
Defines functions .init.fragment.1d.ssa calc.v.ssa decompose.ssa .traj.dim.1d.ssa .traj.dim.ssa hmatmul is.hmat hrows hcols new.hmat is.fft.plan fft.plan.1d .hankelize.multi.default .hankelize.one.1d.ssa .hankelize.one.default .get.or.create.hmat .get.or.create.fft.plan .field.weights.1d .factor.mask.1d .convolve1 hankel

Documented in calc.v.ssa decompose.ssa hankel hcols hmatmul hrows is.hmat new.hmat

#   R package for Singular Spectrum Analysis
#   Copyright (c) 2009 Anton Korobeynikov <asl@math.spbu.ru>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it
#   and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
#   License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
#   either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
#   any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
#   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
#   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program; if not, write to the
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
#   MA 02139, USA.

#   Routines for normal hankel SSA

hankel <- function(X, L) {
  if (is.matrix(X) && nargs() == 1) {
     L <- nrow(X); K <- ncol(X); N <- K + L - 1
     left  <- c(1:L, L*(2:K))
     right <- c(1+L*(0:(K-1)), ((K-1)*L+2):(K*L))
     v <- sapply(1:N, function(i) mean(X[seq.int(left[i], right[i], by = L-1)]))
     return (v)

  # Coerce output to vector, if necessary
  if (!is.vector(X))
    X <- as.vector(X)
  N <- length(X)
  if (missing(L))
    L <- (N + 1) %/% 2
  K <- N - L + 1
  outer(1:L, 1:K, function(x,y) X[x+y-1])

.convolve1 <- function(x, y, conj = TRUE, type = "circular") {
  if (length(type) > 1) {
    warning("Incorrect argument length: length(type) > 1, the first value will be used")
    type <- type[1]

  type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("circular", "open", "filter"))

  convolution.size <- function(length.x, length.y, type) {
           circular = list(input = length.x, output = length.x),
           open = list(input = length.x + length.y - 1, output = length.x + length.y - 1),
           filter = list(input = length.x, output = length.x - length.y + 1))

  cs <- convolution.size(length(x), length(y), type)

  input.dim <- cs$input
  output.dim <- cs$output

  X <- Y <- rep(0, input.dim)

  X[seq_along(x)] <- x
  Y[seq_along(y)] <- y

  tmp <- Re(fft(fft(X) * if (conj) Conj(fft(Y)) else fft(Y), inverse = TRUE)) / input.dim

.factor.mask.1d <- function(field.mask, window.mask, circular = FALSE) {
  field.mask[] <- as.numeric(field.mask)
  window.mask[] <- as.numeric(window.mask)
  tmp <- .convolve1(field.mask, window.mask, conj = TRUE,
                   type = ifelse(circular, "circular", "filter"))

  abs(tmp - sum(window.mask)) < 0.5 # ==0, but not exact in case of numeric error

.field.weights.1d <- function(window.mask, factor.mask, circular = FALSE) {
  window.mask[] <- as.numeric(window.mask)
  factor.mask[] <- as.numeric(factor.mask)
  res <- .convolve1(factor.mask, window.mask, conj = FALSE,
                   type = ifelse(circular, "circular", "open"))
  res[] <- as.integer(round(res))


.get.or.create.fft.plan <- function(x) {
  .get.or.create(x, "fft.plan", fft.plan.1d(x$length, L = x$window, circular = x$circular,
                                            wmask = x$wmask, fmask = x$fmask, weights = x$weights))

.get.or.create.hmat <- function(x) {
  .get.or.create(x, "hmat",
                 new.hmat(.F(x), L = x$window, circular = x$circular,
                          wmask = x$wmask, fmask = x$fmask, weights = x$weights,
                          fft.plan = .get.or.create.fft.plan(x)))

.get.or.create.trajmat.1d.ssa <- .get.or.create.hmat
.get.or.create.trajmat.toeplitz.ssa <- .get.or.create.hmat

.hankelize.one.default <- function(U, V, fft.plan = NULL) {
  L <- length(U); K <- length(V); N = K + L - 1
  fft.plan <- (if (is.null(fft.plan)) fft.plan.1d(N) else fft.plan)
  storage.mode(U) <- storage.mode(V) <- "double"
  .Call("hankelize_one_fft", U, V, fft.plan)

.hankelize.one.1d.ssa <- function(x, U, V, fft.plan = NULL) {
  fft.plan <- (if (is.null(fft.plan)) .get.or.create.fft.plan(x) else fft.plan)
  storage.mode(U) <- storage.mode(V) <- "double"
  .Call("hankelize_one_fft", U, V, fft.plan)

.hankelize.multi.default <- function(U, V, fft.plan) {
  storage.mode(U) <- storage.mode(V) <- "double"
  .Call("hankelize_multi_fft", U, V, fft.plan)

fft.plan.1d <- function(N, L, circular = FALSE,
                        wmask = NULL, fmask = NULL, weights = NULL) {
  storage.mode(N) <- "integer"

  if (!is.null(wmask)) {
    storage.mode(wmask) <- "logical"

  if (!is.null(fmask)) {
    storage.mode(fmask) <- "logical"

  if (is.null(weights)) {
    if (!circular) {
      weights <- .hweights.default(N, L)
    } else {
      weights <- rep(L, N)
  storage.mode(weights) <- "integer"

  .Call("initialize_fft_plan", N, wmask, fmask, weights)

is.fft.plan <- function(fft.plan) {
  .Call("is_fft_plan", fft.plan)

new.hmat <- function(F, L = (N + 1) %/% 2, circular = FALSE,
                     wmask = NULL, fmask = NULL, weights = NULL,
                     fft.plan = NULL) {
  if (length(circular) > 1) {
    warning("Incorrect argument length: length(circular) > 1, the first value will be used")
    circular <- circular[1]

  N <- length(F)

  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    mask <- weights > 0
    F[!mask] <- mean(F[mask]) # Improve FFT stability & remove NAs

  storage.mode(F) <- "double"
  storage.mode(L) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(circular) <- "logical"

  h <- new("extmat",
           .Call("initialize_hmat", F, L, circular,
                 if (is.null(fft.plan)) fft.plan.1d(N, L, circular, wmask, fmask, weights) else fft.plan))

hcols <- function(h) {

hrows <- function(h) {

is.hmat <- function(h) {
  is.extmat(h) && .Call("is_hmat", h@.xData)

hmatmul <- function(hmat, v, transposed = FALSE) {
  ematmul(hmat, v, transposed = transposed)

.traj.dim.ssa <- function(x) {
  c(x$window, x$length - x$window + 1)

.traj.dim.1d.ssa <- function(x) {
  Ldim <- sum(x$wmask)
  if (Ldim == 0)
    Ldim <- x$window

  Kdim <- sum(x$fmask)
  if (Kdim == 0)
    Kdim <- x$length - ifelse(x$circular, 0, x$window - 1)

  c(Ldim, Kdim)

decompose.ssa <- function(x,
                          neig = NULL,
                          force.continue = FALSE) {
  ## Check, whether continuation of decomposition is requested
  if (!force.continue && nsigma(x) > 0 &&
      !capable(x, "decompose.continue"))
    stop("Continuation of decomposition is not yet implemented for this method.")

  if (is.null(neig))
    neig <- .default.neig(x, ...)

  if (identical(x$svd.method, "svd")) {
    S <- svd(as.matrix(.get.or.create.trajmat(x)), nu = neig, nv = neig)
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d, U = S$u, V = S$v)
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "eigen")) {
    S <- eigen(tcrossprod(.get.or.create.trajmat(x)), symmetric = TRUE)

    ## Fix small negative values
    S$values[S$values < 0] <- 0

                       sigma = sqrt(S$values[1:neig]),
                       U = S$vectors[, 1:neig, drop = FALSE])
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "nutrlan")) {
    S <- trlan.svd( .get.or.create.trajmat(x), neig = neig, ...,
                   lambda = .sigma(x), U = .U(x))
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d, U = S$u)
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "propack")) {
    S <- propack.svd(.get.or.create.trajmat(x), neig = neig, ...)
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d, U = S$u, V = S$v)
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "rspectra")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("RSpectra", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("RSpectra package is required for SVD method `rspectra'")
    h <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
    A <- function(x, args) ematmul(args, x)
    Atrans <- function(x, args) ematmul(args, x, transposed = TRUE)
    S <- RSpectra::svds(A, k = neig, Atrans = Atrans, dim = dim(h), args = h, ...)
    ## RSpectra sometimes returns unsorted results
    idx <- order(S$d, decreasing = TRUE)
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d[idx], U = S$u[, idx], V = S$v[, idx])
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "primme")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("PRIMME", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("PRIMME package is required for SVD method `primme'")
    h <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
    pA <-function(x, trans) if (identical(trans, "c")) crossprod(h, x) else h %*% x
    S <- PRIMME::svds(pA, NSvals = neig, m = nrow(h), n = ncol(h), isreal = TRUE, ...)
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d, U = S$u, V = S$v)
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "irlba")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("irlba", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("irlba package is required for SVD method `irlba'")
    h <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
    S <- irlba::irlba(h, nv = neig, ...)
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d, U = S$u, V = S$v)
  } else if (identical(x$svd.method, "rsvd")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("irlba", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("irlba package is required for SVD method `rsvd'")
    h <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
    S <- irlba::svdr(h, k = neig, ...)
    .set.decomposition(x, sigma = S$d, U = S$u, V = S$v)
  } else
    stop("unsupported SVD method")


calc.v.ssa <- function(x, idx, ...) {
  nV <- nv(x)

  V <- matrix(NA_real_, .traj.dim(x)[2], length(idx))
  idx.old <- idx[idx <= nV]
  idx.new <- idx[idx > nV]

  if (length(idx.old) > 0) {
    V[, idx <= nV] <- .V(x)[, idx.old]

  if (length(idx.new) > 0) {
    sigma <- .sigma(x)[idx.new]

    if (any(sigma <= .Machine$double.eps)) {
      sigma[sigma <= .Machine$double.eps] <- Inf
      warning("some sigmas are equal to zero. The corresponding vectors will be zeroed")

    U <- .U(x)[, idx.new, drop = FALSE]

    h <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
    V[, idx > nV] <- crossprod(h, U) / rep(sigma, each = nrow(V))


.init.fragment.1d.ssa <- function(this)
  if (length(circular) > 1)
    warning("Incorrect argument length: length(circular) > 1, the first value will be used")
  if (length(circular) != 1)
    circular <- circular[1]

  ## Coerce input to vector (we have already saved attrs)
  x <- as.vector(x)
  N <- length(x)

  ## Calculate masks
  mask <- if (is.null(mask)) !is.na(x) else mask & !is.na(x)

  ecall$wmask <- wmask
  if (is.null(wmask)) {
    wmask <- rep(TRUE, L)
  } else {
    L <- length(wmask)

  K <- if (circular) N else N - L + 1

  fmask <- .factor.mask.1d(mask, wmask, circular = circular)

  if (!all(wmask) || !all(fmask) || any(circular)) {
    weights <- .field.weights.1d(wmask, fmask, circular = circular)

    ommited <- sum(mask & (weights == 0))
    if (ommited > 0)
      warning(sprintf("Some field elements were not covered by shaped window. %d elements will be ommited", ommited))

    if (all(weights == 0))
      warning("Nothing to decompose: the given field shape is empty")
  } else {
    weights <- NULL

  if (all(wmask))
    wmask <- NULL
  if (all(fmask))
    fmask <- NULL
asl/rssa documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:27 p.m.