#' Helper functions for LASICH
#' @param various various
#' @name helper
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## D: distance matrix
## alpha: positive number
## Output:
## L: graph Lapacian
D2L <- function(D,alpha=1){
W <- 1/D^alpha
W <- ifelse(abs(W)==Inf,0,W)
diag(W) <- 0
W <- D
ds <- colSums(W)
Ds <- (1/sqrt(ds))%*%t(1/sqrt(ds))
Ds <- ifelse(abs(Ds)==Inf,0,Ds)
L <- -W*Ds
diag(L) <- 1
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## nnode: a vector of nodes in each path in the tree from the origin
## e.g. nnode=c(1,2) means 0-1, 0-2-3 where 0 is the origin
## Output:
## L: graph Laplacian
tree2L <- function(nnode){
stop("the number of nodes in the path should be positive")
p <- sum(nnode)+1
L <- diag(p)
nnodes.sum <- c(0,cumsum(nnode))
num.path <- length(nnode)
## origin
d0 <- num.path
ind <- nnodes.sum[-(num.path+1)]+2
for(i in 1:num.path){
d <- 2
d <- 1
L[1,ind[i]] <- -1/sqrt(d0*d)
L[ind[i],1] <- -1/sqrt(d0*d)
## other nodes
for(i in 1:length(nnode)){
for(j in 1:nnode[i]){
d <- 1
d <- 2
L[(nnodes.sum[i]+j+1),(nnodes.sum[i]+j)] <- -1/sqrt(2*d)
L[(nnodes.sum[i]+j),(nnodes.sum[i]+j+1)] <- -1/sqrt(2*d)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## xs: list of raw data
## mthd: clustering method 1=complete 2=average 3=single
## Output:
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
clust <- function(xs,mthd=1){
x.mat <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(xs)){
x.mat <- rbind(x.mat,xs[[i]])
lab <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(xs)){
lab <- c(lab,rep(i,times=nrow(xs[[i]])))
## distance
d <- dist(x.mat,p=2)
## clustering
a <- hclust(d,"complete")
}else if (mthd==2){
a <- hclust(d,"average")
}else if (mthd==3){
a <- hclust(d,"single")
}#else if (mthd==4){
# a <- hclust(d,"median")
#}else if (mthd==5){
# a <- hclust(d,"centroid")
## cut tree
estclass <- cutree(a,k=length(xs))
## distance
d.mat <- dist.clust(d=d,cls=estclass,mthd=mthd)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## d: distance matrix
## cls: vector of estimated cluster labels
## mthd: clustering method 1=complete 2=average 3=single
## Output:
## dmat: distance matrix for estimated clusters
dist.clust <- function(d,cls,mthd=1){
num.cl <- length(unique(cls))
d <- as.matrix(d)
dmat <- diag(num.cl)*0
for(i in 1:(num.cl-1)){
for(j in (i+1):num.cl){
elt1 <- which(cls==i)
elt2 <- which(cls==j)
mat <- d[elt1,elt2]
dmat[i,j] <- max(mat)
}else if(mthd==2){
dmat[i,j] <- sum(mat)/2/dim(mat)[1]/dim(mat)[2]
}else if(mthd==3){
dmat[i,j] <- min(mat)
dmat <- dmat+t(dmat)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## L: graph Laplacian
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## p: the dimension of the precision matrix
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## tol: tolerance for determining convergence
## grp: list of graphs
## est: another estimator for warm start
## Output:
## A,B,C,D: an array of estiamtes
## EA,EB,EC: Lagrange multipliers
## iter: the number of iterations
## err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
## roc: ROC
## aic: AIC value
multlasso <- function(K,L,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda,rho,tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL,LD=NULL){
## check input
stop("K must be positive")
if(dim(L)[1]!=K || dim(L)[2]!=K){
stop("dimension of the matrix L does not equal to K")
print("the number of observations must be positive")
if(lambda[1]<=0||lambda[2]<0|| rho<=0 || tol<=0){
stop("tuning parameter(s) must be positive")
if(lambda[2]<=0 ){
print("Warning: lambda2 is non-positive")
L <- L+diag(LD)
## initialize A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,ED
A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
D <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EA <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EB <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
initest <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
initest <- est[,,k]
A[,,k] <- initest
B[,,k] <- initest
C[,,k] <- initest
D[,,k] <- initest
EA[,,k] <- diag(p)
EB[,,k] <- diag(p)
EC[,,k] <- diag(p)
## a matrix used in updating C
M <- rho*solve(2*lambda[2]*L + rho*diag(K))
## the first iteration
i <- 1
A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
D <- (A+B+C+EA+EB+EC)/3
EA <- EA+A-D
EB <- EB+B-D
EC <- EC+C-D
ra <- 2*tol # primal residual for A
rb <- 2*tol # primal residual for B
rc <- 2*tol # primal residual for C
s <- 2*tol # dual residual
while(max(ra,rb,rc,s)>tol&& i<1000){
Dold <- D
## update
valueAold <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
valueBold <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
valueCold <- crtC(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])
C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
valueC <- crtC(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])
valueDold <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
D <- (A+B+C)/3
valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
EA <- EA+A-D
EB <- EB+B-D
EC <- EC+C-D
## checkingprimal updating
#if(!is.nan(valueA) & !is.nan(valueAold) & valueA>valueAold+eps.crt){
#cat("new value A:",valueA,"old value A:",valueAold,"\n")
#stop("update on A does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value B:",valueB,"old value B:",valueBold,"\n")
#stop("update on B does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value C:",valueC,"old value C:",valueCold,"\n")
#stop("update on C does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value D:",valueD,"old value D:",valueDold,"\n")
#stop("update on D does not decrease objective")
## error by l-1 norm
ra <- sum(abs(A-D))
rb <- sum(abs(B-D))
rc <- sum(abs(C-D))
s <- sum(abs(rho*(D-Dold)))
i <- i+1
### performance evaluation
# Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
# for(k in 1:K){
# Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
# }
#res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
## performance evaluation
doeval <- TRUE
##initialize the res.eval
res.eval.names <- c("err","roc","TFPN")
res.eval <- vector("list",length(res.eval.names))
names(res.eval) <- res.eval.names
doeval <- FALSE ## evaluation not possible -- no Sigma0 or Omega0 provided
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
aic <- crt(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L=L,Sigmas=Sigmas,ns=ns,p=p,
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## D: a current estimate of D
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## M: rho(lambda2*L+rho*diag(K))^{-1}
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of data X
## Output:
## C: an updated estimate of C
updateC <- function(D,EC,M,K,p){
C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
## stack matrices Dk and EkC
for(i in 1:p){
for(j in i:p){
C[i,j,] <- M%*%(D[i,j,]-EC[i,j,])
C[j,i,] <- C[i,j,]
C[i,j,] <- 0
C[j,i,] <- 0
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## L: a graph Laplacian
## p: the dimension of data X
## lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating C
crtC <- function(C,D,EC,L,p,lambda2){
value <- 0
value <- sum((C-D+EC)^2)*rho/2
#for(i in 1:p){
# for(j in 1:p){
# value <- as.numeric(value)+as.numeric(t(as.matrix(C[i,j,])))%*%L%*%as.numeric(as.matrix(C[i,j,]))*as.numeric(lambda2)
# }
for(i in 1:p){
value <- as.numeric(value)+sum(diag(as.matrix(C[i,,])%*%L%*%t(as.matrix(C[i,,]))*as.numeric(lambda2)))
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## A: a current estiamte of A
## B: a current estimate of B
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EA: a current estimate of EA
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## L: a graph Laplacian
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## p: the dimension of data X
## K: the number of groups
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda: the second element of lambda
## prt: print values of criterion functions if TRUE
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating C
crt <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,L,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=TRUE){
value <- 0
valueA <- 0;valueB <- 0;valueC <- 0
valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
valueC <- crtC(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])
valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
value <- valueA+valueB+valueC
value.orgnl <- value-valueD
obj <- crtA(A=B,D=B,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)+crtB(B=B,D=B,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])+crtC(C=B,D=B,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])-crtD(A=B,B=B,C=B,D=B,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
cat("Criterion function for updating A: ",valueA,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating B: ",valueB,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating C: ",valueC,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating D: ",valueD,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for total updating: ",value,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for the original problem at A-D,EA-EC: ",value.orgnl,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for the original problem at B: ",obj,"\n")
## AIC = -likelihood + 2 # edge
value <- 0
for(k in 1:K){
value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%B[,,k])) -log(det(B[,,k])))+(sum(B[,,k]!=0)-p)
## 2 (sum(B!=0) - p) /2 = sum(B!=0) - p
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## W: weight matrix
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## p: the dimension of the precision matrix
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## tol: tolerance for determining convergence
## grp: list of graphs
## est: another estimator for warm start
## Output:
## A,B,C,D: an array of estiamtes
## EA,EB,EC: Lagrange multipliers
## iter: the number of iterations
## err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
## roc: ROC
## aic: AIC value
multlasso2 <- function(K,W,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda,rho,tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL){
## check input
stop("K must be positive")
if(dim(W)[1]!=K || dim(W)[2]!=K){
stop("dimension of the matrix W does not equal to K")
print("the number of observations must be positive")
if(lambda[1]<=0||lambda[2]<0|| rho<=0 || tol<=0){
stop("tuning parameter(s) must be positive")
if(lambda[2]<=0 ){
print("Warning: lambda2 is non-positive")
## initialize A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,ED
A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
D <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EA <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EB <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
initest <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
initest <- est[,,k]
A[,,k] <- initest
B[,,k] <- initest
C[,,k] <- initest
D[,,k] <- initest
EA[,,k] <- diag(p)
EB[,,k] <- diag(p)
EC[,,k] <- diag(p)
## a matrix used in updating C
W.tilde <- -2*lambda[2]*W
diag(W.tilde) <- rho+(colSums(W)-diag(W))*lambda[2]*2
M <- rho*solve(W.tilde)
## the first iteration
i <- 1
A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
D <- (A+B+C+EA+EB+EC)/3
EA <- EA+A-D
EB <- EB+B-D
EC <- EC+C-D
ra <- 2*tol # primal residual for A
rb <- 2*tol # primal residual for B
rc <- 2*tol # primal residual for C
s <- 2*tol # dual residual
while(max(ra,rb,rc,s)>tol&& i<1000){
Aold <- A
Bold <- B
Cold <- C
Dold <- D
EAold <- EA
EBold <- EB
ECold <- EC
## update
valueAold <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
valueBold <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
valueCold <- crtC2(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K,rho=rho)
C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
valueC <- crtC2(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K,rho=rho)
valueDold <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
D <- (A+B+C)/3
valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
EA <- EA+A-D
EB <- EB+B-D
EC <- EC+C-D
## checkingprimal updating
if(!is.nan(valueA) & !is.nan(valueAold)&valueA>valueAold+eps.crt){
#cat("new value A:",valueA,"old value A:",valueAold,"\n")
#stop("update on A does not decrease objective")
cat("new value B:",valueB,"old value B:",valueBold,"\n")
#stop("update on B does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value C:",valueC,"old value C:",valueCold,"\n")
# stop("update on C does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value D:",valueD,"old value D:",valueDold,"\n")
#stop("update on D does not decrease objective")
## error by l-1 norm
ra <- sum(abs(A-D))
rb <- sum(abs(B-D))
rc <- sum(abs(C-D))
s <- sum(abs(rho*(D-Dold)))
i <- i+1
#cat("iteration i:",i,"\n")
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
aic <- crt2(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,W,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=FALSE)$aic
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## D: a current estimate of D
## EA: a current estimate of EA
## Sigmas: a sample covariance matrix
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of data X
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## Output:
## A: an updated estimate of A
updateA <- function(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho){
A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
A[,,k] <- updateAk(D[,,k],EA[,,k],Sigmas[,,k],ns[k],rho)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## Dk: a current estimate of Dk
## EkA: a current estimate of EkA
## Sigmak: a sample covariance matrix from the kth group
## nk: a number of subjects in the kth group
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## Output:
## Ak: an updated estimate of Ak
updateAk <- function(Dk, EkA, Sigmak, nk, rho){
## computute eigenvalue decomposition
x <- eigen(x=(Dk-EkA)*rho/nk-Sigmak)
Atilde <- diag(dim(Dk)[1])
diag(Atilde) <- (Re(x$values)+sqrt(Re(x$values)^2+4*rho/nk))/(2*rho/nk)
Ak <- Re(x$vectors)%*%Atilde%*%t(Re(x$vectors))
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## A: a current estimate of A
## D: a current estimate of D
## E: a current estimate of EA
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## K: the number of groups
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating A
crtA <- function(A,D,EA,Sigmas,K,ns,rho){
value <- 0
for(k in 1:K){
value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%A[,,k])) -log(det(A[,,k]))) + sum((A[,,k]-D[,,k]+EA[,,k])^2)*rho/2
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## D: a current estimate of D
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of data X
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda1: the first element of lambda
## Output:
## B: an updated estimate of B
updateB <- function(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda1){
B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
B[,,k] <- sftthrsh(x=D[,,k]-EB[,,k], y=lambda1/rho)
diag(B[,,k]) <- diag(D[,,k]-EB[,,k])
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## B: an updated estimate of B
## D: a current estimate of D
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## K: the number of groups
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda1: the first element of lambda
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating B
crtB <- function(B,D,EB,rho,lambda1){
value <- 0
value <- sum(abs(B))*lambda1+sum((B-D+EB)^2)*rho/2
for(k in 1:dim(B)[3]){
value <- value-sum(diag(B[,,k]))*lambda1
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## x
## y
## Output:
## z = x-y if x>y
## = 0 if |x| <= y
## = x+y if x<-y
sftthrsh <- function(x,y){
z <- ifelse(x>y,x-y,ifelse(x< -y, x+y,0))
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## D: a current estimate of D
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## M: modified weight matrix.
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of data X
## Output:
## C: an updated estimate of C
updateC2 <- function(D,EC,M,K,p){
C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
## stack matrices Dk and EkC
for(i in 1:p){
C[i,,] <- t(M%*%t(D[i,,]-EC[i,,]))
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## W: weight matrix
## p: the dimension of data X
## lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating C
crtC2 <- function(C,D,EC,W,p,lambda2,K,rho){
value <- 0
value <- sum((C-D+EC)^2)*rho/2
for(i in 1:p){
for(j in i:p){
cij <- C[i,j,]
for(k in 1:K){
value <- value+sum((cij-cij[k])^2*lambda2*W[k,])/2
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## A: a current estimate of C
## B: a current estimate of C
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EA: a current estimate of EA
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating D
crtD <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,rho,lambda2){
value <- 0
value <- (sum((A-D+EA)^2)+sum((B-D+EB)^2)+sum((C-D+EC)^2))*rho/2
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## A: a current estiamte of A
## B: a current estimate of B
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EA: a current estimate of EA
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## L: a graph Laplacian
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## p: the dimension of data X
## K: the number of groups
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda: the second element of lambda
## prt: print values of criterion functions if TRUE
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating C
crt2 <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,W,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=TRUE){
## matrix F Fx = sum_{i<j}(x_i-x_j)
F <- diag(K)
for(i in 1:(K-1)){
for(j in (i+1):K){
F[i,j] <- -1
value <- 0
valueA <- 0;valueB <- 0;valueC <- 0
valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
valueC <- crtC2(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K)
valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
value <- valueA+valueB+valueC
value.orgnl <- value-valueD
obj <- crtA(A=B,D=B,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)+crtB(B=B,D=B,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])+crtC2(C=B,D=B,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K)-crtD(A=B,B=B,C=B,D=B,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
cat("Criterion function for updating A: ",valueA,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating B: ",valueB,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating C: ",valueC2,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating D: ",valueD,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for total updating: ",value,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for the original problem at A-D,EA-EC: ",value.orgnl,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for the original problem at B: ",obj,"\n")
## AIC = -likelihood + 2 # edge
value <- 0
for(k in 1:K){
value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%B[,,k])) -log(det(B[,,k])))+(sum(B[,,k]!=0)-p)
## 2 (sum(B!=0) - p) /2 = sum(B!=0) - p
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## L: graph Laplacian
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## p: the dimension of the precision matrix
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## tol: tolerance for determining convergence
## grp: list of graphs
## est: another estimator for warm start
## wt: weight for likelihood NULL = nk/n, 1 = (1,...,1)
## Output:
## A,B,C,D: an array of estiamtes
## EA,EB,EC: Lagrange multipliers
## iter: the number of iterations
## err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
## roc: ROC
## aic: AIC value
multlasso3 <- function(K,L,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0=NULL,Omega0=NULL,lambda,
## check input
stop("K must be positive")
if(dim(L)[1]!=K || dim(L)[2]!=K){
stop("dimension of the matrix L does not equal to K")
print("the number of observations must be positive")
if(lambda[1]<=0||lambda[2]<0|| rho<=0 || tol<=0){
stop("tuning parameter(s) must be positive")
if(lambda[2]<=0 ){
print("Warning: lambda2 is non-positive")
L <- L+diag(LD)
## weight for log likelihood
ns.old <- ns
}else if(wt==1){
ns.old <- ns
ns <- numeric(length(ns))+1
## a matrix used in updating C
m <- svd(L)
d <- diag(K)
diag(d) <- sqrt(m$d)
L.sqrt <- d%*%t(m$v)
LI.inv <- solve(2*diag(K)+L)
## initialize A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,ED
A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
LC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
D <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EA <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EB <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
EC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
CD <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
CEC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
initest <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
initest <- est[,,k]
A[,,k] <- initest
B[,,k] <- initest
C[,,k] <- initest
LC[,,k] <- initest
D[,,k] <- initest
EA[,,k] <- diag(p)
EB[,,k] <- diag(p)
EC[,,k] <- diag(p)
CD[,,k] <- diag(p)
CEC[,,k] <- diag(p)
## the first iteration
i <- 1
A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
C <- updateC3(D,EC,L.sqrt,K,p,lambda[2],rho)
for(j in 1:p){
CEC[j,,] <- t(t(L.sqrt)%*%t(C[j,,])+t(L.sqrt)%*%t(EC[j,,]))
D[j,,] <- t(LI.inv%*%(t(A[j,,]+B[j,,]+EA[j,,]+EB[j,,]+CEC[j,,])))
EA <- EA+A-D
EB <- EB+B-D
for(j in 1:p){
CD[j,,] <- C[j,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[j,,]))
ra <- 2*tol # primal residual for A
rb <- 2*tol # primal residual for B
rc <- 2*tol # primal residual for C
s <- 2*tol # dual residual
while(max(ra,rb,rc,s)>tol&& i<1000){
Aold <- A
Bold <- B
Cold <- C
Dold <- D
EAold <- EA
EBold <- EB
ECold <- EC
## update
valueAold <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
valueBold <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
valueCold <- crtC3(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)
C <- updateC3(D,EC,L.sqrt,K,p,lambda[2],rho)
valueC <- crtC3(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)
valueDold <- crtD3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
for(j in 1:p){
CEC[j,,] <- t(t(L.sqrt)%*%t(C[j,,])+t(L.sqrt)%*%t(EC[j,,]))
D[j,,] <- t(LI.inv%*%(t(A[j,,]+B[j,,]+EA[j,,]+EB[j,,]+CEC[j,,])))
valueD <- crtD3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
EA <- EA+A-D
EB <- EB+B-D
for(j in 1:p){
CD[j,,] <- C[j,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[j,,]))
## checkingprimal updating
#if(!is.nan(valueA) & !is.nan(valueAold) & valueA>valueAold+eps.crt){
#cat("new value A:",valueA,"old value A:",valueAold,"\n")
#stop("update on A does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value B:",valueB,"old value B:",valueBold,"\n")
#stop("update on B does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value C:",valueC,"old value C:",valueCold,"\n")
#stop("update on C does not decrease objective")
#cat("new value D:",valueD,"old value D:",valueDold,"\n")
#stop("update on D does not decrease objective")
## error by l-1 norm
ra <- sum(abs(A-D))
rb <- sum(abs(B-D))
rc <- sum(abs(CD))
s <- sum(abs(rho*(D-Dold)))
i <- i+1
cat("Error ra: ",ra, " rb: ", rb," rc: ", rc, " s: ", s, "\n")
cat("Iteration: ", i, "\n")
### performance evaluation
# Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
# for(k in 1:K){
# Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
# }
#res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
## performance evaluation
doeval <- TRUE
##initialize the res.eval
res.eval.names <- c("err","roc","TFPN")
res.eval <- vector("list",length(res.eval.names))
names(res.eval) <- res.eval.names
doeval <- FALSE ## evaluation not possible -- no Sigma0 or Omega0 provided
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
aic <- crt3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,Sigmas=Sigmas,
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## D: a current estimate of D
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## L.sqrt: square root of L
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of data X
## lambda2: second tuning parameter
## Output:
## C: an updated estimate of L.sqrt C
updateC3 <- function(D,EC,L.sqrt,K,p,lambda2,rho){
C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
## stack matrices Dk and EkC
for(i in 1:p){
#C[i,,] <- t(M%*%t(D[i,,]-EC[i,,]))
DUC <- t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[i,,]))-EC[i,,]
#C[i,,] <- t(L.sqrt.inv%*%apply(DUC,MARGIN=1,sftthrsh.vec,y=lambda2/rho))
C[i,,] <- t(apply(DUC,MARGIN=1,sftthrsh.vec,y=lambda2/rho))
## diagonal
for(i in 1:p){
C[i,i,] <- L.sqrt%*%D[i,i,]-EC[i,i,]
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## x: vector
## y:scalar
## Output:
## z = x-y if x>y
## = 0 if |x| <= y
## = x+y if x<-y
sftthrsh.vec <- function(x,y){
x.norm <- sqrt(sum(x^2))
z <- ifelse(x.norm>y,(1-y/x.norm),0)*x
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## L: a graph Laplacian
## L: square root of L
## p: the dimension of data X
## lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating C
crtC3 <- function(C,D,EC,L,L.sqrt,p,lambda2,rho){
value <- 0
for(i in 1:p){
#value <- as.numeric(value)+sum(diag(as.matrix(C[i,,])%*%L%*%t(as.matrix(C[i,,]))))
value <- as.numeric(value)+sum(diag(as.matrix(C[i,,])%*%t(as.matrix(C[i,,]))))
CD <- C
for(i in 1:p){
CD[i,,] <- C[i,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[i,,]))
value <- sqrt(value)*as.numeric(lambda2)+sum((CD+EC)^2)*rho/2
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## A: a current estimate of C
## B: a current estimate of C
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EA: a current estimate of EA
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda2: the second element of lambda
## p: the dimension of data X
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating D
crtD3 <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,L.sqrt,rho,lambda2,p){
CD <- A
for(j in 1:p){
CD[j,,] <- C[j,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[j,,]))
value <- 0
value <- (sum((A-D+EA)^2)+sum((B-D+EB)^2)+sum((CD+EC)^2))*rho/2
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## A: a current estiamte of A
## B: a current estimate of B
## C: a current estimate of C
## D: a current estimate of D
## EA: a current estimate of EA
## EB: a current estimate of EB
## EC: a current estimate of EC
## L: a graph Laplacian
## L.sqrt: square root of L
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## p: the dimension of data X
## K: the number of groups
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## lambda: the second element of lambda
## prt: print values of criterion functions if TRUE
## Output:
## value of the criterion function for updating C
crt3 <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,L,L.sqrt,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=TRUE){
value <- 0
valueA <- 0;valueB <- 0;valueC <- 0
valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
valueC <- crtC3(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)
valueD <- crtD3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
value <- valueA+valueB+valueC
value.orgnl <- value-valueD
obj <- crtA(A=B,D=B,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)+crtB(B=B,D=B,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])+crtC3(C=B,D=B,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)-crtD3(A=B,B=B,C=B,D=B,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
cat("Criterion function for updating A: ",valueA,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating B: ",valueB,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating C: ",valueC,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for updating D: ",valueD,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for total updating: ",value,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for the original problem at A-D,EA-EC: ",value.orgnl,"\n")
cat("Criterion function for the original problem at B: ",obj,"\n")
## AIC = -likelihood + 2 # edge
value <- 0
for(k in 1:K){
value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%B[,,k])) -log(det(B[,,k])))+(sum(B[,,k]!=0)-p)
## 2 (sum(B!=0) - p) /2 = sum(B!=0) - p
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## L: graph Laplacian
## ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
## p: the dimension of the precision matrix
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
## rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## tol: tolerance for determining convergence
## grp: list of graphs
## est: another estimator for warm start
## wt: weight for likelihood NULL = nk/n, 1 = (1,...,1)
## Output:
## est: estimator
## err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
## roc: ROC
multlasso.block <- function(K,L,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda,rho,tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL,LD=NULL,wt=NULL){
## thresholding of sample covariance matrices
thr.mat <- matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=p)
m <- svd(L)
lambda.mat.inv <- diag(1/m$d)
quad.mat <- t(m$v)%*%lambda.mat.inv%*%m$v
dvec <- numeric(K)
Amat <- t(rbind(diag(K),-diag(K)))
for(i in 1:(p-1)){
for(j in (i+1):p){
bvec1 <- numeric(K);bvec2 <- numeric(K)
bvec1 <- ns*Sigmas[i,j,]-lambda[1]
bvec2 <- -ns*Sigmas[i,j,]-lambda[1]
bvec <- c(bvec1,bvec2)
thr.mat[i,j] <- 1
thr.mat <- thr.mat+t(thr.mat)
thr.graph <- graph.adjacency(thr.mat)
block <- clusters(thr.graph)
a <- 1:p
p.block <- block$csize
est <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(i in 1:block$no){
cat("block no.: ",i,"\n")
ind <- a[block$membership==i]
est[ind,ind,] <- 1/Sigmas[ind,ind,]
Sigmas.block <- Sigmas[ind,ind,]
Sigma0.block <- Sigma0[ind,ind,]
Omega0.block <- Omega0[ind,ind,]
est[ind,ind,] <- suppressWarnings(multlasso3(K=K,L=L,ns=ns,p=p.block[i],Sigmas=Sigmas.block,Omega0=Omega0.block,Sigma0=Sigma0.block,lambda=lambda,rho=rho,tol=tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL,LD=LD,wt=wt))$B
#res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est)
## performance evaluation
doeval <- TRUE
##initialize the res.eval
res.eval.names <- c("err","roc","TFPN")
res.eval <- vector("list",length(res.eval.names))
names(res.eval) <- res.eval.names
doeval <- FALSE ## evaluation not possible -- no Sigma0 or Omega0 provided
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## grp: true graph object
## Omega0: true precision matrix
## K: the number of subgroups
## p: the dimension of the precision matrix
## est: estimator
## Output:
eval.lasso <- function(grp=NULL,Omega0,K,p,est){
roc <- NULL
}else{ ## ROC curves, TP,TN,FP,FN
TFPN <- matrix(0,ncol=4,nrow=(K+1))
colnames(TFPN) <- c("TP","TN","FP","FN")
rownames(TFPN) <- c(1:K,"total")
for(k in 1:K){
trgrp <- get.adjacency(grp[[k]])
pos <- sum(trgrp==1)
neg <- sum(trgrp==0)-p
mat <- trgrp-((est[,,k]!=0)+0)
diag(mat) <- 0
FP <- sum(mat==-1)
FN <- sum(mat==1)
TP <- pos-FN
TN <- neg-FP
TFPN[k,] <- c(TP,TN,FP,FN)/2
TFPN[(K+1),] <- colSums(TFPN)
## sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)
## specificity = TN/(FP+TN)
roc <- c(TFPN[(K+1),1]/(TFPN[(K+1),1]+TFPN[(K+1),4]),
names(roc) <- c("sensitivity","specificity")
## estimation error
err <- NULL
for(k in 1:K){
err <- c(err,norm(x=Omega0[,,k]-est[,,k],type="F"))
err <- c(err,sqrt(sum(err^2)))
names(err) <- 1:(K+1)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## x: values on x axis
## y: values on y axis
## Output:
## area: area under the curve
AUC <- function(x, y){
x <- c(0,x,1)
y <- c(0,y,1)
area <- sum(diff(x)*rollmean(y,2))
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## rho.glasso: regularization parameters for glasso
## p: the dimension of the parameter
## grp: list of graphs
## Output:
## roc: sensitivity and specificity
sep.glasso <- function(K,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,rho.glasso,p,grp=NULL){
res <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
res[,,k] <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=rho.glasso[k], penalize.diagonal=FALSE, maxit=1000)$wi
## evaluation
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=res)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## zs: list of data matrices (n_k by p)
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## lambda.fused: a pair of tuning parameters for JGL(fused)
## lambda.group: a pair of tuning parameters for JGL(group)
## p: the dimension of the parameter
## grp: list of graphs
## Output:
## roc: sensitivity and specificity
JGLs <- function(K,zs,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda.fused,lambda.group,p,grp=NULL){
## Omega0 computed
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
## fused penalty
res.fused.eval <- NULL
est.fused <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
res.fused <- JGL(Y=zs,penalty="fused",lambda1=lambda.fused[1],lambda2=lambda.fused[2],return.whole.theta=TRUE)
for(k in 1:K){
est.fused[,,k] <- res.fused$theta[[k]]
res.fused.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est.fused)
## group penalty
res.group.eval <- NULL
est.group <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
res.group <- JGL(Y=zs,penalty="group",lambda1=lambda.group[1],lambda2=lambda.group[2],return.whole.theta=TRUE)
for(k in 1:K){
est.group[,,k] <- res.group$theta[[k]]
res.group.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est.group)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of the parameter
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
## Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
## lambda.guo: a pair of tuning parameters for Guo et al.
## grp: list of graphs
## Output:
## roc: sensitivity and specificity
Guos <- function(K,p,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda.guo,grp=NULL){
## Omega0 computed
Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
for(k in 1:K){
Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
## fused penalty
res.guo.eval <- NULL
res.guo <- Guo(K=K,p=p,Sigmas=Sigmas, lambda.guo=lambda.guo)
res.guo.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=res.guo)
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## K: the number of groups
## p: the dimension of the parameter
## Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
## lambda.guo: tuning parameter for Guo et al.
## Output:
Guo <- function(K,p,Sigmas, lambda.guo, adaptive_weight=array(1, c(K, p, p)))
## Set the general paramters
diff_value <- 1e+10
count <- 0
tol_value <- 1e-2
max_iter <- 30
## Set the optimizaiton parameters
OMEGA <- array(0, c(K, p, p))
S <- array(0, c(K, p, p))
OMEGA_new <- array(0, c(K, p, p))
## Initialize Omega
for(k in 1:K){
OMEGA[k, , ] <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
S[k, , ] <- Sigmas[,,k]
if (kappa(S[k, , ]) > 1e+15){
S[k, , ] <- S[k, , ] + 0.001*diag(p)
## Start loop
while((count < max_iter) & (diff_value > tol_value))
tmp <- apply(abs(OMEGA), c(2,3), sum)
tmp[abs(tmp) < 1e-10] <- 1e-10
V <- 1 / sqrt(tmp)
for (k in seq(1, K))
penalty_matrix <- lambda.guo * adaptive_weight[k, , ] * V
obj_glasso <- glasso(S[k, , ], penalty_matrix, maxit=100)
OMEGA_new[k, , ] <- (obj_glasso$wi + t(obj_glasso$wi)) / 2
## Check the convergence
diff_value <- sum(abs(OMEGA_new - OMEGA)) / sum(abs(OMEGA))
count <- count + 1
##cat(count, ', diff_value=', diff_value, '\n')
## Filter the noise
est <- array(0, c(p, p, K))
for (k in seq(1, K))
ome <- OMEGA[k, , ]
ww <- diag(ome)
ww[abs(ww) < 1e-10] <- 1e-10
ww <- diag(1/sqrt(ww))
tmp <- ww %*% ome %*% ww
ome[abs(tmp) < 1e-5] <- 0
est[,,k] <- ome
#' @rdname helper
## Input:
## grp: list of graphs
## B: the number of simulations
## K: the number of groups
## ns: sample size for each group
## p: dimension of parameters
## num: the number of lambdas
## lambdas2: tuning parameter lambda2's
## Output:
## min.lambda: mininum of sigma hat ij
## lambdas1: from min.lambda to max(ns)
## lambdas.gl: from min.lambda to 1
min.lmd <- function(Sigma0,B=1000,K,ns,p,num,lambdas2){
min.sigma <- NULL
for(m in 1:B){
dat <- sim.data.SigmaS(K=K,Sigma0=Sigma0,ns=ns,p=p)
min.sigma <- c(min.sigma,min(abs(dat$Sigmas)))
min.lambda <- mean(min.sigma)
lambdas1 <- exp(seq(from=log(min.lambda*100),to=log(max(ns)),by=(log(max(ns))-log(min.lambda*100))/(num-1)))
lambdas.gl <- exp(seq(from=log(min.lambda),to=0,by=-log(min.lambda)/(num*length(lambdas2)-1)))
lambdas1.jgl <- exp(seq(from=log(min.lambda),to=0,by=-log(min.lambda)/(num-1)))
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