
#' Dynamic Time Warping for Quaternion Time Series
#' This function evaluates the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance between two
#' quaternion time series (QTS).
#' If no evaluation grid is provided, the function assumes that the two input
#' QTS are evaluated on the same grid.
#' @param qts1 A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} storing the 1st quaternion time
#'   series.
#' @param qts2 A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} storing the 2nd quaternion time
#'   series.
#' @param resample A boolean specifying whether the QTS should be uniformly
#'   resampled on their domain before computing distances. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param disable_normalization A boolean specifying whether quaternion
#'   normalization should be disabled. Defaults to `FALSE` which ensures that we
#'   always deal with unit quaternions.
#' @param distance_only A boolean specifying whether to only compute distance
#'   (no backtrack, faster). Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param step_pattern A \code{\link[dtw]{stepPattern}} specifying the local
#'   constraints on the warping path. Defaults to \code{\link[dtw]{symmetric2}}
#'   which uses symmetric and normalizable warping paths with no local slope
#'   constraints. See \code{\link[dtw]{stepPattern}} for more information.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link[dtw]{dtw}} storing the dynamic time
#'   warping results.
#' @name dtw
#' @examples
#' # TO DO

#' @export
#' @rdname dtw
DTW <- function(qts1, qts2,
                resample = TRUE,
                disable_normalization = FALSE,
                distance_only = FALSE,
                step_pattern = dtw::symmetric2) {
  if (!disable_normalization) {
    qts1 <- normalize_qts(qts1)
    qts2 <- normalize_qts(qts2)
  if (resample) {
    qts1 <- resample_qts(qts1, disable_normalization = TRUE)
    qts2 <- resample_qts(qts2, disable_normalization = TRUE)
  M <- GetCostMatrix(qts1, qts2)
  dtw::dtw(M, distance.only = distance_only, step.pattern = step_pattern)

#' @export
#' @rdname dtw
DTWi <- function(qts1, qts2,
                 resample = TRUE,
                 disable_normalization = FALSE,
                 distance_only = FALSE,
                 step_pattern = dtw::symmetric2) {
  if (!disable_normalization) {
    qts1 <- normalize_qts(qts1)
    qts2 <- normalize_qts(qts2)

  if (resample) {
    qts1 <- resample_qts(qts1, disable_normalization = TRUE)
    qts2 <- resample_qts(qts2, disable_normalization = TRUE)

  par <- compute_initial_guess(qts1, qts2, step_pattern = step_pattern, k = 0)
  lb <- par - c(pi/2, pi, pi)
  ub <- par + c(pi/2, pi, pi)

  opt <- nloptr::bobyqa(
    x0 = par,
    fn = cost,
    lower = lb,
    upper = ub,
    qts1 = qts1, qts2 = qts2,
    step_pattern = step_pattern,
    control = list(xtol_rel = .Machine$double.eps, maxeval = 1e6)

  res <- cost_impl(
    x = opt$par,
    qts1 = qts1, qts2 = qts2,
    distance_only = distance_only,
    step_pattern = step_pattern
  res$q1 <- quaternion_from_angles(opt$par[1], opt$par[2], opt$par[3])
  res$qts1 <- reorient_from_angles(qts1, opt$par[1], opt$par[2], opt$par[3])
  res$qts2 <- qts2

cost <- function(x,
                 qts1, qts2,
                 step_pattern) {
    x = x,
    qts1 = qts1, qts2 = qts2,
    distance_only = TRUE,
    step_pattern = step_pattern

cost_impl <- function(x,
                      qts1, qts2,
                      step_pattern) {
  qts1 <- reorient_from_angles(qts1, x[1], x[2], x[3])
    qts1 = qts1,
    qts2 = qts2,
    resample = FALSE,
    disable_normalization = TRUE,
    distance_only = distance_only,
    step_pattern = step_pattern

multiply_quaternions <- function(q1, q2) {
    q1[1] * q2[1] - sum(q1[-1] * q2[-1]),
    q1[1] * q2[2] + q1[2] * q2[1] + q1[3] * q2[4] - q1[4] * q2[3],
    q1[1] * q2[3] + q1[3] * q2[1] + q1[4] * q2[2] - q1[2] * q2[4],
    q1[1] * q2[4] + q1[4] * q2[1] + q1[2] * q2[3] - q1[3] * q2[2]

reorient_from_angles <- function(qts, theta, phi, omega) {
  sgn <- (qts$w[1] > 0)
  q0 <- quaternion_from_angles(theta, phi, omega)
  qlist <- purrr::pmap(list(qts$w, qts$x, qts$y, qts$z), c)
  qlist <- purrr::map(qlist, ~ multiply_quaternions(q0, .x))
  qts$w <- purrr::map_dbl(qlist, 1)
  qts$x <- purrr::map_dbl(qlist, 2)
  qts$y <- purrr::map_dbl(qlist, 3)
  qts$z <- purrr::map_dbl(qlist, 4)

  if (xor(qts$w[1] > 0, sgn))
    qts[, 2:5] <- -qts[, 2:5]


quaternion_from_angles <- function(theta, phi, omega) {
    cos(omega / 2),
    sin(omega / 2) * c(
      sin(theta) * cos(phi),
      sin(theta) * sin(phi),

angles_from_quaternion <- function(q) {
  if (q[1] > 1 || q[1] < -1) {
    q[1] <- 1.0 * sign(q[1])
    q <- q / sqrt(sum(q^2))
  omega <- 2 * acos(q[1])
  denom <- sin(omega / 2)
  if (denom < .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    theta <- 0
    phi <- 0
  } else {
    u <- q[2:4] / denom
    if (u[3] > 1 || u[3] < -1) {
      u[3] <- 1.0 * sign(u[3])
      u <- u / sqrt(sum(u^2))
    theta <- acos(u[3])
    phi <- atan2(u[2], u[1])
  c(theta, phi, omega)

compute_initial_guess <- function(qts1, qts2, step_pattern, k = 2) {
  q1list <- purrr::pmap(list(qts1$w, qts1$x, qts1$y, qts1$z), c)
  q1list <- purrr::map(q1list, ~ c(.x[1], -.x[2:4]))
  q2list <- purrr::pmap(list(qts2$w, qts2$x, qts2$y, qts2$z), c)
  q2list <- purrr::map2(q2list, q1list, multiply_quaternions)
  candidates <- list(gmean(q2list), gmedian(q2list))
  candidates <- c(candidates, q2list)
  candidates <- purrr::map(candidates, angles_from_quaternion)
  candidates[[length(candidates) + 1]] <- rep(0, 3)
  if (k > 0) {
    grd <- mvmesh::UnitSphere(n = 4, k = k)$V |>
      purrr::array_tree(margin = 1) |>
    candidates <- c(candidates, grd)

  fn_values <- purrr::map_dbl(
    .x = candidates,
    .f = cost,
    qts1 = qts1, qts2 = qts2,
    step_pattern = step_pattern
  idx <- which.min(fn_values)

astamm/squad documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 5:30 p.m.