
Defines functions bforecast vforecast rforecast roots lrr forecast.1d.ssa predict.mssa predict.1d.ssa bforecast.1d.ssa vforecast.mssa vforecast.1d.ssa .shift.matrix.1d rforecast.mssa .na.bind rforecast.1d.ssa apply.lrr roots.lrr companion.matrix.lrr lrr.1d.ssa lrr.default

Documented in bforecast bforecast.1d.ssa forecast.1d.ssa lrr lrr.1d.ssa lrr.default predict.1d.ssa predict.mssa rforecast rforecast.1d.ssa rforecast.mssa roots roots.lrr vforecast vforecast.1d.ssa vforecast.mssa

#   R package for Singular Spectrum Analysis
#   Copyright (c) 2012 Alexander Shlemov <shlemovalex@gmail.com>
#   Copyright (c) 2012 Anton Korobeynikov <asl@math.spbu.ru>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it
#   and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
#   License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
#   either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
#   any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
#   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
#   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program; if not, write to the
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
#   MA 02139, USA.

lrr.default <- function(x, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
                        reverse = FALSE,
                        orthonormalize = TRUE) {
  if (orthonormalize) {
    U <- qr.Q(qr(x))
  } else {
    U <- x

  N <- nrow(U)

  # Return zero LRR coefficients for zero subspace
  if (ncol(U) == 0) return(rep(0, N - 1))

  idx <- if (!reverse) N else 1
  lpf <- Conj(U) %*% t(U[idx, , drop = FALSE])

  divider <- 1 - lpf[idx]
  if (Mod(divider) < eps)
    stop("Verticality coefficient equals to 1")

  lpf[-idx] / divider

lrr.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups,
                       reverse = FALSE,
                       ..., drop = TRUE) {
  if (!capable(x, "lrr"))
    stop("LRR is not implemented for this kind of SSA case yet")

  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- 1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x))

  # Continue decomposition, if necessary
  .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)

  out <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
      res <- lrr.default(.colspan(x, groups[[i]]), reverse = reverse,
                         ..., orthonormalize = FALSE)
    class(res) <- "lrr"

    out[[i]] <- res

  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]


companion.matrix.lrr <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  res <- matrix(0, n, n)
  res[, n] <- x
  res[seq(from = 2, by = n + 1, length.out = n - 1)] <- 1

roots.lrr <- function(x, ..., method = c("companion", "polyroot")) {
  method <- match.arg(method)

  res <-
    if (identical(method, "polyroot")) {
      polyroot(c(-x, 1))
    } else {
      eigen(companion.matrix.lrr(x), only.values = TRUE)$values

  res[order(abs(res), decreasing = TRUE)]

apply.lrr <- function(F, lrr, len = 1, only.new = FALSE,
                      drift = 0, reverse = FALSE) {
  # Recycle drifts if needed
  if (length(drift) != len) {
    drift <- rep(drift, len)[seq_len(len)]

  N <- length(F)
  r <- length(lrr)

  # Sanity check of inputs
  if (r > N)
    stop("Wrong length of LRR")

  # Run the actual LRR
  if (!reverse) {
    F <- c(F, rep(NA, len))
    for (i in 1:len)
      F[N+i] <- sum(F[(N+i-r) : (N+i-1)]*lrr) + drift[i]

    if (only.new) F[(N+1):(N+len)] else F
  } else {
    F <- c(rep(NA, len), F)

    for (i in 1:len)
      F[len-i+1] <- sum(F[(len-i+1 + 1) : (len-i+1 + r)]*lrr) + drift[len-i+1]

    if (only.new) F[1:len] else F

rforecast.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
                             base = c("reconstructed", "original"),
                             only.new = TRUE,
                             reverse = FALSE,
                             drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  if (!capable(x, "rforecast"))
    stop("recurrent forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")

  L <- x$window

  base <- match.arg(base)
  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))

  # Grab the reconstructed series if we're basing on them
  if (identical(base, "reconstructed"))
    r <- reconstruct(x, groups = groups, ..., cache = cache)

  # Calculate the LRR corresponding to groups
  lf <- lrr(x, groups = groups, reverse = reverse, drop = FALSE)
  stopifnot(length(lf) == length(groups))

  out <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    group <- groups[[i]]

    F <- if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) as.vector(r[[i]]) else .F(x)

    # Calculate the forecasted values
    out[[i]] <- apply.lrr(F, lf[[i]], len, only.new = only.new, reverse = reverse)
    out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
                                  fixup = TRUE, reverse = reverse,
                                  only.new = only.new, drop = drop.attributes)

  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]

  # Forecasted series can be pretty huge...

.na.bind <- function(original, new,
                     update.method = c("append", "replace")) {
  update.method <- match.arg(update.method)

  removed <- attr(original, "na.action")

  res <- switch(update.method,
                append = c(original, new),
                replace = new)

  if (!is.null(removed)) {
    all.old <- seq_len(length(removed) + length(original))
    full.old <- setdiff(all.old, removed)
    full.new <- c(full.old, max(full.old) + seq_len(length(res) - length(original)))
    res.na <- setdiff(all.old, full.new)
    attr(res, "na.action") <- if (length(res.na) > 0) res.na else NULL


rforecast.mssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
                           base = c("reconstructed", "original"),
                           direction = c("row", "column"),
                           only.new = TRUE,
                           drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  if (!capable(x, "rforecast"))
    stop("recurrent forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")

  L <- x$window; N <- x$length; K <- N - L + 1

  cK <- cumsum(K)
  cKr <- cumsum(K - 1)
  cKl <- cKr - (K - 1) + 1

  base <- match.arg(base)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))

  # Grab the reconstructed series if we're basing on them
  if (identical(base, "reconstructed"))
    r <- reconstruct(x, groups = groups, ..., cache = cache)

  out <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    group <- groups[[i]]

    F <- if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) .to.series.list(r[[i]]) else .F(x)

    # Calculate the forecasted values
    if (identical(direction, "column")) {
      # Calculate the LRR corresponding to group
      lf <- lrr(x, groups = list(group), drop = FALSE)
      stopifnot(length(lf) == 1)
      R <- matrix(NA, nrow = len, ncol = length(N))
      R[] <- sapply(F,
                    lrr = lf[[1]], len = len, only.new = TRUE)
    } else {
      V <- calc.v(x, idx = group)

      # Build W
      W <- V[cK,, drop = FALSE]
      # Build Q
      Q <- V[-cK,, drop = FALSE]

      # Calculate the forecasted values
      qIWWt <- qr(diag(length(N)) - tcrossprod(W))
      WtQ <- W %*% t(Q)

      R <- matrix(NA, nrow = len, ncol = length(N))
      # Build initial Z
      Z <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(F), function(idx) F[[idx]][seq(to = N[[idx]], length.out = K[[idx]] -1)]))
      for (idx in seq_len(len)) {
        # Calculate the projection
        cR <- t(qr.coef(qIWWt, WtQ %*% Z))
        R[idx, ] <- cR

        # Shift the Z vector
        Z[-cKr] <- Z[-cKl]
        Z[cKr] <- cR

    out[[i]] <- if (only.new) .to.series.list(R) else {
      res <- lapply(seq_along(F), function(idx) .na.bind(F[[idx]], R[, idx], update.method = "append"))
      class(res) <- "series.list"
    out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
                                  fixup = TRUE,
                                  only.new = only.new, drop = drop.attributes)

  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]

  # Forecasted series can be pretty huge...

.shift.matrix.1d <- function(U, ...) {
  wmask <- rep(TRUE, nrow(U))
  .shift.matrix(U, wmask, ndim = 1, ...)

vforecast.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
                             only.new = TRUE,
                             drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE) {
  if (!capable(x, "vforecast"))
    stop("vector forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")

  L <- x$window
  K <- x$length - L + 1
  N <- K + L - 1 + len + L - 1
  N.res <- K + L - 1 + len

  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))

  # Continue decomposition, if necessary
  desired <- .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)

  sigma <- .sigma(x)
  U <- .U(x)
  V <- if (nv(x) >= desired) .V(x) else NULL

  # Grab the FFT plan
  fft.plan <- fft.plan.1d(N, L = L)

  out <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    group <- unique(groups[[i]])

    Uet <- U[, group, drop = FALSE]
    Vet <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = group) else V[, group, drop = FALSE]
    Z <- rbind(t(sigma[group] * t(Vet)), matrix(NA, len + L - 1, length(group)))

    P <- Conj(.shift.matrix.1d(Uet))

    for (j in (K + 1):(K + len + L - 1)) {
      Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]

    res <- rowSums(.hankelize.multi(Uet, Z, fft.plan))

    out[[i]] <- res[(if (only.new) (K+L):N.res else 1:N.res)]
    out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
                                  fixup = TRUE,
                                  only.new = only.new, drop = drop.attributes)

  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]

  # Forecasted series can be pretty huge...

vforecast.mssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
                           direction = c("row", "column"),
                           only.new = TRUE,
                           drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE) {
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))

  # Continue decomposition, if necessary
  desired <- .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)

  F <- .F(x)

  dec <- .decomposition(x)
  sigma <- .sigma(dec)
  V <- if (nv(x) >= desired) .rowspan(dec) else NULL

  L <- x$window
  K <- x$length - L + 1
  N.res <- K + L - 1 + len
  N <- N.res + switch(direction, column = L, row = K) - 1

  # Grab the FFT plan
  fft.plan <- switch(direction,
                     column = lapply(N, fft.plan.1d, L = L),
                     row = mapply(fft.plan.1d, N = N, L = L + len + K - 1))

  cK <- cumsum(K)
  cKs <- cK - K + 1

  out <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    group <- unique(groups[[i]])

    Uet <- .colspan(dec, group)
    Vet <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = group) else V[, group, drop = FALSE]

    if (identical(direction, "column")) {
      U.head <- Uet[-L, , drop = FALSE]
      U.tail <- Uet[-1, , drop = FALSE]
      Pi <- Uet[L, ]
      tUhUt <- crossprod(U.head, U.tail)
      P <- tUhUt + 1 / (1 - sum(Pi^2)) * Pi %*% (t(Pi) %*% tUhUt)

      R <- lapply(seq_along(N), function(idx) {
          Z <- rbind(t(sigma[group] * t(Vet[cKs[idx] : cK[idx], , drop = FALSE])), matrix(NA, len + L - 1, length(group)))

          for (j in (K[idx] + 1) : (K[idx] + len + L - 1)) {
            Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]

    } else if (identical(direction, "row")) {
      V.head <- Vet[-cK, , drop = FALSE]
      V.tail <- Vet[-cKs, , drop = FALSE]
      Pi <- Vet[cK, , drop = FALSE]
      tVhVt <- crossprod(V.head, V.tail)
      P <- tVhVt + t(Pi) %*% (solve(diag(length(N)) - tcrossprod(Pi), Pi) %*% tVhVt)

      Z <- rbind(t(sigma[group] * t(Uet)), matrix(NA, len + max(K) - 1, length(group)))

      for (j in (L + 1) : (L + len + max(K) - 1)) {
        Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]

      R <- lapply(seq_along(N), function(idx) {
          rowSums(.hankelize.multi(Z[1 : (L + len + K[idx] - 1), , drop = FALSE],
                                   Vet[cKs[idx] : cK[idx], , drop = FALSE],

    out[[i]] <- if (only.new) {
      .to.series.list(lapply(seq_along(N), function(idx) R[[idx]][seq(to = N.res[idx], length.out = len)]))
    } else {
      for (idx in seq_along(N)) {
        length(R[[idx]]) <- N.res[idx]
        R[[idx]] <- .na.bind(F[[idx]], R[[idx]], update.method = "replace")

      class(R) <- "series.list"
    out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
                                  fixup = TRUE,
                                  only.new = only.new, drop = drop.attributes)


  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]

  # Forecasted series can be pretty huge...

bforecast.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups,
                             len = 1, R = 100, level = 0.95,
                             type = c("recurrent", "vector"),
                             interval = c("confidence", "prediction"),
                             only.new = TRUE,
                             only.intervals = FALSE,
                             drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  interval <- match.arg(interval)
  dots <- list(...)
  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))

  out <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    group <- groups[[i]]
    # First, perform the reconstruction and calculate the residuals.
    r <- reconstruct(x, groups = list(group), ..., cache = cache)
    stopifnot(length(r) == 1)
    res <- residuals(r)

    forecast.fun <- if (identical(type, "recurrent")) rforecast else vforecast
    boot.forecast <- function(F, base) {
      s <- clone(base, copy.cache = FALSE, copy.storage = FALSE)
      .set(s, "F", F)
                     groups = list(group), len = len, drop = TRUE, only.new = only.new),

    # Do the actual bootstrap forecast
    bF <- matrix(nrow = if (only.new) len else len + x$length, ncol = R)
    bF[] <- replicate(R,
                      boot.forecast(r[[1]] + sample(res, replace = TRUE), x))

    # Finally, calculate the statistics of interest
    cf <- apply(bF, 1, quantile, probs = c((1-level) / 2, (1 + level) / 2))
    if (identical(interval, "prediction")) {
      res <- residuals(r)
      lower <- quantile(res, probs = c((1-level) / 2))
      upper <- quantile(res, probs = c((1+level) / 2))
      cf <- sweep(cf, 1, c(lower, +upper), FUN = "+")
    val <-
      if (only.intervals)
                       groups = list(group), len = len, drop = TRUE, only.new = only.new),

    out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, cbind(Value = val, t(cf)),
                                  fixup = TRUE, only.new = only.new,
                                  drop = drop.attributes)

  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]


predict.1d.ssa <- function(object,
                           groups, len = 1,
                           method = c("recurrent", "vector"),
                           interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),
                           only.intervals = TRUE,
                           drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  interval <- match.arg(interval)
  dots <- list(...)

  # Calculate a forecast
  if (identical(interval, "none")) {
    forecast.fun <- if (identical(method, "recurrent")) rforecast else vforecast
    do.call(forecast.fun, c(list(object, groups = groups, len = len, drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots))
  } else {
    do.call(bforecast, c(list(object,
                              type = method, interval = interval,
                              groups = groups, len = len,
                              only.intervals = only.intervals,
                              drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots))

predict.mssa <- function(object,
                         groups, len = 1,
                         method = c("recurrent", "vector"),
                         direction = c("column", "row"),
                         drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  dots <- list(...)

  # Calculate a forecast
  switch (method,
          'recurrent' = do.call(rforecast, c(list(object, direction = direction, groups = groups, len = len, drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots)),
          'vector' = do.call(vforecast, c(list(object, direction = direction, groups = groups, len = len, cache = cache), dots)))

forecast.1d.ssa <- function(object,
                            groups, h = 1,
                            method = c("recurrent", "vector"),
                            interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),
                            only.intervals = TRUE,
                            drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  interval <- match.arg(interval)

  # Provide fixups
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.element("len", names(dots))) {
    len <- dots$len
    dots$len <- NULL
  } else
    len <- h
  dots$only.new <- TRUE

  # Perform the forecast
  f <- do.call(predict, c(list(object,
                               groups = groups,
                               len = len, method = method,
                               interval = interval, only.intervals = only.intervals,
                               drop = drop, drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache), dots))

  # Now perform a "cast" to forecast object
  F <- .get(object, "F")
  if (!drop.attributes)
    attributes(F) <- .get(object, "Fattr")
  out <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    # Perform the reconstruction. We cannot do all-at-once, because we need proper residuals as well.
    r <- reconstruct(object, groups = groups[i], ..., drop.attributes = drop.attributes, cache = cache)
    stopifnot(length(r) == 1)

    res <- list(model = object,
                method = switch(method,
                                recurrent = "SSA (recurrent)",
                                vector = "SSA (vector)"),
                fitted = r[[1]],
                residuals = residuals(r),
                x = F)
    # Handle bootstrap forecast separately
    if (!identical(interval, "none")) {
      nbnd <- (ncol(f) - 1) / 2
      res$mean  <- f[, "Value"]
      res$lower <- f[, seq(from = 2, by = 1, length.out = nbnd)]
      res$upper <- f[, seq(from = 2 + nbnd, by = 1, length.out = nbnd)]
      # HACK! Need to change if bforecast defaults will be changed!
      if (is.element("level", names(dots))) res$level <- 100*dots$level else res$level <- 100*0.95
    } else {
      res$mean <- f

    class(res) <- "forecast"
    out[[i]] <- res

  if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
    out <- out[[1]]


"lrr.toeplitz.ssa" <- `lrr.1d.ssa`;
"vforecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `vforecast.1d.ssa`;
"rforecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `rforecast.1d.ssa`;
"bforecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `bforecast.1d.ssa`;
"forecast.toeplitz.ssa" <- `forecast.1d.ssa`;
"predict.toeplitz.ssa" <- `predict.1d.ssa`;

"lrr.mssa" <- `lrr.1d.ssa`

"lrr.cssa" <- `lrr.1d.ssa`
"rforecast.cssa" <- `rforecast.1d.ssa`;
"vforecast.cssa" <- `vforecast.1d.ssa`;

lrr <- function(x, ...)
roots <- function(x, ...)
rforecast <- function(x, ...)
vforecast <- function(x, ...)
bforecast <- function(x, ...)
asl/rssa documentation built on Aug. 29, 2022, 10:16 a.m.