
Defines functions linear_index sample_doubly_stochastic_matrices sample_simplex align_graphs solve_partial kmst capitalize rperm2 rperm reachable_significance compatible_networks format_input

format_input <- function(x, representation = "adjacency") {
  if (igraph::is_igraph(x))
    x <- switch(
      adjacency = repr_adjacency(x),
      laplacian = repr_laplacian(x),
      modularity = repr_modularity(x),
      graphon = repr_graphon(x),
      transitivity = repr_transitivity(x)
  else {
    if ("representation" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
      if (attributes(x)$representation != "adjacency" ||
          (attributes(x)$representation == "adjacency" && representation == "adjacency"))
    } else {
      if (any(x < 0))
        stop("All entries of an adjacency matrix should be non-negative.")
      if (any(x != t(x)))
        stop("The input adjacency matrix should be symmetric.")
      if (any(diag(x) != 0))
        stop("The input adjacency matrix should have a value of 0 on the diagonal.")

      x <- switch(
        adjacency = repr_adjacency(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)),
        laplacian = repr_laplacian(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)),
        modularity = repr_modularity(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)),
        graphon = repr_graphon(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)),
        transitivity = repr_transitivity(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE))

  if (!("representation" %in% names(attributes(x))))
    stop("The input matrix representation should have a representation
         attribute that specifies which network representation has
         been used.")

  if (representation != attributes(x)$representation)
    stop("The input network is not in the desired representation.")

  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x))
    stop("A matrix representation of a network should be a square matrix.")


compatible_networks <- function(x, y) {
  compatible <- TRUE

  if (igraph::is_igraph(x)) {
    nx <- igraph::gorder(x)
    ny <- igraph::gorder(y)
  } else {
    nx <- nrow(x)
    ny <- nrow(y)

  if (nx != ny) {
    message("The input networks do not have the same number of vertices.")
    compatible <- FALSE


reachable_significance <- function(nx, ny, B, alpha = 0.05, verbose = FALSE) {
  n_comb <- choose(nx + ny, nx)
  p_min <- 1 / min(B, n_comb)

  if (verbose) {
    writeLines(paste(" - P-value resolution:", p_min))
    if (B >= n_comb) { # Case of exact test
      writeLines(" - Computing exact p-value.")
      writeLines(paste(" - P-value will never drop below", p_min))
    } else { # Case of approximate test
      writeLines(paste(" - Computing approximate p-value using", B,
                       "random permutations."))
      writeLines(paste(" - P-value will not drop below", 1 / n_comb,
                       "on average over repeated Monte-Carlo estimates."))

  alpha * n_comb >= 1

rperm <- function(m, size=2) { # Obtain m unique permutations of 1:size

  # Function to obtain a new permutation.
  newperm <- function() {
    count <- 0                # Protects against infinite loops
    repeat {
      # Generate a permutation and check against previous ones.
      p <- sample(1:size)
      hash.p <- paste(p, collapse="")
      if (is.null(cache[[hash.p]])) break

      # Prepare to try again.
      count <- count+1
      if (count > 1000) {   # 1000 is arbitrary; adjust to taste
        p <- NA           # NA indicates a new permutation wasn't found
        hash.p <- ""
    cache[[hash.p]] <<- TRUE  # Update the list of permutations found
    p                         # Return this (new) permutation

  # Obtain m unique permutations.
  cache <- list()
  replicate(m, newperm())
} # Returns a `size` by `m` matrix; each column is a permutation of 1:size.

rperm2 <- function(m, size=2) { # Obtain m unique permutations of 1:size
  max.failures <- 10

  # Function to index into the upper-level cache.
  prefix <- function(p, k) {    # p is a permutation, k is the prefix size
    sum((p[1:k] - 1) * (size ^ ((1:k)-1))) + 1
  } # Returns a value from 1 through size^k

  # Function to obtain a new permutation.
  newperm <- function() {
    # References cache, k.head, and failures in parent context.
    # Modifies cache and failures.

    count <- 0                # Protects against infinite loops
    repeat {
      # Generate a permutation and check against previous ones.
      p <- sample(1:size)
      k <- prefix(p, k.head)
      ip <- cache[[k]]
      hash.p <- paste(utils::tail(p,-k.head), collapse="")
      if (is.null(ip[[hash.p]])) break

      # Prepare to try again.
      n.failures <<- n.failures + 1
      count <- count+1
      if (count > max.failures) {
        p <- NA           # NA indicates a new permutation wasn't found
        hash.p <- ""
    if (count <= max.failures) {
      ip[[hash.p]] <- TRUE      # Update the list of permutations found
      cache[[k]] <<- ip
    p                         # Return this (new) permutation

  # Initialize the cache.
  k.head <- min(size-1, max(1, floor(log(m / log(m)) / log(size))))
  cache <- as.list(1:(size^k.head))
  for (i in 1:(size^k.head)) cache[[i]] <- list()

  # Count failures (for benchmarking and error checking).
  n.failures <- 0

  # Obtain (up to) m unique permutations.
  s <- replicate(m, newperm())
  s[is.na(s)] <- NULL
  list(failures=n.failures, sample=matrix(unlist(s), ncol=size))
} # Returns an m by size matrix; each row is a permutation of 1:size.

capitalize <- function(x) {
  gsub("(?<=\\b)([a-z])", "\\U\\1", tolower(x), perl = TRUE)

kmst <- function(d, k = 1L) {
  for (i in 1:k) {
    g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(d, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
    m <- igraph::mst(g, algorithm = "prim")
    if (i == 1)
      res <- m
      res <- igraph::union(res, m)
    e <- igraph::as_edgelist(m)
    for (j in 1:nrow(e)) {
      d[e[j, 1], e[j, 2]] <- .Machine$double.xmax
      d[e[j, 2], e[j, 1]] <- .Machine$double.xmax

solve_partial <- function(M) {
  eig <- eigen(M, symmetric = TRUE)
  Minv <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(M), ncol = ncol(M))
  for (i in seq_along(eig$values)) {
    l <- eig$values[i]
    if (l < .Machine$double.eps)
    v <- eig$vectors[, i]
    Minv <- Minv + (v %*% t(v)) / l

align_graphs <- function(x, y, Ax, Ay, target_matrix, alpha = 0, max_iter = 20) {
  n <- igraph::gorder(x)
  P <- sample_doubly_stochastic_matrices(n = 1, matrix_size = n)
  init <- alpha * target_matrix + (1 - alpha) * P
  perm <- igraph::match_vertices(Ax, Ay, m = 0, iteration = max_iter, start = init)$corr[, 2]
  yp <- igraph::permute(y, perm)
  perm <- igraph::match_vertices(Ay, Ax, m = 0, iteration = max_iter, start = init)$corr[, 2]
  xp <- igraph::permute(x, perm)
  list(x = xp, y = yp)

sample_simplex <- function(n) {
  diff(sort(c(stats::runif(n - 1), 0, 1)))

sample_doubly_stochastic_matrices <- function(n, matrix_size) {
  so3 <- rgeomstats::SpecialOrthogonal(n = matrix_size)
  so3$random_point(n = n)^2

linear_index <- function(n) {
  res <- purrr::cross_df(
    .l = list(j = 1:n, i = 1:n),
    .filter = ~ .x <= .y
  res$k <- n * (res$i - 1) - res$i * (res$i - 1) / 2 + res$j - res$i
astamm/nevada documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 1:37 a.m.