
Defines functions bmdplot

Documented in bmdplot

# Plot of BMD values as an ECDF plot, optionally with confidence intervals,
# form an extended results dataframe (e.g. with annotation of items)
# with optionnal use of columns for shape and or facet 
bmdplot <- function(extendedres, BMDtype = c("zSD", "xfold"),
                                    add.CI = FALSE, 
                                    facetby, facetby2, 
                                    shapeby,  colorby,
                                    point.size = 1.5, point.alpha = 0.8,
                                    line.size = 0.5, line.alpha = 0.8,
                                   add.label = FALSE, label.size = 2,
                                    BMD_log_transfo = TRUE)
  BMDtype <- match.arg(BMDtype, c("zSD", "xfold"))

  if (missing(extendedres) | !is.data.frame(extendedres))
    stop("The first argument of bmdplot must be a dataframe 
    (see ?bmdplot for details).")
  cnames <- colnames(extendedres)
  if (BMDtype == "zSD")
    if (any(!is.element(c("id", "BMD.zSD"), cnames)))
      stop("The first argument of bmdplot must be a dataframe
      containing at least columns named id and BMD.zSD.")
    if (add.CI)
      BMD2plot <- data.frame(x = extendedres$BMD.zSD, id = extendedres$id,
                             upper = extendedres$BMD.zSD.upper,
                             lower = extendedres$BMD.zSD.lower)
    } else
      BMD2plot <- data.frame(x = extendedres$BMD.zSD, id = extendedres$id)
  } else 
    if (any(!is.element(c("id", "BMD.xfold"), cnames)))
      stop("The first argument of bmdplot must be a dataframe
      containing at least columns named id and BMD.xfold.")
    if (add.CI)
      BMD2plot <- data.frame(x = extendedres$BMD.xfold, id = extendedres$id,
                             upper = extendedres$BMD.xfold.upper,
                             lower = extendedres$BMD.xfold.lower) else
      BMD2plot <- data.frame(x = extendedres$BMD.xfold, id = extendedres$id)
  if (!missing(shapeby))
    if (!is.character(shapeby)) 
      stop("shapeby should be a character string for the name of the column coding for the point shape.")
    if (!is.element(shapeby, cnames))
      stop("shapeby should be a character string corresponding to the name of a column of
           extendedres, the dataframe given in input.")
    BMD2plot$shapeby <- extendedres[, shapeby]

  if (!missing(colorby))
    if (!is.character(colorby)) 
      stop("colorby should be a character string for the name of the column coding for the point color.")
    if (!is.element(colorby, cnames))
      stop("colorby should be a character string corresponding to the name of a column of
           extendedres, the dataframe given in input.")
    BMD2plot$colorby <- extendedres[, colorby]
  # calculation of ECDF by facetby
  ntot <- nrow(BMD2plot)
  if (!missing(facetby)) 
    if (!is.character(facetby)) 
      stop("facetby should be a character string for the name of the column used for facetting.")
    if (!is.element(facetby, cnames))
      stop("facetby should be a character string corresponding to the name of a column of
           extendedres, the dataframe given in input.")
    BMD2plot$facetby <- extendedres[, facetby]
    if (!missing(facetby2)) 
      if (!is.character(facetby2)) 
        stop("facetby2 should be a character string for the name of the column used for facetting.")
      if (!is.element(facetby2, cnames))
        stop("facetby2 should be a character string corresponding to the name of a column of
           extendedres, the dataframe given in input.")
      BMD2plot$facetby2 <- extendedres[, facetby2]
      BMD2plot$group <- paste(extendedres[, facetby], extendedres[, facetby2], sep = "_")
    } else
      BMD2plot$group  <-  BMD2plot$facetby
    uniqueby <- unique(BMD2plot$group)
    n.uniqueby <- length(uniqueby)
    BMD2plot$ECDF <- rep(0, ntot) # initialization
    for (i in 1:n.uniqueby)
      indi <- which(BMD2plot$group == uniqueby[i])
      ntoti <- length(indi)
      BMD2plot$ECDF[indi] <- (rank(BMD2plot$x[indi], ties.method = "first") - 0.5) / ntoti
    gg <- ggplot(data = BMD2plot, mapping = aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$ECDF, 
                                                label = .data$id)) 
    if (missing(facetby2)) gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~ facetby) else gg <- gg + facet_grid(facetby2 ~ facetby)
  } else
    BMD2plot$ECDF <- (rank(BMD2plot$x, ties.method = "first") - 0.5) / ntot
    gg <- ggplot(data = BMD2plot, mapping = aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$ECDF,
                                                label = .data$id))

  if (!missing(facetby))
    if (!missing(facetby2)) 
      gg <- gg + facet_grid(facetby2 ~ facetby) 
    } else
      if (missing(ncol4faceting))
        gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~ facetby) 
      } else
        gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~ facetby, ncol = ncol4faceting) 

  # Add of points (BMD values)
  if (!missing(shapeby))
    if (!missing(colorby))
      gg <- gg + geom_point(data = BMD2plot, mapping = aes(shape = .data$shapeby,
                 color = .data$colorby), size = point.size, alpha = point.alpha) 
    } else
      gg <- gg + geom_point(data = BMD2plot, mapping = aes(shape = .data$shapeby),
                            size = point.size, alpha = point.alpha)
  } else
    if (!missing(colorby))
      gg <- gg + geom_point(data = BMD2plot, 
                            mapping = aes(color = .data$colorby), 
                            size = point.size, alpha = point.alpha)
    } else
      gg <- gg + geom_point(data = BMD2plot, size = point.size, alpha = point.alpha)
  # Add of CIs
  if (add.CI)
    if (!missing(colorby))
      gg <- gg + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = .data$lower, xmax = .data$upper,
                                     color = .data$colorby), 
                                height = 0, 
                                linewidth = line.size,
                                alpha = line.alpha)
    } else
      gg <- gg + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = .data$lower, xmax = .data$upper),  
                                height = 0,
                                linewidth = line.size,
                                alpha = line.alpha)
  # Add of labels
    if (!missing(shapeby) | !missing(colorby))
      warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
        "The type and color of points will not be seen when points are replaced by labels.
        You should omit it in this case."))
    gg <- gg + geom_label(size = label.size)
  if (BMD_log_transfo)
    gg <- gg + scale_x_log10()
  gg <- gg + xlab("BMD")
  if (!missing(shapeby))
    gg <- gg + labs(shape = shapeby)
  if (!missing(colorby))
    gg <- gg + labs(color = colorby)
aursiber/DRomics documentation built on May 1, 2024, 3:16 a.m.