
Defines functions pplot3d.event

Documented in pplot3d.event

#' Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.
#' @return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{}
#' @export
#' @rdname cpplot3d.event
	# (-14) Used in read.event() and elsewhere in cplot3d.event():
	event=1, t=1, turns=10, cruise=2009116, TVG=TRUE, TVG.exp=2, dir.data=NULL, Paout=TRUE, exact=FALSE, bgns=TRUE, pdns=TRUE, nrns=TRUE, hins=TRUE, kern=NULL, segpar=NULL, pamkpar=list(), nsind=0.75, hins_add=10, pdns_scale=1e-14, TOV=0, cal=1, bmmd=NULL, 
	# (-11) Used in pplot3d_sv2pos.TSD() and elsewhere in pplot3d.event():
	N=1e5, acca=NULL, fun="mod", allert=1e8, nlim=NULL, fact=NULL, cols=c("black","navyblue","magenta4","red3","darkorange2","yellow"), stretch=1, scale.voxels=1, rand.gen=c("unif","beta","norm"), possample=1, 
	# (-10) Used in pplot3d.TSD() and cplot3d.TSD():
	esnm="MS70", var=c("vbsc","sgsc","pr0s","sgs0","sgsE","sgsi","sgsI","psis","tlns"), ind=list(-(1:150),NULL), range=list(), subset=NULL, ideal=TRUE, seabed=-12000, rot=2, compensation=c("pitch","roll"), plot=TRUE, cs.xyzlim="g", add=FALSE, beamstypes=1, size=0.3, 
	# (-9) Used in cpplot3d.bottom.TSD():
	bottom=FALSE, bottom.res=5, bottom.smooth=NULL, bottom.col="topo.col", bottom.N=1e5, bottom.seg=list(sgth=0.2, misM=1e-3, bwGp=2, turns=100), 
	# (-8) Used for plotting with plot3d():
	adds=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, zlim=NULL, view=c("free","top","bottom","south","west","north","east"), zoom=0.7, fov=60, 
	# (-7) Used for plotting the school:
	school=FALSE, schoolcol="purple", schoolsize=0.3, schoolsample=0.01, schoollen=4, schoollwd=1, schooltype="p", schoolcrop=FALSE, 
	# (-6) Used for plotting the school (when schoolsample is a character = "obj") and the segmentation object:
	plot.seg=FALSE, seg.col="green", seg.alpha=0.2, subdivide=3, excl.neg=TRUE, object=c("ellipsoid","cuboid"), par=double(3), center=c(0,0,0), angle=0, 
	# (-5) Used when plotting frame bounding box, aspect, titles, and axes, and else throughout cpplot3d.decorate():
	aspect="iso", nticks=5, origin=1, xlab="x", ylab="y", zlab="z", full.box=FALSE, 
	# (-4) Used when plotting vessel position:
	edge.vpos="", line.vpos=0, at.vpos=NULL, cex.vpos=1, col.vpos="blue", 
	# (-3) Used when plotting date and time:
	clock="bbl", cex.clock=1, adj.clock=c(0,0), format.clock="Ping: indt\nyyyy-mm-dd\nHH:MM:SS.FFF", digits.clock=2, lsp.clock=0.04, col.clock=4, 
	# (-2) Used when plotting the sonar grid:
	sonar.grid="frame", sonar.grid.col=c("orange","cornflowerblue"), sonar.grid.lwd=1, cs.pos="g", cs.view="g", sides=c("tb","tb"), dens=c(200,100,100,1), every=Inf, 
	# (-1) Used when plotting the global grid:
	global.grid=FALSE, global.grid.lwd=0.5, global.grid.lty=1, 
	# (0) Passed on to add.sonar.grid(), pplot3d.TSD, and decorate3d():
	############ AUTHOR(S): ############
	# Arne Johannes Holmin
	############ LANGUAGE: #############
	# English
	############### LOG: ###############
	# Start: 2009-09-02 - Clean version.
	# Update: 2010-02-19 - Changed to supporting the subset list 'subset', used in extract.
	# Update: 2010-03-02 - Added support for specifying the ranges of "x", "y" and "z" ('range').
	# Update: 2010-04-17 - Altered to letting the first and the last break move to infinity.
	# Update: 2011-01-06 - Added the option 'null.value'.
	# Update: 2011-01-17 - Added the option 'shrink'.
	# Update: 2011-01-17 - Simplified using the new cplot3d.TSD(), that was expanded to support multiple time steps in the input 'data'.
	# Update: 2011-10-02 - Changed to add axes and bounding box at the end of the function, and added the option 'beams' for use when plotting sonar grid og the ME70 echosounder. Also added plotting of sonar grid at the end of the funciton, using add.sonar.grid().
	# Update: 2012-03-15 - Added the options 'nticks' and 'edge' for customizing axes individually.
	# Update: 2012-06-28 - Added support for plotting 'pr0s', 'sgsc' and 'sgs0', specified by 'type'.
	# Update: 2012-11-15 - Added 'color.bar.noWhite'.
	# Update: 2013-01-05 - Added the option type="tlns".
	# Update: 2013-08-19 - Restructured function and categorized inputs.
	# Update: 2013-10-07 - Added the option of var[1]="-vbsc" indicating disabeling plotting of the acoustic data.
	# Last: 2013-10-07 - Merged cplot3d.event() and pplot3d.event().
	########### DESCRIPTION: ###########
	# Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.
	########## DEPENDENCIES: ###########
	# add.sonar.grid(), strff(), echoIBM.segment.event(), read.event(), cpplot3d_type(),ones(), pplot3d.TSD(), cpplot3d.decorate(), cpplot3d.bottom.TSD()
	############ VARIABLES: ############
	##### See cpplot3d.event() for the parameter descriptions #####
	# Specifying whether to use cplot3d or pplot3d:
	# Used in read.event() and elsewhere in cplot3d.event():
	event=event, t=t, turns=turns, cruise=cruise, TVG=TVG, TVG.exp=TVG.exp, dir.data=dir.data, Paout=Paout, exact=exact, bgns=bgns, pdns=pdns, nrns=nrns, hins=hins, kern=kern, segpar=segpar, pamkpar=pamkpar, nsind=nsind, hins_add=hins_add, pdns_scale=pdns_scale, TOV=TOV, cal=cal, bmmd=bmmd, 
	# Used in pplot3d_sv2pos.TSD() and elsewhere in pplot3d.event():
	N=N, acca=acca, fun=fun, allert=allert, nlim=nlim, fact=fact, cols=cols, stretch=stretch, scale.voxels=scale.voxels, rand.gen=rand.gen, possample=possample, 
	# Used in pplot3d.TSD() and cplot3d.TSD():
	esnm=esnm, var=var, ind=ind, range=range, subset=subset, ideal=ideal, seabed=seabed, rot=rot, compensation=compensation, plot=plot, cs.xyzlim=cs.xyzlim, add=add, beamstypes=beamstypes, size=size, 
	# Used in cpplot3d.bottom.TSD():
	bottom=bottom, bottom.res=bottom.res, bottom.smooth=bottom.smooth, bottom.col=bottom.col, bottom.N=bottom.N, bottom.seg=bottom.seg, 
	# Used for plotting with plot3d():
	adds=adds, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, view=view, zoom=zoom, fov=fov, 
	# Used for plotting the school:
	school=school, schoolcol=schoolcol, schoolsize=schoolsize, schoolsample=schoolsample, schoollen=schoollen, schoollwd=schoollwd, schooltype=schooltype, schoolcrop=schoolcrop, 
	# Used for plotting the school (when schoolsample is a character = "obj") and the segmentation object:
	plot.seg=plot.seg, seg.col=seg.col, seg.alpha=seg.alpha, subdivide=subdivide, excl.neg=excl.neg, object=object, par=par, center=center, angle=angle, 
	# Used when plotting frame bounding box, aspect, titles, and axes, and else throughout cpplot3d.decorate():
	aspect=aspect, nticks=nticks, origin=origin, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, full.box=full.box, 
	# Used when plotting vessel position:
	edge.vpos=edge.vpos, line.vpos=line.vpos, at.vpos=at.vpos, cex.vpos=cex.vpos, col.vpos=col.vpos, 
	# Used when plotting date and time:
	clock=clock, cex.clock=cex.clock, adj.clock=adj.clock, format.clock=format.clock, digits.clock=digits.clock, lsp.clock=lsp.clock, col.clock=col.clock, 
	# Used when plotting the sonar grid:
	sonar.grid=sonar.grid, sonar.grid.col=sonar.grid.col, sonar.grid.lwd=sonar.grid.lwd, cs.pos=cs.pos, cs.view=cs.view, sides=sides, dens=dens, every=every, 
	# Used when plotting the global grid:
	global.grid=global.grid, global.grid.lwd=global.grid.lwd, global.grid.lty=global.grid.lty, 
	# Passed on to add.sonar.grid(), pplot3d.TSD, and decorate3d():
arnejohannesholmin/cpplot3d documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:36 p.m.