
Defines functions min.lmd Guo Guos JGLs sep.glasso AUC eval.lasso multlasso.block crt3 crtD3 crtC3 sftthrsh.vec updateC3 multlasso3 crt2 crtD crtC2 updateC2 sftthrsh crtB updateB crtA updateAk updateA multlasso2 crt crtC updateC multlasso dist.clust clust tree2L D2L

Documented in AUC clust crt crt2 crt3 crtA crtB crtC crtC2 crtC3 crtD crtD3 D2L dist.clust eval.lasso Guo Guos JGLs min.lmd multlasso multlasso2 multlasso3 multlasso.block sep.glasso sftthrsh sftthrsh.vec tree2L updateA updateAk updateB updateC updateC2 updateC3

#' Helper functions for LASICH
#' @param various various
#' @name helper


#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  D: distance matrix
##  alpha: positive number
## Output:
##  L: graph Lapacian
D2L <- function(D,alpha=1){
    W <- 1/D^alpha
    W <- ifelse(abs(W)==Inf,0,W)
    diag(W) <- 0
    W <- D
  ds <- colSums(W)
  Ds <- (1/sqrt(ds))%*%t(1/sqrt(ds))
  Ds <- ifelse(abs(Ds)==Inf,0,Ds)
  L <- -W*Ds
  diag(L) <- 1

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  nnode: a vector of nodes in each path in the tree from the origin
##         e.g. nnode=c(1,2) means 0-1, 0-2-3 where 0 is the origin
## Output:
##  L: graph Laplacian
tree2L <- function(nnode){
    stop("the number of nodes in the path should be positive")
  p <- sum(nnode)+1
  L <- diag(p)
  nnodes.sum <- c(0,cumsum(nnode))
  num.path <- length(nnode)
  ## origin
  d0 <- num.path
  ind <- nnodes.sum[-(num.path+1)]+2
  for(i in 1:num.path){
      d <- 2
      d <- 1
    L[1,ind[i]] <- -1/sqrt(d0*d)
    L[ind[i],1] <- -1/sqrt(d0*d)
  ## other nodes
  for(i in 1:length(nnode)){
    for(j in 1:nnode[i]){
          d <- 1
          d <- 2
        L[(nnodes.sum[i]+j+1),(nnodes.sum[i]+j)] <- -1/sqrt(2*d)
        L[(nnodes.sum[i]+j),(nnodes.sum[i]+j+1)] <- -1/sqrt(2*d)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  xs: list of raw data
##  mthd: clustering method 1=complete 2=average 3=single
## Output:
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
clust <- function(xs,mthd=1){
  x.mat <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(xs)){
    x.mat <- rbind(x.mat,xs[[i]])
  lab <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(xs)){
    lab <- c(lab,rep(i,times=nrow(xs[[i]])))
  ## distance
  d <- dist(x.mat,p=2)
  ## clustering
    a <- hclust(d,"complete")
  }else if (mthd==2){
    a <- hclust(d,"average")
  }else if (mthd==3){
    a <- hclust(d,"single")
  }#else if (mthd==4){
  #  a <- hclust(d,"median")
  #}else if (mthd==5){
  #  a <- hclust(d,"centroid")
  ## cut tree
  estclass <- cutree(a,k=length(xs))
  ## distance
  d.mat <- dist.clust(d=d,cls=estclass,mthd=mthd)


#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  d: distance matrix
##  cls: vector of estimated cluster labels
##  mthd: clustering method 1=complete 2=average 3=single
## Output:
##  dmat: distance matrix for estimated clusters
dist.clust <- function(d,cls,mthd=1){
  num.cl <- length(unique(cls))
  d <- as.matrix(d)
  dmat <- diag(num.cl)*0
  for(i in 1:(num.cl-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):num.cl){
      elt1 <- which(cls==i)
      elt2 <- which(cls==j)
      mat <- d[elt1,elt2]
        dmat[i,j] <- max(mat)
      }else if(mthd==2){
        dmat[i,j] <- sum(mat)/2/dim(mat)[1]/dim(mat)[2]
      }else if(mthd==3){
        dmat[i,j] <- min(mat)
  dmat <- dmat+t(dmat)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  L: graph Laplacian
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  p: the dimension of the precision matrix
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  tol: tolerance for determining convergence
##  grp: list of graphs
##  est: another estimator for warm start
## Output:
##  A,B,C,D: an array of estiamtes
##  EA,EB,EC: Lagrange multipliers
##  iter: the number of iterations
##  err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
##  roc: ROC
##  aic: AIC value
multlasso <- function(K,L,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda,rho,tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL,LD=NULL){
  ## check input
    stop("K must be positive")
  if(dim(L)[1]!=K || dim(L)[2]!=K){
    stop("dimension of the matrix L does not equal to K")
    print("the number of observations must be positive")
  if(lambda[1]<=0||lambda[2]<0|| rho<=0 || tol<=0){
    stop("tuning parameter(s) must be positive")
  if(lambda[2]<=0 ){
    print("Warning: lambda2 is non-positive")
    L <- L+diag(LD)

  ## initialize A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,ED
  A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  D <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EA <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EB <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  for(k in 1:K){
      initest <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
      initest <- est[,,k]
    A[,,k] <- initest
    B[,,k] <- initest
    C[,,k] <- initest
    D[,,k] <- initest
    EA[,,k] <- diag(p)
    EB[,,k] <- diag(p)
    EC[,,k] <- diag(p)
  ## a matrix used in updating C
  M <- rho*solve(2*lambda[2]*L + rho*diag(K))

  ## the first iteration
  i <- 1
  A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
  B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
  C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
  D <- (A+B+C+EA+EB+EC)/3
  EA <- EA+A-D
  EB <- EB+B-D
  EC <- EC+C-D
  ra <- 2*tol # primal residual for A
  rb <- 2*tol # primal residual for B
  rc <- 2*tol # primal residual for C
  s <- 2*tol # dual residual
  while(max(ra,rb,rc,s)>tol&& i<1000){
    Dold <- D
    ## update
    valueAold <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
    A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
    valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
    valueBold <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
    B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
    valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
    valueCold <- crtC(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])
    C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
    valueC <- crtC(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])
    valueDold <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
    D <- (A+B+C)/3
    valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
    EA <- EA+A-D
    EB <- EB+B-D
    EC <- EC+C-D
    ## checkingprimal updating
    #if(!is.nan(valueA) & !is.nan(valueAold) & valueA>valueAold+eps.crt){
      #cat("new value A:",valueA,"old value A:",valueAold,"\n")
      #stop("update on A does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value B:",valueB,"old value B:",valueBold,"\n")
      #stop("update on B does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value C:",valueC,"old value C:",valueCold,"\n")
      #stop("update on C does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value D:",valueD,"old value D:",valueDold,"\n")
      #stop("update on D does not decrease objective")
    ## error by l-1 norm
    ra <- sum(abs(A-D))
    rb <- sum(abs(B-D))
    rc <- sum(abs(C-D))
    s <- sum(abs(rho*(D-Dold)))
    i <- i+1

  ### performance evaluation
  #  Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
  #  for(k in 1:K){
  #    Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
  #  }
  #res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)

  ## performance evaluation
  doeval <- TRUE
  ##initialize the res.eval 
  res.eval.names <- c("err","roc","TFPN")
  res.eval <- vector("list",length(res.eval.names))
  names(res.eval) <- res.eval.names
      doeval <- FALSE ## evaluation not possible -- no Sigma0 or Omega0 provided
      Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
      for(k in 1:K){
        Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
    res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
  aic <- crt(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L=L,Sigmas=Sigmas,ns=ns,p=p,

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  M: rho(lambda2*L+rho*diag(K))^{-1}
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of data X
## Output:
##  C: an updated estimate of C
updateC <- function(D,EC,M,K,p){
  C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  ## stack matrices Dk and EkC
  for(i in 1:p){
    for(j in i:p){
        C[i,j,] <- M%*%(D[i,j,]-EC[i,j,])
        C[j,i,] <- C[i,j,]
        C[i,j,] <- 0
        C[j,i,] <- 0

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  L: a graph Laplacian
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating C
crtC <- function(C,D,EC,L,p,lambda2){
  value <- 0
  value <- sum((C-D+EC)^2)*rho/2
  #for(i in 1:p){
  #  for(j in 1:p){
  #    value <- as.numeric(value)+as.numeric(t(as.matrix(C[i,j,])))%*%L%*%as.numeric(as.matrix(C[i,j,]))*as.numeric(lambda2)
  #  }
  for(i in 1:p){
    value <- as.numeric(value)+sum(diag(as.matrix(C[i,,])%*%L%*%t(as.matrix(C[i,,]))*as.numeric(lambda2)))

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  A: a current estiamte of A
##  B: a current estimate of B
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EA: a current estimate of EA
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  L: a graph Laplacian
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  K: the number of groups
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda: the second element of lambda
##  prt: print values of criterion functions if TRUE
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating C
crt <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,L,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=TRUE){
  value <- 0
  valueA <- 0;valueB <- 0;valueC <- 0
  valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
  valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
  valueC <- crtC(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])
  valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
  value <- valueA+valueB+valueC
  value.orgnl <- value-valueD
  obj <- crtA(A=B,D=B,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)+crtB(B=B,D=B,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])+crtC(C=B,D=B,EC=EC,L=L,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2])-crtD(A=B,B=B,C=B,D=B,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
    cat("Criterion function for updating A: ",valueA,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating B: ",valueB,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating C: ",valueC,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating D: ",valueD,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for total updating: ",value,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for the original problem at A-D,EA-EC: ",value.orgnl,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for the original problem at B: ",obj,"\n")
  ## AIC = -likelihood + 2 # edge
  value <- 0
  for(k in 1:K){
    value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%B[,,k])) -log(det(B[,,k])))+(sum(B[,,k]!=0)-p)
    ## 2 (sum(B!=0) - p) /2 = sum(B!=0) - p

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  W: weight matrix
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  p: the dimension of the precision matrix
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  tol: tolerance for determining convergence
##  grp: list of graphs
##  est: another estimator for warm start
## Output:
##  A,B,C,D: an array of estiamtes
##  EA,EB,EC: Lagrange multipliers
##  iter: the number of iterations
##  err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
##  roc: ROC
##  aic: AIC value
multlasso2 <- function(K,W,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda,rho,tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL){
  ## check input
    stop("K must be positive")
  if(dim(W)[1]!=K || dim(W)[2]!=K){
    stop("dimension of the matrix W does not equal to K")
    print("the number of observations must be positive")
  if(lambda[1]<=0||lambda[2]<0|| rho<=0 || tol<=0){
    stop("tuning parameter(s) must be positive")
  if(lambda[2]<=0 ){
    print("Warning: lambda2 is non-positive")

  ## initialize A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,ED
  A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  D <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EA <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EB <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  for(k in 1:K){
      initest <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
      initest <- est[,,k]
    A[,,k] <- initest
    B[,,k] <- initest
    C[,,k] <- initest
    D[,,k] <- initest
    EA[,,k] <- diag(p)
    EB[,,k] <- diag(p)
    EC[,,k] <- diag(p)
  ## a matrix used in updating C
  W.tilde <- -2*lambda[2]*W
  diag(W.tilde) <- rho+(colSums(W)-diag(W))*lambda[2]*2
  M <- rho*solve(W.tilde)

  ## the first iteration
  i <- 1
  A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
  B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
  C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
  D <- (A+B+C+EA+EB+EC)/3
  EA <- EA+A-D
  EB <- EB+B-D
  EC <- EC+C-D
  ra <- 2*tol # primal residual for A
  rb <- 2*tol # primal residual for B
  rc <- 2*tol # primal residual for C
  s <- 2*tol # dual residual
  while(max(ra,rb,rc,s)>tol&& i<1000){
    Aold <- A
    Bold <- B
    Cold <- C
    Dold <- D
    EAold <- EA
    EBold <- EB
    ECold <- EC
    ## update
    valueAold <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
    A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
    valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
    valueBold <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
    B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
    valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
    valueCold <- crtC2(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K,rho=rho)
    C <- updateC2(D,EC,M,K,p)
    valueC <- crtC2(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K,rho=rho)
    valueDold <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
    D <- (A+B+C)/3
    valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
    EA <- EA+A-D
    EB <- EB+B-D
    EC <- EC+C-D
    ## checkingprimal updating
    if(!is.nan(valueA) & !is.nan(valueAold)&valueA>valueAold+eps.crt){
      #cat("new value A:",valueA,"old value A:",valueAold,"\n")
      #stop("update on A does not decrease objective")
      cat("new value B:",valueB,"old value B:",valueBold,"\n")
      #stop("update on B does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value C:",valueC,"old value C:",valueCold,"\n")
    #  stop("update on C does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value D:",valueD,"old value D:",valueDold,"\n")
      #stop("update on D does not decrease objective")
    ## error by l-1 norm
    ra <- sum(abs(A-D))
    rb <- sum(abs(B-D))
    rc <- sum(abs(C-D))
    s <- sum(abs(rho*(D-Dold)))
    i <- i+1
    #cat("iteration i:",i,"\n")

    Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
    for(k in 1:K){
      Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
  res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
  aic <- crt2(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,W,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=FALSE)$aic


#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EA: a current estimate of EA
##  Sigmas: a sample covariance matrix
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## Output:
##  A: an updated estimate of A
updateA <- function(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho){
  A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  for(k in 1:K){
    A[,,k] <- updateAk(D[,,k],EA[,,k],Sigmas[,,k],ns[k],rho)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  Dk: a current estimate of Dk
##  EkA: a current estimate of EkA
##  Sigmak: a sample covariance matrix from the kth group
##  nk: a number of subjects in the kth group
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## Output:
##  Ak: an updated estimate of Ak
updateAk <- function(Dk, EkA, Sigmak, nk, rho){
  ## computute eigenvalue decomposition
  x <- eigen(x=(Dk-EkA)*rho/nk-Sigmak)
  Atilde <- diag(dim(Dk)[1])
  diag(Atilde) <- (Re(x$values)+sqrt(Re(x$values)^2+4*rho/nk))/(2*rho/nk)
  Ak <- Re(x$vectors)%*%Atilde%*%t(Re(x$vectors))

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  A: a current estimate of A
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  E: a current estimate of EA
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  K: the number of groups
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating A
crtA <- function(A,D,EA,Sigmas,K,ns,rho){
  value <- 0
  for(k in 1:K){
    value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%A[,,k])) -log(det(A[,,k]))) + sum((A[,,k]-D[,,k]+EA[,,k])^2)*rho/2

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda1: the first element of lambda
## Output:
##  B: an updated estimate of B
updateB <- function(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda1){
  B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  for(k in 1:K){
    B[,,k] <- sftthrsh(x=D[,,k]-EB[,,k], y=lambda1/rho)
    diag(B[,,k]) <- diag(D[,,k]-EB[,,k])

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  B: an updated estimate of B
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  K: the number of groups
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda1: the first element of lambda
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating B
crtB <- function(B,D,EB,rho,lambda1){
  value <- 0
  value <- sum(abs(B))*lambda1+sum((B-D+EB)^2)*rho/2
  for(k in 1:dim(B)[3]){
    value <- value-sum(diag(B[,,k]))*lambda1

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  x
##  y
## Output:
##  z = x-y if x>y
##    = 0   if |x| <= y
##    = x+y if x<-y
sftthrsh <- function(x,y){
  z <- ifelse(x>y,x-y,ifelse(x< -y, x+y,0))

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  M: modified weight matrix.
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of data X
## Output:
##  C: an updated estimate of C
updateC2 <- function(D,EC,M,K,p){
  C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  ## stack matrices Dk and EkC
  for(i in 1:p){
    C[i,,] <- t(M%*%t(D[i,,]-EC[i,,]))

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  W: weight matrix
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating C
crtC2 <- function(C,D,EC,W,p,lambda2,K,rho){
  value <- 0
  value <- sum((C-D+EC)^2)*rho/2
  for(i in 1:p){
    for(j in i:p){
      cij <- C[i,j,]
      for(k in 1:K){
        value <- value+sum((cij-cij[k])^2*lambda2*W[k,])/2

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  A: a current estimate of C
##  B: a current estimate of C
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EA: a current estimate of EA
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating D
crtD <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,rho,lambda2){
  value <- 0
  value <- (sum((A-D+EA)^2)+sum((B-D+EB)^2)+sum((C-D+EC)^2))*rho/2

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  A: a current estiamte of A
##  B: a current estimate of B
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EA: a current estimate of EA
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  L: a graph Laplacian
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  K: the number of groups
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda: the second element of lambda
##  prt: print values of criterion functions if TRUE
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating C
crt2 <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,W,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=TRUE){
  ## matrix F Fx = sum_{i<j}(x_i-x_j)
  F <- diag(K)
  for(i in 1:(K-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):K){
      F[i,j] <- -1
  value <- 0
  valueA <- 0;valueB <- 0;valueC <- 0
  valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
  valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
  valueC <- crtC2(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K)
  valueD <- crtD(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])
  value <- valueA+valueB+valueC
  value.orgnl <- value-valueD
  obj <- crtA(A=B,D=B,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)+crtB(B=B,D=B,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])+crtC2(C=B,D=B,EC=EC,W=W,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],K=K)-crtD(A=B,B=B,C=B,D=B,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2])

    cat("Criterion function for updating A: ",valueA,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating B: ",valueB,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating C: ",valueC2,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating D: ",valueD,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for total updating: ",value,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for the original problem at A-D,EA-EC: ",value.orgnl,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for the original problem at B: ",obj,"\n")
  ## AIC = -likelihood + 2 # edge
  value <- 0
  for(k in 1:K){
    value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%B[,,k])) -log(det(B[,,k])))+(sum(B[,,k]!=0)-p)
    ## 2 (sum(B!=0) - p) /2 = sum(B!=0) - p

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  L: graph Laplacian
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  p: the dimension of the precision matrix
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  tol: tolerance for determining convergence
##  grp: list of graphs
##  est: another estimator for warm start
##  wt: weight for likelihood NULL = nk/n, 1 = (1,...,1)
## Output:
##  A,B,C,D: an array of estiamtes
##  EA,EB,EC: Lagrange multipliers
##  iter: the number of iterations
##  err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
##  roc: ROC
##  aic: AIC value
multlasso3 <- function(K,L,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0=NULL,Omega0=NULL,lambda,
  ## check input
    stop("K must be positive")
  if(dim(L)[1]!=K || dim(L)[2]!=K){
    stop("dimension of the matrix L does not equal to K")
    print("the number of observations must be positive")
  if(lambda[1]<=0||lambda[2]<0|| rho<=0 || tol<=0){
    stop("tuning parameter(s) must be positive")
  if(lambda[2]<=0 ){
    print("Warning: lambda2 is non-positive")
    L <- L+diag(LD)

  ## weight for log likelihood
    ns.old <- ns
  }else if(wt==1){
    ns.old <- ns
    ns <- numeric(length(ns))+1

  ## a matrix used in updating C
  m <- svd(L)
  d <- diag(K)
  diag(d) <- sqrt(m$d)
  L.sqrt <- d%*%t(m$v)
  LI.inv <- solve(2*diag(K)+L)

  ## initialize A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,ED
  A <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  B <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  LC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  D <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EA <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EB <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  EC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  CD <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  CEC <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  for(k in 1:K){
      initest <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
      initest <- est[,,k]
    A[,,k] <- initest
    B[,,k] <- initest
    C[,,k] <- initest
    LC[,,k] <- initest
    D[,,k] <- initest
    EA[,,k] <- diag(p)
    EB[,,k] <- diag(p)
    EC[,,k] <- diag(p)
    CD[,,k] <- diag(p)
    CEC[,,k] <- diag(p)

  ## the first iteration
  i <- 1
  A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
  B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
  C <- updateC3(D,EC,L.sqrt,K,p,lambda[2],rho)
  for(j in 1:p){
    CEC[j,,] <- t(t(L.sqrt)%*%t(C[j,,])+t(L.sqrt)%*%t(EC[j,,]))
    D[j,,] <- t(LI.inv%*%(t(A[j,,]+B[j,,]+EA[j,,]+EB[j,,]+CEC[j,,])))
  EA <- EA+A-D
  EB <- EB+B-D
  for(j in 1:p){
    CD[j,,] <- C[j,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[j,,]))
  EC <- EC+CD
  ra <- 2*tol # primal residual for A
  rb <- 2*tol # primal residual for B
  rc <- 2*tol # primal residual for C
  s <- 2*tol # dual residual
  while(max(ra,rb,rc,s)>tol&& i<1000){
    Aold <- A
    Bold <- B
    Cold <- C
    Dold <- D
    EAold <- EA
    EBold <- EB
    ECold <- EC
    ## update
    valueAold <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
    A <- updateA(D,EA,Sigmas,K,p,ns,rho)
    valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
    valueBold <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
    B <- updateB(D,EB,K,p,rho,lambda[1])
    valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
    valueCold <- crtC3(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)
    C <- updateC3(D,EC,L.sqrt,K,p,lambda[2],rho)
    valueC <- crtC3(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)
    valueDold <- crtD3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
    for(j in 1:p){
      CEC[j,,] <- t(t(L.sqrt)%*%t(C[j,,])+t(L.sqrt)%*%t(EC[j,,]))
      D[j,,] <- t(LI.inv%*%(t(A[j,,]+B[j,,]+EA[j,,]+EB[j,,]+CEC[j,,])))
    valueD <- crtD3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
    EA <- EA+A-D
    EB <- EB+B-D
    for(j in 1:p){
      CD[j,,] <- C[j,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[j,,]))
    EC <- EC+CD
    ## checkingprimal updating
    #if(!is.nan(valueA) & !is.nan(valueAold) & valueA>valueAold+eps.crt){
      #cat("new value A:",valueA,"old value A:",valueAold,"\n")
      #stop("update on A does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value B:",valueB,"old value B:",valueBold,"\n")
      #stop("update on B does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value C:",valueC,"old value C:",valueCold,"\n")
      #stop("update on C does not decrease objective")
      #cat("new value D:",valueD,"old value D:",valueDold,"\n")
      #stop("update on D does not decrease objective")
    ## error by l-1 norm
    ra <- sum(abs(A-D))
    rb <- sum(abs(B-D))
    rc <- sum(abs(CD))
    s <- sum(abs(rho*(D-Dold)))
    i <- i+1
  cat("Error ra: ",ra, " rb: ", rb," rc: ", rc, " s: ", s, "\n")

  cat("Iteration: ", i, "\n")
  ### performance evaluation
  #  Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
  #  for(k in 1:K){
  #    Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
  #  }
  #res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
  ## performance evaluation
  doeval <- TRUE
  ##initialize the res.eval 
  res.eval.names <- c("err","roc","TFPN")
  res.eval <- vector("list",length(res.eval.names))
  names(res.eval) <- res.eval.names
      doeval <- FALSE ## evaluation not possible -- no Sigma0 or Omega0 provided
      Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
      for(k in 1:K){
        Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
    res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=B)
  aic <- crt3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,Sigmas=Sigmas,

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  L.sqrt: square root of L
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  lambda2: second tuning parameter
## Output:
##  C: an updated estimate of L.sqrt C
updateC3 <- function(D,EC,L.sqrt,K,p,lambda2,rho){
  C <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  ## stack matrices Dk and EkC
  for(i in 1:p){
    #C[i,,] <- t(M%*%t(D[i,,]-EC[i,,]))
    DUC <- t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[i,,]))-EC[i,,]
    #C[i,,] <- t(L.sqrt.inv%*%apply(DUC,MARGIN=1,sftthrsh.vec,y=lambda2/rho))
    C[i,,] <- t(apply(DUC,MARGIN=1,sftthrsh.vec,y=lambda2/rho))
  ## diagonal
  for(i in 1:p){
      C[i,i,] <- L.sqrt%*%D[i,i,]-EC[i,i,]

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  x: vector
##  y:scalar
## Output:
##  z = x-y if x>y
##    = 0   if |x| <= y
##    = x+y if x<-y
sftthrsh.vec <- function(x,y){
  x.norm <- sqrt(sum(x^2))
  z <- ifelse(x.norm>y,(1-y/x.norm),0)*x

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  L: a graph Laplacian
##  L: square root of L
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  lambda2: the second element of lambda
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating C
crtC3 <- function(C,D,EC,L,L.sqrt,p,lambda2,rho){
  value <- 0
  for(i in 1:p){
    #value <- as.numeric(value)+sum(diag(as.matrix(C[i,,])%*%L%*%t(as.matrix(C[i,,]))))
    value <- as.numeric(value)+sum(diag(as.matrix(C[i,,])%*%t(as.matrix(C[i,,]))))
  CD <- C
  for(i in 1:p){
    CD[i,,] <- C[i,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[i,,]))
  value <- sqrt(value)*as.numeric(lambda2)+sum((CD+EC)^2)*rho/2

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  A: a current estimate of C
##  B: a current estimate of C
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EA: a current estimate of EA
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda2: the second element of lambda
##  p: the dimension of data X
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating D
crtD3 <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,L.sqrt,rho,lambda2,p){
  CD <- A
  for(j in 1:p){
     CD[j,,] <- C[j,,]-t(L.sqrt%*%t(D[j,,]))
  value <- 0
  value <- (sum((A-D+EA)^2)+sum((B-D+EB)^2)+sum((CD+EC)^2))*rho/2

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  A: a current estiamte of A
##  B: a current estimate of B
##  C: a current estimate of C
##  D: a current estimate of D
##  EA: a current estimate of EA
##  EB: a current estimate of EB
##  EC: a current estimate of EC
##  L: a graph Laplacian
##  L.sqrt: square root of L
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  p: the dimension of data X
##  K: the number of groups
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  lambda: the second element of lambda
##  prt: print values of criterion functions if TRUE
## Output:
##  value of the criterion function for updating C
crt3 <- function(A,B,C,D,EA,EB,EC,L,L.sqrt,Sigmas,ns,p,rho,K,lambda,prt=TRUE){
  value <- 0
  valueA <- 0;valueB <- 0;valueC <- 0
  valueA <- crtA(A=A,D=D,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)
  valueB <- crtB(B=B,D=D,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])
  valueC <- crtC3(C=C,D=D,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)
  valueD <- crtD3(A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
  value <- valueA+valueB+valueC
  value.orgnl <- value-valueD
  obj <- crtA(A=B,D=B,EA=EA,Sigmas=Sigmas,K=K,ns=ns,rho=rho)+crtB(B=B,D=B,EB=EB,rho=rho,lambda1=lambda[1])+crtC3(C=B,D=B,EC=EC,L=L,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,p=p,lambda2=lambda[2],rho=rho)-crtD3(A=B,B=B,C=B,D=B,EA=EA,EB=EB,EC=EC,L.sqrt=L.sqrt,rho=rho,lambda2=lambda[2],p=p)
    cat("Criterion function for updating A: ",valueA,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating B: ",valueB,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating C: ",valueC,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for updating D: ",valueD,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for total updating: ",value,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for the original problem at A-D,EA-EC: ",value.orgnl,"\n")
    cat("Criterion function for the original problem at B: ",obj,"\n")
  ## AIC = -likelihood + 2 # edge
  value <- 0
  for(k in 1:K){
    value <- value + ns[k]*(sum(diag(Sigmas[,,k]%*%B[,,k])) -log(det(B[,,k])))+(sum(B[,,k]!=0)-p)
    ## 2 (sum(B!=0) - p) /2 = sum(B!=0) - p

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  L: graph Laplacian
##  ns: a vector of the number of observations from each group
##  p: the dimension of the precision matrix
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  lambda: a vector of tuning parameters
##  rho: a tuning parameter in ADMM
##  tol: tolerance for determining convergence
##  grp: list of graphs
##  est: another estimator for warm start
##  wt: weight for likelihood NULL = nk/n, 1 = (1,...,1)
## Output:
##  est: estimator
##  err.est: error for our estiamte and glasso measured by Frobenius norm
##  roc: ROC
multlasso.block <- function(K,L,p,ns,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda,rho,tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL,LD=NULL,wt=NULL){
    ## thresholding of sample covariance matrices
    thr.mat <- matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=p)
    m <- svd(L)
    lambda.mat.inv <- diag(1/m$d)
    quad.mat <- t(m$v)%*%lambda.mat.inv%*%m$v
    dvec <- numeric(K)
    Amat <- t(rbind(diag(K),-diag(K)))

    for(i in 1:(p-1)){
      for(j in (i+1):p){
        bvec1 <- numeric(K);bvec2 <- numeric(K)
        bvec1 <- ns*Sigmas[i,j,]-lambda[1]
        bvec2 <- -ns*Sigmas[i,j,]-lambda[1]
        bvec <- c(bvec1,bvec2)
          thr.mat[i,j] <- 1
    thr.mat <- thr.mat+t(thr.mat)
    thr.graph <- graph.adjacency(thr.mat)
    block <- clusters(thr.graph)
    a <- 1:p
    p.block <- block$csize
    est <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))    
    for(i in 1:block$no){
        cat("block no.: ",i,"\n")
        ind <- a[block$membership==i]
            est[ind,ind,] <- 1/Sigmas[ind,ind,]
          Sigmas.block <- Sigmas[ind,ind,]
          Sigma0.block <- Sigma0[ind,ind,]
          Omega0.block <- Omega0[ind,ind,]
          est[ind,ind,] <- suppressWarnings(multlasso3(K=K,L=L,ns=ns,p=p.block[i],Sigmas=Sigmas.block,Omega0=Omega0.block,Sigma0=Sigma0.block,lambda=lambda,rho=rho,tol=tol,grp=NULL,est=NULL,LD=LD,wt=wt))$B
    #res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est)
    ## performance evaluation
    doeval <- TRUE
    ##initialize the res.eval 
    res.eval.names <- c("err","roc","TFPN")
    res.eval <- vector("list",length(res.eval.names))
    names(res.eval) <- res.eval.names
        doeval <- FALSE ## evaluation not possible -- no Sigma0 or Omega0 provided
        Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
        for(k in 1:K){
          Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
      res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  grp: true graph object
##  Omega0: true precision matrix
##  K: the number of subgroups
##  p: the dimension of the precision matrix
##  est: estimator
## Output:
eval.lasso <- function(grp=NULL,Omega0,K,p,est){
    TFPN <- NULL
    roc <- NULL
  }else{ ## ROC curves, TP,TN,FP,FN
    TFPN <- matrix(0,ncol=4,nrow=(K+1))
    colnames(TFPN) <- c("TP","TN","FP","FN")
    rownames(TFPN) <- c(1:K,"total")
    for(k in 1:K){
      trgrp <- get.adjacency(grp[[k]])
      pos <- sum(trgrp==1)
      neg <- sum(trgrp==0)-p
      mat <- trgrp-((est[,,k]!=0)+0)
      diag(mat) <- 0
      FP <- sum(mat==-1)
      FN <- sum(mat==1)
      TP <- pos-FN
      TN <- neg-FP
      TFPN[k,] <- c(TP,TN,FP,FN)/2
    TFPN[(K+1),] <- colSums(TFPN)
    ## sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)
    ## specificity = TN/(FP+TN)
    roc <- c(TFPN[(K+1),1]/(TFPN[(K+1),1]+TFPN[(K+1),4]),
    names(roc) <- c("sensitivity","specificity")
  ## estimation error
  err <- NULL
  for(k in 1:K){
    err <- c(err,norm(x=Omega0[,,k]-est[,,k],type="F"))
  err <- c(err,sqrt(sum(err^2)))
  names(err) <- 1:(K+1)


#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  x: values on x axis
##  y: values on y axis
## Output:
##  area: area under the curve
AUC <- function(x, y){
  x <- c(0,x,1)
  y <- c(0,y,1)
  area <- sum(diff(x)*rollmean(y,2))

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  rho.glasso: regularization parameters for glasso
##  p: the dimension of the parameter
##  grp: list of graphs
## Output:
##  roc: sensitivity and specificity
sep.glasso <- function(K,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,rho.glasso,p,grp=NULL){
  res <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
  for(k in 1:K){
    res[,,k] <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=rho.glasso[k], penalize.diagonal=FALSE, maxit=1000)$wi
  ## evaluation
    Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
    for(k in 1:K){
      Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
  res.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=res)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  zs: list of data matrices (n_k by p)
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  lambda.fused: a pair of tuning parameters for JGL(fused)
##  lambda.group: a pair of tuning parameters for JGL(group)
##  p: the dimension of the parameter
##  grp: list of graphs
## Output:
##  roc: sensitivity and specificity
JGLs <- function(K,zs,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda.fused,lambda.group,p,grp=NULL){
  ## Omega0 computed
    Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
    for(k in 1:K){
      Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
  ## fused penalty
    res.fused.eval <- NULL
    est.fused <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
    res.fused <- JGL(Y=zs,penalty="fused",lambda1=lambda.fused[1],lambda2=lambda.fused[2],return.whole.theta=TRUE)
    for(k in 1:K){
      est.fused[,,k] <- res.fused$theta[[k]]
    res.fused.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est.fused)
  ## group penalty
    res.group.eval <- NULL
    est.group <- array(0,dim=c(p,p,K))
    res.group <- JGL(Y=zs,penalty="group",lambda1=lambda.group[1],lambda2=lambda.group[2],return.whole.theta=TRUE)
    for(k in 1:K){
      est.group[,,k] <- res.group$theta[[k]]
    res.group.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=est.group)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of the parameter
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  Sigma0: (p * p * K) arrays true covariance matrices
##  Omega0: (p * p * K) arrays true precision matrices
##  lambda.guo: a pair of tuning parameters for Guo et al.
##  grp: list of graphs
## Output:
##  roc: sensitivity and specificity
Guos <- function(K,p,Sigmas,Sigma0,Omega0=NULL,lambda.guo,grp=NULL){
  ## Omega0 computed
    Omega0 <- array(dim=c(p,p,K))
    for(k in 1:K){
      Omega0[,,k] <- solve(Sigma0[,,k])
  ## fused penalty
    res.guo.eval <- NULL
    res.guo <- Guo(K=K,p=p,Sigmas=Sigmas, lambda.guo=lambda.guo)
    res.guo.eval <- eval.lasso(grp=grp,Omega0=Omega0,K=K,p=p,est=res.guo)

#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  K: the number of groups
##  p: the dimension of the parameter
##  Sigmas: (p * p * K) arrays sample covariance matrices from each group
##  lambda.guo: tuning parameter for Guo et al.
## Output:
Guo <- function(K,p,Sigmas, lambda.guo, adaptive_weight=array(1, c(K, p, p)))
  ## Set the general paramters
  diff_value <- 1e+10
  count <- 0
  tol_value <- 1e-2
  max_iter <- 30

  ## Set the optimizaiton parameters
  OMEGA <- array(0, c(K, p, p))
  S <- array(0, c(K, p, p))
  OMEGA_new <- array(0, c(K, p, p))

  ## Initialize Omega
  for(k in 1:K){
    OMEGA[k, , ] <- glasso(s=Sigmas[,,k], rho=.5, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
    S[k, , ] <- Sigmas[,,k]
    if (kappa(S[k, , ]) > 1e+15){
      S[k, , ] <- S[k, , ] + 0.001*diag(p)

  ## Start loop
  while((count < max_iter) & (diff_value > tol_value))
      tmp <- apply(abs(OMEGA), c(2,3), sum)
      tmp[abs(tmp) < 1e-10] <- 1e-10
      V <- 1 / sqrt(tmp)

      for (k in seq(1, K))
          penalty_matrix <- lambda.guo * adaptive_weight[k, , ] * V
          obj_glasso <- glasso(S[k, , ], penalty_matrix, maxit=100)
          OMEGA_new[k, , ] <- (obj_glasso$wi + t(obj_glasso$wi)) / 2

      ## Check the convergence
      diff_value <- sum(abs(OMEGA_new - OMEGA)) / sum(abs(OMEGA))
      count <- count + 1
      OMEGA <- OMEGA_new
      ##cat(count, ', diff_value=', diff_value, '\n')

  ## Filter the noise
  est <- array(0, c(p, p, K))
  for (k in seq(1, K))
      ome <- OMEGA[k, , ]
      ww <- diag(ome)
      ww[abs(ww) < 1e-10] <- 1e-10
      ww <- diag(1/sqrt(ww))
      tmp <- ww %*% ome %*% ww
      ome[abs(tmp) < 1e-5] <- 0
      est[,,k] <- ome


#' @rdname helper

## Input:
##  grp: list of graphs
##  B: the number of simulations
##  K: the number of groups
##  ns: sample size for each group
##  p: dimension of parameters
##  num: the number of lambdas
##  lambdas2: tuning parameter lambda2's
## Output:
##  min.lambda: mininum of sigma hat ij
##  lambdas1: from min.lambda to max(ns)
##  lambdas.gl: from min.lambda to 1
min.lmd <- function(Sigma0,B=1000,K,ns,p,num,lambdas2){
  min.sigma <- NULL
  for(m in 1:B){
    dat <- sim.data.SigmaS(K=K,Sigma0=Sigma0,ns=ns,p=p)
    min.sigma <- c(min.sigma,min(abs(dat$Sigmas)))
  min.lambda <- mean(min.sigma)
  lambdas1 <- exp(seq(from=log(min.lambda*100),to=log(max(ns)),by=(log(max(ns))-log(min.lambda*100))/(num-1)))
  lambdas.gl <- exp(seq(from=log(min.lambda),to=0,by=-log(min.lambda)/(num*length(lambdas2)-1)))
  lambdas1.jgl <- exp(seq(from=log(min.lambda),to=0,by=-log(min.lambda)/(num-1)))
asondhi/LASICH documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 12:36 a.m.