
#' Find percentage of accuracy
#' Find percentage of accuracy when two lists containig the class labels are provided
#' @param list1 first list
#' @param list2 second list
#' @return percentage value - numeric
#' @author Asmita Poddar & Florent Latimier

percent <- function(list1, list2)
  diff = list1 == list2

# separera la data en 2 parties -----------------
#' Divide the data into training and test sets
#' Divide the data into training and test sets according to percentage provided by user
#' @param data first list
#' @param pTrain second list
#' @return list containing training and test set

testTrain <- function(data, pTrain)
  n = length(data[[1]])
  sampl = runif(n)
  test <- lapply(data[[3]], function(mat, list) {mat[list,]}, list = which(sampl < pTrain))
  train <- lapply(data[[3]], function(mat, list) {mat[list,]}
                  , list = which(sampl >= pTrain))
  test <- list(data[[1]][which(sampl < pTrain)], data[[2]], test
               , data[[4]][which(sampl < pTrain)])
  train <- list(data[[1]][which(sampl >= pTrain)]
                , data[[2]], train,data[[4]][which(sampl >= pTrain)])
  list(test, train)

#### inversion matrice ###
#' Inversion of matrix
#' @param mat matrix to be inverted
#' @return inverted matrix

inversion <- function(mat){

## tous les test possibles :
#' Inversion of matrix
#' @param data matrix to be inverted
#' @param lkernelS list of kernels for spectra
#' @param lkernelT list of kernels for time
#' @param lhS list of widths for spectra
#' @param lhT list of widths for spectra
#' @param listModel list of models
#' @return list containing the accuaracy for different models
#' @export

tablesModel = function( data, lkernelS = list(), lkernelT = list(), lhS = list()
                       , lhT = list(), listModel = list("gaussian"))
  #l = testTrain(data,0.8)
  l = list(data,data)
  nr = 2 + length(lkernelS)
  nc = 2 + length(lkernelT)
  res = list()
  name = c()
  for(k in 1:length(listModel))
    #cov <- new("fitSpectra",l[[1]])
    #cov <- fit(cov)
    cov = fitSpectra(l[[1]])
    pred <- new("predictClass", m = l[[2]], fittedCov = cov, model = listModel[[k]]
                , validation = TRUE)
    pred <- predict(pred)
    full <- pred@accuracy
    p = matrix(ncol = nc, nrow = nr)
    for(i in 1:nr){
        spectra = "diag"
        spectra = "unknown"
      kerneltypeSpectra = ""
        spectra = "kernel"
        kerneltypeSpectra = lkernelS[[i-2]]
        h = lhS[[i-2]]

      for(j in 1:nc){
          time = "diag"
          time = "unknown"
        kerneltypeTime = ""
          time = "kernel"
          kerneltypeTime = lkernelT[[j-2]]
          h = lhT[[j-2]]
        print( c(spectra, time) )
        cov <- new("fitSpectra", m=l[[1]], modelname = "parsimonious"
                   , spectra = spectra, time = time, kerneltypeSpectra = kerneltypeSpectra
                   , kerneltypeTime = kerneltypeTime, h = h, model = listModel[[k]]
                   , validation = TRUE)
        cov <- fit(cov)
        pred <- new("predictClass", m = l[[2]], fittedCov = cov, model = listModel[[k]]
                    , validation = TRUE)
        pred <- predict(pred)
        p[i,j] <- pred@accuracy

    rownames(p) <- paste("S_",c("diag","unknown", as.character(lkernelS)),sep="")
    colnames(p) <- paste("T_",c("diag", "unknown", as.character(lkernelT)),sep="")
    name = c(name, paste(c("full", "p"), "_", listModel[[k]], sep = ""))
    res = c(res,list(full,p))
  names(res) <- name
asmitapoddar/BayesSentinel documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:18 a.m.