classified particles selecting by file IDs.
get_vct_quantile_rangeFind quantiles for VCT data
get_vct_rangeFind min/max for a data column / quantile pair in VCT files
get_vct_range_one_fileFind min/max for a data column / quantile pair in one VCT...
get_vct_tableReturn a tibble for the vct table.
grid_bins_labelsConstruct string labels for break points created by...
grid_one_fileCreate gridded distribution data as particle counts and Qc...
group_gridded_by_timeGroup gridded particle data at a lower time resolution
identify_noiseReturn logical index vector for noise particle rows
identify_saturatedReturn logical index vector for saturated particle rows
inflection_pointEstimate coordinates of the inflection point (location of 1µm...
is_transformedCheck if an EVT data frame has been transformed.
make_popcycle_dbCreate a new, empty sqlite3 popcycle database.
manual_classifyClassify particles based on manually defined population...
migrate_tablesMigrate filtering, gating, and outlier related tables to a...
mktempnameCreate a temporary file name
plan_from_tableCreate a tibble of start dates for gating / filter IDs based...
plot_cruisetrackPlot cruise track on a map.
plot_cytPlot EVT or OPP cytogram with only builtin R graphics.
plot_cytogramPlot EVT or OPP cytogram.
plot_filter_cytogramPlot cytograms for exploring filtering parameters.
plot_histogramPlot histogram.
plot_mapPlot population distribution on a map.
plot_timeplot population dynamics over time
plot_vct_cytogramPlot cytogram with particles colored by population.
read_calib_csvRead Abundance calibration file
read_mie_csvRead Mie theory calibration file
read_par_csvRead table of PAR calibration values
read_parquet_one_quantileRead an OPP/VCT parquet file, only grabbing columns needed to...
read_reference_filter_paramsRead table of reference filter parameters for a single...
read_refraction_csvRead table of indexes of refraction for cruise and population...
readSeaflowRead an EVT or OPP binary file.
read_sfl_tsvRead SFL tab-delimited file
remove_boundary_pointsRemove boundary points.
reset_filter_plan_tableDelete all rows in filter plan table.
reset_filter_tableDelete all rows in filter table.
reset_gating_plan_tableDelete all rows in gating plan table.
reset_gating_tableDelete all rows in gating table.
reset_metadata_tableDelete all rows in metadata table.
reset_opp_tableDelete all rows in opp table.
reset_outlier_tableDelete all rows in outlier table.
reset_poly_tableDelete all rows in poly table.
reset_sfl_tableDelete all rows in sfl table.
reset_tableDelete all rows in an arbitrary SQLite3 DB table.
reset_vct_tableDelete all rows in vct table.
save_filter_paramsSave filter parameters to the filter table.
save_filter_planSave filter plan to db
save_gating_paramsSave gating parameters.
save_gating_planSave gating plan to db
save_metadataSave metadata to db
save_opp_statsSave OPP aggregate statistics for one file/quantile combo to...
save_outliersSave Outliers in the database
save_polySave gating polygon coordinates in the poly table.
save_sflSave SFL to db
save_vct_statsSave VCT aggregate population statistics for one file to vct...
set_gating_paramsDefine polygons for population gating.
size_carbon_conversionEstimate cell diameter and carbon cell quotas and biomass of...
sql_dbExecuteWrapper to run dbExecute and clean up connection on error.
sql_dbGetQueryWrapper to run dbGetQuery and clean up connection on error.
sql_dbWriteTableWrapper to run dbWriteTable and clean up connection on error.
stat_calibrationCalibrate abundance based on Influx data
to_date_strConvert POSIXct date to standard SeaFlow timestamp string.
to_filename_date_strConvert POSIXct date to standard SeaFlow filename timestamp...
transformDataExponentiate SeaFlow log data
untransformDataLog SeaFlow linear data
update_plan_tableUpdate the gating_plan or filter_plan table based on vct or...
validate_griddedShow messages for rows in gridded particle data that fail...
write_realtime_bio_tsdataWrite population data as a TSDATA file
write_realtime_meta_tsdataWrite SFL metadata as a TSDATA file
writeSeaflowWrite an EVT or OPP binary file.
armbrustlab/popcycle documentation built on June 17, 2024, 1:15 a.m.