
Defines functions rsr.from.fwhm trim.rsr generate.rsr.all read.rsr.folder

Documented in generate.rsr.all read.rsr.folder rsr.from.fwhm trim.rsr

#' Generate relative spectral response (RSR) matrix based on FWHM data
#' @param wavelength Vector of average band widths, as reported in FWHM data.
#' @param fwhm Vector of full-width half maximum (FWHM) bandwidths, as reported 
#' in FWHM data.
rsr.from.fwhm <- function(wavelength, fwhm) {
  sigma <- fwhm / 2 / abs(qnorm(0.25))
  rsr   <- t(sapply(400:2500, dnorm, wavelength, sigma))
  rownames(rsr) <- 400:2500
  rsr <- cbind(400:2500 - 399, rsr)
  colnames(rsr) <- c("index", sprintf("B%s", seq_along(fwhm)))
  colsums <- colSums(rsr)
  lt1     <- which(colsums < 0.99)
  rsr.sub <- rsr[, -lt1]
} # rsr.from.fwhm

#' Trim RSR matrix to wavelength limits
#' @param rsr RSR matrix
#' @param wl.min Minimum wavelength (inclusive, default = 400)
#' @param wl.max Maximum wavelength (inclusive, default = 2500)
trim.rsr <- function(rsr, wl.min = 400, wl.max = 2500) {
  inds.rsr <- as.logical((rsr[, "Wavelength"] >= wl.min) * 
                           (rsr[, "Wavelength"] <= wl.max))
  rsr.sub  <- rsr[inds.rsr, ]
  rownames(rsr.sub)    <- rsr.sub[, "Wavelength"]
  colnames(rsr.sub)[1] <- "index"
  rsr.sub[, "index"]   <- rsr.sub[, "index"] - 399
} # trim.rsr

#' Generate RSR matrices for all sensors and return as list
#' Only needs to be called when updating these funcitons with new 
#' data
generate.rsr.all <- function(path.to.licor = NULL) {
  rsr.aviris.ng      <- with(fwhm.aviris.ng, rsr.from.fwhm(Wavelength, fwhm))
  rsr.aviris.classic <- with(fwhm.aviris.classic, rsr.from.fwhm(avg, fwhm))
  rsr.hyperion       <- with(fwhm.hyperion, rsr.from.fwhm(avg, rng))
  rsr.chris.proba <- with(bandwidth.chrisproba, rsr.from.fwhm(Mid, Max - Min))
  rsr.landsat5 <- trim.rsr(rsr.landsat5)
  rsr.landsat7 <- trim.rsr(rsr.landsat7)
  rsr.landsat8 <- trim.rsr(rsr.landsat8)
  rsr.modis <- trim.rsr(rsr.modis)
  rsr.viirs <- trim.rsr(rsr.viirs)
  rsr.avhrr <- trim.rsr(rsr.avhrr)
  if (!is.null(path.to.licor)) {
    rsr.licor <- process.licor.rsr(path.to.licor)
  } else {
    rsr.licro <- NA
  sensor.rsr <- list(aviris.ng = rsr.aviris.ng, 
                     aviris.classic = rsr.aviris.classic,
                     hyperion = rsr.hyperion,
                     chris.proba = rsr.chris.proba,
                     landsat5 = rsr.landsat5,
                     landsat7 = rsr.landsat7,
                     landsat8 = rsr.landsat8,
                     modis = rsr.modis, 
                     viirs = rsr.viirs, 
                     avhrr = rsr.avhrr,
                     licor = rsr.licor)
} # generate.rsr.all

#' Read and process RSR data from directory
#' @param dir.path Directory containing RSR data
#' @param type Type of sensor. Options are: landsat, avhrr
read.rsr.folder <- function(dir.path, type) {
  type      <- tolower(type)
  flist     <- list.files(dir.path)
  nbands    <- length(flist)
  bandnames <- gsub("(.*)[.]csv", "\\1", flist)
  band.list <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(nbands)) {
    fpath     <- file.path(dir.path, flist[i])
    raw.input <- read.csv(fpath)
    if (type == "landsat") {
      out.dat <- raw.input[, 1:2]
    } else if (type == "avhrr") {
      raw.input$Wavelength <- raw.input$Wavelength.._m. * 1000
      out.dat <- raw.input[, c("Wavelength", "Relative.SRF")]
    colnames(out.dat) <- c("Wavelength", bandnames[i])
    band.list[[i]] <- out.dat
  band.full <- band.list[[1]]
  for (i in 2:nbands) {
    band.full <- merge(band.full, band.list[[i]], by = "Wavelength", all = TRUE)
  band.full[is.na(band.full)] <- 0
} # read.rsr.folder
ashiklom/PEcAnRTM documentation built on March 7, 2020, 7:46 a.m.