
#' Methylation bias plot
#'Plot the methylation at each position of the read to observe any biases in
#'the methylation
#'based on the read position
#'@param dir directory name with mbias files
#'@param mbiasFiles list of mbias files
#'@return Returns a list containing the methylation across the read position in original top
#'and original bottom strand both in forward and reverse reads for multiple samples
#'mbiasFile <- '2017-04-21_HG23KBCXY_2_AGGCAGAA_TATCTC_pe.M-bias.txt'
#'mbiasplot(mbiasFiles=system.file("extdata", mbiasFile, package='scmeth'))
#'@importFrom utils read.table
#'@importFrom utils read.csv
#'@importFrom stats sd
#'@importFrom stats aggregate

mbiasplot <- function(dir=NULL, mbiasFiles=NULL){
    if (!is.null(dir)){
        mbiasFileList <- list.files(dir, pattern="*.M-bias.txt", full.names=TRUE)

        mbiasFileList <- mbiasFiles

    mbiasTableList <- list()
    nSamples <- length(mbiasFileList)
    for (i in seq_len(nSamples)){
        MbiasFile <- readLines(mbiasFileList[i])
        nvec <- length(MbiasFile)
        breaks <- which(!nzchar(MbiasFile))
        nbreaks <- length(breaks)
        if (breaks[nbreaks] < nvec) {
            breaks <- c(breaks, nvec + 1L)
            nbreaks <- nbreaks + 1L

    if (nbreaks > 0L) {
        oracle <- mapply(function(a, b) paste(MbiasFile[a:b]),
                        c(1L, 1L + breaks[-nbreaks]) + 2,
                        breaks - 1L, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    CpG_Mbias_Read1 <- utils::read.csv(sep='\t', text=oracle[[1]])
    CpG_Mbias_Read1$read <- 'read-1'
    CpG_Mbias_Read1$methylation <- CpG_Mbias_Read1$count.methylated*100/
      (CpG_Mbias_Read1$count.methylated + CpG_Mbias_Read1$count.unmethylated)
    CpG_Mbias_Read2 <- utils::read.csv(sep='\t', text=oracle[[4]])
    CpG_Mbias_Read2$read <- 'read-2'
    CpG_Mbias_Read2$methylation <- CpG_Mbias_Read2$count.methylated*100/
      (CpG_Mbias_Read2$count.methylated + CpG_Mbias_Read2$count.unmethylated)

    mbiasTable <- rbind(CpG_Mbias_Read1[, c('position', 'methylation', 'read')],
                        CpG_Mbias_Read2[, c('position', 'methylation', 'read')])
    mbiasTableList[[i]] <- mbiasTable

aryeelab/scmeth documentation built on June 15, 2019, 8:02 p.m.